%%%% Time-stamp: <2013-02-25 10:52:27 vk> %% ======================================================================== %%%% Disclaimer %% ======================================================================== %% %% created by %% %% Karl Voit %% %% using grml GNU/Linux, vim & LaTeX 2e %% this is a very simple title page using LaTeX maketitle %% if myaddcolophon is set to "true", colophon is added: \ifthenelse{\boolean{myaddcolophon}}{ \lowertitleback{ \mycolophon }%% end lowertitleback }{} \title{%% ~\hfill\includegraphics[width=3cm]{figures/institution}\\[5mm] %% a logo at the upper right corner \mytitle} \subtitle{\mysubject} \author{\myauthor \thanks{\href{http://LaTeX.TUGraz.at}{http://LaTeX.TUGraz.at}}\\ \date{\today} } \maketitle %\thispagestyle{empty} %% no page number, header or footer %% vim:foldmethod=expr %% vim:fde=getline(v\:lnum)=~'^%%%%\ .\\+'?'>1'\:'=' %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% mode: auto-fill %%% mode: flyspell %%% eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "en_US") %%% TeX-master: "../main" %%% End: