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Findus23 2014-09-03 17:24:19 +02:00
parent 80825f62b8
commit 0c5ab77191
24 changed files with 3676 additions and 0 deletions

Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
## please modify the following line for naming the end products (PDFs, ZIPs, ...)
PROJECTNAME = "Projectname"
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## Makefile von Karl Voit (
## some Makefile-hints taken from:
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all: pdf
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#help needs: echo, sed, grep
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grep "%doc%" template/mycommands.tex | sed 's/^.*%doc% //' >> ${TEMPLATEDOCUFILE}
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* LaTeX-KOMA-template
** Purpose of this project
This is a generic template for [[][LaTeX]] documents using [[][KOMA Script]] classes
which are pretty common at least in German spoken countries.
The template does *not* want to contain each and every trick but should
provide a *clean*, *consistent* and *well documented* starting point for any
document exceeding a few pages. So if you plan to write a longer report,
a diploma thesis, a PhD thesis, or similar, this template should give you
a good basis.
The focus is that you - the author - is able to concentrate on the *content*
of your work rather than start fiddling around with the look of the document.
Several typographic optimizations are included in order to get a final document
that is optimized to deliver your content.
Please do read [[][Template-Documentation.pdf]].
** Requirements
This template uses up-to-date technology like pdflatex, [[][biblatex]]
(instead of BibTeX-Format), [[][biber]] (instead of bibtex-compiler), and
optionally [[][GNU make.]] You should be familiar with compiling LaTeX
documents by yourself. If you are new to LaTeX please get basic
knowledge from tutorial pages such as [[][this one]].
You can find out more in [[][Template-Documentation.pdf]].
** What makes this template special?
The speciality of this consistent template is, that every setting in
the preamble is *well documented* (in LaTeX). You can generate the
documentation file "Template-Documentation.pdf" on your own by not
removing the template documentation include command in the main LaTeX
file and using [[][GNU make]] with the rule "templatedocu":
#+begin_src sh
make templatedocu
This command results in the "[[][Template-Documentation.pdf]]" file
containing the most current documentation of this template. Please
refer to this PDF file for further information about the template.
** How to start?
Please do read the "[[][Template-Documentation.pdf]]" file which contains a
"How to use this LaTeX template" section.
** License
This template is licensed under a [[][Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license]]:
- You can share (to copy, distribute and transmit) this template.
- You can remix (adapt) this template.
- You can make commercial use of the template.
- In case you modify this template and share the derived template: You
must attribute the template such that you do not remove
(co-)authorship of Karl Voit and you must not remove the URL to [[][the
original repository on github]].
- If you alter, transform, or build a new template upon this template,
you may distribute the resulting template only under the same or
similar license to this one.
- There are *no restrictions* of any kind, however, related to the
resulting (PDF) document!
- You may remove the colophon (but it's not recommended).
** What is still work in progress?
Please have a look at the file "[[][template/]]".

Template-Documentation.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.

abstract.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
%%%% Time-stamp: <2013-02-25 10:31:01 vk>
This is a placeholder for the abstract. It summarizes the whole thesis
to give a very short overview. Usually, this the abstract is written
when the whole thesis text is finished.
%\glsresetall %% all glossary entries should be used in long form (again)
%% vim:foldmethod=expr
%% vim:fde=getline(v\:lnum)=~'^%%%%\ .\\+'?'>1'\:'='
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% mode: auto-fill
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "en_US")
%%% TeX-master: "main"
%%% End:

colophon.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
%%%% Time-stamp: <2013-03-18 14:35:00 vk>
%% ========================================================================
%%%% Disclaimer
%% ========================================================================
%% created by
%% Karl Voit
This document
%% was written with \myacro{GNU}~Emacs,
is set in Palatino, compiled with
\href{}{pdf\LaTeX2e} and
The \LaTeX{} template from Karl Voit is based on
\href{}{KOMA script} and can be found
online: \href{}{}
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% mode: auto-fill
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "en_US")
%%% TeX-master: "../main"
%%% End:

example-short-chapter.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
%%%% Time-stamp: <2012-08-20 17:41:39 vk>
%% example text content
%% scrartcl and scrreprt starts with section, subsection, subsubsection, ...
%% scrbook starts with part (optional), chapter, section, ...
\chapter{Example Chapter}
This is my text with an example Figure~\ref{fig:example} and example
citation~\cite{StrunkWhite} or \textcite{Bringhurst1993}. And there is another
\enquote{citation} which is located at the bottom\footcite{tagstore}.
\myfig{TU_Graz_Logo}%% filename in figures folder
{width=0.1\textwidth,height=0.1\textheight}%% maximum width/height, aspect ratio will be kept
{Example figure.}%% caption
{}%% optional (short) caption for table of figures
{fig:example}%% label
Now you are able to write your own document. Always keep in mind: it's
the \emph{content} that matters, not the form. But good typography is
able to deliver the content much better than information set with bad
typography. This template allows you to focus on writing good content
while the form is done by the template definitions.
%% vim:foldmethod=expr
%% vim:fde=getline(v\:lnum)=~'^%%%%\ .\\+'?'>1'\:'='
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% mode: auto-fill
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "en_US")
%%% TeX-master: "main"
%%% End:

example-style-chapter.tex Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
% File : thesis-style.tex
% Author : Keith Andrews, IICM, TU Graz, Austria
% Created : 27 May 93
% Changed : 19 Feb 2004
% styling and technical implementation adopted 2011 by Karl Voit
%% defined an anvironment for the style Keith used to use:
{}\emph{Bad:} & \sout{#1} \\
\emph{Good:} & #2 \\
\chapter{Language and Writing Style}
This chapter is an adopted version of a single chapter of
\citeauthor{KeithThesis} thesis template \cite{KeithThesis} in its
version from 2011-12-11.
The reason why \cite{KeithThesis} is not recommended to be used instead
of this template is its more \enquote{traditional} \LaTeX{}
implementation. But the information contained regarding \enquote{How
to write a thesis} is generally brilliant and worth reading.
Using this chapter here is meant as a teaser. If you do like this
chapter, please go and download the full template to read its
What was modified from the original chapter:
\item strikethrough of bad examples
\item minor typographical details
\item technical modifications
\item moved citations from \verb+\citet{}+ and
\verb+\citep{}+ to \verb+\textcite{}+ and \verb+\cite{}+
\item changed quoting style to \verb+\enquote{}+
\item created various commands and environments to encapsulate
The classic reference for English writing style and grammar is
\textcite{StrunkWhite}. The original text is now available for free
online \cite{Strunk}, so there is no excuse at all for writing poor
English. Readers should consult it first, then continue reading this
chapter. Another good free guide is \textcite{NASAGuide}.
%orig% The classic reference for English writing style and grammar is
%orig% \citet{StrunkWhite}. The original text is now available for free
%orig% online \citep{Strunk}, so there is no excuse at all for writing poor
%orig% English. Readers should consult it first, then continue reading this
%orig% chapter. Another good free guide is \citet{NASAGuide}.
\textcite{Zobel-WritingCompSci} and \textcite{BugsInWriting} are guides
specifically aimed at computer science students.
\textcite{Phillips-HowGetPhD} gives practical advice for PhD
The following Sections~\ref{sec:Clear} and \ref{sec:Gender} are
adapted from the CHI'94 language and writing style guidelines.
\section{Some Basic Rules of English}
There are a few basic rules of English for academic writing, which are
broken regularly by my students, particularly if they are non-native
speakers of English. Here are some classic and often encountered
\item \emph{Never} use I, we, or you.
Write in the passive voice (third person).
\mybadgood{You can do this in two ways.}{There are two ways this can be done.}
\item \emph{Never} use he or she, his or her.
Write in the passive voice (third person).
\mybadgood{The user speaks his thoughts out loud.}{The thoughts of the user are spoken out loud.}
See Section~\ref{sec:Gender} for many more examples.
\item Stick to a consistent dialect of English. Choose either
British or American English and keep to it throughout the
whole of your thesis.
\item Do \emph{not} use slang abbreviations such as \enquote{it's},
\enquote{doesn't}, or \enquote{don't}.
Write the words out in full: \enquote{it is}, \enquote{does not}, and \enquote{do not}.
\mybadgood{It's very simple to\ldots}{It is very simple to\ldots}
\item Do \emph{not} use abbreviations such as \enquote{e.\,g.} or
Write the words out in full: \enquote{for example} and \enquote{that is}.
\mybadgood{\ldots in a tree, e.\,g.\xspace{}the items\ldots}{\ldots in a tree, for example the items\ldots}
\item Do \emph{not} use slang such as \enquote{a lot of}.
\mybadgood{There are a lot of features\ldots}{There are many features\ldots}
\item Do \emph{not} use slang such as \enquote{OK} or \enquote{big}.
\mybadgood{\ldots are represented by big areas.}{\ldots are represented by large areas.}
\item Do \emph{not} use slang such as \enquote{gets} or \enquote{got}.
Use \enquote{becomes} or \enquote{obtains}, or use the passive voice (third
\mybadgood{The radius gets increased\ldots}{The radius is increased\ldots}
\mybadgood{The user gets disoriented\ldots}{The user becomes disoriented\ldots}
\item \emph{Never} start a sentence with \enquote{But}.
Use \enquote{However,} or \enquote{Nevertheless,}. Or consider joining the
sentence to the previous sentence with a comma.
\mybadgood{But there are numerous possibilities\ldots}{However, there are numerous possibilities\ldots}
\item \emph{Never} start a sentence with \enquote{Because}.
Use \enquote{Since}, \enquote{Owing to}, or \enquote{Due to}. Or turn the two
halves of the sentence around.
\item \emph{Never} start a sentence with \enquote{Also}. Also should
be placed in the middle of the sentence.
\mybadgood{Also the target users are considered.}{The target users are also considered.}
\item Do \emph{not} use \enquote{that} as a connecting word.
Use \enquote{which}.
\mybadgood{\ldots a good solution that can be computed easily.}{\ldots a good solution which can be computed easily.}
\item Do \emph{not} write single-sentence paragraphs.
Avoid writing two-sentence paragraphs. A paragraph should contain at
least three, if not more, sentences.
% rules on the use of a comma in lists
\section{Avoid Austrianisms}
I see these mistakes time and time again. Please do not
let me read one of them in your work.
\item \enquote{actual}~$\ne$~\enquote{current}
If you mean \enquote{aktuell} in German, you probably mean
\enquote{current} in English.
\mybadgood{The actual selection is cancelled.}{The current selection is cancelled.}
\item \enquote{allows to} is not English.
\mybadgood{The prototype allows to arrange components\ldots}%%
{The prototype supports the arrangement of components\ldots}
% they allow to achieve
\item \enquote{enables to} is not English.
\mybadgood{it enables to recognise meanings\ldots}{it enables the recognition of meanings\ldots}
\item \enquote{according}~$\ne$~\enquote{corresponding}
\mybadgood{For each browser, an according package is created.}{For each browser, a corresponding package is created.}
\item \enquote{per default} is not English.
Use \enquote{by default}.
\mybadgood{Per default, the cursor is red.}{By default, the cursor is red.}
\item \enquote{As opposed to} is not English.
Use \enquote{In contrast to}.
\mybadgood{As opposed to C, Java is object-oriented.}{In contrast to C, Java is object-oriented.}
\item \enquote{\emph{anything}-dimensional} is spelt with a hyphen.
For example: two-dimensional, three-dimensional.
\item \enquote{\emph{anything}-based} is spelt with a hyphen.
For example: tree-based, location-based.
\item \enquote{\emph{anything}-oriented} is spelt with a hyphen.
For example: object-oriented, display-oriented.
\item \enquote{\emph{anything}-side} is spelt with a hyphen.
For example: client-side, server-side.
\item \enquote{\emph{anything}-friendly} is spelt with a hyphen.
For example: user-friendly, customer-friendly.
\item \enquote{\emph{anything}-to-use} is spelt with hyphens.
For example: hard-to-use, easy-to-use.
\item \enquote{realtime} is spelt with a hyphen if used as
an adjective, or as two separate words if used as a noun.
\mybadgood{\ldots using realtime shadow casting.}{\ldots using real-time shadow casting.}
\mybadgood{\ldots display the object in realtime.}{\ldots display the object in real time.}
\section{Clear Writing}
The written and spoken language of your thesis is English as
appropriate for presentation to an international audience. Please take
special care to ensure that your work is adapted to such an audience.
In particular:
\item Write in a straight-forward style, using simple sentence
\item Use common and basic vocabulary. For example, use \enquote{unusual}
for \enquote{arcane}, and \enquote{specialised} for \enquote{erudite}.
\item Briefly define or explain all technical vocabulary the first
time it is mentioned, to ensure that the reader understands it.
\item Explain all acronyms and abbreviations. For example, the first
time an acronym is used, write it out in full and place the acronym
in parentheses.
\mybadgood{\ldots When using the \myacro{GUI} version, the use may\ldots}%%
{\ldots When using the Graphical User Interface (\myacro{GUI}) version, the use may\ldots}
\item Avoid local references. For example, not everyone knows the
names of all the provincial capitals of Austria. If local context is
important to the material, describe it fully.
\item Avoid \enquote{insider} comments. Ensure that your whole audience
understands any reference whose meaning you do not describe. For
example, do not assume that everyone has used a Macintosh or a
particular application.
\item Do not \enquote{play on words}. For example, do not use \enquote{puns},
particularly in the title of a piece. Phrases such as ``red
herring'' require cultural as well as technical knowledge of
\item Use unambiguous formats to represent culturally localised things
such as times, dates, personal names, currencies, and even
numbers. 9/11 is the 9th of November in most of the world.
\item Be careful with humour. In particular, irony and sarcasm can be
hard to detect if you are not a native speaker.
\item If you find yourself repeating the same word or phrase too often,
look in a thesaurus such as \textcite{Roget,RogetII} for an
alternative word with the same meaning.
Clear writing experts recognise that part of writing understandable
documents is understanding and responding to the needs of the intended
audience. It is the writer's job to maintain the audience's
willingness to go on reading the document. Readers who are continually
stumped by long words or offended by a pompous tone are likely to stop
reading and miss the intended message.
\section{Avoiding Gender Bias}
Part of striking the right tone is handling gender-linked terms
sensitively. Use of gender terms is controversial. Some writers use
the generic masculine exclusively, but this offends many readers.
Other writers are experimenting with ways to make English more
neutral. Avoiding gender bias in writing involves two kinds of
\item being aware of potential bias in the kinds of observations and
characterisations that it is appropriate to make about women and men,
\item being aware of certain biases that are inherent in the language
and of how you can avoid them.
The second category includes using gender-specific nouns and pronouns
appropriately. Here are some guidelines for handling these
\item Use a gender-neutral term when speaking generically of people:
man & the human race \\
mankind & humankind, people \\
manpower & workforce, personnel \\
man on the street & average person \\
\item Avoid clearly gender-marked titles. Use neutral terms when
good ones are available. For example:
chairman & chairperson \\
spokesman & speaker, representative \\
policeman & police officer \\
stewardess & flight attendant \\
\item If you are speaking of the holder of a position and you know the
gender of the person who currently occupies the position, use the
appropriate gender pronoun. For example, suppose the \enquote{head nurse}
is a man:
\mybadgood{The head nurse must file her report every Tuesday.}{The head nurse must file his report every Tuesday.}
\item Rewrite sentences to avoid using gender pronouns. For example,
use the appropriate title or job name again:
\mybadgood{Interview the user first and then ask him to fill out a questionnaire.}%%
{Interview the user first and then ask the user to fill out a questionnaire.}
\item To avoid using the third person singular pronoun (his or her),
recast your statement in the plural:
\mybadgood{Each student should bring his text to class.}{All students should bring their texts to class.}
\item Address your readers directly in the second person, if it is
appropriate to do so:
\mybadgood{The student must send in his application by the final deadline date.}%%
{Send in your application by the final deadline date.}
\item Replace third person singular possessives with articles.
\mybadgood{Every student must hand his report in on Friday.}{Every student must hand the report in on Friday.}
\item Write your way out of the problem by using the passive voice.
\mybadgood{Each department head should do his own projections.}{Projections should be done by each department head.}
\item Avoid writing awkward formulations such as \enquote{s/he}, \enquote{he/she},
or \enquote{his/her}. They interfere when someone is trying to read a
text aloud. If none of the other guidelines has been helpful, use
the slightly less awkward forms \enquote{he or she}, and \enquote{his or hers}.
Remember, the goal is to avoid constructions that will offend your
readers so much as to distract them from the content of your work.
\section{Titles and Headings in Initial Caps}
% Capitalization in Titles
\section{Use a Spelling Checker}
In these days of high technology, spelling mistakes and typos are
inexcusable. It is \emph{very} irritating for your supervisor to have
to read through and correct spelling mistake after spelling mistake
which could have been caught by an automated spelling checker.
Believe me, irritating your supervisor is not a good idea.
So, use a spelling checker \emph{before} you hand in \emph{any}
version, whether it is a draft or a final version.
Since this is apparently often forgotten, and sometimes even wilfully
ignored, let me make it absolutely clear:
Use a spelling checker, please. \\
Use a spelling checker! \\
Use a spelling checker, you moron. \\
\section{Use a Dictionary}
If you are not quite sure of the meaning of a word, then use a
dictionary. \textcite{DictionaryCom} is a free English dictionary,
\textcite{DictChemnitz} and \textcite{DictLeoOrg} are two very good
English-German dictionaries.
\section{Use a Thesaurus}
If a word has been used several times already, and using another
equivalent word might improve the readability of the text, then
consult a thesaurus. \textcite{Roget} and \textcite{RogetII} are free
English thesauri.

figures/TU_Graz_Logo.pdf Normal file
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Please take a look at the license in!

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%%%% Time-stamp: <2013-09-18 19:27:11 vk>
%% ========================================================================
%%%% Disclaimer
%% ========================================================================
%% created by
%% Karl Voit
%% ========================================================================
%%%% Basic settings
%% ========================================================================
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title = {{TagTree}: Storing and Re-finding Files Using Tags},
pages = {471--481}
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in Computer Science},
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author = {Leo},
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Interaction (Usab 2011)",
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
%%%% Time-stamp: <2013-01-02 14:43:58 vk>
%% ========================================================================
%%%% Disclaimer
%% ========================================================================
%% created by
%% Karl Voit
\section*{Statutory Declaration}
I declare that I have authored this thesis independently, that I have
not used other than the declared sources/resources, and that I have
explicitly marked all material which has been quoted either literally
or by content from the used sources.
%% definition of the block tat contains date and signature
%% Sorry, this is a "bit" of a hack. Maybe someone knows a more elegant method?
#1 & \hspace{5cm} & & \hspace{6cm} \\\cline{2-2}\cline{4-4}
& & & \\[-3mm]
& {\footnotesize #2} & & {\footnotesize #3}
\section*{Eidesstattliche Erklärung\footnote{%
\foreignlanguage{ngerman}{Beschluss der Curricula-Kommission für Bachelor-, Master- und
Diplomstudien vom 10.11.2008;
Genehmigung des Senates am 1.12.2008}}}
Ich erkläre an Eides statt, dass ich die
vorliegende Arbeit selbstständig verfasst, andere als die angegebenen
Quellen/Hilfsmittel nicht benutzt, und die den benutzten Quellen
wörtlich und inhaltlich entnommenen Stellen als solche kenntlich
gemacht habe.}
\mysignatureblock{Graz, am}{Datum}{Unterschrift}
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template/mycommands.tex Normal file
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%% Time-stamp: <2013-02-07 11:51:00 vk>
%%%% === Disclaimer: =======================================================
%% created by
%% Karl Voit
%% using GNU/Linux, GNU Emacs & LaTeX 2e
%doc% \section{\texttt{mycommands.tex} --- various definitions}\myinteresting
%doc% \label{sec:mycommands}
%doc% In file \verb#template/mycommands.tex# many useful commands are being
%doc% defined.
%doc% \paragraph{What should I do with this file?} Please take a look at its
%doc% content to get the most out of your document.
%doc% One of the best advantages of \LaTeX{} compared to \myacro{WYSIWYG} software products is
%doc% the possibility to define and use macros within text. This empowers the user to
%doc% a great extend. Many things can be defined using \verb#\newcommand{}# and
%doc% automates repeating tasks. It is recommended to use macros not only for
%doc% repetitive tasks but also for separating form from content such as \myacro{CSS}
%doc% does for \myacro{XHTML}. Think of including graphics in your document: after
%doc% writing your book, you might want to change all captions to the upper side of
%doc% each figure. In this case you either have to modify all
%doc% \texttt{includegraphics} commands or you were clever enough to define something
%doc% like \verb#\myfig#\footnote{See below for a detailed description}. Using a
%doc% macro for including graphics enables you to modify the position caption on only
%doc% \emph{one} place: at the definition of the macro.
%doc% The following section describes some macros that came with this document template
%doc% from \myLaT and you are welcome to modify or extend them or to create
%doc% your own macros!
%doc% \subsection{\texttt{myfig} --- including graphics made easy}
%doc% The classic: you can easily add graphics to your document with \verb#\myfig#:
%doc% \begin{verbatim}
%doc% \myfig{flower}%% filename w/o extension in the folder figures
%doc% {width=0.7\textwidth}%% maximum width/height, aspect ratio will be kept
%doc% {This flower was photographed at my home town in 2010}%% caption
%doc% {Home town flower}%% optional (short) caption for list of figures
%doc% {fig:flower}%% label
%doc% \end{verbatim}
%doc% There are many advantages of this command (compared to manual
%doc% \texttt{figure} environments and \texttt{includegraphics} commands:
%doc% \begin{itemize}
%doc% \item consistent style throughout the whole document
%doc% \item easy to change; for example move caption on top
%doc% \item much less characters to type (faster, error prone)
%doc% \item less visual clutter in the \TeX{}-files
%doc% \end{itemize}
%% example:
% \myfig{}%% filename in figures folder
% {width=0.5\textwidth,height=0.5\textheight}%% maximum width/height, aspect ratio will be kept
% {}%% caption
% {}%% optional (short) caption for list of figures
% {}%% label
\label{#5} %% NOTE: always label *after* caption!
%doc% \subsection{\texttt{myclone} --- repeat things!}
%doc% Using \verb#\myclone[42]{foobar}# results the text \enquote{foobar} printed 42 times.
%doc% But you can not only repeat text output with \texttt{myclone}.
%doc% Default argument
%doc% for the optional parameter \enquote{number of times} (like \enquote{42} in the example above)
%doc% is set to two.
%% \myclone[x]{text}
%old% %d oc%
%old% %d oc% \subsection{\texttt{fixxme} --- sidemark something as unfinished}
%old% %d oc%
%old% %d oc% You know it: something has to be fixed and you can not do it right
%old% %d oc% now. In order to \texttt{not} forget about it, you might want to add a
%old% %d oc% note like \verb+\fixxme{check again}+ which inserts a note on the page
%old% %d oc% margin such as this\fixxme{check again} example.
%old% %d oc%
%old% \newcommand{\fixxme}[1]{%%
%old% \textcolor{red}{FIXXME}\marginpar{\textcolor{red}{#1}}%%
%old% }
%%%% End
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% mode: auto-fill
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "en_US")
%%% TeX-master: "../main"
%%% End:
%% vim:foldmethod=expr
%% vim:fde=getline(v\:lnum)=~'^%%%%'?0\:getline(v\:lnum)=~'^%doc.*\ .\\%(sub\\)\\?section{.\\+'?'>1'\:'1':

template/pdf_settings.tex Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
%%%% Time-stamp: <2014-03-23 13:40:59 vk>
%%%% === Disclaimer: =======================================================
%% created by
%% Karl Voit
%% using GNU/Linux, GNU Emacs & LaTeX 2e
%doc% \section{\texttt{pdf\_settings.tex} --- Settings related to PDF output}
%doc% \label{sec:pdf}
%doc% The file \verb#template/pdf_settings.tex# basically contains the definitions for
%doc% the \href{}{\texttt{hyperref} package}
%doc% including the
%doc% \href{}{\texttt{graphicx}
%doc% package}. Since these settings should be the last things of any \LaTeX{}
%doc% preamble, they got their own \TeX{} file which is included in \texttt{main.tex}.
%doc% \paragraph{What should I do with this file?} The settings in this file are
%doc% important for \myacro{PDF} output and including graphics. Do not exclude the
%doc% related \texttt{input} command in \texttt{main.tex}. But you might want to
%doc% modify some settings after you read the
%doc% \href{}{documentation of the \texttt{hyperref} package}.
%% Fix positioning of images in PDF viewers. (disabled by
%% default; see
%% for more information)
%% I do not have time to read about possible side-effect of this
%% package for now.
% \usepackage[hypcap]{caption}
%% Declarations of hyperref should be the last definitions of the preamble:
%% FIXXME: black-and-white-version for printing!
unicode=true, % loads with unicode support
%a4paper=true, %
pdftex=true, %
backref, %
pagebackref=false, % creates backward references too
bookmarks=false, %
bookmarksopen=false, % when starting with AcrobatReader, the Bookmarkcolumn is opened
pdfpagemode=None,% None, UseOutlines, UseThumbs, FullScreen
plainpages=false, % correct, if pdflatex complains: ``destination with same identifier already exists''
%% colors:
urlcolor=DispositionColor, %%
linkcolor=DispositionColor, %%
pagecolor=DispositionColor, %%
citecolor=DispositionColor, %%
anchorcolor=DispositionColor, %%
colorlinks=\mycolorlinks, % turn on/off colored links (on: better for
% on-screen reading; off: better for printout versions)
%% all strings need to be loaded after hyperref was loaded with unicode support
%% if not the field is garbled in the output for characters like ČŽĆŠĐ
pdftitle={\mytitle}, %
pdfauthor={\myauthor}, %
pdfsubject={\mysubject}, %
pdfcreator={Accomplished with: pdfLaTeX, biber, and hyperref-package. No animals, MS-EULA or BSA-rules were harmed.},
%%%% END
%%% Local Variables:
%%% TeX-master: "../main"
%%% mode: latex
%%% mode: auto-fill
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "en_US")
%%% End:
%% vim:foldmethod=expr
%% vim:fde=getline(v\:lnum)=~'^%%%%'?0\:getline(v\:lnum)=~'^%doc.*\ .\\%(sub\\)\\?section{.\\+'?'>1'\:'1':

View file

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
REM =====================================================
REM This is a batch file to compile using pdflatex and biber (biblatex).
REM When used with TeXworks, add it as batch tool:
REM =====================================================
REM English:
REM Edit > Preferences ... > Typesetting > Processing tools
REM + (new tool):
REM Name: pdflatex+biber
REM Program: (find this pdflatex+biber.bat on your disk and use it here)
REM Arguments:
REM $fullname
REM $basename
REM [x] View PDF after running
REM =====================================================
REM German:
REM Bearbeiten > Einstellungen ... > Textsatz > Verarbeitungsprogramme
REM + (neues Verarbeitungsprogramm):
REM Name: pdflatex+biber
REM Befehl/Datei: (diese pdflatex+biber.bat im Laufwerk suchen und einbinden)
REM Argumente:
REM $fullname
REM $basename
REM [x] PDF nach Beendigung anzeigen
REM =====================================================
REM idea from:
REM adopted by: Karl Voit, 2013-02-02
REM =====================================================
REM call pdflatex using parameters suitable for miktex:
miktex-pdftex.exe -synctex=1 -undump=pdflatex "%1"
REM generate the references metadata for biblatex (using biber):
biber.exe "%2"
REM call pdflatex twice to compile the references and finalize PDF:
miktex-pdftex.exe -synctex=1 -undump=pdflatex "%1"
miktex-pdftex.exe -synctex=1 -undump=pdflatex "%1"
REM end

template/preamble.tex Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
%% Time-stamp: <2013-12-20 19:58:51 vk>
%%%% === Disclaimer: =======================================================
%% created by
%% Karl Voit
%% using GNU/Linux, GNU Emacs & LaTeX 2e
%doc% %% overriding preamble/preamble.tex %%
%doc% \newcommand{\mylinespread}{1.0} \newcommand{\mycolorlinks}{true}
%doc% \documentclass[12pt,paper=a4,parskip=half,DIV=calc,oneside,%%
%doc% headinclude,footinclude=false,open=right,bibliography=totoc]{scrartcl}
%doc% \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\usepackage[ngerman,american]{babel}\usepackage{scrpage2}
%doc% \usepackage{ifthen}\usepackage{eurosym}\usepackage{xspace}\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor}
%doc% \usepackage[protrusion=true,factor=900]{microtype}
%doc% \usepackage{enumitem}
%doc% \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}
%doc% \usepackage{todonotes}
%doc% \usepackage{dingbat,bbding} %% special characters
%doc% \definecolor{DispositionColor}{RGB}{30,103,182}
%doc% \usepackage[backend=biber,style=authoryear,dashed=false,natbib=true,hyperref=true%%
%doc% ]{biblatex}
%doc% \addbibresource{references-biblatex.bib} %% remove, if using BibTeX instead of biblatex
%doc% %% overriding userdata %%
%doc% \newcommand{\myauthor}{Karl Voit}\newcommand{\mytitle}{LaTeX Template Documentation}
%doc% \newcommand{\mysubject}{A Comprehensive Guide to Use the
%doc% Template from}
%doc% \newcommand{\mykeywords}{LaTeX, pdflatex, template, documentation, biber, biblatex}
%doc% \newcommand{\myLaT}{\LaTeX{}@TUG\xspace}
%doc% %% for future use?
%doc% % \usepackage{filecontents}
%doc% % \begin{filecontents}{filename.example}
%doc% %
%doc% % \end{filecontents}
%doc% %% using existing TeX files %%
%doc% \input{template/mycommands}
%doc% \input{template/typographic_settings}
%doc% \input{template/pdf_settings}
%doc% \begin{document}
%doc% %% title page %%
%doc% \title{\mytitle}\subtitle{\mysubject}
%doc% \author{\myauthor}
%doc% \date{\today}
%doc% \maketitle\newpage
%doc% \tableofcontents\newpage
%doc% %%---------------------------------------%%
%doc% \section{How to use this \LaTeX{} document template}
%doc% This \LaTeX{} document template from
%doc% \myLaT\footnote{\url{}} is based on \myacro{KOMA}
%doc% script\footnote{\url{}}. You don't need any
%doc% special \myacro{KOMA} knowledge (but it woun't hurt either). It provides an easy to use and
%doc% easy to modify template. All settings are documented and many references to
%doc% additional information sources are given.
%doc% In general, there should not be any reason to modify a file in
%doc% the \texttt{template} folder. \emph{All important settings are
%doc% accessible in the main folder, mostly in the \texttt{main.tex}
%doc% file.} This way, it is easy to get what you need and you can update
%doc% the template independent of the content of the document.
%doc% \newcommand{\myimportant}{%% mark important chapters
%doc% \marginpar{\vspace{-1em}\rightpointleft}
%doc% }
%doc% \newcommand{\myinteresting}{\marginpar{\vspace{-2em}\PencilLeftDown}}
%doc% The \emph{absolute minimum you should read} is listed below and
%doc% marked with the hand symbol:\myimportant
%doc% \begin{itemize}
%doc% \item Section~\ref{sec:modifytemplate}: basic configuration of this template.
%doc% \item Section~\ref{sec:howtocompile}: how to generate the \myacro{PDF} file
%doc% \item Section~\ref{sec:references}: using biblatex (instead of bibtex)
%doc% \end{itemize}
%doc% In order to get a perfect resulting document and to get an
%doc% exciting experience with this template, you should definitely consider reading
%doc% following sections which are also marked with the pencil symbol:\myinteresting
%doc% \begin{itemize}
%doc% \item Section~\ref{sec:extending-template}: extend the template with
%doc% your own usepackages, newcommands, and so forth
%doc% \item Section~\ref{sec:mycommands}: pre-defined commands to make your life easier (e.g., including graphics)
%doc% \item Section~\ref{sec:myacro}: how to do acronyms (like \myacro{ACME}) beautifully
%doc% \item Section~\ref{sub:csquotes}: how to \enquote{quote} text and use parentheses correctly
%doc% \end{itemize}
%doc% The other sections describe all other settings for the sake of completeness. This is
%doc% interesting for learning more about \LaTeX{} and modifying this template to a higher level of detail.
%doc% \newpage
%doc% \subsection{Six Steps to Customize Your Document}\myimportant
%doc% \label{sec:modifytemplate}
%doc% This template is optimized to get to the first draft of your thesis
%doc% very quickly. Follow these instructions and you get most of your
%doc% customizing done in a few minutes:
%doc% \newcommand{\myfile}[1]{\texttt{\href{file:#1}{#1}}}
%doc% \begin{enumerate}
%doc% \item Modify settings in \texttt{main.tex} to meet your requirements:
%doc% \begin{itemize}
%doc% \item Basic settings
%doc% \begin{itemize}
%doc% \item Paper size, languages, font size, citation style,
%doc% title page, and so forth
%doc% \end{itemize}
%doc% \item Document metadata
%doc% \begin{itemize}
%doc% \item Preferences like \verb+myauthor+, \verb+mytitle+, and so forth
%doc% \end{itemize}
%doc% \end{itemize}
%doc% \item Replace \myfile{figures/institution.pdf} with the logo of
%doc% your institution in either \myacro{PDF} or \myacro{PNG}
%doc% format.\footnote{Avoid \myacro{JPEG} format for
%doc% computer-generated (pixcel-oriented) graphics like logos or
%doc% screenshots in general. The \myacro{JEPG} format is for
%doc% photographs \emph{only}.}
%doc% \item Further down in \myfile{main.tex}:
%doc% \begin{itemize}
%doc% \item Create your desired structure for the chapters
%doc% (\verb+\include{introduction}+, \verb+\include{evaluation}+, \ldots)
%doc% \end{itemize}
%doc% \item Create the \TeX{} files and fill your content into these files you defined in the previous step.
%doc% \item Optionally: Modify \myfile{colophon.tex} to meet your situation.
%doc% \begin{itemize}
%doc% \item Please spend a couple of minutes and think about putting your work
%doc% under an open license\footnote{\url{}}
%doc% in order to follow the spirit of Open Science\footnote{\url{}}.
%doc% \end{itemize}
%doc% \item In case you are using \myacro{GNU} make\footnote{If you
%doc% don't know, what \myacro{GNU} make is, you are not using it (yet).}:
%doc% Put your desired \myacro{PDF} file name in the second line of file
%doc% \myfile{Makefile}
%doc% \begin{itemize}
%doc% \item replace \enquote{Projectname} with your filename
%doc% \item do not use any file extension like \texttt{.tex} or \texttt{.pdf}
%doc% \end{itemize}
%doc% \end{enumerate}
%doc% \subsection{License}\myimportant
%doc% \label{sec:license}
%doc% This template is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)
%doc% license\footnote{\url{}}:
%doc% \begin{itemize}
%doc% \item You can share (to copy, distribute and transmit) this template.
%doc% \item You can remix (adapt) this template.
%doc% \item You can make commercial use of the template.
%doc% \item In case you modify this template and share the derived
%doc% template: You must attribute the template such that you do not
%doc% remove (co-)authorship of Karl Voit and you must not remove
%doc% the URL to the original repository on
%doc% github\footnote{\url{}}.
%doc% \item If you alter, transform, or build a new template upon
%doc% this template, you may distribute the resulting
%doc% template only under the same or similar license to this one.
%doc% \item There are \emph{no restrictions} of any kind, however, related to the
%doc% resulting (PDF) document!
%doc% \item You may remove the colophon (but it's not recommended).
%doc% \end{itemize}
%doc% \subsection{How to compile this document}\myimportant
%doc% \label{sec:howtocompile}
%doc% I assume that compiling \LaTeX{} documents within your software
%doc% environment is something you have already learned. This template is
%doc% almost like any other \LaTeX{} document except it uses
%doc% state-of-the-art tools for generating things like the list of
%doc% references using biblatex/biber (see
%doc% Section~\ref{sec:references} for details). Unfortunately, some \LaTeX{} editors
%doc% do not support this much better way of working with bibliography
%doc% references yet. This section describes how to compile this template.
%doc% \subsubsection{Compiling Using a \LaTeX{} Editor}
%doc% Please do select \myfile{main.tex} as the \enquote{main project file} or make
%doc% sure to compile/run only \myfile{main.tex} (and not \myfile{introduction.tex}
%doc% or other \TeX{} files of this template).
%doc% Choose \texttt{biber} for generating the references. Modern LaTeX{}
%doc% environments offer this option. Older tools might not be that up to
%doc% date yet.
%doc% \subsubsection{Activating \texttt{biber} in the \LaTeX{} editor TeXworks}
%doc% \label{sec:biberTeXworks}
%doc% The \href{}{TeXworks} editor is a very
%doc% basic (but fine) \LaTeX{} editor to start with. It is included in
%doc% \href{}{MiKTeX} and
%doc% \href{}{MiKTeX portable} and supports
%doc% \href{}{syntax
%doc% highlighting} and
%doc% \href{}{SyncTeX} to
%doc% synchronize \myacro{PDF} output and \LaTeX{} source code.
%doc% Unfortunately, TeXworks shipped with MiKTeX does not support compiling
%doc% using \texttt{biber} (biblatex) out of the box. Here is a solution to
%doc% this issue. Go to TeXworks: \texttt{Edit} $\rightarrow$
%doc% \texttt{Preferences~\ldots} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{Typesetting} $\rightarrow$
%doc% \texttt{Processing tools} and add a new entry (using the plus icon):
%doc% \begin{tabbing}
%doc% Arguments: \= foobar \kill
%doc% Name: \> \verb#pdflatex+biber# \\
%doc% Program: \> \emph{find the \texttt{template/pdflatex+biber.bat} file from your disk} \\
%doc% Arguments: \> \verb+$fullname+ \\
%doc% \> \verb+$basename+
%doc% \end{tabbing}
%doc% Activate the \enquote{View PDF after running} option.
%doc% Close the preferences dialog and you will now have an additional
%doc% choice in the drop down list for compiling your document. Choose the
%doc% new entry called \verb#pdflatex+biber# and start a happier life with
%doc% \texttt{biber}.
%doc% In case your TeXworks has a German user interface, here the key
%doc% aspects in German as well:
%doc% \begin{otherlanguage}{ngerman}
%doc% \texttt{Bearbeiten} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{Einstellungen~\ldots} $\rightarrow$
%doc% \texttt{Textsatz} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{Verarbeitungsprogramme} $\rightarrow$
%doc% + \emph{(neues Verarbeitungsprogramm)}:
%doc% \begin{tabbing}
%doc% Befehl/Datei: \= foobar \kill
%doc% Name: \> pdflatex+biber \\
%doc% Befehl/Datei: \> \emph{die \texttt{template/pdflatex+biber.bat} im Laufwerk suchen} \\
%doc% Argumente: \> \verb+$fullname+ \\
%doc% \> \verb+$basename+
%doc% \end{tabbing}
%doc% \enquote{PDF nach Beendigung anzeigen} aktivieren.
%doc% \end{otherlanguage}
%doc% \subsubsection{Compiling Using \myacro{GNU} make}
%doc% With \myacro{GNU}
%doc% make\footnote{\url{\_\%28software\%29}}
%doc% it is just simple as that: \texttt{make pdf}
%doc% Several other targets are available. You can check them out by
%doc% executing: \texttt{make help}
%doc% In case you are using TeXLive (instead of MiKTeX as I do), you might
%doc% want to modify the line \texttt{PDFLATEX\_CMD = pdflatex} within
%doc% the file \texttt{Makefile} to: \texttt{PDFLATEX\_CMD = pdflatex -synctex=1 -undump=pdflatex}
%doc% \subsubsection{Compiling in a Text-Shell}
%doc% To generate a document using \texttt{Biber}, you can stick to
%doc% following example:
%doc% \begin{verbatim}
%doc% pdflatex main.tex
%doc% biber main
%doc% pdflatex main.tex
%doc% pdflatex main.tex
%doc% \end{verbatim}
%doc% Users of TeXLive with Microsoft Windows might want to try the
%doc% following script\footnote{Thanks to Florian Brucker for provinding
%doc% this script.} which could be stored as, e.g., \texttt{compile.bat}:
%doc% \begin{verbatim}
%doc% REM call pdflatex using parameters suitable for TeXLive:
%doc% pdflatex.exe "main.tex"
%doc% REM generate the references metadata for biblatex (using biber):
%doc% biber.exe "main"
%doc% REM call pdflatex twice to compile the references and finalize PDF:
%doc% pdflatex.exe "main.tex"
%doc% pdflatex.exe -synctex=-1 -interaction=nonstopmode "main.tex"
%doc% \end{verbatim}
%doc% \subsection{How to get rid of the template documentation}
%doc% Simply remove the files \verb#Template_Documentation.pdf# and
%doc% \verb#Template_Documentation.tex# (if it exists) in the main folder
%doc% of this template.
%doc% \subsection{What about modifying or extending the template?}\myinteresting
%doc% \label{sec:extending-template}
%doc% This template provides an easy to start \LaTeX{} document template with sound
%doc% default settings. You can modify each setting any time. It is recommended that
%doc% you are familiar with the documentation of the command whose settings you want
%doc% to modify.
%doc% It is recommended that for \emph{adding} things to the preambel (newcommands,
%doc% setting variables, defining headers, \dots) you should use the file
%doc% \texttt{main.tex}.
%doc% There are comment lines which help you find the right spot.
%doc% This way you still have the chance to update your \texttt{template}
%doc% folder from the template repository without losing your own added things.
%doc% The following sections describe the settings and commands of this template and
%doc% give a short overview of its features.
%doc% \subsection{How to change the title page}
%doc% This template comes with a variety of title pages. They are located in
%doc% the folder \texttt{template}. You can switch to a specific title
%doc% page by including the corresponding title page file in the file
%doc% \texttt{main.tex}.
%doc% Please note that you may not need to modify any title page document by
%doc% yourself since all relevant information is defined in the file
%doc% \texttt{main.tex}.
%doc% \section{\texttt{preamble.tex} --- Main preamble file}
%doc% In the file \verb#preamble/preamble.tex# you will find the basic
%doc% definitions related to your document. This template uses the \myacro{KOMA} script
%doc% extension package of \LaTeX{}.
%doc% There are comments added to the \verb#\documentclass{}# definitions. Please
%doc% refer to the great documentation of \myacro{KOMA}\footnote{\texttt{scrguide.pdf} for
%doc% German users} for further details.
%doc% \paragraph{What should I do with this file?} For standard purposes you might
%doc% use the default values it provides. You must not remove its \texttt{include} command
%doc% in \texttt{main.tex} since it contains important definitions. This file contains
%doc% settings which are documented well and can be modified according to your needs.
%doc% It is recommended that you fully understand each setting you modify in order to
%doc% get a good document result. However, you can set basic values in the
%doc% \texttt{main.tex} file: font size, paper size,
%doc% paragraph separation mode, draft mode, binding correction, and whether
%doc% your document will be a one sided document or you are planning to
%doc% create a document which is printed on both, left side and right side.
fontsize=\myfontsize,%% size of the main text
paper=\mypapersize, %% paper format
parskip=\myparskip, %% vertical space between paragraphs (instead of indenting first par-line)
DIV=calc, %% calculates a good DIV value for type area; 66 characters/line is great
headinclude=true, %% is header part of margin space or part of page content?
footinclude=false, %% is footer part of margin space or part of page content?
open=right, %% "right" or "left": start new chapter on right or left page
appendixprefix=true, %% adds appendix prefix; only for book-classes with \backmatter
bibliography=totoc, %% adds the bibliography to table of contents (without number)
draft=\mydraft, %% if true: included graphics are omitted and black boxes
%% mark overfull boxes in margin space
BCOR=\myBCOR, %% binding correction (depends on how you bind
%% the resulting printout.
\mylaterality %% oneside: document is not printed on left and right sides, only right side
%% twoside: document is printed on left and right sides
]{scrbook} %% article class of KOMA: "scrartcl", "scrreprt", or "scrbook".
%% CAUTION: If documentclass will be changed, *many* other things
%% change as well like heading structure, ...
% FIXXME: adopting class usage:
% from scrbook -> scrartcl OR scrreport:
% - remove appendixprefix from class options
% - remove \frontmatter \mainmatter \backmatter \appendix from main.tex
% FIXXME: adopting language:
% add or modify language parameter of package »babel« and use language switches described in babel-documentation
%doc% \subsection{\texttt{inputenc}: UTF8 as input charset}
%doc% You are able and should use \myacro{UTF8} character settings for writing these \TeX{}-files.
%\usepackage{ucs} %% UTF8 as input characters; UCS incompatible to biblatex
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %% UTF8 as input characters
%% Source:
%doc% \subsection{\texttt{babel}: Language settings}
%doc% The default setting of the language is American. Please change settings for
%doc% additional or alternative languages used in \texttt{main.tex}.
%doc% Please note that the default language of the document is the \emph{last} language
%doc% which is added to the package options.
%doc% To set only parts of your document in a different language as the rest, use for example
%doc% \verb+\foreignlanguage{ngerman}{Beispieltext in deutscher Sprache}+.
%doc% For using foreign language quotes, please refer to the \verb+\foreignquote+,
%doc% \verb+\foreigntextquote+, or \verb+\foreignblockquote+ provided by
%doc% \texttt{csquotes} (see Section~\ref{sub:csquotes}).
\usepackage[\mylanguage]{babel} %% used languages; default language is *last* language of options
%doc% \subsection{\texttt{scrpage2}: Headers and footers}
%doc% Since this template is based on \myacro{KOMA} script it uses its great \texttt{scrpage2}
%doc% package for defining header and footer information. Please refer to the \myacro{KOMA}
%doc% script documentation how to use this package.
\usepackage{scrpage2} %% advanced page style using KOMA
%doc% \subsection{References}\myimportant
%doc% \label{sec:references}
%doc% This template is using
%doc% \href{}{\texttt{biblatex}}
%doc% and \href{}{\texttt{Biber}}
%doc% instead of
%doc% \href{}{\textsc{Bib}\TeX{}}. This has the following
%doc% advantages:
%doc% \begin{itemize}
%doc% \item better documentation
%doc% \item Unicode-support like German umlauts (ö, ä, ü, ß) for references
%doc% \item flexible definition of citation styles
%doc% \item multiple bibliographies e.\,g. for printed and online resources
%doc% \item cleaner reference definition e.\,g. inheriting information from
%doc% \texttt{Proceedings} to all related \texttt{InProceedings}
%doc% \item modern implementation
%doc% \end{itemize}
%doc% In short, \texttt{biblatex} is able to handle your \texttt{bib}-files
%doc% and offers additional features. To get the most out of
%doc% \texttt{biblatex}, you should read the very good package
%doc% documentation. Be warned: you'll probably never want to change back
%doc% to \textsc{Bib}\TeX{} again.
%doc% Take a look at the files \texttt{references-bibtex.bib} and
%doc% \texttt{references-biblatex.bib}: they contain the three
%doc% references \texttt{tagstore}, \texttt{Voit2009}, and
%doc% \texttt{Voit2011}.
%doc% The second file is optimized for \texttt{biblatex} and
%doc% takes advantage of some features that are not possible with
%doc% \textsc{Bib}\TeX{}.
%doc% This template is ready to use \texttt{biblatex} with \texttt{Biber} as
%doc% reference compiler. You should make sure that you have installed an up
%doc% to date binary of \texttt{Biber} from its
%doc% homepage\footnote{\url{}}.
%doc% In \texttt{main.tex} you can define several general \texttt{biblatex}
%doc% options: citation style, whether or not multiple occurrences of
%doc% authors are replaced with dashes, or if backward references (from
%doc% references to citations) should be added.
%doc% If you are using the LaTeX{} editor TeXworks, please make sure that
%doc% you have read Section~\ref{sec:biberTeXworks} in order to use
%doc% \texttt{biber}.
%doc% \subsubsection{Example citation commands}
%doc% This section demonstrates some example citations using the style \texttt{authoryear}.
%doc% You can change the citation style in \texttt{main.tex} (\texttt{mybiblatexstyle}).
%doc% \begin{itemize}
%doc% \item cite \cite{Eijkhout2008} and cite \cite{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}.
%doc% \item citet \citet{Eijkhout2008} and citet \citet{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}.
%doc% \item autocite \autocite{Eijkhout2008} and autocite \autocite{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}.
%doc% \item autocites \autocites{Eijkhout2008} and autocites \autocites{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}.
%doc% \item citeauthor \citeauthor{Eijkhout2008} and citeauthor \citeauthor{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}.
%doc% \item citetitle \citetitle{Eijkhout2008} and citetitle \citetitle{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}.
%doc% \item citeyear \citeyear{Eijkhout2008} and citeyear \citeyear{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}.
%doc% \item textcite \textcite{Eijkhout2008} and textcite \textcite{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}.
%doc% \item smartcite \smartcite{Eijkhout2008} and smartcite \smartcite{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}.
%doc% \item footcite \footcite{Eijkhout2008} and footcite \footcite{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}.
%doc% \item footcite with page \footcite[p.42]{Eijkhout2008} and footcite with page \footcite[compare][p.\,42]{Eijkhout2008}.
%doc% \item fullcite \fullcite{Eijkhout2008} and fullcite \fullcite{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}.
%doc% \end{itemize}
%doc% Please note that the citation style as well as the bibliography style
%doc% can be changed very easily. Refer to the settings in
%doc% \texttt{main.tex} as well as the very good documentation of \texttt{biblatex}.
%doc% \subsubsection{Using this template with \myacro{APA} style}
%doc% First, you have to have the \myacro{APA} biblatex style
%doc% installed. Modern \LaTeX{} distributions do come with
%doc% \texttt{biblatex} and \myacro{APA} style. If so, you will find the
%doc% files \texttt{biblatex-apa.pdf} (style documentation) and
%doc% \texttt{biblatex-apa-test.pdf} (file with citation examples) on your
%doc% hard disk.
%doc% \begin{enumerate}
%doc% \item Change the style according to \verb#\newcommand{\mybiblatexstyle}{apa}#
%doc% \item Add \verb#\DeclareLanguageMapping{american}{american-apa}# or \\
%doc% \verb#\DeclareLanguageMapping{german}{german-apa}# to your
%doc% preamble\footnote{You might want to use section \enquote{MISC
%doc% self-defined commands and settings} for this.}
%doc% \end{enumerate}
%doc% These steps change the biblatex style to \myacro{APA} style
%doc% \subsubsection{Using this template with \textsc{Bib}\TeX{}}
%doc% If you do not want to use \texttt{Biber} and \texttt{biblatex}, you
%doc% have to change several things:
%doc% \begin{itemize}
%doc% \item in \verb#preamble/preamble.tex#
%doc% \begin{itemize}
%doc% \item remove the usepackage command of \texttt{biblatex}
%doc% \item remove the \verb#\addbibresource{...}# command
%doc% \end{itemize}
%doc% \item in \verb#main.tex#
%doc% \begin{itemize}
%doc% \item replace \verb=\printbibliography= with the usual
%doc% \verb=\bibliographystyle{yourstyle}= and \verb=\bibliography{yourbibfile}=
%doc% \end{itemize}
%doc% \item if you are using \myacro{GNU} \texttt{make}: modify \verb=Makefile=
%doc% \begin{itemize}
%doc% \item replace \verb#BIBTEX_CMD = biber# with \verb#BIBTEX_CMD = bibtex#
%doc% \end{itemize}
%doc% \item Use the reference file \texttt{references-bibtex.bib}
%doc% instead of \texttt{references-biblatex.bib}
%doc% \end{itemize}
\usepackage[backend=biber, %% using "biber" to compile references (instead of "biblatex")
style=\mybiblatexstyle, %% see biblatex documentation
%style=alphabetic, %% see biblatex documentation
dashed=\mybiblatexdashed, %% do *not* replace recurring reference authors with a dash
backref=\mybiblatexbackref, %% create backlings from references to citations
natbib=true, %% offering natbib-compatible commands
hyperref=true, %% using hyperref-package references
]{biblatex} %% remove, if using BibTeX instead of biblatex
\addbibresource{\mybiblatexfile} %% remove, if using BibTeX instead of biblatex
%doc% \subsection{Miscellaneous packages} \label{subsec:miscpackages}
%doc% There are several packages included by default. You might want to activate or
%doc% deactivate them according to your requirements:
%doc% \begin{enumerate}
%doc% \item[\texttt{\href{}{%%
%doc% graphicx%%
%doc% }}]
%doc% The widely used package to use graphical images within a \LaTeX{} document.
%doc% \item[\texttt{\href{\#Other\_symbols}{%%
%doc% pifont%%
%doc% }}]
%doc% For additional special characters available by \verb#\ding{}#
%doc% \item[\texttt{\href{}{%%
%doc% ifthen%%
%doc% }}]
%doc% For using if/then/else statements for example in macros
%% pre-define ifthen-boolean variables:
%doc% \item[\texttt{\href{}{%%
%doc% eurosym%%
%doc% }}]
%doc% Using the character for Euro with \verb#\officialeuro{}#
%doc% \item[\texttt{\href{}{%%
%doc% xspace%%
%doc% }}]
%doc% This package is required for intelligent spacing after commands
%doc% \item[\texttt{\href{}{%%
%doc% xcolor%%
%doc% }}]
%doc% This package defines basic colors. If you want to get rid of colored links and headings
%doc% please change corresponding value in \texttt{main.tex} to \{0,0,0\}.
\definecolor{DispositionColor}{RGB}{\mydispositioncolor} %% used for links and so forth in screen-version
%doc% \item[\texttt{\href{}{%%
%doc% ulem%%
%doc% }}]
%doc% This package offers strikethrough command \verb+\sout{foobar}+.
%doc% \item[\texttt{\href{}{%%
%doc% framed%%
%doc% }}]
%doc% Create framed, shaded, or differently highlighted regions that can
%doc% break across pages. The environments defined are
%doc% \begin{itemize}
%doc% \item framed: ordinary frame box (\verb+\fbox+) with edge at margin
%doc% \item shaded: shaded background (\verb+\colorbox+) bleeding into margin
%doc% \item snugshade: similar
%doc% \item leftbar: thick vertical line in left margin
%doc% \end{itemize}
%doc% \item[\texttt{\href{}{%%
%doc% eso-pic%%
%doc% }}]
%doc% For example on title pages you might want to have a logo on the upper right corner of
%doc% the first page (only). The package \texttt{eso-pic} is able to place things on absolute
%doc% and relative positions on the whole page.
%doc% \item[\texttt{\href{}{%%
%doc% enumitem%%
%doc% }}]
%doc% This package replaces the built-in definitions for enumerate, itemize and description.
%doc% With \texttt{enumitem} the user has more control over the layout of those environments.
%doc% \item[\texttt{\href{}{%%
%doc% todonotes%%
%doc% }}]
%doc% This packages is \emph{very} handy to add notes\footnote{\texttt{todonotes} replaced
%doc% the \texttt{fixxme}-command which previously was defined in the
%doc% \texttt{preamble\_mycommands.tex} file.}. Using for example \verb#\todo{check}#
%doc% results in something like this \todo{check} in the document. Do read the
%doc% great package documentation for usage of other very helpful commands such as
%doc% \verb#\missingfigure{}# and \verb#\listoftodos#. The latter one creates an index of all
%doc% open todos which is very useful for getting an overview of open issues.
%doc% The package \texttt{todonotes} require the packages \texttt{ifthen}, \texttt{xkeyval}, \texttt{xcolor},
%doc% \texttt{tikz}, \texttt{calc}, and \texttt{graphicx}. Activate
%doc% and configure \verb#\listoftodos# in \texttt{main.tex}.
\usepackage[\mytodonotesoptions]{todonotes} %% option "disable" removes all todonotes output from resulting document
%disabled% \item[\texttt{\href{}{%%
%disabled% blindtext%%
%disabled% }}]
%disabled% This package is used to generate blind text for demonstration purposes.
%disabled% %% This is undocumented due to problems using american english; author informed
%disabled% \usepackage{blindtext} %% provides commands for blind text:
%disabled% %% \blindtext creates some text,
%disabled% %% \Blindtext creates more text.
%disabled% %% \blinddocument creates a small document with sections, lists...
%disabled% %% \Blinddocument creates a large document with sections, lists...
%% 2012-03-10: vk: author published a corrected version which is able to handle "american english" as well. Did not have time to check new package version for this template here.
%doc% \item[\texttt{\href{}{%%
%doc% units%%
%doc% }}]
%doc% For setting correctly typesetted units and nice fractions with \verb+\unit[42]{m}+ and \verb+\unitfrac[100]{km}{h}+.
%doc% \end{enumerate}
%%%% End
%%% Local Variables:
%%% TeX-master: "../main"
%%% mode: latex
%%% mode: auto-fill
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "en_US")
%%% End:
%% vim:foldmethod=expr
%% vim:fde=getline(v\:lnum)=~'^%%%%'?0\:getline(v\:lnum)=~'^%doc.*\ .\\%(sub\\)\\?section{.\\+'?'>1'\:'1':

View file

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
%%%% Time-stamp: <2013-02-02 21:30:07 vk>
%% ========================================================================
%%%% Disclaimer
%% ========================================================================
%% created by
%% Karl Voit
\thispagestyle{empty} %% no page header or footer
\large %% basic font size of the titlepage
zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines\\[5mm]
der Studienrichtung \mystudy\\
an der \myuniversity
über das Thema\\[10mm]
eingereicht am\\
Begutachter: \mysupervisor
\mysubmissiontown, \mysubmissionmonth~\mysubmissionyear
\normalsize %% new page, reset font size
%% if myaddcolophon is set to "true", colophon is added:
\thispagestyle{empty} %% no page header or footer
%% end of title page
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% mode: auto-fill
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "de_AT")
%%% TeX-master: "../main"
%%% End:

View file

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
%%%% Time-stamp: <2013-02-02 21:28:44 vk>
%% ========================================================================
%%%% Disclaimer
%% ========================================================================
%% created by
%% Stefan Kroboth and Karl Voit
%% this title page fulfills the requirements of the corporate design
%% of Graz University of Technology (correct placement of logo)
%\large %% basic font size of the titlepage
%% placing the TU Graz logo exactly as Corporate Design demands:
%% 40mm of Logo (here: 2mm margin in picture!)
%% 8mm from top and from right
%% Source:
Head: \myinstitutehead\\
Supervisor: \mysupervisor\\
%usually not mentioned on titlepage:% Evaluator: \myevaluator
\mysubmissiontown, \mysubmissionmonth~\mysubmissionyear
%% if myaddcolophon is set to "true", colophon is added:
\thispagestyle{empty} %% no page header or footer
%% end of title page
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% mode: auto-fill
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "en_US")
%%% TeX-master: "../main"
%%% End:

template/title_VWA.tex Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
%%%% Time-stamp: <2013-02-25 16:05:46 vk>
%% ========================================================================
%%%% Titelseite für eine Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeit
%% ========================================================================
%% created by
%% Karl Voit
\thispagestyle{empty} %% no page header or footer
\large %% basic font size of the titlepage
Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeit verfasst von\\[5mm]
Klasse \mystudy\\[50mm]
Betreuer: \mysupervisor
\mysubmissiontown, \mysubmissionmonth~\mysubmissionyear
\normalsize %% new page, reset font size
%% if myaddcolophon is set to "true", colophon is added:
\thispagestyle{empty} %% no page header or footer
%% end of title page
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% mode: auto-fill
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "de_AT")
%%% TeX-master: "../main"
%%% End:

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
%%%% Time-stamp: <2013-02-25 10:52:27 vk>
%% ========================================================================
%%%% Disclaimer
%% ========================================================================
%% created by
%% Karl Voit
%% using grml GNU/Linux, vim & LaTeX 2e
%% this is a very simple title page using LaTeX maketitle
%% if myaddcolophon is set to "true", colophon is added:
}%% end lowertitleback
~\hfill\includegraphics[width=3cm]{figures/institution}\\[5mm] %% a logo at the upper right corner
%\thispagestyle{empty} %% no page number, header or footer
%% vim:foldmethod=expr
%% vim:fde=getline(v\:lnum)=~'^%%%%\ .\\+'?'>1'\:'='
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% mode: auto-fill
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "en_US")
%%% TeX-master: "../main"
%%% End:

template/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
## Time-stamp: <2013-02-25 11:04:54 vk>
## This file is best viewed with GNU Emacs Org-mode:
#+TAGS: KarlVoit(k)
* NEXT pointers to [[][other packages]] (not included in this template):
:CREATED: [2011-12-10 Sat 21:31]
- listings
- sidewaystable
- paralist (compact version of itemize and enumerate)
- ...
* NEXT index (makeindex)
:CREATED: [2011-12-10 Sat 21:30]
* NEXT acronyms
:CREATED: <2010-12-22 Fri 15:49>
* WISH try [[]] for title pages
:CREATED: [2011-12-11 Sun 12:49]
* WISH how to switch to scrreprt or scrartcle
:CREATED: [2011-12-10 Sat 21:31]
* WISH pointers to other LaTeX templates
:CREATED: [2011-12-10 Sat 21:31]
* WISH Look at template of matthiaspospiech and adopt things
:CREATED: <2010-12-26 Fri 15:51>
* WISH look at creation of own sty-file
:CREATED: <2010-12-22 Fri 15:50>
* WISH translate German comments
:CREATED: <2010-12-22 Fri 15:50>
* DONE define prerequisites
CLOSED: [2013-02-25 Mon 11:04]
:CREATED: <2011-07-26 Tue 18:03>
- user knowledge
- software dependencies
- for compiling PDF
- pdflatex
- biber
- biblatex
- for using make to compile
- GNU make
- for generating template documentation
- GNU make
- sed
- grep
- LaTeX packages
- necessary
- optional
* DONE how to switch language
CLOSED: [2013-02-25 Mon 11:04]
:CREATED: [2011-12-10 Sat 21:31]
* DONE document example usage with MikTex 2.8 and TeXworks :KarlVoit:
CLOSED: [2013-02-02 Sat 22:28]
:CREATED: [2012-03-06 Tue 17:52]
- see id:2012-02-25latex
- see id:2013-02-02TeXworksbiber
* DONE document how to move to one sided document :KarlVoit:
CLOSED: [2013-02-02 Sat 22:00]
:CREATED: [2012-03-06 Tue 17:53]
* DONE document how to generate a draft document version
CLOSED: [2013-02-02 Sat 22:00]
:CREATED: [2012-03-06 Tue 17:53]
* DONE move some settings from template/* to main.tex as newcommand-definitions :KarlVoit:
CLOSED: [2013-02-02 Sat 22:00]
:CREATED: [2013-02-02 Sat 18:37]
- like
* DONE replace \fixxme{} with package «todonotes»
CLOSED: [2012-03-25 Sun 17:08]
:CREATED: [2012-03-14 Wed 09:51]
- add dependencies to the documentation
- ifthen
- xkeyval
- xcolor
- tikz
- calc
- graphicx
- in combination with [[][Org-mode]]:
* DONE Template documentation should be static [3/3]
DEADLINE: <2011-07-23 Sat>
:CREATED: <2011-07-23 Sat 12:44>
** DONE Makefile: documentation should end up in same PDF filename
CLOSED: [2011-07-24 Sun 14:04]
:CREATED: <2011-07-24 Sun 14:04>
** DONE adopt comments/documentation to this change
CLOSED: [2011-07-24 Sun 14:04]
:CREATED: <2011-07-23 Sat 12:45>
** DONE separate main.tex from Template-Documentation.tex
CLOSED: [2011-07-24 Sun 16:27]
:CREATED: <2011-07-24 Sun 16:26>
- no need to comment out/in include command of template definition
- duplicate most important things from:
- preamble.tex
- userdata.tex
- include rest of the tex-files and misc things from main.tex
* DONE Title page KF Uni Graz
CLOSED: [2011-07-22 Fri 12:46]
:CREATED: <2011-07-22 Fri 12:46>
for Petra
* DONE move almost *all* user-specific data into separate file
CLOSED: [2011-07-24 Sun 16:26]
:CREATED: <2011-07-23 Sat 12:46>
- in order to differ between template and content
* DONE title page(s)
CLOSED: [2011-07-24 Sun 16:45]
:CREATED: <2010-12-22 Wed 15:48>
- probably own folder called "titlepages" where all possible
titlepages are located:
- TU Graz
- KF
- simple title page using maketitle
* DONE maketitle example
CLOSED: [2011-07-24 Sun 16:45]
:CREATED: <2011-07-22 Fri 17:08>
* DONE adopt biblatex
CLOSED: [2011-12-10 Sat 21:29]
:CREATED: <2011-07-26 Tue 18:03>
* DONE adopt biber
CLOSED: [2011-12-10 Sat 21:29]
:CREATED: <2011-07-26 Tue 18:03>
* DONE add biblatex example
CLOSED: [2011-12-10 Sat 21:29]
:CREATED: <2011-07-26 Tue 18:04>
* DONE HowTo change titlepage
CLOSED: [2011-12-11 Sun 14:07]
:CREATED: [2011-12-11 Sun 12:16]
* DONE list of figures
CLOSED: [2011-12-11 Sun 14:07]
:CREATED: [2011-12-10 Sat 21:30]
* DONE example content from the template of [[][Keith Andrews]]
CLOSED: [2011-12-12 Mon 00:15]
:CREATED: [2011-12-10 Sat 21:30]
see reference {KeithThesis}
* DONE merge myquote & csquotes
CLOSED: [2011-12-12 Mon 18:42]
:CREATED: [2011-12-12 Mon 15:01]
* DONE more titlepage templates
CLOSED: [2012-03-06 Tue 17:50]
:CREATED: [2011-12-10 Sat 21:30]
* DONE add FIXXME-marker with [[]]
CLOSED: [2012-03-06 Tue 17:54]
:CREATED: [2011-12-11 Sun 13:11]
see \fixxme{}
* CANCELED add BibTeX to the template
CLOSED: [2011-12-10 Sat 21:31]
:CREATED: <2011-07-22 Fri 15:53>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
%%%% Time-stamp: <2013-02-26 12:18:29 vk>
%%%% === Disclaimer: =======================================================
%% created by
%% Karl Voit
%% using GNU/Linux, GNU Emacs & LaTeX 2e
%doc% \section{\texttt{typographic\_settings.tex} --- Typographic finetuning}
%doc% The settings of file \verb#template/typographic_settings.tex# contain
%doc% typographic finetuning related to things mentioned in literature. The
%doc% settings in this file relates to personal taste and most of all:
%doc% \emph{typographic experience}.
%doc% \paragraph{What should I do with this file?} You might as well skip the whole
%doc% file by excluding the \verb#\input{template/typographic_settings.tex}# command
%doc% in \texttt{main.tex}. For standard usage it is recommended to stay with the
%doc% default settings.
%% ========================================================================
%doc% Some basic microtypographic settings are provided by the
%doc% \texttt{microtype}
%doc% package\footnote{\url{}}. This template
%doc% uses the rather conservative package parameters: \texttt{protrusion=true,factor=900}.
%doc% \subsection{French spacing}
%doc% \paragraph{Why?} see~\textcite[p.\,28, p.\,30]{Bringhurst1993}: `2.1.4 Use a single word space between sentences.'
%doc% \paragraph{How?} see~\textcite[p.\,185]{Eijkhout2008}:\\
%doc% \verb#\frenchspacing %% Macro to switch off extra space after punctuation.# \\
\frenchspacing %% Macro to switch off extra space after punctuation.
%doc% Note: This setting might be default for \myacro{KOMA} script.
%doc% \subsection{Font}
%doc% This template is using the Palatino font (package \texttt{mathpazo}) which results
%doc% in a legible document and matching mathematical fonts for printout.
%doc% It is highly recommended that you either stick to the Palatino font or use the
%doc% \LaTeX{} default fonts (by removing the package \texttt{mathpazo}).
%doc% Chosing different fonts is not
%doc% an easy task. Please leave this to people with good knowledge on this subject.
%doc% One valid reason to change the default fonts is when your document is mainly
%doc% read on a computer screen. In this case it is recommended to switch to a font
%doc% \textsf{which is sans-serif like this}. This template contains several alternative
%doc% font packages which can be activated in this file.
% for changing the default font, please go to the next subsection!
%doc% \subsection{Text figures}
%doc% \ldots also called old style numbers such as 0123456789.
%doc% (German: \enquote{Mediäval\-ziffern\footnote{\url{\%C3\%B6rterbuch:\_Medi\%C3\%A4valziffern}}})
%doc% \paragraph{Why?} see~\textcite[p.\,44f]{Bringhurst1993}:
%doc% \begin{quote}
%doc% `3.2.1 If the font includes both text figures and titling figures, use
%doc% titling figures only with full caps, and text figures in all other
%doc% circumstances.'
%doc% \end{quote}
%doc% \paragraph{How?}
%doc% Quoted from Wikibooks\footnote{\url{\#Text\_figures\_.28.22old\_style.22\_numerals.29}}:
%doc% \begin{quote}
%doc% Some fonts do not have text figures built in; the textcomp package attempts to
%doc% remedy this by effectively generating text figures from the currently-selected
%doc% font. Put \verb#\usepackage{textcomp}# in your preamble. textcomp also allows you to
%doc% use decimal points, properly formatted dollar signs, etc. within
%doc% \verb#\oldstylenums{}#.
%doc% \end{quote}
%doc% \ldots but proposed \LaTeX{} method does not work out well. Instead use:\\
%doc% \verb#\usepackage{hfoldsty}# (enables text figures using additional font) or \\
%doc% \verb#\usepackage[sc,osf]{mathpazo}# (switches to Palatino font with small caps and old style figures enabled).
%\usepackage{hfoldsty} %% enables text figures using additional font
%% ... OR use ...
\usepackage[sc,osf]{mathpazo} %% switches to Palatino with small caps and old style figures
%% Font selection from:
%% use following lines *instead* of the mathpazo package above:
%% ===== Serif =========================================================
%% for Computer Modern (LaTeX default font), simply remove the mathpazo above
%\usepackage{charter}\linespread{1.05} %% Charter
%\usepackage{bookman} %% Bookman (laedt Avant Garde !!)
%\usepackage{newcent} %% New Century Schoolbook (laedt Avant Garde !!)
%% ===== Sans Serif ====================================================
%\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} %% this one in *combination* with the default mathpazo package
%\usepackage{cmbright} %% CM-Bright (eigntlich eine Familie)
%\usepackage{tpslifonts} %% tpslifonts % Font for Slides
%doc% \subsection{\texttt{myacro} --- Abbrevations using \textsc{small caps}}\myinteresting
%doc% \label{sec:myacro}
%doc% \paragraph{Why?} see~\textcite[p.\,45f]{Bringhurst1993}: `3.2.2 For abbrevations and
%doc% acronyms in the midst of normal text, use spaced small caps.'
%doc% \paragraph{How?} Using the predefined macro \verb#\myacro{}# for things like
%doc% \myacro{UNO} or \myacro{UNESCO} using \verb#\myacro{UNO}# or \verb#\myacro{UNESCO}#.
\DeclareRobustCommand{\myacro}[1]{\textsc{\lowercase{#1}}} %% abbrevations using small caps
%doc% \subsection{Colorized headings and links}
%doc% This document template is able to generate an output that uses colorized
%doc% headings, captions, page numbers, and links. The color named `DispositionColor'
%doc% used in this document is defined near the definition of package \texttt{color}
%doc% in the preamble (see section~\ref{subsec:miscpackages}). The changes required
%doc% for headings, page numbers, and captions are defined here.
%doc% Settings for colored links are handled by the definitions of the
%doc% \texttt{hyperref} package (see section~\ref{sec:pdf}).
%doc% \subsection{No figures or tables below footnotes}
%doc% \LaTeX{} places floating environments below footnotes if \texttt{b}
%doc% (bottom) is used as (default) placement algorithm. This is certainly
%doc% not appealing for most people and is deactivated in this template by
%doc% using the package \texttt{footmisc} with its option \texttt{bottom}.
%% see also: (German description)
%doc% \subsection{Spacings of list environments}
%doc% By default, \LaTeX{} is using vertical spaces between items of enumerate,
%doc% itemize and description environments. This is fine for multi-line items.
%doc% Many times, the user does just write single-line items where the larger
%doc% vertical space is inappropriate. The \href{}{enumitem}
%doc% package provides replacements for the pre-defined list environments and
%doc% offers many options to modify their appearances.
%doc% This template is using the package option for \texttt{noitemsep} which
%doc% mimimizes the vertical space between list items.
\setlist{noitemsep} %% kills the space between items
%doc% \subsection{\texttt{csquotes} --- Correct quotation marks}\myinteresting
%doc% \label{sub:csquotes}
%doc% \emph{Never} use quotation marks found on your keyboard.
%doc% They end up in strange characters or false looking quotation marks.
%doc% In \LaTeX{} you are able to use typographically correct quotation marks. The package
%doc% \href{}{\texttt{csquotes}} offers you with
%doc% \verb#\enquote{foobar}# a command to get correct quotation marks around \enquote{foobar}.
%doc% Please do check the package options in order to modify
%doc% its settings according to the language used\footnote{most of the time in
%doc% combination with the language set in the options of the \texttt{babel} package}.
%doc% \href{}{\texttt{csquotes}} is also recommended
%doc% by \texttt{biblatex} (see Section~\ref{sec:references}).
%doc% \subsection{Line spread}
%doc% If you have to enlarge the distance between two lines of text, you can
%doc% increase it using the \texttt{\mylinespread} command in \texttt{main.tex}. By default, it is
%doc% deactivated (set to 100~percent). Modify only with caution since it influences the
%doc% page layout and could lead to ugly looking documents.
%doc% \subsection{Optional: Lines above and below the chapter head}
%doc% This is not quite something typographic but rather a matter of taste.
%doc% \myacro{KOMA} Script offers \href{}{a method to
%doc% add lines above and below chapter head} which is disabled by
%doc% default. If you want to enable this feature, remove corresponding
%doc% comment characters from the settings.
%% Source:
%disabled% %% 1st get a new command
%disabled% \newcommand*{\ORIGchapterheadstartvskip}{}%
%disabled% %% 2nd save the original definition to the new command
%disabled% \let\ORIGchapterheadstartvskip=\chapterheadstartvskip
%disabled% %% 3rd redefine the command using the saved original command
%disabled% \renewcommand*{\chapterheadstartvskip}{%
%disabled% \ORIGchapterheadstartvskip
%disabled% {%
%disabled% \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}%
%disabled% \noindent\color{DispositionColor}\rule[.3\baselineskip]{\linewidth}{1pt}\par
%disabled% }%
%disabled% }
%disabled% %% see above
%disabled% \newcommand*{\ORIGchapterheadendvskip}{}%
%disabled% \let\ORIGchapterheadendvskip=\chapterheadendvskip
%disabled% \renewcommand*{\chapterheadendvskip}{%
%disabled% {%
%disabled% \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}%
%disabled% \noindent\color{DispositionColor}\rule[.3\baselineskip]{\linewidth}{1pt}\par
%disabled% }%
%disabled% \ORIGchapterheadendvskip
%disabled% }
%doc% \subsection{Optional: Chapter thumbs}
%doc% This is not quite something typographic but rather a matter of taste.
%doc% \myacro{KOMA} Script offers \href{}{a method to
%doc% add chapter thumbs} (in combination with the package \texttt{scrpage2}) which is disabled by
%doc% default. If you want to enable this feature, remove corresponding
%doc% comment characters from the settings.
%disabled% % Safty first
%disabled% \@ifundefined{chapter}{\let\chapter\undefined
%disabled% \chapter must be defined to use chapter thumbs!}{%
%disabled% % Two new commands for the width and height of the boxes with the
%disabled% % chapter number at the thumbs (use of commands instead of lengths
%disabled% % for sparing registers)
%disabled% \newcommand*{\chapterthumbwidth}{2em}
%disabled% \newcommand*{\chapterthumbheight}{1em}
%disabled% % Two new commands for the colors of the box background and the
%disabled% % chapter numbers of the thumbs
%disabled% \newcommand*{\chapterthumbboxcolor}{black}
%disabled% \newcommand*{\chapterthumbtextcolor}{white}
%disabled% % New command to set a chapter thumb. I'm using a group at this
%disabled% % command, because I'm changing the temporary dimension \@tempdima
%disabled% \newcommand*{\putchapterthumb}{%
%disabled% \begingroup
%disabled% \Large
%disabled% % calculate the horizontal possition of the right paper border
%disabled% % (I ignore \hoffset, because I interprete \hoffset moves the page
%disabled% % at the paper e.g. if you are using cropmarks)
%disabled% \setlength{\@tempdima}{\@oddheadshift}% (internal from scrpage2)
%disabled% \setlength{\@tempdima}{-\@tempdima}%
%disabled% \addtolength{\@tempdima}{\paperwidth}%
%disabled% \addtolength{\@tempdima}{-\oddsidemargin}%
%disabled% \addtolength{\@tempdima}{-1in}%
%disabled% % putting the thumbs should not change the horizontal
%disabled% % possition
%disabled% \rlap{%
%disabled% % move to the calculated horizontal possition
%disabled% \hspace*{\@tempdima}%
%disabled% % putting the thumbs should not change the vertical
%disabled% % possition
%disabled% \vbox to 0pt{%
%disabled% % calculate the vertical possition of the thumbs (I ignore
%disabled% % \voffset for the same reasons told above)
%disabled% \setlength{\@tempdima}{\chapterthumbwidth}%
%disabled% \multiply\@tempdima by\value{chapter}%
%disabled% \addtolength{\@tempdima}{-\chapterthumbwidth}%
%disabled% \addtolength{\@tempdima}{-\baselineskip}%
%disabled% % move to the calculated vertical possition
%disabled% \vspace*{\@tempdima}%
%disabled% % put the thumbs left so the current horizontal possition
%disabled% \llap{%
%disabled% % and rotate them
%disabled% \rotatebox{90}{\colorbox{\chapterthumbboxcolor}{%
%disabled% \parbox[c][\chapterthumbheight][c]{\chapterthumbwidth}{%
%disabled% \centering
%disabled% \textcolor{\chapterthumbtextcolor}{%
%disabled% \strut\thechapter}\\
%disabled% }%
%disabled% }%
%disabled% }%
%disabled% }%
%disabled% % avoid overfull \vbox messages
%disabled% \vss
%disabled% }%
%disabled% }%
%disabled% \endgroup
%disabled% }
%disabled% % New command, which works like \lohead but also puts the thumbs (you
%disabled% % cannot use \ihead with this definition but you may change this, if
%disabled% % you use more internal scrpage2 commands)
%disabled% \newcommand*{\loheadwithchapterthumbs}[2][]{%
%disabled% \lohead[\putchapterthumb#1]{\putchapterthumb#2}%
%disabled% }
%disabled% % initial use
%disabled% \loheadwithchapterthumbs{}
%disabled% \pagestyle{scrheadings}
%disabled% }
%%%% END
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% mode: auto-fill
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "en_US")
%%% TeX-master: "../main"
%%% End:
%% vim:foldmethod=expr
%% vim:fde=getline(v\:lnum)=~'^%%%%'?0\:getline(v\:lnum)=~'^%doc.*\ .\\%(sub\\)\\?section{.\\+'?'>1'\:'1':