Fork 0

Luftsruck hinzugefügt

alle Dateien daran angepasst (dygraph, export.sh, Gnuplot)
This commit is contained in:
Findus23 2014-01-24 16:36:39 +01:00
parent 7e0edb6906
commit c838547a61
11 changed files with 483 additions and 464 deletions

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ set format x "%d.%m %H:%M"
set grid #Gitter anzeigen
set title "Raspberry Pi" #Überschrift
set ylabel 'Temperatur (°C)'
set ylabel 'relative Luftfeuchtigkeit (%)'
set y2label 'relative Luftfeuchtigkeit (%)'
#set xlabel 'Zeit'
set y2tics # Zahlen auch auf 2. y-Achse
@ -17,10 +17,21 @@ plot "/var/www/gnuplot/daten_gnuplot.txt" using 1:3 title 'Innentemperatur 1' w
"/var/www/gnuplot/daten_gnuplot.txt" using 1:5 title 'Außentemperatur' with lines axes x1y1, \
"/var/www/gnuplot/daten_gnuplot.txt" using 1:6 title 'Temperatur Luft' with lines axes x1y1, \
"/var/www/gnuplot/daten_gnuplot.txt" using 1:7 title 'Luftfeuchtigkeit' with lines axes x1y2, \
"/var/www/gnuplot/daten_gnuplot.txt" using 1:8 title 'Prozessor' with lines axes x1y1
"/var/www/gnuplot/daten_gnuplot.txt" using 1:9 title 'Temperatur (Druck)' with lines axes x1y1
set terminal svg size 1200,800
set output "/var/www/gnuplot/gnuplot.svg"
set terminal png size 1200,800
set output "/var/www/gnuplot/gnuplot.png"
set ylabel 'Luftdruck (hPa)'
set y2label 'Temperatur (°C)'
plot "/var/www/gnuplot/daten_gnuplot.txt" using 1:8 title 'Luftdruck' with lines axes x1y1, \
"/var/www/gnuplot/daten_gnuplot.txt" using 1:10 title 'Prozessor' with lines axes x1y2
set terminal svg size 1200,800
set output "/var/www/gnuplot/druck.svg"
set terminal png size 1200,800
set output "/var/www/gnuplot/druck.png"

Fremddateien/Adafruit_BMP085.py Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
import time
from Adafruit_I2C import Adafruit_I2C
# ===========================================================================
# BMP085 Class
# ===========================================================================
class BMP085 :
i2c = None
# Operating Modes
__BMP085_HIGHRES = 2
# BMP085 Registers
__BMP085_CAL_AC1 = 0xAA # R Calibration data (16 bits)
__BMP085_CAL_AC2 = 0xAC # R Calibration data (16 bits)
__BMP085_CAL_AC3 = 0xAE # R Calibration data (16 bits)
__BMP085_CAL_AC4 = 0xB0 # R Calibration data (16 bits)
__BMP085_CAL_AC5 = 0xB2 # R Calibration data (16 bits)
__BMP085_CAL_AC6 = 0xB4 # R Calibration data (16 bits)
__BMP085_CAL_B1 = 0xB6 # R Calibration data (16 bits)
__BMP085_CAL_B2 = 0xB8 # R Calibration data (16 bits)
__BMP085_CAL_MB = 0xBA # R Calibration data (16 bits)
__BMP085_CAL_MC = 0xBC # R Calibration data (16 bits)
__BMP085_CAL_MD = 0xBE # R Calibration data (16 bits)
__BMP085_CONTROL = 0xF4
__BMP085_TEMPDATA = 0xF6
# Private Fields
_cal_AC1 = 0
_cal_AC2 = 0
_cal_AC3 = 0
_cal_AC4 = 0
_cal_AC5 = 0
_cal_AC6 = 0
_cal_B1 = 0
_cal_B2 = 0
_cal_MB = 0
_cal_MC = 0
_cal_MD = 0
# Constructor
def __init__(self, address=0x77, mode=1, debug=False):
self.i2c = Adafruit_I2C(address)
self.address = address
self.debug = debug
# Make sure the specified mode is in the appropriate range
if ((mode < 0) | (mode > 3)):
if (self.debug):
print "Invalid Mode: Using STANDARD by default"
self.mode = self.__BMP085_STANDARD
self.mode = mode
# Read the calibration data
def readS16(self, register):
"Reads a signed 16-bit value"
hi = self.i2c.readS8(register)
lo = self.i2c.readU8(register+1)
return (hi << 8) + lo
def readU16(self, register):
"Reads an unsigned 16-bit value"
hi = self.i2c.readU8(register)
lo = self.i2c.readU8(register+1)
return (hi << 8) + lo
def readCalibrationData(self):
"Reads the calibration data from the IC"
self._cal_AC1 = self.readS16(self.__BMP085_CAL_AC1) # INT16
self._cal_AC2 = self.readS16(self.__BMP085_CAL_AC2) # INT16
self._cal_AC3 = self.readS16(self.__BMP085_CAL_AC3) # INT16
self._cal_AC4 = self.readU16(self.__BMP085_CAL_AC4) # UINT16
self._cal_AC5 = self.readU16(self.__BMP085_CAL_AC5) # UINT16
self._cal_AC6 = self.readU16(self.__BMP085_CAL_AC6) # UINT16
self._cal_B1 = self.readS16(self.__BMP085_CAL_B1) # INT16
self._cal_B2 = self.readS16(self.__BMP085_CAL_B2) # INT16
self._cal_MB = self.readS16(self.__BMP085_CAL_MB) # INT16
self._cal_MC = self.readS16(self.__BMP085_CAL_MC) # INT16
self._cal_MD = self.readS16(self.__BMP085_CAL_MD) # INT16
if (self.debug):
def showCalibrationData(self):
"Displays the calibration values for debugging purposes"
print "DBG: AC1 = %6d" % (self._cal_AC1)
print "DBG: AC2 = %6d" % (self._cal_AC2)
print "DBG: AC3 = %6d" % (self._cal_AC3)
print "DBG: AC4 = %6d" % (self._cal_AC4)
print "DBG: AC5 = %6d" % (self._cal_AC5)
print "DBG: AC6 = %6d" % (self._cal_AC6)
print "DBG: B1 = %6d" % (self._cal_B1)
print "DBG: B2 = %6d" % (self._cal_B2)
print "DBG: MB = %6d" % (self._cal_MB)
print "DBG: MC = %6d" % (self._cal_MC)
print "DBG: MD = %6d" % (self._cal_MD)
def readRawTemp(self):
"Reads the raw (uncompensated) temperature from the sensor"
self.i2c.write8(self.__BMP085_CONTROL, self.__BMP085_READTEMPCMD)
time.sleep(0.005) # Wait 5ms
raw = self.readU16(self.__BMP085_TEMPDATA)
if (self.debug):
print "DBG: Raw Temp: 0x%04X (%d)" % (raw & 0xFFFF, raw)
return raw
def readRawPressure(self):
"Reads the raw (uncompensated) pressure level from the sensor"
self.i2c.write8(self.__BMP085_CONTROL, self.__BMP085_READPRESSURECMD + (self.mode << 6))
if (self.mode == self.__BMP085_ULTRALOWPOWER):
elif (self.mode == self.__BMP085_HIGHRES):
elif (self.mode == self.__BMP085_ULTRAHIGHRES):
msb = self.i2c.readU8(self.__BMP085_PRESSUREDATA)
lsb = self.i2c.readU8(self.__BMP085_PRESSUREDATA+1)
xlsb = self.i2c.readU8(self.__BMP085_PRESSUREDATA+2)
raw = ((msb << 16) + (lsb << 8) + xlsb) >> (8 - self.mode)
if (self.debug):
print "DBG: Raw Pressure: 0x%04X (%d)" % (raw & 0xFFFF, raw)
return raw
def readTemperature(self):
"Gets the compensated temperature in degrees celcius"
UT = 0
X1 = 0
X2 = 0
B5 = 0
temp = 0.0
# Read raw temp before aligning it with the calibration values
UT = self.readRawTemp()
X1 = ((UT - self._cal_AC6) * self._cal_AC5) >> 15
X2 = (self._cal_MC << 11) / (X1 + self._cal_MD)
B5 = X1 + X2
temp = ((B5 + 8) >> 4) / 10.0
if (self.debug):
print "DBG: Calibrated temperature = %f C" % temp
return temp
def readPressure(self):
"Gets the compensated pressure in pascal"
UT = 0
UP = 0
B3 = 0
B5 = 0
B6 = 0
X1 = 0
X2 = 0
X3 = 0
p = 0
B4 = 0
B7 = 0
UT = self.readRawTemp()
UP = self.readRawPressure()
# You can use the datasheet values to test the conversion results
# dsValues = True
dsValues = False
if (dsValues):
UT = 27898
UP = 23843
self._cal_AC6 = 23153
self._cal_AC5 = 32757
self._cal_MB = -32768;
self._cal_MC = -8711
self._cal_MD = 2868
self._cal_B1 = 6190
self._cal_B2 = 4
self._cal_AC3 = -14383
self._cal_AC2 = -72
self._cal_AC1 = 408
self._cal_AC4 = 32741
self.mode = self.__BMP085_ULTRALOWPOWER
if (self.debug):
# True Temperature Calculations
X1 = ((UT - self._cal_AC6) * self._cal_AC5) >> 15
X2 = (self._cal_MC << 11) / (X1 + self._cal_MD)
B5 = X1 + X2
if (self.debug):
print "DBG: X1 = %d" % (X1)
print "DBG: X2 = %d" % (X2)
print "DBG: B5 = %d" % (B5)
print "DBG: True Temperature = %.2f C" % (((B5 + 8) >> 4) / 10.0)
# Pressure Calculations
B6 = B5 - 4000
X1 = (self._cal_B2 * (B6 * B6) >> 12) >> 11
X2 = (self._cal_AC2 * B6) >> 11
X3 = X1 + X2
B3 = (((self._cal_AC1 * 4 + X3) << self.mode) + 2) / 4
if (self.debug):
print "DBG: B6 = %d" % (B6)
print "DBG: X1 = %d" % (X1)
print "DBG: X2 = %d" % (X2)
print "DBG: X3 = %d" % (X3)
print "DBG: B3 = %d" % (B3)
X1 = (self._cal_AC3 * B6) >> 13
X2 = (self._cal_B1 * ((B6 * B6) >> 12)) >> 16
X3 = ((X1 + X2) + 2) >> 2
B4 = (self._cal_AC4 * (X3 + 32768)) >> 15
B7 = (UP - B3) * (50000 >> self.mode)
if (self.debug):
print "DBG: X1 = %d" % (X1)
print "DBG: X2 = %d" % (X2)
print "DBG: X3 = %d" % (X3)
print "DBG: B4 = %d" % (B4)
print "DBG: B7 = %d" % (B7)
if (B7 < 0x80000000):
p = (B7 * 2) / B4
p = (B7 / B4) * 2
if (self.debug):
print "DBG: X1 = %d" % (X1)
X1 = (p >> 8) * (p >> 8)
X1 = (X1 * 3038) >> 16
X2 = (-7357 * p) >> 16
if (self.debug):
print "DBG: p = %d" % (p)
print "DBG: X1 = %d" % (X1)
print "DBG: X2 = %d" % (X2)
p = p + ((X1 + X2 + 3791) >> 4)
if (self.debug):
print "DBG: Pressure = %d Pa" % (p)
return p
def readAltitude(self, seaLevelPressure=101325):
"Calculates the altitude in meters"
altitude = 0.0
pressure = float(self.readPressure())
altitude = 44330.0 * (1.0 - pow(pressure / seaLevelPressure, 0.1903))
if (self.debug):
print "DBG: Altitude = %d" % (altitude)
return altitude
return 0

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
from Adafruit_BMP085 import BMP085
# ===========================================================================
# Example Code
# ===========================================================================
# Initialise the BMP085 and use STANDARD mode (default value)
# bmp = BMP085(0x77, debug=True)
bmp = BMP085(0x77)
# To specify a different operating mode, uncomment one of the following:
# bmp = BMP085(0x77, 0) # ULTRALOWPOWER Mode
# bmp = BMP085(0x77, 1) # STANDARD Mode
# bmp = BMP085(0x77, 2) # HIRES Mode
# bmp = BMP085(0x77, 3) # ULTRAHIRES Mode
temp = bmp.readTemperature()
# Read the current barometric pressure level
pressure = bmp.readPressure()
# To calculate altitude based on an estimated mean sea level pressure
# (1013.25 hPa) call the function as follows, but this won't be very accurate
#altitude = bmp.readAltitude()
# To specify a more accurate altitude, enter the correct mean sea level
# pressure level. For example, if the current pressure level is 1023.50 hPa
# enter 102350 since we include two decimal places in the integer value
# altitude = bmp.readAltitude(102350)
print "%.2f; %.2f" % (temp, (pressure / 100.0)) # Temperatur und Luftdruck mit Komma getrennt anzeigen
#print "Altitude: %.2f" % altitude

Fremddateien/Adafruit_I2C.py Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
import smbus
# ===========================================================================
# Adafruit_I2C Class
# ===========================================================================
class Adafruit_I2C :
def getPiRevision():
"Gets the version number of the Raspberry Pi board"
# Courtesy quick2wire-python-api
# https://github.com/quick2wire/quick2wire-python-api
with open('/proc/cpuinfo','r') as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith('Revision'):
return 1 if line.rstrip()[-1] in ['1','2'] else 2
return 0
def getPiI2CBusNumber():
# Gets the I2C bus number /dev/i2c#
return 1 if Adafruit_I2C.getPiRevision() > 1 else 0
def __init__(self, address, busnum=-1, debug=False):
self.address = address
# By default, the correct I2C bus is auto-detected using /proc/cpuinfo
# Alternatively, you can hard-code the bus version below:
# self.bus = smbus.SMBus(0); # Force I2C0 (early 256MB Pi's)
# self.bus = smbus.SMBus(1); # Force I2C1 (512MB Pi's)
self.bus = smbus.SMBus(
busnum if busnum >= 0 else Adafruit_I2C.getPiI2CBusNumber())
self.debug = debug
def reverseByteOrder(self, data):
"Reverses the byte order of an int (16-bit) or long (32-bit) value"
# Courtesy Vishal Sapre
byteCount = len(hex(data)[2:].replace('L','')[::2])
val = 0
for i in range(byteCount):
val = (val << 8) | (data & 0xff)
data >>= 8
return val
def errMsg(self):
print "Error accessing 0x%02X: Check your I2C address" % self.address
return -1
def write8(self, reg, value):
"Writes an 8-bit value to the specified register/address"
self.bus.write_byte_data(self.address, reg, value)
if self.debug:
print "I2C: Wrote 0x%02X to register 0x%02X" % (value, reg)
except IOError, err:
return self.errMsg()
def write16(self, reg, value):
"Writes a 16-bit value to the specified register/address pair"
self.bus.write_word_data(self.address, reg, value)
if self.debug:
print ("I2C: Wrote 0x%02X to register pair 0x%02X,0x%02X" %
(value, reg, reg+1))
except IOError, err:
return self.errMsg()
def writeList(self, reg, list):
"Writes an array of bytes using I2C format"
if self.debug:
print "I2C: Writing list to register 0x%02X:" % reg
print list
self.bus.write_i2c_block_data(self.address, reg, list)
except IOError, err:
return self.errMsg()
def readList(self, reg, length):
"Read a list of bytes from the I2C device"
results = self.bus.read_i2c_block_data(self.address, reg, length)
if self.debug:
print ("I2C: Device 0x%02X returned the following from reg 0x%02X" %
(self.address, reg))
print results
return results
except IOError, err:
return self.errMsg()
def readU8(self, reg):
"Read an unsigned byte from the I2C device"
result = self.bus.read_byte_data(self.address, reg)
if self.debug:
print ("I2C: Device 0x%02X returned 0x%02X from reg 0x%02X" %
(self.address, result & 0xFF, reg))
return result
except IOError, err:
return self.errMsg()
def readS8(self, reg):
"Reads a signed byte from the I2C device"
result = self.bus.read_byte_data(self.address, reg)
if result > 127: result -= 256
if self.debug:
print ("I2C: Device 0x%02X returned 0x%02X from reg 0x%02X" %
(self.address, result & 0xFF, reg))
return result
except IOError, err:
return self.errMsg()
def readU16(self, reg):
"Reads an unsigned 16-bit value from the I2C device"
result = self.bus.read_word_data(self.address,reg)
if (self.debug):
print "I2C: Device 0x%02X returned 0x%04X from reg 0x%02X" % (self.address, result & 0xFFFF, reg)
return result
except IOError, err:
return self.errMsg()
def readS16(self, reg):
"Reads a signed 16-bit value from the I2C device"
result = self.bus.read_word_data(self.address,reg)
if (self.debug):
print "I2C: Device 0x%02X returned 0x%04X from reg 0x%02X" % (self.address, result & 0xFFFF, reg)
return result
except IOError, err:
return self.errMsg()
if __name__ == '__main__':
bus = Adafruit_I2C(address=0)
print "Default I2C bus is accessible"
print "Error accessing default I2C bus"

View file

@ -23,11 +23,15 @@
{ showRoller: true, //Möglichkeit zum Runden anzeigen
animatedZooms: true,
// dateWindow: [ Date.parse("2012/09/29 12:00:00"),Date.parse("2013/11/10 12:00:00") ], //Start- und Endzeitraum
labels: ["Zeit", "Innentemperatur 1", "Innentemperatur 2", "Außentemperatur", "Temperatur Luft", "Luftfeuchtigkeit", "Prozessor"],
labels: ["Zeit", "Innentemperatur 1", "Innentemperatur 2", "Außentemperatur", "Temperatur (Luft)", "Luftfeuchtigkeit", "Luftdruck", "Temperatur (Druck)", "Prozessor"],
labelsDiv: document.getElementById("Legende"), //Legende in einem bestimmten DIV anzeigen
'Luftfeuchtigkeit': { //eigene y-Achse für Luftfeuchtigkeit
axis: { valueRange: [1, 99],
independentTicks: true
// 'Luftfeuchtigkeit': { //eigene y-Achse für Luftfeuchtigkeit
// axis: { valueRange: [1, 99],
// independentTicks: true
// }
// },
'Luftdruck': { //eigene y-Achse für Luftfeuchtigkeit
axis: { independentTicks: true
ylabel: 'Temperatur (°C)',

View file

@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
19:25:06 24.812 24.750
19:25:20 24.812 24.750
19:25:31 24.812 24.750
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19:39:51 24.750 24.687
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20:21:48 25.125 25.125
20:22:01 25.125 25.125

View file

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ def lcd_byte(bits, mode):
#Beginn der Ergaenzung
main() # Initialisierung
Seiten = 7 # hier kann man die Anzahl der Seiten ändern
Seiten = 9 # hier kann man die Anzahl der Seiten ändern
while True: # endlos wiederholen
Seite = 1 # von Vorne zu zählen beginnen
while Seite <= Seiten: # so lange durchlaufen bis man bei der letzten Seite angekommen ist -> dann von vorne beginnen

View file

@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
2014/01/17 19:25:06,24.812,24.750,6.000,24.8,32.5,54.1
2014/01/17 19:25:20,24.812,24.750,6.000,24.7,33.1,54.1
2014/01/17 19:25:31,24.812,24.750,5.937,24.8,32.4,54.1
2014/01/17 19:25:43,24.812,24.750,5.875,24.8,32.4,54.1
2014/01/17 19:25:55,24.812,24.750,5.812,24.8,32.4,53.5
2014/01/17 19:26:06,24.812,24.812,5.750,24.8,32.4,54.1
2014/01/17 19:26:18,24.812,24.812,5.812,24.8,32.5,54.1
2014/01/17 19:26:29,24.812,24.812,5.812,24.8,32.5,54.1
2014/01/17 19:26:42,24.812,24.750,5.812,24.8,33.0,54.1
2014/01/17 19:26:53,24.812,24.750,5.812,24.8,32.4,54.1
2014/01/17 19:27:05,24.812,24.750,5.812,24.8,32.5,54.1
2014/01/17 19:27:17,24.750,24.750,5.812,24.7,33.2,53.5
2014/01/17 19:27:29,24.812,24.750,5.875,24.7,33.2,54.1
2014/01/17 19:27:41,24.812,24.750,5.875,24.7,32.6,54.1
2014/01/17 19:27:53,24.812,24.750,5.875,24.7,33.3,54.1
2014/01/17 19:28:04,24.812,24.812,5.875,24.7,32.7,54.1
2014/01/17 19:28:16,24.812,24.812,5.937,24.7,32.7,54.1
2014/01/17 19:28:28,24.812,24.750,5.750,24.7,32.7,53.5
2014/01/17 19:28:40,24.812,24.750,5.687,24.7,33.3,54.1
2014/01/17 19:28:51,24.750,24.750,5.687,24.7,32.6,54.1
2014/01/17 19:29:03,24.750,24.750,5.687,24.7,32.6,53.5
2014/01/17 19:29:15,24.750,24.750,5.687,24.6,33.1,53.5
2014/01/17 19:29:27,24.750,24.750,5.625,24.7,32.5,54.1
2014/01/17 19:29:39,24.750,24.750,5.812,24.6,32.4,54.1
2014/01/17 19:29:51,24.750,24.750,5.875,24.6,33.0,54.1
2014/01/17 19:30:02,24.750,24.750,5.625,24.6,32.4,53.5
2014/01/17 19:30:15,24.750,24.750,5.500,24.6,33.0,54.1
2014/01/17 19:30:26,24.750,24.750,5.500,24.6,32.4,53.5
2014/01/17 19:30:38,24.750,24.750,5.500,24.6,33.0,53.5
2014/01/17 19:30:50,24.750,24.750,5.500,24.6,32.4,53.5
2014/01/17 19:31:01,24.750,24.750,5.625,24.6,32.4,54.1
2014/01/17 19:31:13,24.750,24.687,5.625,24.6,32.4,54.1
2014/01/17 19:31:25,24.750,24.687,5.562,24.6,32.3,54.1
2014/01/17 19:31:37,24.687,24.687,5.500,24.6,33.0,54.1
2014/01/17 19:31:48,24.687,24.750,5.500,24.6,32.4,54.1
2014/01/17 19:32:00,24.687,24.687,5.500,24.6,32.3,54.1
2014/01/17 19:32:12,24.687,24.687,5.437,24.6,32.4,54.1
2014/01/17 19:32:23,24.687,24.687,5.500,24.6,32.4,54.1
2014/01/17 19:32:35,24.687,24.687,5.500,24.5,33.0,54.1
2014/01/17 19:32:47,24.687,24.687,5.500,24.5,32.9,54.1
2014/01/17 19:33:00,24.687,24.687,5.500,24.5,33.0,54.1
2014/01/17 19:33:11,24.687,24.687,5.500,24.6,32.4,53.5
2014/01/17 19:33:23,24.687,24.687,5.437,24.5,33.0,54.1
2014/01/17 19:33:35,24.687,24.687,5.437,24.5,32.3,53.5
2014/01/17 19:33:47,24.687,24.687,5.437,24.5,33.0,54.1
2014/01/17 19:33:59,24.687,24.687,5.500,24.5,32.3,53.5
2014/01/17 19:34:11,24.687,24.687,5.625,24.5,32.4,53.5
2014/01/17 19:34:22,24.687,24.687,5.625,24.5,32.4,53.5
2014/01/17 19:34:34,24.625,24.625,5.625,24.5,32.4,53.5
2014/01/17 19:34:45,24.625,24.625,5.750,24.5,32.3,54.1
2014/01/17 19:34:58,24.625,24.687,5.750,24.5,33.0,54.1
2014/01/17 19:35:09,24.625,24.687,5.812,24.5,32.3,54.1
2014/01/17 19:35:21,24.625,24.687,5.750,24.5,32.3,54.1
2014/01/17 19:35:33,24.625,24.687,5.812,24.5,33.0,53.5
2014/01/17 19:35:45,24.625,24.687,5.875,24.5,32.3,54.1
2014/01/17 19:35:57,24.625,24.625,5.937,24.5,33.0,53.5
2014/01/17 19:36:09,24.625,24.625,5.937,24.5,32.4,53.5
2014/01/17 19:36:20,24.625,24.625,5.875,24.5,32.3,54.1
2014/01/17 19:36:32,24.625,24.625,5.750,24.5,32.3,54.1
2014/01/17 19:36:45,24.625,24.625,5.812,24.5,33.0,54.1
2014/01/17 19:36:57,24.625,24.625,5.875,24.4,32.8,54.1
2014/01/17 19:37:08,24.625,24.625,5.875,24.5,32.3,54.1
2014/01/17 19:37:20,24.625,24.625,5.875,24.5,32.4,53.5
2014/01/17 19:37:32,24.625,24.625,5.937,24.4,32.9,53.5
2014/01/17 19:37:44,24.625,24.625,5.875,24.5,32.4,53.5
2014/01/17 19:37:56,24.625,24.625,5.937,24.5,32.3,54.1
2014/01/17 19:38:07,24.562,24.625,6.000,24.5,32.4,54.1
2014/01/17 19:38:19,24.625,24.625,6.000,24.5,32.4,54.1
2014/01/17 19:38:30,24.625,24.625,6.000,24.5,32.5,54.1
2014/01/17 19:38:42,24.625,24.625,6.062,24.5,32.5,54.1
2014/01/17 19:38:53,24.625,24.625,6.125,24.5,32.6,54.1
2014/01/17 19:39:05,24.625,24.625,6.062,24.5,32.6,54.1
2014/01/17 19:39:17,24.625,24.625,6.000,24.6,34.6,54.1
2014/01/17 19:39:28,24.625,24.625,6.062,24.6,33.5,54.1
2014/01/17 19:39:40,24.625,24.625,6.000,24.6,33.0,53.5
2014/01/17 19:39:51,24.750,24.687,6.062,24.8,58.8,53.5
2014/01/17 19:40:03,24.750,24.687,6.125,24.8,40.8,54.1
2014/01/17 19:40:15,24.750,24.687,6.125,24.8,35.5,54.6
2014/01/17 19:40:28,24.750,24.687,6.125,24.9,78.1,54.1
2014/01/17 19:40:40,24.812,24.687,6.125,25.3,96.1,54.1
2014/01/17 19:40:51,24.812,24.750,6.062,25.3,59.2,54.1
2014/01/17 19:41:04,24.812,24.750,5.937,25.2,41.4,53.5
2014/01/17 19:41:19,24.812,24.750,5.937,25.2,36.9,54.1
2014/01/17 19:41:43,24.875,24.750,5.937,25.2,33.3,53.5
2014/01/17 19:41:54,24.875,24.750,5.875,25.2,33.1,54.1
2014/01/17 19:42:06,24.875,24.750,5.875,25.1,33.2,54.1
2014/01/17 19:42:18,24.875,24.812,5.875,25.1,33.6,54.1
2014/01/17 19:42:30,24.875,24.812,5.875,25.1,34.2,54.1
2014/01/17 19:42:41,24.875,24.812,5.875,25.1,33.8,53.5
2014/01/17 19:42:53,24.937,24.812,5.750,25.1,33.1,54.1
2014/01/17 19:43:04,24.937,24.812,5.875,25.1,33.0,54.1
2014/01/17 19:43:18,24.937,24.812,5.875,25.0,33.5,54.1
2014/01/17 19:49:01,24.937,24.875,6.062,24.9,32.9,49.8
2014/01/17 19:49:14,24.937,24.875,6.000,24.9,33.5,50.3
2014/01/17 19:49:27,24.937,24.875,6.000,24.9,33.5,50.3
2014/01/17 19:49:40,24.937,24.875,6.000,24.9,33.6,51.4
2014/01/17 19:49:52,24.937,24.875,6.000,24.9,33.6,50.3
2014/01/17 19:50:04,24.937,24.937,6.000,24.9,32.9,50.8
2014/01/17 19:50:15,24.937,24.875,5.937,24.9,32.9,50.8
2014/01/17 20:11:01,25.062,25.000,6.125,25.1,33.3,54.1
2014/01/17 20:11:12,25.062,25.000,6.125,25.0,33.3,53.5
2014/01/17 20:11:24,25.062,25.000,6.125,25.0,33.3,53.5
2014/01/17 20:11:36,25.062,25.000,6.187,24.9,33.9,54.1
2014/01/17 20:11:48,25.062,25.062,6.187,24.9,33.8,54.6
2014/01/17 20:12:00,25.062,25.062,6.187,25.0,33.2,54.6
2014/01/17 20:12:11,25.062,25.000,6.187,25.0,33.1,54.1
2014/01/17 20:12:23,25.062,25.000,6.187,25.0,33.1,54.1
2014/01/17 20:12:35,25.062,25.000,6.187,25.0,33.3,54.1
2014/01/17 20:12:47,25.062,25.062,6.187,25.0,33.3,53.5
2014/01/17 20:12:58,25.062,25.000,6.125,25.0,33.2,54.1
2014/01/17 20:13:11,25.062,25.062,6.062,25.0,33.8,54.1
2014/01/17 20:13:23,25.062,25.000,6.125,25.0,33.2,54.1
2014/01/17 20:13:34,25.062,25.000,6.125,25.0,33.2,54.1
2014/01/17 20:13:46,25.062,25.062,6.125,25.0,33.2,54.6
2014/01/17 20:13:58,25.062,25.062,6.125,25.0,33.9,54.1
2014/01/17 20:14:11,25.062,25.062,6.187,25.0,33.9,53.5
2014/01/17 20:14:23,25.062,25.062,6.187,25.0,33.9,54.1
2014/01/17 20:14:35,25.062,25.000,6.187,25.0,33.3,54.1
2014/01/17 20:14:46,25.062,25.062,6.250,25.0,33.3,53.5
2014/01/17 20:14:58,25.062,25.000,6.250,25.0,33.3,54.6
2014/01/17 20:15:10,25.062,25.062,6.250,25.0,33.3,54.1
2014/01/17 20:15:21,25.062,25.062,6.250,25.0,33.3,53.5
2014/01/17 20:15:41,25.062,25.062,6.187,25.0,33.3,53.5
2014/01/17 20:15:58,25.062,25.062,6.250,25.0,34.9,54.6
2014/01/17 20:16:10,25.062,25.062,6.312,25.0,34.3,54.1
2014/01/17 20:16:23,25.062,25.062,6.250,25.0,34.4,54.1
2014/01/17 20:16:34,25.125,25.062,6.187,25.0,33.6,54.1
2014/01/17 20:16:46,25.062,25.062,6.187,25.1,33.6,54.1
2014/01/17 20:16:57,25.062,25.062,6.250,25.0,33.9,54.1
2014/01/17 20:17:09,25.062,25.062,6.312,25.0,34.0,54.1
2014/01/17 20:17:21,25.062,25.062,6.312,25.0,34.8,54.1
2014/01/17 20:17:33,25.125,25.062,6.312,25.1,34.1,54.1
2014/01/17 20:20:25,25.125,25.125,6.250,25.0,34.2,54.1
2014/01/17 20:20:36,25.125,25.125,6.187,25.1,33.5,54.1
2014/01/17 20:20:49,25.125,25.125,6.125,25.0,34.3,54.6
2014/01/17 20:21:00,25.125,25.062,6.125,25.0,33.6,54.1
2014/01/17 20:21:12,25.125,25.062,6.187,25.1,33.5,54.1
2014/01/17 20:21:24,25.125,25.125,6.187,25.1,33.6,54.1
2014/01/17 20:21:36,25.125,25.125,6.187,25.0,34.3,54.6
2014/01/17 20:21:48,25.125,25.125,6.187,25.1,34.3,54.1
2014/01/17 20:22:01,25.125,25.125,6.187,25.0,34.3,54.1
1 2014/01/17 19:25:06 24.812 24.750 6.000 24.8 32.5 54.1
2 2014/01/17 19:25:20 24.812 24.750 6.000 24.7 33.1 54.1
3 2014/01/17 19:25:31 24.812 24.750 5.937 24.8 32.4 54.1
4 2014/01/17 19:25:43 24.812 24.750 5.875 24.8 32.4 54.1
5 2014/01/17 19:25:55 24.812 24.750 5.812 24.8 32.4 53.5
6 2014/01/17 19:26:06 24.812 24.812 5.750 24.8 32.4 54.1
7 2014/01/17 19:26:18 24.812 24.812 5.812 24.8 32.5 54.1
8 2014/01/17 19:26:29 24.812 24.812 5.812 24.8 32.5 54.1
9 2014/01/17 19:26:42 24.812 24.750 5.812 24.8 33.0 54.1
10 2014/01/17 19:26:53 24.812 24.750 5.812 24.8 32.4 54.1
11 2014/01/17 19:27:05 24.812 24.750 5.812 24.8 32.5 54.1
12 2014/01/17 19:27:17 24.750 24.750 5.812 24.7 33.2 53.5
13 2014/01/17 19:27:29 24.812 24.750 5.875 24.7 33.2 54.1
14 2014/01/17 19:27:41 24.812 24.750 5.875 24.7 32.6 54.1
15 2014/01/17 19:27:53 24.812 24.750 5.875 24.7 33.3 54.1
16 2014/01/17 19:28:04 24.812 24.812 5.875 24.7 32.7 54.1
17 2014/01/17 19:28:16 24.812 24.812 5.937 24.7 32.7 54.1
18 2014/01/17 19:28:28 24.812 24.750 5.750 24.7 32.7 53.5
19 2014/01/17 19:28:40 24.812 24.750 5.687 24.7 33.3 54.1
20 2014/01/17 19:28:51 24.750 24.750 5.687 24.7 32.6 54.1
21 2014/01/17 19:29:03 24.750 24.750 5.687 24.7 32.6 53.5
22 2014/01/17 19:29:15 24.750 24.750 5.687 24.6 33.1 53.5
23 2014/01/17 19:29:27 24.750 24.750 5.625 24.7 32.5 54.1
24 2014/01/17 19:29:39 24.750 24.750 5.812 24.6 32.4 54.1
25 2014/01/17 19:29:51 24.750 24.750 5.875 24.6 33.0 54.1
26 2014/01/17 19:30:02 24.750 24.750 5.625 24.6 32.4 53.5
27 2014/01/17 19:30:15 24.750 24.750 5.500 24.6 33.0 54.1
28 2014/01/17 19:30:26 24.750 24.750 5.500 24.6 32.4 53.5
29 2014/01/17 19:30:38 24.750 24.750 5.500 24.6 33.0 53.5
30 2014/01/17 19:30:50 24.750 24.750 5.500 24.6 32.4 53.5
31 2014/01/17 19:31:01 24.750 24.750 5.625 24.6 32.4 54.1
32 2014/01/17 19:31:13 24.750 24.687 5.625 24.6 32.4 54.1
33 2014/01/17 19:31:25 24.750 24.687 5.562 24.6 32.3 54.1
34 2014/01/17 19:31:37 24.687 24.687 5.500 24.6 33.0 54.1
35 2014/01/17 19:31:48 24.687 24.750 5.500 24.6 32.4 54.1
36 2014/01/17 19:32:00 24.687 24.687 5.500 24.6 32.3 54.1
37 2014/01/17 19:32:12 24.687 24.687 5.437 24.6 32.4 54.1
38 2014/01/17 19:32:23 24.687 24.687 5.500 24.6 32.4 54.1
39 2014/01/17 19:32:35 24.687 24.687 5.500 24.5 33.0 54.1
40 2014/01/17 19:32:47 24.687 24.687 5.500 24.5 32.9 54.1
41 2014/01/17 19:33:00 24.687 24.687 5.500 24.5 33.0 54.1
42 2014/01/17 19:33:11 24.687 24.687 5.500 24.6 32.4 53.5
43 2014/01/17 19:33:23 24.687 24.687 5.437 24.5 33.0 54.1
44 2014/01/17 19:33:35 24.687 24.687 5.437 24.5 32.3 53.5
45 2014/01/17 19:33:47 24.687 24.687 5.437 24.5 33.0 54.1
46 2014/01/17 19:33:59 24.687 24.687 5.500 24.5 32.3 53.5
47 2014/01/17 19:34:11 24.687 24.687 5.625 24.5 32.4 53.5
48 2014/01/17 19:34:22 24.687 24.687 5.625 24.5 32.4 53.5
49 2014/01/17 19:34:34 24.625 24.625 5.625 24.5 32.4 53.5
50 2014/01/17 19:34:45 24.625 24.625 5.750 24.5 32.3 54.1
51 2014/01/17 19:34:58 24.625 24.687 5.750 24.5 33.0 54.1
52 2014/01/17 19:35:09 24.625 24.687 5.812 24.5 32.3 54.1
53 2014/01/17 19:35:21 24.625 24.687 5.750 24.5 32.3 54.1
54 2014/01/17 19:35:33 24.625 24.687 5.812 24.5 33.0 53.5
55 2014/01/17 19:35:45 24.625 24.687 5.875 24.5 32.3 54.1
56 2014/01/17 19:35:57 24.625 24.625 5.937 24.5 33.0 53.5
57 2014/01/17 19:36:09 24.625 24.625 5.937 24.5 32.4 53.5
58 2014/01/17 19:36:20 24.625 24.625 5.875 24.5 32.3 54.1
59 2014/01/17 19:36:32 24.625 24.625 5.750 24.5 32.3 54.1
60 2014/01/17 19:36:45 24.625 24.625 5.812 24.5 33.0 54.1
61 2014/01/17 19:36:57 24.625 24.625 5.875 24.4 32.8 54.1
62 2014/01/17 19:37:08 24.625 24.625 5.875 24.5 32.3 54.1
63 2014/01/17 19:37:20 24.625 24.625 5.875 24.5 32.4 53.5
64 2014/01/17 19:37:32 24.625 24.625 5.937 24.4 32.9 53.5
65 2014/01/17 19:37:44 24.625 24.625 5.875 24.5 32.4 53.5
66 2014/01/17 19:37:56 24.625 24.625 5.937 24.5 32.3 54.1
67 2014/01/17 19:38:07 24.562 24.625 6.000 24.5 32.4 54.1
68 2014/01/17 19:38:19 24.625 24.625 6.000 24.5 32.4 54.1
69 2014/01/17 19:38:30 24.625 24.625 6.000 24.5 32.5 54.1
70 2014/01/17 19:38:42 24.625 24.625 6.062 24.5 32.5 54.1
71 2014/01/17 19:38:53 24.625 24.625 6.125 24.5 32.6 54.1
72 2014/01/17 19:39:05 24.625 24.625 6.062 24.5 32.6 54.1
73 2014/01/17 19:39:17 24.625 24.625 6.000 24.6 34.6 54.1
74 2014/01/17 19:39:28 24.625 24.625 6.062 24.6 33.5 54.1
75 2014/01/17 19:39:40 24.625 24.625 6.000 24.6 33.0 53.5
76 2014/01/17 19:39:51 24.750 24.687 6.062 24.8 58.8 53.5
77 2014/01/17 19:40:03 24.750 24.687 6.125 24.8 40.8 54.1
78 2014/01/17 19:40:15 24.750 24.687 6.125 24.8 35.5 54.6
79 2014/01/17 19:40:28 24.750 24.687 6.125 24.9 78.1 54.1
80 2014/01/17 19:40:40 24.812 24.687 6.125 25.3 96.1 54.1
81 2014/01/17 19:40:51 24.812 24.750 6.062 25.3 59.2 54.1
82 2014/01/17 19:41:04 24.812 24.750 5.937 25.2 41.4 53.5
83 2014/01/17 19:41:19 24.812 24.750 5.937 25.2 36.9 54.1
84 2014/01/17 19:41:43 24.875 24.750 5.937 25.2 33.3 53.5
85 2014/01/17 19:41:54 24.875 24.750 5.875 25.2 33.1 54.1
86 2014/01/17 19:42:06 24.875 24.750 5.875 25.1 33.2 54.1
87 2014/01/17 19:42:18 24.875 24.812 5.875 25.1 33.6 54.1
88 2014/01/17 19:42:30 24.875 24.812 5.875 25.1 34.2 54.1
89 2014/01/17 19:42:41 24.875 24.812 5.875 25.1 33.8 53.5
90 2014/01/17 19:42:53 24.937 24.812 5.750 25.1 33.1 54.1
91 2014/01/17 19:43:04 24.937 24.812 5.875 25.1 33.0 54.1
92 2014/01/17 19:43:18 24.937 24.812 5.875 25.0 33.5 54.1
93 2014/01/17 19:49:01 24.937 24.875 6.062 24.9 32.9 49.8
94 2014/01/17 19:49:14 24.937 24.875 6.000 24.9 33.5 50.3
95 2014/01/17 19:49:27 24.937 24.875 6.000 24.9 33.5 50.3
96 2014/01/17 19:49:40 24.937 24.875 6.000 24.9 33.6 51.4
97 2014/01/17 19:49:52 24.937 24.875 6.000 24.9 33.6 50.3
98 2014/01/17 19:50:04 24.937 24.937 6.000 24.9 32.9 50.8
99 2014/01/17 19:50:15 24.937 24.875 5.937 24.9 32.9 50.8
100 2014/01/17 20:11:01 25.062 25.000 6.125 25.1 33.3 54.1
101 2014/01/17 20:11:12 25.062 25.000 6.125 25.0 33.3 53.5
102 2014/01/17 20:11:24 25.062 25.000 6.125 25.0 33.3 53.5
103 2014/01/17 20:11:36 25.062 25.000 6.187 24.9 33.9 54.1
104 2014/01/17 20:11:48 25.062 25.062 6.187 24.9 33.8 54.6
105 2014/01/17 20:12:00 25.062 25.062 6.187 25.0 33.2 54.6
106 2014/01/17 20:12:11 25.062 25.000 6.187 25.0 33.1 54.1
107 2014/01/17 20:12:23 25.062 25.000 6.187 25.0 33.1 54.1
108 2014/01/17 20:12:35 25.062 25.000 6.187 25.0 33.3 54.1
109 2014/01/17 20:12:47 25.062 25.062 6.187 25.0 33.3 53.5
110 2014/01/17 20:12:58 25.062 25.000 6.125 25.0 33.2 54.1
111 2014/01/17 20:13:11 25.062 25.062 6.062 25.0 33.8 54.1
112 2014/01/17 20:13:23 25.062 25.000 6.125 25.0 33.2 54.1
113 2014/01/17 20:13:34 25.062 25.000 6.125 25.0 33.2 54.1
114 2014/01/17 20:13:46 25.062 25.062 6.125 25.0 33.2 54.6
115 2014/01/17 20:13:58 25.062 25.062 6.125 25.0 33.9 54.1
116 2014/01/17 20:14:11 25.062 25.062 6.187 25.0 33.9 53.5
117 2014/01/17 20:14:23 25.062 25.062 6.187 25.0 33.9 54.1
118 2014/01/17 20:14:35 25.062 25.000 6.187 25.0 33.3 54.1
119 2014/01/17 20:14:46 25.062 25.062 6.250 25.0 33.3 53.5
120 2014/01/17 20:14:58 25.062 25.000 6.250 25.0 33.3 54.6
121 2014/01/17 20:15:10 25.062 25.062 6.250 25.0 33.3 54.1
122 2014/01/17 20:15:21 25.062 25.062 6.250 25.0 33.3 53.5
123 2014/01/17 20:15:41 25.062 25.062 6.187 25.0 33.3 53.5
124 2014/01/17 20:15:58 25.062 25.062 6.250 25.0 34.9 54.6
125 2014/01/17 20:16:10 25.062 25.062 6.312 25.0 34.3 54.1
126 2014/01/17 20:16:23 25.062 25.062 6.250 25.0 34.4 54.1
127 2014/01/17 20:16:34 25.125 25.062 6.187 25.0 33.6 54.1
128 2014/01/17 20:16:46 25.062 25.062 6.187 25.1 33.6 54.1
129 2014/01/17 20:16:57 25.062 25.062 6.250 25.0 33.9 54.1
130 2014/01/17 20:17:09 25.062 25.062 6.312 25.0 34.0 54.1
131 2014/01/17 20:17:21 25.062 25.062 6.312 25.0 34.8 54.1
132 2014/01/17 20:17:33 25.125 25.062 6.312 25.1 34.1 54.1
133 2014/01/17 20:20:25 25.125 25.125 6.250 25.0 34.2 54.1
134 2014/01/17 20:20:36 25.125 25.125 6.187 25.1 33.5 54.1
135 2014/01/17 20:20:49 25.125 25.125 6.125 25.0 34.3 54.6
136 2014/01/17 20:21:00 25.125 25.062 6.125 25.0 33.6 54.1
137 2014/01/17 20:21:12 25.125 25.062 6.187 25.1 33.5 54.1
138 2014/01/17 20:21:24 25.125 25.125 6.187 25.1 33.6 54.1
139 2014/01/17 20:21:36 25.125 25.125 6.187 25.0 34.3 54.6
140 2014/01/17 20:21:48 25.125 25.125 6.187 25.1 34.3 54.1
141 2014/01/17 20:22:01 25.125 25.125 6.187 25.0 34.3 54.1

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Summe=0
min=$(echo "scale=3; $(grep 't=' /sys/bus/w1/devices/w1_bus_master1/10-00080277abe1/w1_slave | awk -F 't=' '{print $2}') / 1000" | bc -l) # Sowohl Minimum als auch Maximum auf die aktuelle Temperatur setzen
r=0 # Backup-Zahl auf Null setzen
IFS="; " #Spezial-Variable, enthält Trennzeichen zum Trennen von Luftdruck und -temperatur
if [ $1 ]
case "$1" in
@ -54,6 +55,10 @@ do
luft_temp=$(echo $luft_roh | cut -c 8,9,10,11)
luft_feucht=$(echo $luft_roh | cut -c 23,24,25,26)
druck_roh=$(sudo python Fremddateien/Adafruit_BMP085_auswertung.py)
set -- $druck_roh #Zerlegen mithilfe von IFS (siehe ganz oben)
uhrzeit=$(date +%H:%M:%S)
uhrzeit_dy=$(date +%Y/%m/%d\ %H:%M:%S)
@ -72,27 +77,29 @@ do
#Mathematische Auswertung Ende
echo $ausgabe >>rohdaten.csv
echo $ausgabe_dy >>dygraph.csv
echo "$uhrzeit_dy ,${temp1},${temp2},${temp3},${luft_temp},${luft_feucht},${rasp} " #Ausgabe des aktuellen Wertes im Terminal
sed "s/,/ /g" rohdaten.csv >daten_gnuplot.txt #für Gnuplot die Beistriche durch Leerzeichen ersetzen
echo "Uhrzeit:" >text.txt #Anzeige für Display
echo "$uhrzeit" >>text.txt #Anzeige für Display
echo "Geraetetemp 1" >>text.txt #Anzeige für Display
echo "$temp1" >>text.txt #Anzeige für Display
echo "Geraetetemp 2" >>text.txt #Anzeige für Display
echo "$temp2" >>text.txt #Anzeige für Display
echo "Aussentemperatur" >>text.txt #Anzeige für Display
echo "$temp3" >>text.txt #Anzeige für Display
echo "Temperatur/Luft" >>text.txt #Anzeige für Display
echo "$luft_temp" >>text.txt #Anzeige für Display
echo "Luftfeuchtigkeit" >>text.txt #Anzeige für Display
echo "$luft_feucht" >>text.txt #Anzeige für Display
echo "Prozessor" >>text.txt #Anzeige für Display
echo "$rasp" >>text.txt #Anzeige für Display
echo "$uhrzeit_dy ${temp1},${temp2},${temp3},${luft_temp},${luft_feucht},${druck},${temp_druck},${rasp}" #Ausgabe des aktuellen Wertes im Terminal
# sed "s/,/ /g" dygraph.csv >daten_gnuplot.txt #für Gnuplot die Beistriche durch Leerzeichen ersetzen
echo "Uhrzeit:" >text.txt #Anzeigen für Display
echo "$uhrzeit" >>text.txt
echo "Geraetetemp 1" >>text.txt
echo "$temp1" >>text.txt
echo "Geraetetemp 2" >>text.txt
echo "$temp2" >>text.txt
echo "Aussentemperatur" >>text.txt
echo "$temp3" >>text.txt
echo "Temperatur/Luft" >>text.txt
echo "$luft_temp" >>text.txt
echo "Temp./Druck" >>text.txt
echo "$luft_feucht" >>text.txt
echo "Luftdruck" >>text.txt
echo "$luft_feucht" >>text.txt
echo "Prozessor" >>text.txt
echo "$rasp" >>text.txt
# ./transpose.sh #anderes Skript starten, welches die Daten für Highchart vorbereitet
# gnuplot Einstellungen # Gnuplot starten
# gnuplot Einstellungen.plt # Gnuplot starten
# sudo cp gnuplot.svg ${PFAD}gnuplot.svg # das generierte Bild ...
# sudo cp daten_transformiert.txt ${PFAD}daten_transformiert.txt # ... und die Tabelle für Highchart in den Webordner kopieren
sudo cp dygraph.csv ${PFAD}dygraph.csv

View file

@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
1 19:25:06 24.812 24.750
2 19:25:20 24.812 24.750
3 19:25:31 24.812 24.750
4 19:25:43 24.812 24.750
5 19:25:55 24.812 24.750
6 19:26:06 24.812 24.812
7 19:26:18 24.812 24.812
8 19:26:29 24.812 24.812
9 19:26:42 24.812 24.750
10 19:26:53 24.812 24.750
11 19:27:05 24.812 24.750
12 19:27:17 24.750 24.750
13 19:27:29 24.812 24.750
14 19:27:41 24.812 24.750
15 19:27:53 24.812 24.750
16 19:28:04 24.812 24.812
17 19:28:16 24.812 24.812
18 19:28:28 24.812 24.750
19 19:28:40 24.812 24.750
20 19:28:51 24.750 24.750
21 19:29:03 24.750 24.750
22 19:29:15 24.750 24.750
23 19:29:27 24.750 24.750
24 19:29:38 24.750 24.750
25 19:29:51 24.750 24.750
26 19:30:02 24.750 24.750
27 19:30:15 24.750 24.750
28 19:30:26 24.750 24.750
29 19:30:38 24.750 24.750
30 19:30:50 24.750 24.750
31 19:31:01 24.750 24.750
32 19:31:13 24.750 24.687
33 19:31:25 24.750 24.687
34 19:31:37 24.687 24.687
35 19:31:48 24.687 24.750
36 19:32:00 24.687 24.687
37 19:32:12 24.687 24.687
38 19:32:23 24.687 24.687
39 19:32:35 24.687 24.687
40 19:32:47 24.687 24.687
41 19:33:00 24.687 24.687
42 19:33:11 24.687 24.687
43 19:33:23 24.687 24.687
44 19:33:35 24.687 24.687
45 19:33:47 24.687 24.687
46 19:33:59 24.687 24.687
47 19:34:11 24.687 24.687
48 19:34:22 24.687 24.687
49 19:34:34 24.625 24.625
50 19:34:45 24.625 24.625
51 19:34:58 24.625 24.687
52 19:35:09 24.625 24.687
53 19:35:21 24.625 24.687
54 19:35:33 24.625 24.687
55 19:35:45 24.625 24.687
56 19:35:57 24.625 24.625
57 19:36:09 24.625 24.625
58 19:36:20 24.625 24.625
59 19:36:32 24.625 24.625
60 19:36:45 24.625 24.625
61 19:36:57 24.625 24.625
62 19:37:08 24.625 24.625
63 19:37:20 24.625 24.625
64 19:37:32 24.625 24.625
65 19:37:44 24.625 24.625
66 19:37:56 24.625 24.625
67 19:38:07 24.562 24.625
68 19:38:19 24.625 24.625
69 19:38:30 24.625 24.625
70 19:38:42 24.625 24.625
71 19:38:53 24.625 24.625
72 19:39:05 24.625 24.625
73 19:39:17 24.625 24.625
74 19:39:28 24.625 24.625
75 19:39:40 24.625 24.625
76 19:39:51 24.750 24.687
77 19:40:03 24.750 24.687
78 19:40:15 24.750 24.687
79 19:40:28 24.750 24.687
80 19:40:40 24.812 24.687
81 19:40:51 24.812 24.750
82 19:41:04 24.812 24.750
83 19:41:19 24.812 24.750
84 19:41:43 24.875 24.750
85 19:41:54 24.875 24.750
86 19:42:06 24.875 24.750
87 19:42:18 24.875 24.812
88 19:42:30 24.875 24.812
89 19:42:41 24.875 24.812
90 19:42:53 24.937 24.812
91 19:43:04 24.937 24.812
92 19:43:18 24.937 24.812
93 19:49:01 24.937 24.875
94 19:49:14 24.937 24.875
95 19:49:27 24.937 24.875
96 19:49:40 24.937 24.875
97 19:49:52 24.937 24.875
98 19:50:04 24.937 24.937
99 19:50:15 24.937 24.875
100 20:11:01 25.062 25.000
101 20:11:12 25.062 25.000
102 20:11:24 25.062 25.000
103 20:11:36 25.062 25.000
104 20:11:48 25.062 25.062
105 20:12:00 25.062 25.062
106 20:12:11 25.062 25.000
107 20:12:23 25.062 25.000
108 20:12:35 25.062 25.000
109 20:12:47 25.062 25.062
110 20:12:58 25.062 25.000
111 20:13:11 25.062 25.062
112 20:13:23 25.062 25.000
113 20:13:34 25.062 25.000
114 20:13:46 25.062 25.062
115 20:13:58 25.062 25.062
116 20:14:11 25.062 25.062
117 20:14:23 25.062 25.062
118 20:14:35 25.062 25.000
119 20:14:46 25.062 25.062
120 20:14:58 25.062 25.000
121 20:15:10 25.062 25.062
122 20:15:21 25.062 25.062
123 20:15:41 25.062 25.062
124 20:15:58 25.062 25.062
125 20:16:10 25.062 25.062
126 20:16:23 25.062 25.062
127 20:16:34 25.125 25.062
128 20:16:46 25.062 25.062
129 20:16:57 25.062 25.062
130 20:17:09 25.062 25.062
131 20:17:21 25.062 25.062
132 20:17:33 25.125 25.062
133 20:20:25 25.125 25.125
134 20:20:36 25.125 25.125
135 20:20:49 25.125 25.125
136 20:21:00 25.125 25.062
137 20:21:12 25.125 25.062
138 20:21:24 25.125 25.125
139 20:21:36 25.125 25.125
140 20:21:48 25.125 25.125
141 20:22:01 25.125 25.125

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
Geraetetemp 1
Geraetetemp 2