import json import sys import tempfile from pathlib import Path from subprocess import run from time import sleep import requests import sentry_sdk from peewee import fn import config from models import * def to_rgb_string(r: float, g: float, b: float) -> str: r, g, b = map(int, [r, g, b]) return "{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}".format(r, g, b) cwd = Path(__file__).resolve().parent colorjs = cwd / Path("./web/src/color.js") if config.sentryDSN: client = sentry_sdk.init(dsn=config.sentryDSN) if len(sys.argv) > 1: limit = int(sys.argv[1]) else: limit = 50 query = ( == 0) & (Song.spotify_data == 1) & (Song.image_large.is_null(False)) & (Song.background_color.is_null())) for song in query.order_by(fn.random()).limit(limit): print(song.title) url = song.image_large print(url) if not url: continue r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code == 404: song.spotify_data = None continue with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: tmpdir = Path(tmpdirname) image = tmpdir / "image.jpg" with open(image, 'wb') as fd: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=128): fd.write(chunk) output = run(["node", colorjs, image], capture_output=True) data = json.loads(output.stdout) song.background_color = to_rgb_string(*data["LightVibrant"]["rgb"]) if "LightVibrant" in data else None song.alternative_color = to_rgb_string(*data["DarkVibrant"]["rgb"]) if "DarkVibrant" in data else None song.text_color = to_rgb_string(*data["DarkMuted"]["rgb"]) if "DarkMuted" in data else None print(song.background_color) print(song.alternative_color) print(song.text_color) sleep(5)