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2023-05-28 16:27:45 +02:00

56 lines
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\RequirePackage[l2tabu, orthodox]{nag} % complain about outdated options
% draft, %% produce only a draft version (mark lines that need manual edition and don't show graphics)
bibliography=totoc, % add bibilography to table of contents
10pt, %% set default font size to 10 point
DIV=12, % replace this with a larger number to get less padding around all text (or use calc for the ideal border)
parskip=half, % how much space between paragraphs. If you prefer indention instead of space between paragraphs remove it
twoside, % replace with twoside before printing
BCOR=5mm, %% amount of paper lost in the middle due to binding a book
british, % language of the document
%appendixprefix=true % in case you want Appendix A written in front of appendix headings
\usepackage[ %
colorlinks=true, %% turn on colored links (true is better for on-screen reading, false is better for printout versions)
linkcolor = blue,
bookmarks=true, %% if true, generate PDF bookmarks (requires two passes of pdflatex)
bookmarksopen=false, %% if true, show all PDF bookmarks expanded
bookmarksnumbered=false, %% if true, add the section numbers to the bookmarks
%pdfstartpage={1}, %% determines, on which page the PDF file is opened
% pdfpagemode=None %% None, UseOutlines (=show bookmarks), UseThumbs (show thumbnails), FullScreen
\BLOCK{for day in days}