from django.db import models from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ # Create your models here. from django_tenants.models import DomainMixin from tenant_users.tenants.models import TenantBase from rpg_notes.secrets import DEBUG from utils.languages import full_text_languages_choice from utils.random_filename import get_file_path class Campaign(TenantBase): name = models.CharField(_("Name"), max_length=1000, unique=True) language = models.CharField( _("Language"), max_length=100, choices=full_text_languages_choice, help_text=_("This is needed for the full text search to work optimally.") ) document = models.FileField(_("Document"), upload_to=get_file_path, blank=True, null=True, editable=False) auto_create_schema = True def __str__(self): return def get_absolute_url(self): print(self.get_primary_domain().domain) protocol = "http://" if DEBUG else "https://" return protocol + self.get_primary_domain().domain + (":8000" if DEBUG else "") class Domain(DomainMixin): pass