import math import ads import ads.config import click import peewee import requests from peewee import Model import config from models import Author, Keyword, Publication, Doctype, Paper, PaperAuthors, PaperKeywords, db ads.config.token = config.ads_token @click.version_option('1.0') @click.pass_context def cli(ctx): pass # print("bla") cli = cli # type:click.core.Group @cli.command() def init(): print("initializing") db.create_tables([Author, Keyword, Publication, Doctype, Paper, PaperAuthors, PaperKeywords]) # @cli.command() # @click.argument('file', type=click.Path(exists=True, readable=True)) # @click.option('-p', '--python_file', is_flag=True) # def add(file, python_file): # fo = Files(filename=file, pythonfile=python_file) # # print(file, python_file) # pass @cli.command() @click.argument("search_query") @click.option("-a", "--author") @click.option("-t", "--title") def add(search_query, author, title): fl = ['id', 'author', 'first_author', 'bibcode', 'id', 'year', 'title', 'abstract', 'doi', 'pubdate', "pub", "doctype", "identifier"] if author: search_query += "author:" + author if title: search_query += "title:" + title papers = list(ads.SearchQuery(q=search_query, fl=fl)) if len(papers) == 0: selection = exit() elif len(papers) == 1: selection = papers[0] # else: # first_ten = itertools.islice(papers, 10) first_ten = papers[:10] single_paper: for index, single_paper in enumerate(first_ten): print(index, single_paper.title[0]) selected_index = click.prompt('select paper', type=int) selection = papers[selected_index] # assert len(selection.doi) == 1 doi = selection.doi[0] try: paper = Paper.get(Paper.doi == doi) print("this paper has already been added") exit(1) except peewee.DoesNotExist: pass print("fetching bibcode") q = ads.ExportQuery([selection.bibcode]) bibtex = q.execute() print("saving in db") paper = Paper() assert len(selection.title) == 1 paper.doi = doi paper.title = selection.title[0] paper.abstract = selection.abstract paper.bibcode = selection.bibcode paper.year = selection.year paper.pubdate = selection.pubdate paper.pdf_downloaded = False authors = [Author.get_or_create(name=name)[0] for name in] paper.first_author = Author.get_or_create(name=selection.first_author)[0] paper.publication = Publication.get_or_create([0] paper.doctype = Doctype.get_or_create(name=selection.doctype)[0] paper.arxiv_identifier = [ident for ident in selection.identifier if "arXiv:" in ident][0].split("arXiv:")[-1] paper.bibtex = bibtex for author in db.batch_commit(authors, 100): PaperAuthors.create(author=author, paper=paper) print("fetching PDF") arxiv_url = "{id}".format(id=paper.arxiv_identifier) r = requests.get(arxiv_url, stream=True) print(arxiv_url) with open('library/{filename}.pdf'.format(, 'wb') as f: chunk_size = 1024 # bytes file_size = int(r.headers.get('content-length', 0)) progress_length = math.ceil(file_size // chunk_size) with click.progressbar(r.iter_content(chunk_size=20), length=progress_length) as progress_chunks: for chunk in progress_chunks: f.write(chunk) paper.pdf_downloaded = True if __name__ == '__main__': cli()