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2013-12-30 10:25:44 +01:00

200 lines
6 KiB

1 6 days
2 6 years
3 13 solar masses
4 3 AU
5 3 no
6 3 yes
7 3 low
8 6 medium
9 4 high
10 0
11 33 Integration parameters
12 33 ----------------------
13 14 Algorithm:
14 38 Second-order mixed-variable symplectic
15 24 Bulirsch-Stoer (general)
16 37 Bulirsch-Stoer (conservative systems)
17 16 15th-order RADAU
18 0
19 0
20 0
21 0
22 5 Test
23 48 Hybrid symplectic integrator (mixed coordinates)
24 44 Hybrid symplectic (close binary coordinates)
25 43 Hybrid symplectic (wide binary coordinates)
26 32 Integration start epoch:
27 32 Integration stop epoch:
28 32 Output interval:
29 32 Element origin:
30 31 Initial timestep:
31 36 Accuracy parameter:
32 36 Central mass:
33 36 J_2:
34 36 J_4:
35 36 J_6:
36 36 Ejection distance:
37 36 Radius of central body:
38 29 Number of Big bodies:
39 29 Number of Small bodies:
40 37 Output precision:
41 40 Includes collisions:
42 40 Includes fragmentation:
43 0
44 0
45 40 Includes relativity:
46 40 Includes user-defined force routine:
47 10 barycentre
48 12 central body
49 0
50 0
51 30 Integration details
52 30 -------------------
53 29 Initial energy:
54 29 Initial angular momentum:
55 65 Integrating massive bodies and particles up to the same epoch.
56 34 Beginning the main integration.
57 24 Integration complete.
58 48 Fractional energy change due to integrator:
59 48 Fractional angular momentum change:
60 57 Fractional energy change due to collisions/ejections:
61 57 Fractional angular momentum change:
62 47 Continuing integration from dump files at
63 6 Time:
64 6 Date:
65 9 dE/E:
66 9 dL/L:
67 35 collided with the central body at
68 12 ejected at
69 12 was hit by
70 34 removed due to an encounter with
71 4 at
72 26 solar masses AU^2 day^-2
73 26 solar masses AU^2 day^-1
74 36 lost mass due to rotational breakup
75 24 removed due to small a
76 0
77 0
78 0
79 0
80 0
81 8 ERROR:
82 49 Modify and recompile Mercury.
83 62 Check the file containing initial data for Big bodies.
84 64 Check the file containing initial data for Small bodies.
85 57 Check the file containing integration parameters.
86 22 Check
87 27 This file already exists:
88 34 This file is needed to continue:
89 30 This filename is duplicated:
90 40 The total number of bodies exceeds NMAX.
91 68 Data style on first line must be Cartesian, Asteroidal or Cometary
92 68 You cannot integrate non-gravitational forces using this algorithm.
93 64 You cannot integrate a user-defined force using this algorithm.
94 64 You cannot integrate massive Small bodies using this algorithm.
95 66 Massive Small bodies must have the same epoch as the Big bodies.
96 49 Check character implies input file is corrupted.
97 62 Mass, density, encounter limit must be >= 0 for this object:
98 46 This integration algorithm is not available:
99 50 A problem occurred reading the parameter on line
100 50 A problem occurred reading data for this object:
101 56 A problem occured reading the epoch for the Big bodies.
102 67 You cannot use non-zero J2,J4,J6 using the close-binary algorithm.
103 34 Two objects both have this name:
104 36 is corrupted at line number:
105 42 Central-body radius exceeds maximum radius.
106 68 Maximum/Central radius is large. Output precision will be degraded.
107 58 Coordinate origin must be Central, Barycentric or Jacobi.
108 0
109 0
110 0
111 0
112 0
113 0
114 0
115 0
116 0
117 0
118 0
119 0
120 0
121 10 WARNING:
122 53 Truncating the name of this object to 8 characters:
123 30 Main integration is backwards.
124 26 No Big bodies are present.
125 28 No Small bodies are present.
126 50 Stopping integration due to an encounter between
127 45 Throwing this object into the central body:
128 42 Setting output threshhold DA to infinity.
129 42 Setting output threshhold DE to infinity.
130 42 Setting output threshhold DI to infinity.
131 43 Increasing the radius of the central body.
132 56 Total number of current close encounters exceeds CMAX.
133 0
134 0
135 0
136 0
137 0
138 0
139 0
140 0
141 0
142 0
143 0
144 0
145 0
146 0
147 0
148 0
149 0
150 0
151 67 )O+_05 Integration parameters (WARNING: Do not delete this line!!)
152 66 )O+_05 Big-body initial data (WARNING: Do not delete this line!!)
153 68 )O+_05 Small-body initial data (WARNING: Do not delete this line!!)
154 39 ) Lines beginning with `)' are ignored.
155 70 )---------------------------------------------------------------------
156 43 style (Cartesian, Asteroidal, Cometary) =
157 20 epoch (in days) =
158 35 ) Important integration parameters:
159 48 algorithm (MVS, BS, BS2, RADAU, HYBRID etc) =
160 21 start time (days) =
161 20 stop time (days) =
162 26 output interval (days) =
163 19 timestep (days) =
164 22 accuracy parameter =
165 22 ) Integration options:
166 44 stop integration after a close encounter =
167 29 allow collisions to occur =
168 37 include collisional fragmentation =
169 33 express time in days or years =
170 51 express time relative to integration start time =
171 20 output precision =
172 24 < Not used at present >
173 37 include relativity in integration =
174 30 include user-defined force =
175 52 ) These parameters do not need to be adjusted often:
176 26 ejection distance (AU) =
177 31 radius of central body (AU) =
178 31 central mass (solar masses) =
179 14 central J2 =
180 14 central J4 =
181 14 central J6 =
182 24 < Not used at present >
183 24 < Not used at present >
184 45 Hybrid integrator changeover (Hill radii) =
185 42 number of timesteps between data dumps =
186 48 number of timesteps between periodic effects =
187 41 origin (Central, Barycentric, Jacobi) =
188 0
189 0
190 0
191 0
192 0
193 0
194 0
195 0
196 0
197 0
198 0
199 0
200 0