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2013-05-13 17:19:37 +02:00

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output_nyx.cc - This file is part of MUSIC -
a code to generate multi-scale initial conditions
for cosmological simulations
Copyright (C) 2010 Oliver Hahn
Copyright (C) 2012 Jan Frederik Engels
#include "../../output.hh"
#include <VisMF.H>
#include <Box.H>
#include <RealBox.H>
#include <ParallelDescriptor.H>
#include <Utility.H>
#include <PArray.H>
#define MAX_GRID_SIZE 32
#define BL_SPACEDIM 3
class nyx_output_plugin : public output_plugin
struct patch_header{
int component_rank;
size_t component_size;
std::vector<int> dimensions;
int rank;
std::vector<int> top_grid_dims;
std::vector<int> top_grid_end;
std::vector<int> top_grid_start;
struct sim_header{
std::vector<int> dimensions;
std::vector<int> offset;
float a_start;
float dx;
float h0;
float omega_b;
float omega_m;
float omega_v;
float vfact;
float boxlength;
int particle_idx;
// struct grid_on_one_level{
// IntVect lo;
// IntVect hi;
// };
int n_data_items;
std::vector<std::string> field_name;
int f_lev;
int gridp;
PArray<MultiFab> mfs;
// std::vector<grid_on_one_level> grids;
std::vector<BoxArray> boxarrays;
std::vector<Box> boxes;
sim_header the_sim_header;
void dump_grid_data(int comp, std::string fieldname, const grid_hierarchy& gh, double factor = 1.0, double add = 0.0 )
std::cout << fieldname << " is dumped... to mf index " << comp << std::endl;
//FIXME adapt for multiple levels!
for(int mlevel=levelmin_; mlevel<=levelmax_; ++mlevel )
int blevel = mlevel-levelmin_;
std::vector<int> ng;
ng.push_back( gh.get_grid(mlevel)->size(0) );
ng.push_back( gh.get_grid(mlevel)->size(1) );
ng.push_back( gh.get_grid(mlevel)->size(2) );
std::cout << ng[0] << " " << ng[1] << " " << ng[2] << std::endl;
//write data to mf
for(MFIter mfi(mfs[blevel]); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {
FArrayBox &myFab = mfs[blevel][mfi];
const int *fab_lo = mfi.validbox().loVect();
const int *fab_hi = mfi.validbox().hiVect();
int mk = fab_lo[2] - boxes[blevel].smallEnd()[2];
#ifdef OMP
#pragma omp parallel for default(shared)
for (int k = fab_lo[2]; k <= fab_hi[2]; k++, mk++) {
int mj = fab_lo[1] - boxes[blevel].smallEnd()[1];
for (int j = fab_lo[1]; j <= fab_hi[1]; j++, mj++) {
int mi = fab_lo[0] - boxes[blevel].smallEnd()[0];
for (int i = fab_lo[0]; i <= fab_hi[0]; i++, mi++) {
if (mi>=ng[0])
std::cout << "mi (" << mi << ") too large " << ng[0] << std::endl;
if (mj>=ng[1])
std::cout << "mj (" << mj << ") too large " << ng[1] << std::endl;
if (mk>=ng[2])
std::cout << "mk (" << mk << ") too large " << ng[2] << std::endl;
IntVect iv(i,j,k);
double data = ( add + (*gh.get_grid(mlevel))(mi,mj,mk) )*factor;
int idx = myFab.box().index(iv);
myFab.dataPtr(comp)[idx] = data;
// mi++;
// mj++;
// mk++;
} // MFI
// char nyxname[256], filename[256];
// for(unsigned ilevel=levelmin_; ilevel<=levelmax_; ++ilevel )
// {
nyx_output_plugin( config_file& cf )
: output_plugin( cf )
int argc=1;
char **argv;
bool bhave_hydro = cf_.getValue<bool>("setup","baryons");
if (bhave_hydro)
n_data_items = 10;
n_data_items = 6;
if (bhave_hydro)
field_name[0] = "baryon_density";
field_name[1] = "baryon_vel_x";
field_name[2] = "baryon_vel_y";
field_name[3] = "baryon_vel_z";
field_name[4] = "dm_pos_x";
field_name[5] = "dm_pos_y";
field_name[6] = "dm_pos_z";
field_name[7] = "dm_vel_x";
field_name[8] = "dm_vel_y";
field_name[9] = "dm_vel_z";
the_sim_header.particle_idx = 4;
field_name[0] = "dm_pos_x";
field_name[1] = "dm_pos_y";
field_name[2] = "dm_pos_z";
field_name[3] = "dm_vel_x";
field_name[4] = "dm_vel_y";
field_name[5] = "dm_vel_z";
the_sim_header.particle_idx = 0;
f_lev = levelmax_-levelmin_;
std::cout << f_lev+1 << " level" << std::endl;
Array<int> pmap(2);
gridp = 1<<levelmin_;
double off[] = {0, 0, 0};
//at first we do this only for the topgrid...
for(int lev = 0; lev <= f_lev; lev++)
BoxArray domainBoxArray(1);
int mlev = lev+levelmin_;
int fac = (1<<lev);
// off[0] += fac*offx_[lev];
// off[1] += fac*offy_[lev];
// off[2] += fac*offz_[lev];
off[0] += offx_[lev];
off[1] += offy_[lev];
off[2] += offz_[lev];
for (int asdf = 0; asdf < 3; asdf++)
off[asdf] *= 2;
IntVect pdLo(off[0],
IntVect pdHi(off[0]+sizex_[lev]-1,
// pdLo *= (1<<lev);
// pdHi *= (1<<lev);
std::cout << pdLo << std::endl;
std::cout << pdHi << std::endl;
// Start with a probDomain
// IntVect pdLo(0,0,0);
// IntVect pdHi(gridp-1,gridp-1,gridp-1);
Box probDomain(pdLo,pdHi);
// We just have one box since we don't use mpi.
domainBoxArray.set(0, probDomain);
DistributionMapping domainDistMap(pmap);
int ngrow(0);
MultiFab *mf = new MultiFab;
mfs[lev].define(domainBoxArray, n_data_items, ngrow, domainDistMap, Fab_allocate);
// if( mkdir( fname_.c_str(), 0777 ) )
// {
// perror( fname_.c_str() );
// throw std::runtime_error("Error in nyx_output_plugin!");
// }
bool haveblockingfactor = cf.containsKey( "setup", "blocking_factor");
if( !haveblockingfactor )
LOGERR("nyx output plug-in requires that \'blocking_factor\' is set!");
throw std::runtime_error("nyx output plug-in requires that \'blocking_factor\' is set!");
the_sim_header.dimensions.push_back( 1<<levelmin_ );
the_sim_header.dimensions.push_back( 1<<levelmin_ );
the_sim_header.dimensions.push_back( 1<<levelmin_ );
the_sim_header.offset.push_back( 0 );
the_sim_header.offset.push_back( 0 );
the_sim_header.offset.push_back( 0 );
the_sim_header.a_start = 1.0/(1.0+cf.getValue<double>("setup","zstart"));
the_sim_header.dx = cf.getValue<double>("setup","boxlength")/the_sim_header.dimensions[0]/(cf.getValue<double>("cosmology","H0")*0.01); // not sure?!?
the_sim_header.h0 = cf.getValue<double>("cosmology","H0")*0.01;
if( bhave_hydro )
the_sim_header.omega_b = cf.getValue<double>("cosmology","Omega_b");
the_sim_header.omega_b = 0.0;
the_sim_header.omega_m = cf.getValue<double>("cosmology","Omega_m");
the_sim_header.omega_v = cf.getValue<double>("cosmology","Omega_L");
the_sim_header.vfact = cf.getValue<double>("cosmology","vfact")*the_sim_header.h0; //.. need to multiply by h, nyx wants this factor for non h-1 units
std::cout << "creating output object" << std::endl;
std::string FullPath = fname_;
if (!BoxLib::UtilCreateDirectory(FullPath, 0755))
if (!FullPath.empty() && FullPath[FullPath.size()-1] != '/')
FullPath += '/';
FullPath += "Header";
std::ofstream Header(FullPath.c_str());
for(int lev=0; lev <= f_lev; lev++)
writeLevelPlotFile ( fname_,
//FIXME I would prefer VisMF::NFiles
std::cout << "destroying output object" << std::endl;
void write_dm_mass( const grid_hierarchy& gh )
{ /* do nothing, not needed */ }
void write_dm_density( const grid_hierarchy& gh )
{ /* write the parameter file data */
// It's very useful to write a parameter file, but WHY here?
void write_dm_velocity( int coord, const grid_hierarchy& gh )
char nyxname[256];
sprintf( nyxname, "ParticleVelocities_%c", (char)('x'+coord) );
double vunit = 1.0/(1.225e2*sqrt(the_sim_header.omega_m/the_sim_header.a_start));
dump_grid_data(the_sim_header.particle_idx+3+coord, nyxname, gh);
void write_dm_position( int coord, const grid_hierarchy& gh )
char nyxname[256];
sprintf( nyxname, "ParticleDisplacements_%c", (char)('x'+coord) );
//dump_grid_data( nyxname, gh );
dump_grid_data(the_sim_header.particle_idx+coord, nyxname, gh);
void write_dm_potential( const grid_hierarchy& gh )
{ }
void write_gas_potential( const grid_hierarchy& gh )
{ }
void write_gas_velocity( int coord, const grid_hierarchy& gh )
double vunit = 1.0/(1.225e2*sqrt(the_sim_header.omega_m/the_sim_header.a_start));
char nyxname[256];
sprintf( nyxname, "GridVelocities_%c", (char)('x'+coord) );
dump_grid_data(coord+1, nyxname, gh);
void write_gas_position( int coord, const grid_hierarchy& gh )
/* do nothing, not needed */
void write_gas_density( const grid_hierarchy& gh )
char nyxname[256];
sprintf( nyxname, "density" );
//FIXME factor and add have to be adjusted to the
//corresponding nyx units...
dump_grid_data(0, nyxname, gh);
void finalize( void )
//before finalizing we write out an inputs and a probin file for Nyx.
std::ofstream inputs("inputs");
std::ofstream probin("probin");
//at first the fortran stuff...
probin << "&fortin" << std::endl;
probin << " comoving_OmM = " << the_sim_header.omega_m << "d0" << std::endl;
probin << " comoving_OmB = " << the_sim_header.omega_b << "d0" << std::endl;
probin << " comoving_OmL = " << the_sim_header.omega_v << "d0" << std::endl;
probin << " comoving_h = " << the_sim_header.h0 << "d0" << std::endl;
probin << "/" << std::endl;
probin << std::endl;
//afterwards the cpp stuff...(for which we will need a template, which is read in by the code...)
inputs << "nyx.final_a = 1.0 " << std::endl;
inputs << "max_step = 100000 " << std::endl;
inputs << "nyx.small_dens = 1e-4" << std::endl;
inputs << "nyx.small_temp = 10" << std::endl;
inputs << "nyx.cfl = 0.9 # cfl number for hyperbolic system" << std::endl;
inputs << "nyx.init_shrink = 1.0 # scale back initial timestep" << std::endl;
inputs << "nyx.change_max = 1.05 # scale back initial timestep" << std::endl;
inputs << "nyx.dt_cutoff = 5.e-20 # level 0 timestep below which we halt" << std::endl;
inputs << "nyx.sum_interval = 1 # timesteps between computing mass" << std::endl;
inputs << "nyx.v = 1 # verbosity in Castro.cpp" << std::endl;
inputs << "gravity.v = 1 # verbosity in Gravity.cpp" << std::endl;
inputs << "amr.v = 1 # verbosity in Amr.cpp" << std::endl;
inputs << "mg.v = 0 # verbosity in Amr.cpp" << std::endl;
inputs << "particles.v = 1 # verbosity in Particle class" << std::endl;
inputs << "amr.ref_ratio = 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 " << std::endl;
inputs << "amr.regrid_int = 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 " << std::endl;
inputs << "amr.initial_grid_file = init/grids_file" << std::endl;
inputs << "amr.useFixedCoarseGrids = 1" << std::endl;
inputs << "amr.check_file = chk " << std::endl;
inputs << "amr.check_int = 10 " << std::endl;
inputs << "amr.plot_file = plt " << std::endl;
inputs << "amr.plot_int = 10 " << std::endl;
inputs << "amr.derive_plot_vars = particle_count particle_mass_density pressure" << std::endl;
inputs << "amr.plot_vars = ALL" << std::endl;
inputs << "nyx.add_ext_src = 0" << std::endl;
inputs << "gravity.gravity_type = PoissonGrav " << std::endl;
inputs << "gravity.no_sync = 1 " << std::endl;
inputs << "gravity.no_composite = 1 " << std::endl;
inputs << "mg.bottom_solver = 1 " << std::endl;
inputs << "geometry.is_periodic = 1 1 1 " << std::endl;
inputs << "geometry.coord_sys = 0 " << std::endl;
inputs << "amr.max_grid_size = 32 " << std::endl;
inputs << "nyx.lo_bc = 0 0 0 " << std::endl;
inputs << "nyx.hi_bc = 0 0 0 " << std::endl;
inputs << "nyx.do_grav = 1 " << std::endl;
inputs << "nyx.do_dm_particles = 1 " << std::endl;
inputs << "nyx.particle_init_type = Cosmological " << std::endl;
inputs << "nyx.print_fortran_warnings = 0" << std::endl;
inputs << "cosmo.initDirName = init " << std::endl;
inputs << "nyx.particle_move_type = Gravitational" << std::endl;
inputs << "amr.probin_file = probin " << std::endl;
inputs << "cosmo.ic-source = MUSIC " << std::endl;
inputs << "amr.blocking_factor = " << cf_.getValue<double>("setup","blocking_factor") << std::endl;
inputs << "nyx.do_hydro = "<< (the_sim_header.omega_b>0?1:0) << std::endl;
inputs << "amr.max_level = " << levelmax_-levelmin_ << std::endl;
inputs << "nyx.initial_z = " << 1/the_sim_header.a_start-1 << std::endl;
inputs << "amr.n_cell = " << sizex_[0] << " " << sizey_[0] << " " << sizez_[0] << std::endl;
inputs << "nyx.n_particles = " << sizex_[0] << " " << sizey_[0] << " " << sizez_[0] << std::endl;
inputs << "geometry.prob_lo = 0 0 0" << std::endl;
//double dx = the_sim_header.dx/the_sim_header.h0;
double bl = the_sim_header.boxlength/the_sim_header.h0;
inputs << "geometry.prob_hi = " << bl << " " << bl << " " << bl << std::endl;
std::cout << "finalizing..." << std::endl;
void writeLevelPlotFile (const std::string& dir,
std::ostream& os,
VisMF::How how,
int level)
int i, n;
const Real cur_time = 0.0;
std::cout << "in writeLevelPlotFile" << std::endl;
double h0 = cf_.getValue<double>("cosmology", "H0")*0.01;
// for (MFIter mfi(mf); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi)
// {
// std::cout << "bla" << std::endl;
// std::cout << mf[mfi] << std::endl;
// }
if (level == 0)
// The first thing we write out is the plotfile type.
os << "MUSIC_for_Nyx_v0.1" << '\n';
os << n_data_items << '\n';
for (i = 0; i < n_data_items; i++)
os << field_name[i] << '\n';
os << 3 << '\n';
os << 0 << '\n';
os << f_lev << '\n';
for (i = 0; i < BL_SPACEDIM; i++)
os << 0 << ' '; //ProbLo
os << '\n';
double boxlength = cf_.getValue<double>("setup","boxlength");
for (i = 0; i < BL_SPACEDIM; i++)
os << boxlength/h0 << ' '; //ProbHi
os << '\n';
for (i = 0; i < f_lev; i++)
os << 2 << ' '; //refinement factor
os << '\n';
IntVect pdLo(0,0,0);
IntVect pdHi(gridp-1,gridp-1,gridp-1);
// Box probDomain(pdLo,pdHi);
for (i = 0; i <= f_lev; i++) //Geom(i).Domain()
// IntVect pdLo(offx_[i], offy_[i], offz_[i]);
// IntVect pdHi(offx_[i]+sizex_[i], offy_[i]+sizey_[i], offz_[i]+sizez_[i]);
Box probDomain(pdLo,pdHi);
os << probDomain << ' ';
pdHi *= 2;
pdHi += 1;
os << '\n';
for (i = 0; i <= f_lev; i++) //level steps
os << 0 << ' ';
os << '\n';
double dx = cf_.getValue<double>("setup","boxlength")/gridp/h0;
for (i = 0; i <= f_lev; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < BL_SPACEDIM; k++)
os << dx << ' ';
os << '\n';
dx = dx/2.;
os << 0 << '\n';
os << "0\n"; // Write bndry data.
// Build the directory to hold the MultiFab at this level.
// The name is relative to the directory containing the Header file.
static const std::string BaseName = "/Cell";
std::string Level = BoxLib::Concatenate("Level_", level, 1);
// Now for the full pathname of that directory.
std::string FullPath = dir;
if (!FullPath.empty() && FullPath[FullPath.size()-1] != '/')
FullPath += '/';
FullPath += Level;
// Only the I/O processor makes the directory if it doesn't already exist.
if (!BoxLib::UtilCreateDirectory(FullPath, 0755))
os << level << ' ' << boxarrays[level].size() << ' ' << 0 << '\n';
os << 0 << '\n';
double cellsize[3];
double dx = cf_.getValue<double>("setup","boxlength")/gridp/h0;
for (n = 0; n < BL_SPACEDIM; n++)
cellsize[n] = dx;
for (i = 0; i < level; i++)
for (n = 0; n < BL_SPACEDIM; n++)
cellsize[n] /= 2.;
std::cout << cellsize[0] << std::endl;
for (i = 0; i < boxarrays[level].size(); ++i)
double problo[] = {0,0,0};
std::cout << boxarrays[level][i] << std::endl;
RealBox gridloc = RealBox(boxarrays[level][i], cellsize, problo);
for (n = 0; n < BL_SPACEDIM; n++)
os << gridloc.lo(n) << ' ' << gridloc.hi(n) << '\n';
// The full relative pathname of the MultiFabs at this level.
// The name is relative to the Header file containing this name.
// It's the name that gets written into the Header.
std::string PathNameInHeader = Level;
PathNameInHeader += BaseName;
os << PathNameInHeader << '\n';
// Use the Full pathname when naming the MultiFab.
std::string TheFullPath = FullPath;
TheFullPath += BaseName;
void writeGridsFile (const std::string& dir)
int i, n;
std::cout << "in writeGridsFile" << std::endl;
std::string myFname = dir;
if (!myFname.empty() && myFname[myFname.size()-1] != '/')
myFname += '/';
myFname += "grids_file";
std::ofstream os(myFname.c_str());
os << f_lev << '\n';
for (int lev = 1; lev <= f_lev; lev++)
os << boxarrays[lev].size() << '\n';
for (i=0; i < boxarrays[lev].size(); i++)
os << boxarrays[lev][i] << "\n";
// void get_grids (const grid_hierarchy &gh)
// {
// for(unsigned ilevel=levelmin_; ilevel<=levelmax_; ++ilevel )
// {
// grid_on_one_level gool;
// int xs = gh.get_grid(ilevel)->size(0);
// int ys = gh.get_grid(ilevel)->size(1);
// int zs = gh.get_grid(ilevel)->size(2);
// int xo = gh.get_grid(ilevel)->offset(0);
// int yo = gh.get_grid(ilevel)->offset(1);
// int zo = gh.get_grid(ilevel)->offset(2);
// IntVect gridLo(xo,yo,zo);
// gool.lo = gridLo;
// IntVect gridHi(xo+xs,yo+zs,zo+zs);
// gool.hi = gridHi;
// grids.push_back(gool);
// }
// }
output_plugin_creator_concrete<nyx_output_plugin> creator("nyx");
#endif //HAVE_BOXLIB