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Oliver Hahn 41cbe38098 Fixed a bug that caused absolute grid offsets to be wrong.
Only affected enzo outputs with 'overlap!=0' at the moment.
2010-07-28 11:47:22 -07:00

401 lines
14 KiB

output_enzo.cc - This file is part of MUSIC -
a code to generate multi-scale initial conditions
for cosmological simulations
Copyright (C) 2010 Oliver Hahn
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifdef HAVE_HDF5
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "output.hh"
#include "HDF_IO.hh"
class enzo_output_plugin : public output_plugin
struct patch_header{
int component_rank;
int component_size;
std::vector<int> dimensions;
int rank;
std::vector<int> top_grid_dims;
std::vector<int> top_grid_end;
std::vector<int> top_grid_start;
struct sim_header{
std::vector<int> dimensions;
std::vector<int> offset;
float a_start;
float dx;
float h0;
float omega_b;
float omega_m;
float omega_v;
float vfact;
sim_header the_sim_header;
void write_sim_header( std::string fname, const sim_header& h )
HDFWriteGroupAttribute( fname, "/", "Dimensions", h.dimensions );
HDFWriteGroupAttribute( fname, "/", "Offset", h.offset );
HDFWriteGroupAttribute( fname, "/", "a_start", h.a_start );
HDFWriteGroupAttribute( fname, "/", "dx", h.dx );
HDFWriteGroupAttribute( fname, "/", "h0", h.h0 );
HDFWriteGroupAttribute( fname, "/", "omega_b", h.omega_b );
HDFWriteGroupAttribute( fname, "/", "omega_m", h.omega_m );
HDFWriteGroupAttribute( fname, "/", "omega_v", h.omega_v );
HDFWriteGroupAttribute( fname, "/", "vfact", h.vfact );
void write_patch_header( std::string fname, std::string dsetname, const patch_header& h )
HDFWriteDatasetAttribute( fname, dsetname, "Component_Rank", h.component_rank );
HDFWriteDatasetAttribute( fname, dsetname, "Component_Size", h.component_size );
HDFWriteDatasetAttribute( fname, dsetname, "Dimensions", h.dimensions );
HDFWriteDatasetAttribute( fname, dsetname, "Rank", h.rank );
HDFWriteDatasetAttribute( fname, dsetname, "TopGridDims", h.top_grid_dims );
HDFWriteDatasetAttribute( fname, dsetname, "TopGridEnd", h.top_grid_end );
HDFWriteDatasetAttribute( fname, dsetname, "TopGridStart", h.top_grid_start );
void dump_grid_data( std::string fieldname, const grid_hierarchy& gh, double factor = 1.0, double add = 0.0 )
char enzoname[256], filename[256];
for(unsigned ilevel=levelmin_; ilevel<=levelmax_; ++ilevel )
std::vector<int> ng;
ng.push_back( gh.get_grid(ilevel)->size(0) );
ng.push_back( gh.get_grid(ilevel)->size(1) );
ng.push_back( gh.get_grid(ilevel)->size(2) );
//... need to copy data because we need to get rid of the ghost zones
std::vector<double> data;
data.reserve( ng[0]*ng[1]*ng[2] );
for( int k=0; k<ng[2]; ++k )
for( int j=0; j<ng[1]; ++j )
for( int i=0; i<ng[0]; ++i )
data.push_back( (add+(*gh.get_grid(ilevel))(i,j,k))*factor );
sprintf( enzoname, "%s.%d", fieldname.c_str(), ilevel-levelmin_ );
sprintf( filename, "%s/%s", fname_.c_str(), enzoname );
HDFCreateFile( filename );
write_sim_header( filename, the_sim_header );
HDFWriteDataset3Ds( filename, enzoname, reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>(&ng[0]), data );
//... header data for the patch
patch_header ph;
ph.component_rank = 1;
ph.component_size = ng[0]*ng[1]*ng[2];
ph.dimensions = ng;
ph.rank = 3;
//... offset_abs is in units of the current level cell size
double rfac = 1.0/pow(2,ilevel-levelmin_);
ph.top_grid_start.push_back( (int)(gh.offset_abs(ilevel, 0)*rfac) );
ph.top_grid_start.push_back( (int)(gh.offset_abs(ilevel, 1)*rfac) );
ph.top_grid_start.push_back( (int)(gh.offset_abs(ilevel, 2)*rfac) );
ph.top_grid_end.push_back( ph.top_grid_start[0] + (int)(ng[0]*rfac) );
ph.top_grid_end.push_back( ph.top_grid_start[1] + (int)(ng[1]*rfac) );
ph.top_grid_end.push_back( ph.top_grid_start[2] + (int)(ng[2]*rfac) );
write_patch_header( filename, enzoname, ph );
enzo_output_plugin( config_file& cf )
: output_plugin( cf )
if( mkdir( fname_.c_str(), 0777 ) )
perror( fname_.c_str() );
throw std::runtime_error("Error in enzo_output_plugin!");
bool bhave_hydro = cf_.getValue<bool>("setup","baryons");
bool align_top = cf.getValueSafe<bool>( "setup", "align_top", true );
if( !align_top )
throw std::runtime_error("ENZO output plug-in requires that \'align_top=true\'!");
the_sim_header.dimensions.push_back( (int)pow(2,levelmin_) );
the_sim_header.dimensions.push_back( (int)pow(2,levelmin_) );
the_sim_header.dimensions.push_back( (int)pow(2,levelmin_) );
the_sim_header.offset.push_back( 0 );
the_sim_header.offset.push_back( 0 );
the_sim_header.offset.push_back( 0 );
the_sim_header.a_start = 1.0/(1.0+cf.getValue<double>("setup","zstart"));
the_sim_header.dx = cf.getValue<double>("setup","boxlength")/the_sim_header.dimensions[0]/(cf.getValue<double>("cosmology","H0")*0.01); // not sure?!?
the_sim_header.h0 = cf.getValue<double>("cosmology","H0")*0.01;
if( bhave_hydro )
the_sim_header.omega_b = cf.getValue<double>("cosmology","Omega_b");
the_sim_header.omega_b = 0.0;
the_sim_header.omega_m = cf.getValue<double>("cosmology","Omega_m");
the_sim_header.omega_v = cf.getValue<double>("cosmology","Omega_L");
the_sim_header.vfact = cf.getValue<double>("cosmology","vfact")*the_sim_header.h0; //.. need to multiply by h, ENZO wants this factor for non h-1 units
{ }
void write_dm_mass( const grid_hierarchy& gh )
{ /* do nothing, not needed */ }
void write_dm_density( const grid_hierarchy& gh )
{ /* do nothing, not needed */
bool bhave_hydro = cf_.getValue<bool>("setup","baryons");
char filename[256];
unsigned nbase = (unsigned)pow(2,levelmin_);
sprintf( filename, "%s/parameter_file.txt", fname_.c_str() );
std::ofstream ofs( filename, std::ios::trunc );
<< "#\n"
<< "ProblemType = 30 // cosmology simulation\n"
<< "TopGridRank = 3\n"
<< "TopGridDimensions = " << nbase << " " << nbase << " " << nbase << "\n"
<< "SelfGravity = 1 // gravity on\n"
<< "TopGridGravityBoundary = 0 // Periodic BC for gravity\n"
<< "LeftFaceBoundaryCondition = 3 3 3 // same for fluid\n"
<< "RightFaceBoundaryCondition = 3 3 3\n"
<< "RefineBy = 2\n"
<< "\n"
<< "#\n";
if( bhave_hydro )
<< "CosmologySimulationOmegaBaryonNow = " << the_sim_header.omega_b << "\n"
<< "CosmologySimulationOmegaCDMNow = " << the_sim_header.omega_m-the_sim_header.omega_b << "\n";
<< "CosmologySimulationOmegaBaryonNow = " << 0.0 << "\n"
<< "CosmologySimulationOmegaCDMNow = " << the_sim_header.omega_m << "\n";
if( bhave_hydro )
<< "CosmologySimulationDensityName = GridDensity\n"
<< "CosmologySimulationVelocity1Name = GridVelocities_x\n"
<< "CosmologySimulationVelocity2Name = GridVelocities_y\n"
<< "CosmologySimulationVelocity3Name = GridVelocities_z\n";
<< "CosmologySimulationCalculatePositions = 1\n"
<< "CosmologySimulationParticleVelocity1Name = ParticleVelocities_x\n"
<< "CosmologySimulationParticleVelocity2Name = ParticleVelocities_y\n"
<< "CosmologySimulationParticleVelocity3Name = ParticleVelocities_z\n"
<< "\n"
<< "#\n"
<< "# define cosmology parameters\n"
<< "#\n"
<< "ComovingCoordinates = 1 // Expansion ON\n"
<< "CosmologyOmegaMatterNow = " << the_sim_header.omega_m << "\n"
<< "CosmologyOmegaLambdaNow = " << the_sim_header.omega_v << "\n"
<< "CosmologyHubbleConstantNow = " << the_sim_header.h0 << " // in 100 km/s/Mpc\n"
<< "CosmologyComovingBoxSize = " << cf_.getValue<double>("setup","boxlength") << " // in Mpc/h\n"
<< "CosmologyMaxExpansionRate = 0.015 // maximum allowed delta(a)/a\n"
<< "CosmologyInitialRedshift = " << cf_.getValue<double>("setup","zstart") << " //\n"
<< "CosmologyFinalRedshift = 0 //\n"
<< "GravitationalConstant = 1 // this must be true for cosmology\n"
<< "#\n"
<< "#\n"
<< "CosmologySimulationNumberOfInitialGrids = " << 1+levelmax_-levelmin_ << "\n";
//... only for additionally refined grids
for( unsigned ilevel = 0; ilevel< levelmax_-levelmin_; ++ilevel )
double h = 1.0/pow(2,levelmin_+1+ilevel);
<< "CosmologySimulationGridDimension[" << 1+ilevel << "] = "
<< std::setw(16) << gh.size( levelmin_+ilevel+1, 0 ) << " "
<< std::setw(16) << gh.size( levelmin_+ilevel+1, 1 ) << " "
<< std::setw(16) << gh.size( levelmin_+ilevel+1, 2 ) << "\n"
<< "CosmologySimulationGridLeftEdge[" << 1+ilevel << "] = "
<< std::setw(16) << std::setprecision(10) << h*gh.offset_abs(levelmin_+ilevel+1, 0) << " "
<< std::setw(16) << std::setprecision(10) << h*gh.offset_abs(levelmin_+ilevel+1, 1) << " "
<< std::setw(16) << std::setprecision(10) << h*gh.offset_abs(levelmin_+ilevel+1, 2) << "\n"
<< "CosmologySimulationGridRightEdge[" << 1+ilevel << "] = "
<< std::setw(16) << std::setprecision(10) << h*(gh.offset_abs(levelmin_+ilevel+1, 0)+gh.size( levelmin_+ilevel+1, 0 )) << " "
<< std::setw(16) << std::setprecision(10) << h*(gh.offset_abs(levelmin_+ilevel+1, 1)+gh.size( levelmin_+ilevel+1, 1 )) << " "
<< std::setw(16) << std::setprecision(10) << h*(gh.offset_abs(levelmin_+ilevel+1, 2)+gh.size( levelmin_+ilevel+1, 2 )) << "\n"
<< "CosmologySimulationGridLevel[" << 1+ilevel << "] = " << 1+ilevel << "\n";
void write_dm_velocity( int coord, const grid_hierarchy& gh )
char enzoname[256];
sprintf( enzoname, "ParticleVelocities_%c", (char)('x'+coord) );
double vunit = 1.0/(1.225e2*sqrt(the_sim_header.omega_m/the_sim_header.a_start));// /the_sim_header.h0;
dump_grid_data( enzoname, gh, vunit );
void write_dm_position( int coord, const grid_hierarchy& gh )
char fieldname[256];
sprintf( fieldname, "ParticlePositions_%c", (char)('x'+coord) );
char enzoname[256], filename[256];
for(unsigned ilevel=levelmin_; ilevel<=levelmax_; ++ilevel )
std::vector<int> ng;
ng.push_back( gh.get_grid(ilevel)->size(0) );
ng.push_back( gh.get_grid(ilevel)->size(1) );
ng.push_back( gh.get_grid(ilevel)->size(2) );
//... need to copy data because we need to get rid of the ghost zones
std::vector<double> data;
data.reserve( ng[0]*ng[1]*ng[2] );
for( int k=0; k<ng[2]; ++k )
for( int j=0; j<ng[1]; ++j )
for( int i=0; i<ng[0]; ++i )
double xx[3];
gh.cell_pos(ilevel, i, j, k, xx);
data.push_back( fmod( 1.0 + xx[coord] + (*gh.get_grid(ilevel))(k,j,i), 1.0 ) );
sprintf( enzoname, "%s.%d", fieldname, ilevel-levelmin_ );
sprintf( filename, "%s/%s", fname_.c_str(), enzoname );
HDFCreateFile( filename );
write_sim_header( filename, the_sim_header );
HDFWriteDataset3Ds( filename, enzoname, reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>(&ng[0]), data );
//... header data for the patch
patch_header ph;
ph.component_rank = 1;
ph.component_size = ng[0]*ng[1]*ng[2];
ph.dimensions = ng;
ph.rank = 3;
//... offset_abs is in units of the current level cell size
double rfac = 1.0/pow(2,ilevel-levelmin_);
ph.top_grid_start.push_back( (int)(gh.offset_abs(ilevel, 0)*rfac) );
ph.top_grid_start.push_back( (int)(gh.offset_abs(ilevel, 1)*rfac) );
ph.top_grid_start.push_back( (int)(gh.offset_abs(ilevel, 2)*rfac) );
ph.top_grid_end.push_back( ph.top_grid_start[0] + (int)(ng[0]*rfac) );
ph.top_grid_end.push_back( ph.top_grid_start[1] + (int)(ng[1]*rfac) );
ph.top_grid_end.push_back( ph.top_grid_start[2] + (int)(ng[2]*rfac) );
write_patch_header( filename, enzoname, ph );
void write_dm_potential( const grid_hierarchy& gh )
{ }
void write_gas_potential( const grid_hierarchy& gh )
{ }
void write_gas_velocity( int coord, const grid_hierarchy& gh )
double vunit = 1.0/(1.225e2*sqrt(the_sim_header.omega_m/the_sim_header.a_start));
char enzoname[256];
sprintf( enzoname, "GridVelocities_%c", (char)('x'+coord) );
dump_grid_data( enzoname, gh, vunit );
void write_gas_position( int coord, const grid_hierarchy& gh )
/* do nothing, not needed */
void write_gas_density( const grid_hierarchy& gh )
char enzoname[256];
sprintf( enzoname, "GridDensity" );
dump_grid_data( enzoname, gh, the_sim_header.omega_b/the_sim_header.omega_m, 1.0 );
void finalize( void )
{ }
output_plugin_creator_concrete<enzo_output_plugin> creator("enzo");