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Oliver Hahn 689484eb68 Fixed a bug that caused only 4th order gradients to be used.
Fixed a bug causing wrong shift-backs of particle positions for Gadget.
Disabled optimized unigrid mode as it did not work in all circumstances (issue posted).
2010-07-07 15:31:15 -07:00

832 lines
27 KiB

densities.cc - This file is part of MUSIC -
a code to generate multi-scale initial conditions
for cosmological simulations
Copyright (C) 2010 Oliver Hahn
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "densities.hh"
#include "convolution_kernel.hh"
bool is_number(const std::string& s)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
if (!std::isdigit(s[i])&&s[i]!='-' )
return false;
return true;
// TODO: use optimized convolution routine when in unigrid mode
void GenerateDensityUnigrid( config_file& cf, transfer_function *ptf, tf_type type, refinement_hierarchy& refh, grid_hierarchy& delta, bool kspace )
unsigned levelmin,levelmax,levelminPoisson;
real_t boxlength;
std::vector<long> rngseeds;
std::vector<std::string> rngfnames;
levelminPoisson = cf.getValue<unsigned>("setup","levelmin");
levelmin = cf.getValueSafe<unsigned>("setup","levelminTF",levelminPoisson);
levelmax = cf.getValue<unsigned>("setup","levelmax");
boxlength = cf.getValue<real_t>( "setup", "boxlength" );
std::cerr << " RUNNING UNIGRID VERSION\n";
//... parse random number options
for( int i=0; i<=100; ++i )
char seedstr[128];
std::string tempstr;
if( cf.containsKey( "random", seedstr ) )
tempstr = cf.getValue<std::string>( "random", seedstr );
tempstr = std::string("-2");
if( is_number( tempstr ) )
long ltemp;
cf.convert( tempstr, ltemp );
rngfnames.push_back( "" );
rngseeds.push_back( ltemp );
rngfnames.push_back( tempstr );
std::cout << " - Random numbers for level " << std::setw(3) << i << " will be read from file.\n";
//... parse grid setup parameters
unsigned nbase = (unsigned)pow(2,levelmin);
float lxref[3];
std::string temp = cf.getValue<std::string>( "setup", "ref_extent" );
sscanf( temp.c_str(), "%g,%g,%g", &lxref[0],&lxref[1],&lxref[2] );
int shift[3];
shift[0] = cf.getValue<int>("setup","shift_x");
shift[1] = cf.getValue<int>("setup","shift_y");
shift[2] = cf.getValue<int>("setup","shift_z");
convolution::kernel_creator *the_kernel_creator;
if( kspace )
the_kernel_creator = convolution::get_kernel_map()[ "tf_kernel_k_float" ];
the_kernel_creator = convolution::get_kernel_map()[ "tf_kernel_k_double" ];
the_kernel_creator = convolution::get_kernel_map()[ "tf_kernel_real_float" ];
the_kernel_creator = convolution::get_kernel_map()[ "tf_kernel_real_double" ];
convolution::parameters conv_param;
conv_param.ptf = ptf;
conv_param.pcf = &cf;
//.. determine for which levels random seeds/random number files are given
int lmaxread = -1, lmingiven = -1;
for( unsigned ilevel = 0; ilevel < rngseeds.size(); ++ilevel )
if( rngfnames[ilevel].size() > 0 )
lmaxread = ilevel;
if( rngseeds[ilevel] > 0 && lmingiven == -1 )
lmingiven = ilevel;
if( (unsigned)lmingiven!=levelmin || levelmin!=levelminPoisson )
std::cerr <<" - Internal error: GenerateDensityUnigrid was called for a non-trivial\n"
<<" problem set-up. This should not happen, GenerateDensityHierarchy\n"
<<" should be called instead\n";
throw std::runtime_error("Internal error");
std::cout << " - Performing noise convolution on level " << std::setw(2) << levelmax << " ..." << std::endl;
DensityGrid<real_t> *top = new DensityGrid<real_t>( nbase, nbase, nbase );
double x0[3] = { refh.offset(levelmin,0), refh.offset(levelmin,1), refh.offset(levelmin,2) };
double lx[3] = { refh.size(levelmin,0), refh.size(levelmin,1), refh.size(levelmin,2) };
x0[0] /= pow(2,levelmin); x0[1] /= pow(2,levelmin); x0[2] /= pow(2,levelmin);
lx[0] /= pow(2,levelmin); lx[1] /= pow(2,levelmin); lx[2] /= pow(2,levelmin);
random_numbers<real_t> *rc = new random_numbers<real_t>( nbase, 32, rngseeds[levelmin], true );//, x0, lx );
if( shift[0]!=0||shift[1]!=0||shift[2]!=0 )
std::cout << " - WARNING: will ignore non-zero shift in unigrid mode!\n";
//top->fill_rand( rc, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, true );
delete rc;
conv_param.lx = boxlength;
conv_param.ly = boxlength;
conv_param.lz = boxlength;
conv_param.nx = top->nx_;
conv_param.ny = top->ny_;
conv_param.nz = top->nz_;
conv_param.normalize = false;
convolution::kernel *the_tf_kernel = the_kernel_creator->create( conv_param );
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*>( top->get_data_ptr() ) );
delete the_tf_kernel;
top->copy( *delta.get_grid(levelmin) );
delete top;
for( int i=levelmax; i>0; --i )
mg_straight().restrict( (*delta.get_grid(i)), (*delta.get_grid(i-1)) );
double sum = 0.0;
int nx,ny,nz;
nx = delta.get_grid(levelmin)->size(0);
ny = delta.get_grid(levelmin)->size(1);
nz = delta.get_grid(levelmin)->size(2);
for( int ix=0; ix<nx; ++ix )
for( int iy=0; iy<ny; ++iy )
for( int iz=0; iz<nz; ++iz )
sum += (*delta.get_grid(levelmin))(ix,iy,iz);
sum /= (nx*ny*nz);
std::cout << " - Top grid mean density is off by " << sum << ", correcting..." << std::endl;
for( unsigned i=levelmin; i<=levelmax; ++i )
int nx,ny,nz;
nx = delta.get_grid(i)->size(0);
ny = delta.get_grid(i)->size(1);
nz = delta.get_grid(i)->size(2);
for( int ix=0; ix<nx; ++ix )
for( int iy=0; iy<ny; ++iy )
for( int iz=0; iz<nz; ++iz )
(*delta.get_grid(i))(ix,iy,iz) -= sum;
void GenerateDensityHierarchy( config_file& cf, transfer_function *ptf, tf_type type, refinement_hierarchy& refh, grid_hierarchy& delta )
unsigned levelmin,levelmax,levelminPoisson;
real_t boxlength;
std::vector<long> rngseeds;
std::vector<std::string> rngfnames;
levelminPoisson = cf.getValue<unsigned>("setup","levelmin");
levelmin = cf.getValueSafe<unsigned>("setup","levelminTF",levelminPoisson);
levelmax = cf.getValue<unsigned>("setup","levelmax");
boxlength = cf.getValue<real_t>( "setup", "boxlength" );
// TODO: need to make sure unigrid gets called whenever possible
/*if( levelmin == levelmax && levelmin==levelminPoisson )
//... parse random number options
for( int i=0; i<=100; ++i )
char seedstr[128];
std::string tempstr;
if( cf.containsKey( "random", seedstr ) )
tempstr = cf.getValue<std::string>( "random", seedstr );
tempstr = std::string("-2");
if( is_number( tempstr ) )
long ltemp;
cf.convert( tempstr, ltemp );
rngfnames.push_back( "" );
rngseeds.push_back( ltemp );
rngfnames.push_back( tempstr );
std::cout << " - Random numbers for level " << std::setw(3) << i << " will be read from file.\n";
//... parse grid setup parameters
unsigned nbase = (unsigned)pow(2,levelmin);
float lxref[3];
std::string temp = cf.getValue<std::string>( "setup", "ref_extent" );
sscanf( temp.c_str(), "%g,%g,%g", &lxref[0],&lxref[1],&lxref[2] );
//double lextmin = std::min(lxref[0],std::min(lxref[1],lxref[2]));
real_t alpha = 0.1*(real_t)nbase/boxlength;//0.45*lextmin*(double)nbase;///boxlength;
real_t cutoff = 0.25;//lextmin*0.9;
int shift[3];
shift[0] = cf.getValue<int>("setup","shift_x");
shift[1] = cf.getValue<int>("setup","shift_y");
shift[2] = cf.getValue<int>("setup","shift_z");
convolution::kernel_creator *the_kernel_creator = convolution::get_kernel_map()[ "tf_kernel_real_float" ];
convolution::kernel_creator *the_kernel_creator = convolution::get_kernel_map()[ "tf_kernel_real_double" ];
convolution::parameters conv_param;
conv_param.ptf = ptf;
conv_param.pcf = &cf;
//... compute absolute grid offsets
std::vector<int> offtotx(levelmax+1,0),offtoty(levelmax+1,0),offtotz(levelmax+1,0);
for( unsigned ilevel = levelmin+1; ilevel<=levelmax; ++ilevel )
//... build a partial sum to get absolute offsets
offtotx[ilevel] = 2*(offtotx[ilevel-1]+refh.offset(ilevel,0));
offtoty[ilevel] = 2*(offtoty[ilevel-1]+refh.offset(ilevel,1));
offtotz[ilevel] = 2*(offtotz[ilevel-1]+refh.offset(ilevel,2));
for( unsigned ilevel = levelmin+1; ilevel<=levelmax; ++ilevel )
//... the arrays are doubled in size for the isolated BCs
offtotx[ilevel] -= refh.size(ilevel,0)/2;
offtoty[ilevel] -= refh.size(ilevel,1)/2;
offtotz[ilevel] -= refh.size(ilevel,2)/2;
//.. determine for which levels random seeds/random number files are given
int lmaxread = -1, lmingiven = -1;
for( unsigned ilevel = 0; ilevel < rngseeds.size(); ++ilevel )
if( rngfnames[ilevel].size() > 0 )
lmaxread = ilevel;
if( rngseeds[ilevel] > 0 && lmingiven == -1 )
lmingiven = ilevel;
//... if random numbers are to be read from file, do this now
std::vector< random_numbers<real_t>* > randc;
if( lmaxread >= (int)levelmin )
randc[lmaxread] = new random_numbers<real_t>( (unsigned)pow(2,lmaxread), rngfnames[lmaxread] );
for( int ilevel = lmaxread-1; ilevel >= (int)levelmin; --ilevel )
randc[ilevel] = new random_numbers<real_t>( *randc[ilevel+1] );
//... if random numbers are not given for lower levels, obtain them by averaging
if( lmingiven >= (int)levelmin )
randc[lmingiven] = new random_numbers<real_t>( (unsigned)pow(2,lmingiven), 32, rngseeds[lmingiven], true );//, x0, lx );
for( int ilevel = lmingiven-1; ilevel >= (int)levelmin; --ilevel ){
if( rngseeds[ilevel-levelmin] > 0 )
std::cerr << " - Warning: random seed for level " << ilevel << " will be ignored.\n"
<< " consistency requires that it is obtained by restriction from level " << lmingiven << std::endl;
randc[ilevel] = new random_numbers<real_t>( *randc[ilevel+1] );
//... if random seeds are given for levels coarser than levelmin, use them as constraints
if( lmingiven < (int)levelmin )
throw std::runtime_error("You provided a seed for a level below levelmin, this is not supported yet.");
randc[lmingiven] = new random_numbers<real_t>( (unsigned)pow(2,lmingiven), 32, rngseeds[lmingiven], true );//, x0, lx );
for( int ilevel = lmingiven+1; ilevel <= (int)levelmin; ++ilevel )
long seed = rngseeds[ilevel];
if( seed <= 0 )
seed = rngseeds[lmingiven+ilevel];
randc[ilevel] = new random_numbers<real_t>( *randc[ilevel-1] );
delete randc[lmingiven];
randc[lmingiven] = NULL;
//... create and initialize density grids with white noise
PaddedDensitySubGrid<real_t>* coarse(NULL), *fine(NULL);
DensityGrid<real_t>* top(NULL);
//... clean up ...//
for( unsigned i=0; i<randc.size(); ++i )
if( i<levelmin || i>levelmax )
if( randc[i] != NULL )
delete randc[i];
//... perform convolutions ...//
if( levelmax == levelmin )
std::cout << " - Performing noise convolution on level " << std::setw(2) << levelmax << " ..." << std::endl;
top = new DensityGrid<real_t>( nbase, nbase, nbase );
real_t x0[3] = { refh.offset(levelmin,0), refh.offset(levelmin,1), refh.offset(levelmin,2) };
real_t lx[3] = { refh.size(levelmin,0), refh.size(levelmin,1), refh.size(levelmin,2) };
x0[0] /= pow(2,levelmin); x0[1] /= pow(2,levelmin); x0[2] /= pow(2,levelmin);
lx[0] /= pow(2,levelmin); lx[1] /= pow(2,levelmin); lx[2] /= pow(2,levelmin);
random_numbers<real_t> *rc;
if( randc[levelmin] == NULL )
rc = new random_numbers<real_t>( nbase, 32, rngseeds[levelmin], true );
rc = randc[levelmin];
#if 1
if( shift[0]!=0||shift[1]!=0||shift[2]!=0 )
std::cout << " - WARNING: will ignore non-zero shift in unigrid mode!\n";
top->fill_rand( rc, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, true );
top->fill_rand( rc, 1.0, -shift[0], -shift[1], -shift[2], true );
delete rc;
conv_param.lx = boxlength;
conv_param.ly = boxlength;
conv_param.lz = boxlength;
conv_param.nx = top->nx_;
conv_param.ny = top->ny_;
conv_param.nz = top->nz_;
conv_param.normalize = false;
convolution::kernel *the_tf_kernel = the_kernel_creator->create( conv_param );
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*>( top->get_data_ptr() ) );
delete the_tf_kernel;
top->copy( *delta.get_grid(levelmin) );
delete top;
for( int i=0; i< (int)levelmax-(int)levelmin; ++i )
//... GENERATE/FILL WITH RANDOM NUMBERS .................................................................//
if( i==0 )
top = new DensityGrid<real_t>( nbase, nbase, nbase );
random_numbers<real_t> *rc;
int x0[3] = { refh.offset_abs(levelmin,0)-shift[0],
refh.offset_abs(levelmin,2)-shift[2] };
int lx[3] = { refh.size(levelmin,0),
refh.size(levelmin,2) };
if( randc[levelmin] == NULL )
rc = randc[levelmin] = new random_numbers<real_t>( nbase, 32, rngseeds[levelmin], x0, lx );
rc = randc[levelmin];
top->fill_rand( rc, 1.0, -shift[0], -shift[1], -shift[2], true );
delete rc;
randc[levelmin] = NULL;
fine = new PaddedDensitySubGrid<real_t>( refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,0),
refh.size(levelmin+i+1,2) );
random_numbers<real_t> *rc;
int x0[3],lx[3];
int lfac = (int)pow(2.0,i+1);
x0[0] = refh.offset_abs(levelmin+i+1,0)-lfac*shift[0]; //((real_t)(offtotx[levelmin+i+1]+lfac*shift[0]))/pow(2.0,levelmin+i+1);
x0[1] = refh.offset_abs(levelmin+i+1,1)-lfac*shift[1]; //((real_t)(offtoty[levelmin+i+1]+lfac*shift[1]))/pow(2.0,levelmin+i+1);
x0[2] = refh.offset_abs(levelmin+i+1,2)-lfac*shift[2]; //((real_t)(offtotz[levelmin+i+1]+lfac*shift[2]))/pow(2.0,levelmin+i+1);
lx[0] = refh.size(levelmin+i+1,0); // /pow(2.0,levelmin+i+1);
lx[1] = refh.size(levelmin+i+1,1); // /pow(2.0,levelmin+i+1);
lx[2] = refh.size(levelmin+i+1,2); // /pow(2.0,levelmin+i+1);
//x0[0] -= 0.5*lx[0]; lx[0] *= 2.0;
//x0[1] -= 0.5*lx[1]; lx[1] *= 2.0;
//x0[2] -= 0.5*lx[2]; lx[2] *= 2.0;
if( randc[levelmin+i+1] == NULL )
rc = randc[levelmin+i+1] = new random_numbers<real_t>((unsigned)pow(2,levelmin+i+1), 32, rngseeds[levelmin+i+1], x0, lx);
rc = randc[levelmin+i+1];
/*int llfac = (int)pow(2.0,i+1);
fine->fill_rand( rc, 1.0, offtotx[levelmin+i+1]-llfac*shift[0],
offtotz[levelmin+i+1]-llfac*shift[2] );*/
fine->fill_rand( rc, 1.0, x0[0]-fine->nx_/4, x0[1]-fine->ny_/4, x0[2]-fine->nz_/4 );
if( i+levelmin+1 > (unsigned)lmingiven )
fine->constrain( *top );
fine->constrain( *coarse );
delete rc;
rc = NULL;
//... PERFORM CONVOLUTIONS ..............................................................................//
if( i==0 )
* multi-grid: top-level grid grids .....
std::cout << " - Performing noise convolution on level " << std::setw(2) << levelmin+i << " ..." << std::endl;
DensityGrid<real_t> top_save( *top );
conv_param.lx = boxlength;
conv_param.ly = boxlength;
conv_param.lz = boxlength;
conv_param.nx = top->nx_;
conv_param.ny = top->ny_;
conv_param.nz = top->nz_;
conv_param.normalize = true;
convolution::kernel *the_tf_kernel = the_kernel_creator->create( conv_param );
//... 1) compute standard convolution for levelmin
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*>( top->get_data_ptr() ) );
//convolution::perform_filtered<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*>( top->get_data_ptr() ) );
top->copy( *delta.get_grid(levelmin) );
//... 2) compute contribution to finer grids from non-refined region
*top = top_save;
top->zero_subgrid(refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,0), refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,1), refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,2),
refh.size(levelmin+i+1,0)/2, refh.size(levelmin+i+1,1)/2, refh.size(levelmin+i+1,2)/2 );
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*>( top->get_data_ptr() ) );
//convolution::perform_filtered<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*>( top->get_data_ptr() ) );
meshvar_bnd delta_longrange( *delta.get_grid(levelmin) );
top->copy( delta_longrange );
delete the_tf_kernel;
delete top;
//... restrict these contributions to the next level
delta.add_patch( refh.offset(levelmin+1,0), refh.offset(levelmin+1,1), refh.offset(levelmin+1,2),
refh.size(levelmin+1,0), refh.size(levelmin+1,1), refh.size(levelmin+1,2) );
//mg_linear().prolong( delta_longrange, *delta.get_grid(levelmin+1) );
mg_cubic().prolong( delta_longrange, *delta.get_grid(levelmin+1) );
* multi-grid: intermediate sub-grids .....
std::cout << " - Performing noise convolution on level " << std::setw(2) << levelmin+i << " ..." << std::endl;
delta.add_patch( refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,0), refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,1), refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,2),
refh.size(levelmin+i+1,0), refh.size(levelmin+i+1,1), refh.size(levelmin+i+1,2) );
//mg_linear().prolong( *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i), *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i+1) );
mg_cubic().prolong( *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i), *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i+1) );
real_t dx,lx,ly,lz;
dx = boxlength/pow(2.0,levelmin+i);
lx = dx * coarse->nx_;
ly = dx * coarse->ny_;
lz = dx * coarse->nz_;
real_t lmin = std::min( lx, std::min(ly,lz) );
conv_param.lx = lx;
conv_param.ly = ly;
conv_param.lz = lz;
conv_param.nx = coarse->nx_;
conv_param.ny = coarse->ny_;
conv_param.nz = coarse->nz_;
conv_param.normalize = false;
convolution::kernel *the_tf_kernel = the_kernel_creator->create( conv_param );
PaddedDensitySubGrid<real_t> coarse_save( *coarse );
//... 2) the inner region
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
//convolution::perform_filtered<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
coarse->copy_add_unpad( *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i) );
//... 3) the 'BC' for the next finer grid
*coarse = coarse_save;
coarse->zero_subgrid(refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,0), refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,1), refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,2),
refh.size(levelmin+i+1,0)/2, refh.size(levelmin+i+1,1)/2, refh.size(levelmin+i+1,2)/2 );
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
//convolution::perform_filtered<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
meshvar_bnd delta_longrange( *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i) );
coarse->copy_unpad( delta_longrange );
//mg_linear().prolong_add( delta_longrange, *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i+1) );
mg_cubic().prolong_add( delta_longrange, *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i+1) );
#if 1
//... FFT (isolated) boundary noise contribution
//convolution::truncate( the_tf_kernel, cutoff*lmin, 1e-8*alpha );
convolution::truncate_sharp( the_tf_kernel, cutoff*lmin );
*coarse = coarse_save;
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
//convolution::perform_filtered<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
coarse->copy_add_unpad( *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i) );
#if 0
*coarse = coarse_save;
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
coarse->upload_bnd_add( *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i-1) );
/**coarse = coarse_save;
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
coarse->copy_subtract_unpad( *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i) );*/
delete the_tf_kernel;
delete coarse;
coarse = fine;
//... and convolution for finest grid (outside loop)
if( levelmax > levelmin )
* multi-grid: finest sub-grid .....
std::cout << " - Performing noise convolution on level " << std::setw(2) << levelmax << " ..." << std::endl;
real_t dx,lx,ly,lz;
dx = boxlength/pow(2.0,levelmax);
lx = dx * coarse->nx_;
ly = dx * coarse->ny_;
lz = dx * coarse->nz_;
real_t lmin = std::min( lx, std::min(ly,lz) );
conv_param.lx = lx;
conv_param.ly = ly;
conv_param.lz = lz;
conv_param.nx = coarse->nx_;
conv_param.ny = coarse->ny_;
conv_param.nz = coarse->nz_;
conv_param.normalize = false;
//... with LR/SR splitting and full subgrid
PaddedDensitySubGrid<real_t> coarse_save( *coarse );
convolution::kernel *the_tf_kernel = the_kernel_creator->create( conv_param );
//... 2) the inner region
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
coarse->copy_add_unpad( *delta.get_grid(levelmax) );
//... compute convolution for isolated grid
//... 1) the padded boundary region
#if 1
convolution::truncate( the_tf_kernel, cutoff*lmin, alpha );
*coarse = coarse_save;
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
coarse->copy_add_unpad( *delta.get_grid(levelmax) );
#if 0
// coarse correction
*coarse = coarse_save;
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
coarse->upload_bnd_add( *delta.get_grid(levelmax-1) );
// meshvar_bnd delta_longrange( *delta.get_grid(levelmax) );
//coarse->copy_unpad( delta_longrange );
//mg_straight().restrict_add( delta_longrange, *delta.get_grid(levelmax-1) );
/**coarse = coarse_save;
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
coarse->copy_subtract_unpad( *delta.get_grid(levelmax) );*/
delete the_tf_kernel;
delete coarse;
//... clean up ...//
for( unsigned i=0; i<randc.size(); ++i )
if( i<levelmin || i>levelmax )
if( randc[i] != NULL )
delete randc[i];
//... enforce mean condition
for( int i=levelmin; i<(int)levelmax; ++i )
enforce_mean( (*delta.get_grid(i+1)), (*delta.get_grid(i)) );
double sum;
#if 1
//... subtract the box mean.... this will otherwise add
//... a constant curvature term to the potential
sum = 0.0;
int nx,ny,nz;
nx = delta.get_grid(levelmin)->size(0);
ny = delta.get_grid(levelmin)->size(1);
nz = delta.get_grid(levelmin)->size(2);
for( int ix=0; ix<nx; ++ix )
for( int iy=0; iy<ny; ++iy )
for( int iz=0; iz<nz; ++iz )
sum += (*delta.get_grid(levelmin))(ix,iy,iz);
sum /= (nx*ny*nz);
//std::cout << " - Top grid mean density is off by " << sum << ", correcting..." << std::endl;
for( unsigned i=levelmin; i<=levelmax; ++i )
int nx,ny,nz;
nx = delta.get_grid(i)->size(0);
ny = delta.get_grid(i)->size(1);
nz = delta.get_grid(i)->size(2);
for( int ix=0; ix<nx; ++ix )
for( int iy=0; iy<ny; ++iy )
for( int iz=0; iz<nz; ++iz )
(*delta.get_grid(i))(ix,iy,iz) -= sum;
//... fill coarser levels with data from finer ones...
// for( int i=levelmax; i>(int)levelmin; --i )
for( int i=levelmax; i>0; --i )
mg_straight().restrict( (*delta.get_grid(i)), (*delta.get_grid(i-1)) );
#if 1
sum = 0.0;
int nx,ny,nz;
nx = delta.get_grid(levelmin)->size(0);
ny = delta.get_grid(levelmin)->size(1);
nz = delta.get_grid(levelmin)->size(2);
for( int ix=0; ix<nx; ++ix )
for( int iy=0; iy<ny; ++iy )
for( int iz=0; iz<nz; ++iz )
sum += (*delta.get_grid(levelmin))(ix,iy,iz);
sum /= (nx*ny*nz);
std::cout << " - Top grid mean density is off by " << sum << ", correcting..." << std::endl;
for( unsigned i=levelmin; i<=levelmax; ++i )
int nx,ny,nz;
nx = delta.get_grid(i)->size(0);
ny = delta.get_grid(i)->size(1);
nz = delta.get_grid(i)->size(2);
for( int ix=0; ix<nx; ++ix )
for( int iy=0; iy<ny; ++iy )
for( int iz=0; iz<nz; ++iz )
(*delta.get_grid(i))(ix,iy,iz) -= sum;