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Oliver Hahn 2383f8b68d Fixed a bug that lead to refinement grid centering being ignored when using levelmin_TF=levelmax.
Fixed a bug with top grid kernel normalization, this reduces errors a bit.
A non-cubic grid is now extended to a cubic grid in the density calculation. This should reduce artefacts due to TF truncation.
Added a new (undocumented and internal) parameter that forces grid centering on the specified refinement region also in unigrid mode. This should in the future also obey that the shift comes in multiples of the top grid cells (which are however unknown).
Fixed a bug in the generic output plugin that caused non-cubic grids to be cut to cubic grids.
2010-07-09 01:01:54 -07:00

836 lines
27 KiB

densities.cc - This file is part of MUSIC -
a code to generate multi-scale initial conditions
for cosmological simulations
Copyright (C) 2010 Oliver Hahn
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "densities.hh"
#include "convolution_kernel.hh"
bool is_number(const std::string& s)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
if (!std::isdigit(s[i])&&s[i]!='-' )
return false;
return true;
// TODO: use optimized convolution routine when in unigrid mode
void GenerateDensityUnigrid( config_file& cf, transfer_function *ptf, tf_type type, refinement_hierarchy& refh, grid_hierarchy& delta, bool kspace )
unsigned levelmin,levelmax,levelminPoisson;
real_t boxlength;
std::vector<long> rngseeds;
std::vector<std::string> rngfnames;
levelminPoisson = cf.getValue<unsigned>("setup","levelmin");
levelmin = cf.getValueSafe<unsigned>("setup","levelminTF",levelminPoisson);
levelmax = cf.getValue<unsigned>("setup","levelmax");
boxlength = cf.getValue<real_t>( "setup", "boxlength" );
std::cerr << " RUNNING UNIGRID VERSION\n";
//... parse random number options
for( int i=0; i<=100; ++i )
char seedstr[128];
std::string tempstr;
if( cf.containsKey( "random", seedstr ) )
tempstr = cf.getValue<std::string>( "random", seedstr );
tempstr = std::string("-2");
if( is_number( tempstr ) )
long ltemp;
cf.convert( tempstr, ltemp );
rngfnames.push_back( "" );
rngseeds.push_back( ltemp );
rngfnames.push_back( tempstr );
std::cout << " - Random numbers for level " << std::setw(3) << i << " will be read from file.\n";
//... parse grid setup parameters
unsigned nbase = (unsigned)pow(2,levelmin);
float lxref[3];
std::string temp = cf.getValue<std::string>( "setup", "ref_extent" );
sscanf( temp.c_str(), "%g,%g,%g", &lxref[0],&lxref[1],&lxref[2] );
int shift[3];
shift[0] = cf.getValue<int>("setup","shift_x");
shift[1] = cf.getValue<int>("setup","shift_y");
shift[2] = cf.getValue<int>("setup","shift_z");
convolution::kernel_creator *the_kernel_creator;
if( kspace )
the_kernel_creator = convolution::get_kernel_map()[ "tf_kernel_k_float" ];
the_kernel_creator = convolution::get_kernel_map()[ "tf_kernel_k_double" ];
the_kernel_creator = convolution::get_kernel_map()[ "tf_kernel_real_float" ];
the_kernel_creator = convolution::get_kernel_map()[ "tf_kernel_real_double" ];
convolution::parameters conv_param;
conv_param.ptf = ptf;
conv_param.pcf = &cf;
//.. determine for which levels random seeds/random number files are given
int lmaxread = -1, lmingiven = -1;
for( unsigned ilevel = 0; ilevel < rngseeds.size(); ++ilevel )
if( rngfnames[ilevel].size() > 0 )
lmaxread = ilevel;
if( rngseeds[ilevel] > 0 && lmingiven == -1 )
lmingiven = ilevel;
if( (unsigned)lmingiven!=levelmin || levelmin!=levelminPoisson )
std::cerr <<" - Internal error: GenerateDensityUnigrid was called for a non-trivial\n"
<<" problem set-up. This should not happen, GenerateDensityHierarchy\n"
<<" should be called instead\n";
throw std::runtime_error("Internal error");
std::cout << " - Performing noise convolution on level " << std::setw(2) << levelmax << " ..." << std::endl;
DensityGrid<real_t> *top = new DensityGrid<real_t>( nbase, nbase, nbase );
double x0[3] = { refh.offset(levelmin,0), refh.offset(levelmin,1), refh.offset(levelmin,2) };
double lx[3] = { refh.size(levelmin,0), refh.size(levelmin,1), refh.size(levelmin,2) };
x0[0] /= pow(2,levelmin); x0[1] /= pow(2,levelmin); x0[2] /= pow(2,levelmin);
lx[0] /= pow(2,levelmin); lx[1] /= pow(2,levelmin); lx[2] /= pow(2,levelmin);
random_numbers<real_t> *rc = new random_numbers<real_t>( nbase, 32, rngseeds[levelmin], true );//, x0, lx );
if( shift[0]!=0||shift[1]!=0||shift[2]!=0 )
std::cout << " - WARNING: will ignore non-zero shift in unigrid mode!\n";
//top->fill_rand( rc, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, true );
delete rc;
conv_param.lx = boxlength;
conv_param.ly = boxlength;
conv_param.lz = boxlength;
conv_param.nx = top->nx_;
conv_param.ny = top->ny_;
conv_param.nz = top->nz_;
conv_param.normalize = false;
convolution::kernel *the_tf_kernel = the_kernel_creator->create( conv_param );
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*>( top->get_data_ptr() ) );
delete the_tf_kernel;
top->copy( *delta.get_grid(levelmin) );
delete top;
for( int i=levelmax; i>0; --i )
mg_straight().restrict( (*delta.get_grid(i)), (*delta.get_grid(i-1)) );
double sum = 0.0;
int nx,ny,nz;
nx = delta.get_grid(levelmin)->size(0);
ny = delta.get_grid(levelmin)->size(1);
nz = delta.get_grid(levelmin)->size(2);
for( int ix=0; ix<nx; ++ix )
for( int iy=0; iy<ny; ++iy )
for( int iz=0; iz<nz; ++iz )
sum += (*delta.get_grid(levelmin))(ix,iy,iz);
sum /= (nx*ny*nz);
std::cout << " - Top grid mean density is off by " << sum << ", correcting..." << std::endl;
for( unsigned i=levelmin; i<=levelmax; ++i )
int nx,ny,nz;
nx = delta.get_grid(i)->size(0);
ny = delta.get_grid(i)->size(1);
nz = delta.get_grid(i)->size(2);
for( int ix=0; ix<nx; ++ix )
for( int iy=0; iy<ny; ++iy )
for( int iz=0; iz<nz; ++iz )
(*delta.get_grid(i))(ix,iy,iz) -= sum;
void GenerateDensityHierarchy( config_file& cf, transfer_function *ptf, tf_type type, refinement_hierarchy& refh, grid_hierarchy& delta )
unsigned levelmin,levelmax,levelminPoisson;
real_t boxlength;
std::vector<long> rngseeds;
std::vector<std::string> rngfnames;
bool force_shift(false);
levelminPoisson = cf.getValue<unsigned>("setup","levelmin");
levelmin = cf.getValueSafe<unsigned>("setup","levelmin_TF",levelminPoisson);
levelmax = cf.getValue<unsigned>("setup","levelmax");
boxlength = cf.getValue<real_t>( "setup", "boxlength" );
force_shift = cf.getValueSafe<bool>("setup", "force_shift", force_shift );
// TODO: need to make sure unigrid gets called whenever possible
/*if( levelmin == levelmax && levelmin==levelminPoisson )
//... parse random number options
for( int i=0; i<=100; ++i )
char seedstr[128];
std::string tempstr;
if( cf.containsKey( "random", seedstr ) )
tempstr = cf.getValue<std::string>( "random", seedstr );
tempstr = std::string("-2");
if( is_number( tempstr ) )
long ltemp;
cf.convert( tempstr, ltemp );
rngfnames.push_back( "" );
rngseeds.push_back( ltemp );
rngfnames.push_back( tempstr );
std::cout << " - Random numbers for level " << std::setw(3) << i << " will be read from file.\n";
//... parse grid setup parameters
unsigned nbase = (unsigned)pow(2,levelmin);
float lxref[3];
std::string temp = cf.getValue<std::string>( "setup", "ref_extent" );
sscanf( temp.c_str(), "%g,%g,%g", &lxref[0],&lxref[1],&lxref[2] );
//double lextmin = std::min(lxref[0],std::min(lxref[1],lxref[2]));
// alpha = 0.1*..., cutoff = 0.25 /// maybe 0.08, 0.3
real_t alpha = 0.05*(real_t)nbase/boxlength;//0.45*lextmin*(double)nbase;///boxlength;
real_t cutoff = 0.25;//lextmin*0.9;
int shift[3];
shift[0] = cf.getValue<int>("setup","shift_x");
shift[1] = cf.getValue<int>("setup","shift_y");
shift[2] = cf.getValue<int>("setup","shift_z");
convolution::kernel_creator *the_kernel_creator = convolution::get_kernel_map()[ "tf_kernel_real_float" ];
convolution::kernel_creator *the_kernel_creator = convolution::get_kernel_map()[ "tf_kernel_real_double" ];
convolution::parameters conv_param;
conv_param.ptf = ptf;
conv_param.pcf = &cf;
//... compute absolute grid offsets
std::vector<int> offtotx(levelmax+1,0),offtoty(levelmax+1,0),offtotz(levelmax+1,0);
for( unsigned ilevel = levelmin+1; ilevel<=levelmax; ++ilevel )
//... build a partial sum to get absolute offsets
offtotx[ilevel] = 2*(offtotx[ilevel-1]+refh.offset(ilevel,0));
offtoty[ilevel] = 2*(offtoty[ilevel-1]+refh.offset(ilevel,1));
offtotz[ilevel] = 2*(offtotz[ilevel-1]+refh.offset(ilevel,2));
for( unsigned ilevel = levelmin+1; ilevel<=levelmax; ++ilevel )
//... the arrays are doubled in size for the isolated BCs
offtotx[ilevel] -= refh.size(ilevel,0)/2;
offtoty[ilevel] -= refh.size(ilevel,1)/2;
offtotz[ilevel] -= refh.size(ilevel,2)/2;
//.. determine for which levels random seeds/random number files are given
int lmaxread = -1, lmingiven = -1;
for( unsigned ilevel = 0; ilevel < rngseeds.size(); ++ilevel )
if( rngfnames[ilevel].size() > 0 )
lmaxread = ilevel;
if( rngseeds[ilevel] > 0 && lmingiven == -1 )
lmingiven = ilevel;
//... if random numbers are to be read from file, do this now
std::vector< random_numbers<real_t>* > randc;
if( lmaxread >= (int)levelmin )
randc[lmaxread] = new random_numbers<real_t>( (unsigned)pow(2,lmaxread), rngfnames[lmaxread] );
for( int ilevel = lmaxread-1; ilevel >= (int)levelmin; --ilevel )
randc[ilevel] = new random_numbers<real_t>( *randc[ilevel+1] );
//... if random numbers are not given for lower levels, obtain them by averaging
if( lmingiven >= (int)levelmin )
randc[lmingiven] = new random_numbers<real_t>( (unsigned)pow(2,lmingiven), 32, rngseeds[lmingiven], true );//, x0, lx );
for( int ilevel = lmingiven-1; ilevel >= (int)levelmin; --ilevel ){
if( rngseeds[ilevel-levelmin] > 0 )
std::cerr << " - Warning: random seed for level " << ilevel << " will be ignored.\n"
<< " consistency requires that it is obtained by restriction from level " << lmingiven << std::endl;
randc[ilevel] = new random_numbers<real_t>( *randc[ilevel+1] );
//... if random seeds are given for levels coarser than levelmin, use them as constraints
if( lmingiven < (int)levelmin )
throw std::runtime_error("You provided a seed for a level below levelmin, this is not supported yet.");
randc[lmingiven] = new random_numbers<real_t>( (unsigned)pow(2,lmingiven), 32, rngseeds[lmingiven], true );//, x0, lx );
for( int ilevel = lmingiven+1; ilevel <= (int)levelmin; ++ilevel )
long seed = rngseeds[ilevel];
if( seed <= 0 )
seed = rngseeds[lmingiven+ilevel];
randc[ilevel] = new random_numbers<real_t>( *randc[ilevel-1] );
delete randc[lmingiven];
randc[lmingiven] = NULL;
//... create and initialize density grids with white noise
PaddedDensitySubGrid<real_t>* coarse(NULL), *fine(NULL);
DensityGrid<real_t>* top(NULL);
//... clean up ...//
for( unsigned i=0; i<randc.size(); ++i )
if( i<levelmin || i>levelmax )
if( randc[i] != NULL )
delete randc[i];
//... perform convolutions ...//
if( levelmax == levelmin )
std::cout << " - Performing noise convolution on level " << std::setw(2) << levelmax << " ..." << std::endl;
top = new DensityGrid<real_t>( nbase, nbase, nbase );
random_numbers<real_t> *rc;
if( levelminPoisson == levelmin && !force_shift)
if( randc[levelmin] == NULL )
rc = new random_numbers<real_t>( nbase, 32, rngseeds[levelmin], true );
rc = randc[levelmin];
if( shift[0]!=0||shift[1]!=0||shift[2]!=0 )
std::cout << " - WARNING: will ignore non-zero shift in unigrid mode!\n";
top->fill_rand( rc, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, true );
int lfac = (int)pow(2,levelmin-levelminPoisson);
int x0[3] = { -shift[0]*lfac, -shift[1]*lfac, -shift[2]*lfac };
int lx[3] = { refh.size(levelmin,0), refh.size(levelmin,1), refh.size(levelmin,2) };
if( randc[levelmin] == NULL )
rc = randc[levelmin] = new random_numbers<real_t>( nbase, 32, rngseeds[levelmin], x0, lx );
//if( randc[levelmin] == NULL )
// rc = new random_numbers<real_t>( nbase, 32, rngseeds[levelmin], true );
rc = randc[levelmin];
top->fill_rand( rc, 1.0, x0[0], x0[1], x0[2], true );
delete rc;
conv_param.lx = boxlength;
conv_param.ly = boxlength;
conv_param.lz = boxlength;
conv_param.nx = top->nx_;
conv_param.ny = top->ny_;
conv_param.nz = top->nz_;
conv_param.normalize = false;
convolution::kernel *the_tf_kernel = the_kernel_creator->create( conv_param );
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*>( top->get_data_ptr() ) );
delete the_tf_kernel;
top->copy( *delta.get_grid(levelmin) );
delete top;
for( int i=0; i< (int)levelmax-(int)levelmin; ++i )
//... GENERATE/FILL WITH RANDOM NUMBERS .................................................................//
if( i==0 )
top = new DensityGrid<real_t>( nbase, nbase, nbase );
random_numbers<real_t> *rc;
int x0[3] = { refh.offset_abs(levelmin,0)-shift[0],
refh.offset_abs(levelmin,2)-shift[2] };
int lx[3] = { refh.size(levelmin,0),
refh.size(levelmin,2) };
if( randc[levelmin] == NULL )
rc = randc[levelmin] = new random_numbers<real_t>( nbase, 32, rngseeds[levelmin], x0, lx );
rc = randc[levelmin];
top->fill_rand( rc, 1.0, -shift[0], -shift[1], -shift[2], true );
delete rc;
randc[levelmin] = NULL;
fine = new PaddedDensitySubGrid<real_t>( refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,0),
refh.size(levelmin+i+1,2) );
random_numbers<real_t> *rc;
int x0[3],lx[3];
int lfac = (int)pow(2.0,i+1);
x0[0] = refh.offset_abs(levelmin+i+1,0)-lfac*shift[0]; //((real_t)(offtotx[levelmin+i+1]+lfac*shift[0]))/pow(2.0,levelmin+i+1);
x0[1] = refh.offset_abs(levelmin+i+1,1)-lfac*shift[1]; //((real_t)(offtoty[levelmin+i+1]+lfac*shift[1]))/pow(2.0,levelmin+i+1);
x0[2] = refh.offset_abs(levelmin+i+1,2)-lfac*shift[2]; //((real_t)(offtotz[levelmin+i+1]+lfac*shift[2]))/pow(2.0,levelmin+i+1);
lx[0] = refh.size(levelmin+i+1,0); // /pow(2.0,levelmin+i+1);
lx[1] = refh.size(levelmin+i+1,1); // /pow(2.0,levelmin+i+1);
lx[2] = refh.size(levelmin+i+1,2); // /pow(2.0,levelmin+i+1);
//x0[0] -= 0.5*lx[0]; lx[0] *= 2.0;
//x0[1] -= 0.5*lx[1]; lx[1] *= 2.0;
//x0[2] -= 0.5*lx[2]; lx[2] *= 2.0;
if( randc[levelmin+i+1] == NULL )
rc = randc[levelmin+i+1] = new random_numbers<real_t>((unsigned)pow(2,levelmin+i+1), 32, rngseeds[levelmin+i+1], x0, lx);
rc = randc[levelmin+i+1];
/*int llfac = (int)pow(2.0,i+1);
fine->fill_rand( rc, 1.0, offtotx[levelmin+i+1]-llfac*shift[0],
offtotz[levelmin+i+1]-llfac*shift[2] );*/
fine->fill_rand( rc, 1.0, x0[0]-fine->nx_/4, x0[1]-fine->ny_/4, x0[2]-fine->nz_/4 );
if( i+levelmin+1 > (unsigned)lmingiven )
fine->constrain( *top );
fine->constrain( *coarse );
delete rc;
rc = NULL;
//... PERFORM CONVOLUTIONS ..............................................................................//
if( i==0 )
* multi-grid: top-level grid grids .....
std::cout << " - Performing noise convolution on level " << std::setw(2) << levelmin+i << " ..." << std::endl;
DensityGrid<real_t> top_save( *top );
conv_param.lx = boxlength;
conv_param.ly = boxlength;
conv_param.lz = boxlength;
conv_param.nx = top->nx_;
conv_param.ny = top->ny_;
conv_param.nz = top->nz_;
conv_param.normalize = true;
convolution::kernel *the_tf_kernel = the_kernel_creator->create( conv_param );
//... 1) compute standard convolution for levelmin
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*>( top->get_data_ptr() ) );
//convolution::perform_filtered<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*>( top->get_data_ptr() ) );
top->copy( *delta.get_grid(levelmin) );
//... 2) compute contribution to finer grids from non-refined region
*top = top_save;
top->zero_subgrid(refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,0), refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,1), refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,2),
refh.size(levelmin+i+1,0)/2, refh.size(levelmin+i+1,1)/2, refh.size(levelmin+i+1,2)/2 );
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*>( top->get_data_ptr() ) );
//convolution::perform_filtered<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*>( top->get_data_ptr() ) );
meshvar_bnd delta_longrange( *delta.get_grid(levelmin) );
top->copy( delta_longrange );
delete the_tf_kernel;
delete top;
//... restrict these contributions to the next level
delta.add_patch( refh.offset(levelmin+1,0), refh.offset(levelmin+1,1), refh.offset(levelmin+1,2),
refh.size(levelmin+1,0), refh.size(levelmin+1,1), refh.size(levelmin+1,2) );
//mg_linear().prolong( delta_longrange, *delta.get_grid(levelmin+1) );
mg_cubic().prolong( delta_longrange, *delta.get_grid(levelmin+1) );
//mg_lin().prolong( delta_longrange, *delta.get_grid(levelmin+1) );
* multi-grid: intermediate sub-grids .....
std::cout << " - Performing noise convolution on level " << std::setw(2) << levelmin+i << " ..." << std::endl;
delta.add_patch( refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,0), refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,1), refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,2),
refh.size(levelmin+i+1,0), refh.size(levelmin+i+1,1), refh.size(levelmin+i+1,2) );
//mg_linear().prolong( *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i), *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i+1) );
mg_cubic().prolong( *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i), *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i+1) );
real_t dx,lx,ly,lz;
dx = boxlength/pow(2.0,levelmin+i);
lx = dx * coarse->nx_;
ly = dx * coarse->ny_;
lz = dx * coarse->nz_;
real_t lmin = std::min( lx, std::min(ly,lz) );
conv_param.lx = lx;
conv_param.ly = ly;
conv_param.lz = lz;
conv_param.nx = coarse->nx_;
conv_param.ny = coarse->ny_;
conv_param.nz = coarse->nz_;
conv_param.normalize = false;
convolution::kernel *the_tf_kernel = the_kernel_creator->create( conv_param );
PaddedDensitySubGrid<real_t> coarse_save( *coarse );
//... 2) the inner region
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
//convolution::perform_filtered<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
coarse->copy_add_unpad( *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i) );
//... 3) the 'BC' for the next finer grid
*coarse = coarse_save;
coarse->zero_subgrid(refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,0), refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,1), refh.offset(levelmin+i+1,2),
refh.size(levelmin+i+1,0)/2, refh.size(levelmin+i+1,1)/2, refh.size(levelmin+i+1,2)/2 );
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
//convolution::perform_filtered<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
meshvar_bnd delta_longrange( *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i) );
coarse->copy_unpad( delta_longrange );
//mg_linear().prolong_add( delta_longrange, *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i+1) );
mg_cubic().prolong_add( delta_longrange, *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i+1) );
#if 1
//... FFT (isolated) boundary noise contribution
//convolution::truncate( the_tf_kernel, cutoff*lmin, 1e-8*alpha );
convolution::truncate_sharp( the_tf_kernel, cutoff*lmin );
*coarse = coarse_save;
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
//convolution::perform_filtered<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
coarse->copy_add_unpad( *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i) );
#if 0
*coarse = coarse_save;
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
coarse->upload_bnd_add( *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i-1) );
/**coarse = coarse_save;
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
coarse->copy_subtract_unpad( *delta.get_grid(levelmin+i) );*/
delete the_tf_kernel;
delete coarse;
coarse = fine;
//... and convolution for finest grid (outside loop)
if( levelmax > levelmin )
* multi-grid: finest sub-grid .....
std::cout << " - Performing noise convolution on level " << std::setw(2) << levelmax << " ..." << std::endl;
real_t dx,lx,ly,lz;
dx = boxlength/pow(2.0,levelmax);
lx = dx * coarse->nx_;
ly = dx * coarse->ny_;
lz = dx * coarse->nz_;
real_t lmin = std::min( lx, std::min(ly,lz) );
conv_param.lx = lx;
conv_param.ly = ly;
conv_param.lz = lz;
conv_param.nx = coarse->nx_;
conv_param.ny = coarse->ny_;
conv_param.nz = coarse->nz_;
conv_param.normalize = false;
//... with LR/SR splitting and full subgrid
PaddedDensitySubGrid<real_t> coarse_save( *coarse );
convolution::kernel *the_tf_kernel = the_kernel_creator->create( conv_param );
//... 2) the inner region
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
coarse->copy_add_unpad( *delta.get_grid(levelmax) );
//... compute convolution for isolated grid
//... 1) the padded boundary region
#if 1
//... boundary correction
convolution::truncate( the_tf_kernel, cutoff*lmin, alpha );
//convolution::truncate_sharp( the_tf_kernel, cutoff*lmin );
*coarse = coarse_save;
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
coarse->copy_add_unpad( *delta.get_grid(levelmax) );
#if 0
// coarse correction
*coarse = coarse_save;
convolution::perform<real_t>( the_tf_kernel, reinterpret_cast<void*> (coarse->get_data_ptr()) );
coarse->upload_bnd_add( *delta.get_grid(levelmax-1) );
// meshvar_bnd delta_longrange( *delta.get_grid(levelmax) );
//coarse->copy_unpad( delta_longrange );
//mg_straight().restrict_add( delta_longrange, *delta.get_grid(levelmax-1) );
delete the_tf_kernel;
delete coarse;
//... clean up ...//
for( unsigned i=0; i<randc.size(); ++i )
if( i<levelmin || i>levelmax )
if( randc[i] != NULL )
delete randc[i];
//... enforce mean condition
//for( int i=levelmin; i<(int)levelmax; ++i )
// enforce_mean( (*delta.get_grid(i+1)), (*delta.get_grid(i)) );
#if 1
//... subtract the box mean.... this will otherwise add
//... a constant curvature term to the potential
double sum = 0.0;
int nx,ny,nz;
nx = delta.get_grid(levelmin)->size(0);
ny = delta.get_grid(levelmin)->size(1);
nz = delta.get_grid(levelmin)->size(2);
for( int ix=0; ix<nx; ++ix )
for( int iy=0; iy<ny; ++iy )
for( int iz=0; iz<nz; ++iz )
sum += (*delta.get_grid(levelmin))(ix,iy,iz);
sum /= (nx*ny*nz);
//std::cout << " - Top grid mean density is off by " << sum << ", correcting..." << std::endl;
for( unsigned i=levelmin; i<=levelmax; ++i )
int nx,ny,nz;
nx = delta.get_grid(i)->size(0);
ny = delta.get_grid(i)->size(1);
nz = delta.get_grid(i)->size(2);
for( int ix=0; ix<nx; ++ix )
for( int iy=0; iy<ny; ++iy )
for( int iz=0; iz<nz; ++iz )
(*delta.get_grid(i))(ix,iy,iz) -= sum;
//... fill coarser levels with data from finer ones...
for( int i=levelmax; i>0; --i )
mg_straight().restrict( (*delta.get_grid(i)), (*delta.get_grid(i-1)) );
void normalize_density( grid_hierarchy& delta )
double sum = 0.0;
unsigned levelmin = delta.levelmin(), levelmax = delta.levelmax();
int nx,ny,nz;
nx = delta.get_grid(levelmin)->size(0);
ny = delta.get_grid(levelmin)->size(1);
nz = delta.get_grid(levelmin)->size(2);
for( int ix=0; ix<nx; ++ix )
for( int iy=0; iy<ny; ++iy )
for( int iz=0; iz<nz; ++iz )
sum += (*delta.get_grid(levelmin))(ix,iy,iz);
sum /= (nx*ny*nz);
std::cout << " - Top grid mean density is off by " << sum << ", correcting..." << std::endl;
for( unsigned i=levelmin; i<=levelmax; ++i )
int nx,ny,nz;
nx = delta.get_grid(i)->size(0);
ny = delta.get_grid(i)->size(1);
nz = delta.get_grid(i)->size(2);
for( int ix=0; ix<nx; ++ix )
for( int iy=0; iy<ny; ++iy )
for( int iz=0; iz<nz; ++iz )
(*delta.get_grid(i))(ix,iy,iz) -= sum;