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mirror of https://github.com/cosmo-sims/MUSIC.git synced 2024-09-19 17:03:46 +02:00
Oliver Hahn 8d9068852e * IMPORTANT: removed code left over from testing that caused suppression of small scale perturbations
* added baryon staggering for SPH
* added 2LPT for baryons/DM two-component fluid
* cleaned up some code
2010-11-16 16:41:40 -08:00

539 lines
20 KiB

transfer_eisenstein.cc - This file is part of MUSIC -
a code to generate multi-scale initial conditions
for cosmological simulations
#include "transfer_function.hh"
//! Implementation of abstract base class TransferFunction for the Eisenstein & Hu transfer function
This class implements the analytical fit to the matter transfer
function by Eisenstein & Hu (1999). In fact it is their code.
class transfer_eisenstein_plugin : public transfer_function_plugin
using transfer_function_plugin::cosmo_;
//Cosmology m_Cosmology;
double m_h0;
double omhh, /* Omega_matter*h^2 */
obhh, /* Omega_baryon*h^2 */
theta_cmb, /* Tcmb in units of 2.7 K */
z_equality, /* Redshift of matter-radiation equality, really 1+z */
k_equality, /* Scale of equality, in Mpc^-1 */
z_drag, /* Redshift of drag epoch */
R_drag, /* Photon-baryon ratio at drag epoch */
R_equality, /* Photon-baryon ratio at equality epoch */
sound_horizon, /* Sound horizon at drag epoch, in Mpc */
k_silk, /* Silk damping scale, in Mpc^-1 */
alpha_c, /* CDM suppression */
beta_c, /* CDM log shift */
alpha_b, /* Baryon suppression */
beta_b, /* Baryon envelope shift */
beta_node, /* Sound horizon shift */
k_peak, /* Fit to wavenumber of first peak, in Mpc^-1 */
sound_horizon_fit, /* Fit to sound horizon, in Mpc */
alpha_gamma; /* Gamma suppression in approximate TF */
//! private member function: sets internal quantities for Eisenstein & Hu fitting
void TFset_parameters(double omega0hh, double f_baryon, double Tcmb)
/* Set all the scalars quantities for Eisenstein & Hu 1997 fitting formula */
/* Input: omega0hh -- The density of CDM and baryons, in units of critical dens,
multiplied by the square of the Hubble constant, in units
of 100 km/s/Mpc */
/* f_baryon -- The fraction of baryons to CDM */
/* Tcmb -- The temperature of the CMB in Kelvin. Tcmb<=0 forces use
of the COBE value of 2.728 K. */
/* Output: Nothing, but set many global variables used in TFfit_onek().
You can access them yourself, if you want. */
/* Note: Units are always Mpc, never h^-1 Mpc. */
double z_drag_b1, z_drag_b2;
double alpha_c_a1, alpha_c_a2, beta_c_b1, beta_c_b2, alpha_b_G, y;
if (f_baryon<=0.0 || omega0hh<=0.0) {
fprintf(stderr, "TFset_parameters(): Illegal input.\n");
omhh = omega0hh;
obhh = omhh*f_baryon;
if (Tcmb<=0.0) Tcmb=2.728; /* COBE FIRAS */
theta_cmb = Tcmb/2.7;
z_equality = 2.50e4*omhh/POW4(theta_cmb); /* Really 1+z */
k_equality = 0.0746*omhh/SQR(theta_cmb);
z_drag_b1 = 0.313*pow((double)omhh,-0.419)*(1+0.607*pow((double)omhh,0.674));
z_drag_b2 = 0.238*pow((double)omhh,0.223);
z_drag = 1291*pow(omhh,0.251)/(1+0.659*pow((double)omhh,0.828))*
R_drag = 31.5*obhh/POW4(theta_cmb)*(1000/(1+z_drag));
R_equality = 31.5*obhh/POW4(theta_cmb)*(1000/z_equality);
sound_horizon = 2./3./k_equality*sqrt(6./R_equality)*
k_silk = 1.6*pow((double)obhh,0.52)*pow((double)omhh,0.73)*(1+pow((double)10.4*omhh,-0.95));
alpha_c_a1 = pow((double)46.9*omhh,0.670)*(1+pow(32.1*omhh,-0.532));
alpha_c_a2 = pow((double)12.0*omhh,0.424)*(1+pow(45.0*omhh,-0.582));
alpha_c = pow(alpha_c_a1,-f_baryon)*
beta_c_b1 = 0.944/(1+pow(458*omhh,-0.708));
beta_c_b2 = pow(0.395*omhh, -0.0266);
beta_c = 1.0/(1+beta_c_b1*(pow(1-f_baryon, beta_c_b2)-1));
y = z_equality/(1+z_drag);
alpha_b_G = y*(-6.*sqrt(1+y)+(2.+3.*y)*log((sqrt(1+y)+1)/(sqrt(1+y)-1)));
alpha_b = 2.07*k_equality*sound_horizon*pow(1+R_drag,-0.75)*alpha_b_G;
beta_node = 8.41*pow(omhh, 0.435);
beta_b = 0.5+f_baryon+(3.-2.*f_baryon)*sqrt(pow(17.2*omhh,2.0)+1);
k_peak = 2.5*3.14159*(1+0.217*omhh)/sound_horizon;
sound_horizon_fit = 44.5*log(9.83/omhh)/sqrt(1+10.0*pow(obhh,0.75));
alpha_gamma = 1-0.328*log(431.0*omhh)*f_baryon + 0.38*log(22.3*omhh)*
//! private member function: computes transfer function for mode k (k in Mpc)
inline double TFfit_onek(double k, double *tf_baryon, double *tf_cdm)
/* Input: k -- Wavenumber at which to calculate transfer function, in Mpc^-1.
*tf_baryon, *tf_cdm -- Input value not used; replaced on output if
the input was not NULL. */
/* Output: Returns the value of the full transfer function fitting formula.
This is the form given in Section 3 of Eisenstein & Hu (1997).
*tf_baryon -- The baryonic contribution to the full fit.
*tf_cdm -- The CDM contribution to the full fit. */
/* Notes: Units are Mpc, not h^-1 Mpc. */
double T_c_ln_beta, T_c_ln_nobeta, T_c_C_alpha, T_c_C_noalpha;
double q, xx, xx_tilde;//, q_eff;
double T_c_f, T_c, s_tilde, T_b_T0, T_b, f_baryon, T_full;
//double T_0_L0, T_0_C0, T_0, gamma_eff;
//double T_nowiggles_L0, T_nowiggles_C0, T_nowiggles;
k = fabs(k); /* Just define negative k as positive */
if (k==0.0) {
if (tf_baryon!=NULL) *tf_baryon = 1.0;
if (tf_cdm!=NULL) *tf_cdm = 1.0;
return 1.0;
q = k/13.41/k_equality;
xx = k*sound_horizon;
T_c_ln_beta = log(2.718282+1.8*beta_c*q);
T_c_ln_nobeta = log(2.718282+1.8*q);
T_c_C_alpha = 14.2/alpha_c + 386.0/(1+69.9*pow(q,1.08));
T_c_C_noalpha = 14.2 + 386.0/(1+69.9*pow(q,1.08));
T_c_f = 1.0/(1.0+POW4(xx/5.4));
T_c = T_c_f*T_c_ln_beta/(T_c_ln_beta+T_c_C_noalpha*SQR(q)) +
s_tilde = sound_horizon*pow(1.+CUBE(beta_node/xx),-1./3.);
xx_tilde = k*s_tilde;
T_b_T0 = T_c_ln_nobeta/(T_c_ln_nobeta+T_c_C_noalpha*SQR(q));
T_b = sin(xx_tilde)/(xx_tilde)*(T_b_T0/(1.+SQR(xx/5.2))+
f_baryon = obhh/omhh;
T_full = f_baryon*T_b + (1-f_baryon)*T_c;
/* Now to store these transfer functions */
if (tf_baryon!=NULL) *tf_baryon = T_b;
if (tf_cdm!=NULL) *tf_cdm = T_c;
return T_full;
//! Constructor for Eisenstein & Hu fitting for transfer function
\param aCosm structure of type Cosmology carrying the cosmological parameters
\param Tcmb mean temperature of the CMB fluctuations (defaults to
Tcmb = 2.726 if not specified)
transfer_eisenstein_plugin( config_file &cf )//Cosmology aCosm, double Tcmb = 2.726 )
: transfer_function_plugin(cf), m_h0( cosmo_.H0*0.01 )
double Tcmb = pcf_->getValueSafe("cosmology","Tcmb",2.726);
TFset_parameters( (cosmo_.Omega_m)*cosmo_.H0*cosmo_.H0*(0.01*0.01),
tf_distinct_ = false;
tf_withvel_ = false;
//! Computes the transfer function for k in Mpc/h by calling TFfit_onek
inline double compute( double k, tf_type type ){
double tfb, tfcdm, fb, fc;
TFfit_onek( k*m_h0, &tfb, &tfcdm );
fb = cosmo_.Omega_b/(cosmo_.Omega_m);
fc = (cosmo_.Omega_m-cosmo_.Omega_b)/(cosmo_.Omega_m) ;
return fb*tfb+fc*tfcdm;
inline double get_kmin( void ){
return 1e-4;
inline double get_kmax( void ){
return 1.e4;
class transfer_eisenstein_wdm_plugin : public transfer_eisenstein_plugin
using transfer_eisenstein_plugin::TFfit_onek;
real_t m_WDMalpha;
double omegam_, wdmm_, wdmgx_, H0_, omegab_;
transfer_eisenstein_wdm_plugin( config_file &cf )
: transfer_eisenstein_plugin( cf )
omegam_ = cf.getValue<double>("cosmology","Omega_m");
omegab_ = cf.getValue<double>("cosmology","Omega_b");
wdmm_ = cf.getValue<double>("cosmology","WDMmass");
wdmgx_ = cf.getValue<double>("cosmology","WDMg_x");
H0_ = cf.getValue<double>("cosmology","H0");
m_WDMalpha = 0.05 * pow( omegam_/0.4,0.15)
inline real_t compute( real_t k, tf_type type )
double tfb, tfcdm, fb, fc;
TFfit_onek( k*m_h0, &tfb, &tfcdm );
fb = omegab_/omegam_;
fc = (omegam_-omegab_)/omegam_ ;
double tf = fb*tfb+fc*tfcdm;
return tf*pow(1.0+(m_WDMalpha*k)*(m_WDMalpha*k),-5.0);
#if 0
class TransferFunction_EisensteinNeutrino : public TransferFunction
/* Fitting Formulae for CDM + Baryon + Massive Neutrino (MDM) cosmologies. */
/* Daniel J. Eisenstein & Wayne Hu, Institute for Advanced Study */
/* There are two primary routines here, one to set the cosmology, the
other to construct the transfer function for a single wavenumber k.
You should call the former once (per cosmology) and the latter as
many times as you want. */
/* TFmdm_set_cosm() -- User passes all the cosmological parameters as
arguments; the routine sets up all of the scalar quantites needed
computation of the fitting formula. The input parameters are:
1) omega_matter -- Density of CDM, baryons, and massive neutrinos,
in units of the critical density.
2) omega_baryon -- Density of baryons, in units of critical.
3) omega_hdm -- Density of massive neutrinos, in units of critical
4) degen_hdm -- (Int) Number of degenerate massive neutrino species
5) omega_lambda -- Cosmological constant
6) hubble -- Hubble constant, in units of 100 km/s/Mpc
7) redshift -- The redshift at which to evaluate */
/* TFmdm_onek_mpc() -- User passes a single wavenumber, in units of Mpc^-1.
Routine returns the transfer function from the Eisenstein & Hu
fitting formula, based on the cosmology currently held in the
internal variables. The routine returns T_cb (the CDM+Baryon
density-weighted transfer function), although T_cbn (the CDM+
Baryon+Neutrino density-weighted transfer function) is stored
in the global variable tf_cbnu. */
/* We also supply TFmdm_onek_hmpc(), which is identical to the previous
routine, but takes the wavenumber in units of h Mpc^-1. */
/* We hold the internal scalar quantities in global variables, so that
the user may access them in an external program, via "extern" declarations. */
/* Please note that all internal length scales are in Mpc, not h^-1 Mpc! */
/* -------------------------- Prototypes ----------------------------- */
/* int TFmdm_set_cosm(float omega_matter, float omega_baryon, float omega_hdm,
int degen_hdm, float omega_lambda, float hubble, float redshift);
float TFmdm_onek_mpc(float kk);
float TFmdm_onek_hmpc(float kk);
/* ------------------------- Global Variables ------------------------ */
/* The following are set in TFmdm_set_cosm() */
float alpha_gamma, /* sqrt(alpha_nu) */
alpha_nu, /* The small-scale suppression */
beta_c, /* The correction to the log in the small-scale */
num_degen_hdm, /* Number of degenerate massive neutrino species */
f_baryon, /* Baryon fraction */
f_bnu, /* Baryon + Massive Neutrino fraction */
f_cb, /* Baryon + CDM fraction */
f_cdm, /* CDM fraction */
f_hdm, /* Massive Neutrino fraction */
growth_k0, /* D_1(z) -- the growth function as k->0 */
growth_to_z0, /* D_1(z)/D_1(0) -- the growth relative to z=0 */
hhubble, /* Need to pass Hubble constant to TFmdm_onek_hmpc() */
k_equality, /* The comoving wave number of the horizon at equality*/
obhh, /* Omega_baryon * hubble^2 */
omega_curv, /* = 1 - omega_matter - omega_lambda */
omega_lambda_z, /* Omega_lambda at the given redshift */
omega_matter_z, /* Omega_matter at the given redshift */
omhh, /* Omega_matter * hubble^2 */
onhh, /* Omega_hdm * hubble^2 */
p_c, /* The correction to the exponent before drag epoch */
p_cb, /* The correction to the exponent after drag epoch */
sound_horizon_fit, /* The sound horizon at the drag epoch */
theta_cmb, /* The temperature of the CMB, in units of 2.7 K */
y_drag, /* Ratio of z_equality to z_drag */
z_drag, /* Redshift of the drag epoch */
z_equality; /* Redshift of matter-radiation equality */
/* The following are set in TFmdm_onek_mpc() */
float gamma_eff, /* Effective \Gamma */
growth_cb, /* Growth factor for CDM+Baryon perturbations */
growth_cbnu, /* Growth factor for CDM+Baryon+Neutrino pert. */
max_fs_correction, /* Correction near maximal free streaming */
qq, /* Wavenumber rescaled by \Gamma */
qq_eff, /* Wavenumber rescaled by effective Gamma */
qq_nu, /* Wavenumber compared to maximal free streaming */
tf_master, /* Master TF */
tf_sup, /* Suppressed TF */
y_freestream; /* The epoch of free-streaming for a given scale */
/* Finally, TFmdm_onek_mpc() and TFmdm_onek_hmpc() give their answers as */
float tf_cb, /* The transfer function for density-weighted
CDM + Baryon perturbations. */
tf_cbnu; /* The transfer function for density-weighted
CDM + Baryon + Massive Neutrino perturbations. */
/* By default, these functions return tf_cb */
/* ------------------------- TFmdm_set_cosm() ------------------------ */
int TFmdm_set_cosm(float omega_matter, float omega_baryon, float omega_hdm,
int degen_hdm, float omega_lambda, float hubble, float redshift)
/* This routine takes cosmological parameters and a redshift and sets up
all the internal scalar quantities needed to compute the transfer function. */
/* INPUT: omega_matter -- Density of CDM, baryons, and massive neutrinos,
in units of the critical density. */
/* omega_baryon -- Density of baryons, in units of critical. */
/* omega_hdm -- Density of massive neutrinos, in units of critical */
/* degen_hdm -- (Int) Number of degenerate massive neutrino species */
/* omega_lambda -- Cosmological constant */
/* hubble -- Hubble constant, in units of 100 km/s/Mpc */
/* redshift -- The redshift at which to evaluate */
/* OUTPUT: Returns 0 if all is well, 1 if a warning was issued. Otherwise,
sets many global variables for use in TFmdm_onek_mpc() */
float z_drag_b1, z_drag_b2, omega_denom;
int qwarn;
qwarn = 0;
theta_cmb = 2.728/2.7; /* Assuming T_cmb = 2.728 K */
/* Look for strange input */
if (omega_baryon<0.0) {
"TFmdm_set_cosm(): Negative omega_baryon set to trace amount.\n");
qwarn = 1;
if (omega_hdm<0.0) {
"TFmdm_set_cosm(): Negative omega_hdm set to trace amount.\n");
qwarn = 1;
if (hubble<=0.0) {
fprintf(stderr,"TFmdm_set_cosm(): Negative Hubble constant illegal.\n");
exit(1); /* Can't recover */
} else if (hubble>2.0) {
fprintf(stderr,"TFmdm_set_cosm(): Hubble constant should be in units of 100 km/s/Mpc.\n");
qwarn = 1;
if (redshift<=-1.0) {
fprintf(stderr,"TFmdm_set_cosm(): Redshift < -1 is illegal.\n");
} else if (redshift>99.0) {
"TFmdm_set_cosm(): Large redshift entered. TF may be inaccurate.\n");
qwarn = 1;
if (degen_hdm<1) degen_hdm=1;
num_degen_hdm = (float) degen_hdm;
/* Have to save this for TFmdm_onek_mpc() */
/* This routine would crash if baryons or neutrinos were zero,
so don't allow that */
if (omega_baryon<=0) omega_baryon=1e-5;
if (omega_hdm<=0) omega_hdm=1e-5;
omega_curv = 1.0-omega_matter-omega_lambda;
omhh = omega_matter*SQR(hubble);
obhh = omega_baryon*SQR(hubble);
onhh = omega_hdm*SQR(hubble);
f_baryon = omega_baryon/omega_matter;
f_hdm = omega_hdm/omega_matter;
f_cdm = 1.0-f_baryon-f_hdm;
f_cb = f_cdm+f_baryon;
f_bnu = f_baryon+f_hdm;
/* Compute the equality scale. */
z_equality = 25000.0*omhh/SQR(SQR(theta_cmb)); /* Actually 1+z_eq */
k_equality = 0.0746*omhh/SQR(theta_cmb);
/* Compute the drag epoch and sound horizon */
z_drag_b1 = 0.313*pow(omhh,-0.419)*(1+0.607*pow(omhh,0.674));
z_drag_b2 = 0.238*pow(omhh,0.223);
z_drag = 1291*pow(omhh,0.251)/(1.0+0.659*pow(omhh,0.828))*
y_drag = z_equality/(1.0+z_drag);
sound_horizon_fit = 44.5*log(9.83/omhh)/sqrt(1.0+10.0*pow(obhh,0.75));
/* Set up for the free-streaming & infall growth function */
p_c = 0.25*(5.0-sqrt(1+24.0*f_cdm));
p_cb = 0.25*(5.0-sqrt(1+24.0*f_cb));
omega_denom = omega_lambda+SQR(1.0+redshift)*(omega_curv+
omega_lambda_z = omega_lambda/omega_denom;
omega_matter_z = omega_matter*SQR(1.0+redshift)*(1.0+redshift)/omega_denom;
growth_k0 = z_equality/(1.0+redshift)*2.5*omega_matter_z/
growth_to_z0 = z_equality*2.5*omega_matter/(pow(omega_matter,4.0/7.0)
-omega_lambda + (1.0+omega_matter/2.0)*(1.0+omega_lambda/70.0));
growth_to_z0 = growth_k0/growth_to_z0;
/* Compute small-scale suppression */
alpha_nu = f_cdm/f_cb*(5.0-2.*(p_c+p_cb))/(5.-4.*p_cb)*
alpha_gamma = sqrt(alpha_nu);
beta_c = 1/(1-0.949*f_bnu);
/* Done setting scalar variables */
hhubble = hubble; /* Need to pass Hubble constant to TFmdm_onek_hmpc() */
return qwarn;
/* ---------------------------- TFmdm_onek_mpc() ---------------------- */
float TFmdm_onek_mpc(float kk)
/* Given a wavenumber in Mpc^-1, return the transfer function for the
cosmology held in the global variables. */
/* Input: kk -- Wavenumber in Mpc^-1 */
/* Output: The following are set as global variables:
growth_cb -- the transfer function for density-weighted
CDM + Baryon perturbations.
growth_cbnu -- the transfer function for density-weighted
CDM + Baryon + Massive Neutrino perturbations. */
/* The function returns growth_cb */
float tf_sup_L, tf_sup_C;
float temp1, temp2;
qq = kk/omhh*SQR(theta_cmb);
/* Compute the scale-dependent growth functions */
y_freestream = 17.2*f_hdm*(1+0.488*pow(f_hdm,-7.0/6.0))*
temp1 = pow(growth_k0, 1.0-p_cb);
temp2 = pow(growth_k0/(1+y_freestream),0.7);
growth_cb = pow(1.0+temp2, p_cb/0.7)*temp1;
growth_cbnu = pow(pow(f_cb,0.7/p_cb)+temp2, p_cb/0.7)*temp1;
/* Compute the master function */
gamma_eff =omhh*(alpha_gamma+(1-alpha_gamma)/
qq_eff = qq*omhh/gamma_eff;
tf_sup_L = log(2.71828+1.84*beta_c*alpha_gamma*qq_eff);
tf_sup_C = 14.4+325/(1+60.5*pow(qq_eff,1.11));
tf_sup = tf_sup_L/(tf_sup_L+tf_sup_C*SQR(qq_eff));
qq_nu = 3.92*qq*sqrt(num_degen_hdm/f_hdm);
max_fs_correction = 1+1.2*pow(f_hdm,0.64)*pow(num_degen_hdm,0.3+0.6*f_hdm)/
tf_master = tf_sup*max_fs_correction;
/* Now compute the CDM+HDM+baryon transfer functions */
tf_cb = tf_master*growth_cb/growth_k0;
tf_cbnu = tf_master*growth_cbnu/growth_k0;
return tf_cb;
/* ---------------------------- TFmdm_onek_hmpc() ---------------------- */
float TFmdm_onek_hmpc(float kk)
/* Given a wavenumber in h Mpc^-1, return the transfer function for the
cosmology held in the global variables. */
/* Input: kk -- Wavenumber in h Mpc^-1 */
/* Output: The following are set as global variables:
growth_cb -- the transfer function for density-weighted
CDM + Baryon perturbations.
growth_cbnu -- the transfer function for density-weighted
CDM + Baryon + Massive Neutrino perturbations. */
/* The function returns growth_cb */
return TFmdm_onek_mpc(kk*hhubble);
TransferFunction_EisensteinNeutrino( Cosmology aCosm, real_t Omega_HDM, int degen_HDM, real_t Tcmb = 2.726 )
: TransferFunction(aCosm)//, m_h0( aCosm.H0*0.01 )
TFmdm_set_cosm( aCosm.Omega_m, aCosm.Omega_b, Omega_HDM, degen_HDM, aCosm.Omega_L, aCosm.H0, aCosm.astart );
//! Computes the transfer function for k in Mpc/h by calling TFfit_onek
virtual inline real_t compute( real_t k ){
return TFmdm_onek_hmpc( k );
/*real_t tfb, tfcdm, fb, fc; //, tfull
TFfit_onek( k*m_h0, &tfb, &tfcdm );
fb = m_Cosmology.Omega_b/(m_Cosmology.Omega_m);
fc = (m_Cosmology.Omega_m-m_Cosmology.Omega_b)/(m_Cosmology.Omega_m) ;
return fb*tfb+fc*tfcdm;*/
//return 1.0;
transfer_function_plugin_creator_concrete< transfer_eisenstein_plugin > creator("eisenstein");
transfer_function_plugin_creator_concrete< transfer_eisenstein_wdm_plugin > creator2("eisenstein_wdm");