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output_grafic2.cc - This file is part of MUSIC -
a code to generate multi-scale initial conditions
for cosmological simulations
Copyright (C) 2010 Oliver Hahn
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fstream>
#include "output.hh"
//! Implementation of class grafic2_output_plugin
This class implements a grafic-2 (cf. Bertschinger 2001) compatible
output format. With some RAMSES extras.
class grafic2_output_plugin : public output_plugin
typedef struct{
int n1, n2, n3;
float dxini0;
float xoff10,xoff20,xoff30;
float astart0,omega_m0,omega_l0,h00;
bool bhavehydro_;
void write_file_header( std::ofstream& ofs, unsigned ilevel, const grid_hierarchy& gh )
header loc_head;
boxlength = cf_.getValue<double>("setup","boxlength"),
H0 = cf_.getValue<double>("cosmology","H0"),
zstart = cf_.getValue<double>("setup","zstart"),
astart = 1.0/(1.0+zstart),
omegam = cf_.getValue<double>("cosmology","Omega_m"),
omegaL = cf_.getValue<double>("cosmology","Omega_L");
loc_head.n1 = gh.get_grid(ilevel)->size(0);
loc_head.n2 = gh.get_grid(ilevel)->size(1);
loc_head.n3 = gh.get_grid(ilevel)->size(2);
loc_head.dxini0 = boxlength / (H0*0.01) / pow(2.0,ilevel);
loc_head.xoff10 = gh.offset_abs(ilevel,0) * loc_head.dxini0;
loc_head.xoff20 = gh.offset_abs(ilevel,1) * loc_head.dxini0;
loc_head.xoff30 = gh.offset_abs(ilevel,2) * loc_head.dxini0;
loc_head.astart0 = astart;
loc_head.omega_m0 = omegam;
loc_head.omega_l0 = omegaL;
loc_head.h00 = H0;
int blksz = sizeof(header);
ofs.write( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksz), sizeof(int) );
ofs.write( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&loc_head), blksz );
ofs.write( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksz), sizeof(int) );
void write_sliced_array( std::ofstream& ofs, unsigned ilevel, const grid_hierarchy& gh, float fac = 1.0f )
unsigned n1,n2,n3;
n1 = gh.get_grid(ilevel)->size(0);
n2 = gh.get_grid(ilevel)->size(1);
n3 = gh.get_grid(ilevel)->size(2);
std::vector<float> data(n1*n2,0.0f);
for( unsigned i=0; i<n3; ++i )
for( unsigned j=0; j<n2; ++j )
for( unsigned k=0; k<n1; ++k )
data[j*n1+k] = (*gh.get_grid(ilevel))(k,j,i) * fac;
unsigned blksize = n1*n2*sizeof(float);
ofs.write( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksize), sizeof(unsigned) );
ofs.write( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&data[0]), blksize );
ofs.write( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksize), sizeof(unsigned) );
void write_ramses_namelist( const grid_hierarchy& gh )
//... also write the refinement options to a dummy namelist file
char ff[256];
sprintf(ff,"%s/ramses.nml",fname_.c_str() );
std::ofstream ofst(ff,std::ios::trunc);
<< "filetype=\'grafic\'\n";
for( unsigned i=gh.levelmin();i<=gh.levelmax(); ++i)
sprintf(ff,"initfile(%d)=\'%s/level_%03d\'\n",i-gh.levelmin()+1,fname_.c_str(), i );
ofst << std::string(ff);
ofst << "/\n\n";
double xc,yc,zc,l;
<< "&AMR_PARAMS\n"
<< "levelmin=" << gh.levelmin() << "\n"
<< "levelmax=" << gh.levelmax() << "\n"
<< "ngridtot=2000000\n"
<< "nparttot=3000000\n"
<< "nexpand=1\n/\n\n";
const size_t fprec = 12, fwid = 16;
if( gh.levelmax() > gh.levelmin() )
l = (double)(1l<<(gh.levelmin()+1));
xc = ((double)gh.offset_abs(gh.levelmin()+1,0)+0.5*(double)gh.size(gh.levelmin()+1,0))/l;
yc = ((double)gh.offset_abs(gh.levelmin()+1,1)+0.5*(double)gh.size(gh.levelmin()+1,1))/l;
zc = ((double)gh.offset_abs(gh.levelmin()+1,2)+0.5*(double)gh.size(gh.levelmin()+1,2))/l;
ofst << "&REFINE_PARAMS\n"
<< "m_refine= "<< std::setw(fwid) << std::setprecision(fprec) << 0.0;
for( unsigned i=gh.levelmin()+1;i<gh.levelmax(); ++i)
ofst << "," << std::setw(fwid) << std::setprecision(fprec) << 0.0;
ofst << "\nx_refine= "<< std::setw(fwid) << std::setprecision(fprec) << xc;
for( unsigned i=gh.levelmin()+1;i<gh.levelmax(); ++i)
l = (double)(1l<<(i+1));
xc = ((double)gh.offset_abs(i+1,0)+0.5*(double)gh.size(i+1,0))/l;
ofst << ","<< std::setw(fwid) << std::setprecision(fprec) << xc;
ofst << "\ny_refine= "<< std::setw(fwid) << std::setprecision(fprec) << yc;
for( unsigned i=gh.levelmin()+1;i<gh.levelmax(); ++i)
l = (double)(1l<<(i+1));
yc = ((double)gh.offset_abs(i+1,1)+0.5*(double)gh.size(i+1,1))/l;
ofst << ","<< std::setw(fwid) << std::setprecision(fprec) << yc;
ofst << "\nz_refine= "<< std::setw(fwid) << std::setprecision(fprec) << zc;
for( unsigned i=gh.levelmin()+1;i<gh.levelmax(); ++i)
l = (double)(1l<<(i+1));
zc = ((double)gh.offset_abs(i+1,2)+0.5*(double)gh.size(i+1,2))/l;
ofst << ","<< std::setw(fwid) << std::setprecision(fprec) << zc;
ofst << "\nr_refine= ";
for(unsigned i=gh.levelmin();i<gh.levelmax(); ++i )
size_t nmax = std::min(gh.size(i+1,0),std::min(gh.size(i+1,1),gh.size(i+1,2)));
double r = (nmax-4.0)/(double)(1l<<(i+1));
if( i==gh.levelmin() )
ofst << std::setw(fwid) << std::setprecision(fprec) << r;
ofst << "," << std::setw(fwid) << std::setprecision(fprec) << r;
ofst << "\nexp_refine=" << std::setw(fwid) << std::setprecision(fprec) << 10.0;
for( unsigned i=gh.levelmin()+1;i<gh.levelmax(); ++i)
ofst << "," << std::setw(fwid) << std::setprecision(fprec) << 10.0;
ofst << "\n/\n";
sprintf(ff,"%s/ramses.nml",fname_.c_str() );
std::cout << " - The grafic2 output plug-in wrote the grid data to a partial\n"
<< " RAMSES namelist file \'" << ff << "\'\n";
grafic2_output_plugin( config_file& cf )
: output_plugin( cf )
// create directory structure
if( !cf.getValueSafe<bool>("setup","force_equal_extent",false) )
LOGWARN("Refinement region is not a square box, this may cause problems with RAMSES");
remove( fname_.c_str() );
mkdir( fname_.c_str(), 0777 );
for(unsigned ilevel=levelmin_; ilevel<=levelmax_; ++ilevel )
char fp[256];
sprintf(fp,"%s/level_%03d",fname_.c_str(), ilevel );
mkdir( fp, 0777 );
bhavehydro_ = cf.getValue<bool>("setup","baryons");
{ }*/
void write_dm_position( int coord, const grid_hierarchy& gh )
boxlength = cf_.getValue<double>("setup","boxlength");
for(unsigned ilevel=levelmin_; ilevel<=levelmax_; ++ilevel )
char ff[256];
sprintf(ff,"%s/level_%03d/ic_posc%c",fname_.c_str(), ilevel, (char)('x'+coord) );
std::ofstream ofs(ff,std::ios::binary|std::ios::trunc);
write_file_header( ofs, ilevel, gh );
write_sliced_array( ofs, ilevel, gh, boxlength );
void write_dm_velocity( int coord, const grid_hierarchy& gh )
boxlength = cf_.getValue<double>("setup","boxlength");
for(unsigned ilevel=levelmin_; ilevel<=levelmax_; ++ilevel )
char ff[256];
sprintf(ff,"%s/level_%03d/ic_velc%c",fname_.c_str(), ilevel, (char)('x'+coord) );
std::ofstream ofs(ff,std::ios::binary|std::ios::trunc);
write_file_header( ofs, ilevel, gh );
write_sliced_array( ofs, ilevel, gh, boxlength );
void write_gas_velocity( int coord, const grid_hierarchy& gh )
boxlength = cf_.getValue<double>("setup","boxlength");
for(unsigned ilevel=levelmin_; ilevel<=levelmax_; ++ilevel )
char ff[256];
sprintf(ff,"%s/level_%03d/ic_velb%c",fname_.c_str(), ilevel, (char)('x'+coord) );
std::ofstream ofs(ff,std::ios::binary|std::ios::trunc);
write_file_header( ofs, ilevel, gh );
write_sliced_array( ofs, ilevel, gh, boxlength );
void write_gas_density( const grid_hierarchy& gh )
for(unsigned ilevel=levelmin_; ilevel<=levelmax_; ++ilevel )
char ff[256];
sprintf(ff,"%s/level_%03d/ic_deltab",fname_.c_str(), ilevel );
std::ofstream ofs(ff,std::ios::binary|std::ios::trunc);
write_file_header( ofs, ilevel, gh );
write_sliced_array( ofs, ilevel, gh );
void write_dm_density( const grid_hierarchy& gh )
if(! bhavehydro_ )
if( cf_.getValueSafe<bool>("output","ramses_nml",true) )
void write_dm_mass( const grid_hierarchy& gh )
{ /* do nothing, not used... */ }
void write_dm_potential( const grid_hierarchy& gh )
{ /* do nothing, not used... */ }
void write_gas_potential( const grid_hierarchy& gh )
{ /* do nothing, not used... */ }
void write_gas_position( int coord, const grid_hierarchy& gh )
{ /* do nothing, not used... */ }
void finalize( void )
{ }
output_plugin_creator_concrete<grafic2_output_plugin> creator("grafic2");