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2024-02-24 10:52:43 +01:00

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// This file is part of monofonIC (MUSIC2)
// A software package to generate ICs for cosmological simulations
// Copyright (C) 2024 by Oliver Hahn
// monofonIC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// monofonIC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <general.hh>
#include <densities.hh>
#include <convolution_kernel.hh>
namespace convolution
std::map<std::string, kernel_creator *> &
static std::map<std::string, kernel_creator *> kernel_map;
return kernel_map;
void perform(kernel *pk, void *pd, bool shift, bool fix, bool flip)
parameters cparam_ = pk->cparam_;
double fftnormp = 1.0/sqrt((double)cparam_.nx * (double)cparam_.ny * (double)cparam_.nz);
double fftnorm = pow(2.0 * M_PI, 1.5) / sqrt(cparam_.lx * cparam_.ly * cparam_.lz) * fftnormp;
complex_t *cdata;
[[maybe_unused]] complex_t *ckernel;
real_t *data;
data = reinterpret_cast<real_t *>(pd);
cdata = reinterpret_cast<complex_t *>(data);
ckernel = reinterpret_cast<complex_t *>(pk->get_ptr());
music::ilog.Print("- Performing kernel convolution on (%5d,%5d,%5d) grid", cparam_.nx, cparam_.ny, cparam_.nz);
music::ilog.Print("- Performing forward FFT...");
fftw_plan_t plan, iplan;
plan = FFTW_API(plan_dft_r2c_3d)(cparam_.nx, cparam_.ny, cparam_.nz, data, cdata, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
iplan = FFTW_API(plan_dft_c2r_3d)(cparam_.nx, cparam_.ny, cparam_.nz, cdata, data, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
//..... need a phase shift for baryons for SPH
double dstag = 0.0;
if (shift)
double boxlength = pk->pcf_->get_value<double>("setup", "boxlength");
double stagfact = pk->pcf_->get_value_safe<double>("setup", "baryon_staggering", 0.5);
int lmax = pk->pcf_->get_value<int>("setup", "levelmax");
double dxmax = boxlength / (1 << lmax);
double dxcur = cparam_.lx / cparam_.nx;
//std::cerr << "Performing staggering shift for SPH\n";
music::ulog.Print("Performing staggering shift for SPH");
dstag = stagfact * 2.0 * M_PI / cparam_.nx * dxmax / dxcur;
std::complex<double> dcmode(RE(cdata[0]), IM(cdata[0]));
#pragma omp parallel
const size_t veclen = cparam_.nz / 2 + 1;
double *kvec = new double[veclen];
double *Tkvec = new double[veclen];
double *argvec = new double[veclen];
#pragma omp for
for (int i = 0; i < cparam_.nx; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < cparam_.ny; ++j)
for (int k = 0; k < cparam_.nz / 2 + 1; ++k)
double kx, ky, kz;
kx = (double)i;
ky = (double)j;
kz = (double)k;
if (kx > cparam_.nx / 2)
kx -= cparam_.nx;
if (ky > cparam_.ny / 2)
ky -= cparam_.ny;
kvec[k] = sqrt(kx * kx + ky * ky + kz * kz);
argvec[k] = (kx + ky + kz) * dstag;
pk->at_k(veclen, kvec, Tkvec);
for (int k = 0; k < cparam_.nz / 2 + 1; ++k)
size_t ii = (size_t)(i * cparam_.ny + j) * (size_t)(cparam_.nz / 2 + 1) + (size_t)k;
std::complex<double> carg(cos(argvec[k]), sin(argvec[k]));
std::complex<double> ccdata(RE(cdata[ii]), IM(cdata[ii]));
if( fix ){
ccdata = ccdata / std::abs(ccdata) / fftnormp;
if( flip ){
ccdata = -ccdata;
ccdata = ccdata * Tkvec[k] * fftnorm * carg;
RE(cdata[ii]) = ccdata.real();
IM(cdata[ii]) = ccdata.imag();
delete[] kvec;
delete[] Tkvec;
delete[] argvec;
// we now set the correct DC mode below...
RE(cdata[0]) = 0.0;
IM(cdata[0]) = 0.0;
music::ulog.Print("Performing backward FFT...");
// set the DC mode here to avoid a possible truncation error in single precision
size_t nelem = (size_t)cparam_.nx * (size_t)cparam_.ny * (size_t)cparam_.nz;
real_t mean = dcmode.real() * fftnorm / (real_t)nelem;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (size_t i = 0; i < nelem; ++i)
data[i] += mean;
void perform(kernel *pk, void *pd, bool shift, bool fix, bool flip);
/*** SPECIFIC KERNEL IMPLEMENTATIONS *********************************************/
class kernel_k : public kernel
double boxlength_, patchlength_, nspec_, pnorm_, kfac_, kmax_;
TransferFunction_k *tfk_;
kernel_k(config_file &cf, transfer_function *ptf, refinement_hierarchy &refh, tf_type type)
: kernel(cf, ptf, refh, type)
boxlength_ = pcf_->get_value<double>("setup", "boxlength");
nspec_ = ptf->cosmo_params_["n_s"];
pnorm_ = ptf->cosmo_params_["pnorm"];
kfac_ = 2.0 * M_PI / boxlength_;
kmax_ = kfac_ / 2;
tfk_ = new TransferFunction_k(type_, ptf_, nspec_, pnorm_);
cparam_.nx = 1;
cparam_.ny = 1;
cparam_.nz = 1;
cparam_.lx = boxlength_;
cparam_.ly = boxlength_;
cparam_.lz = boxlength_;
cparam_.pcf = pcf_;
patchlength_ = boxlength_;
kernel *fetch_kernel(int ilevel, bool isolated = false)
if (!isolated)
cparam_.nx = prefh_->size(ilevel, 0);
cparam_.ny = prefh_->size(ilevel, 1);
cparam_.nz = prefh_->size(ilevel, 2);
cparam_.lx = (double)cparam_.nx / (double)(1 << ilevel) * boxlength_;
cparam_.ly = (double)cparam_.ny / (double)(1 << ilevel) * boxlength_;
cparam_.lz = (double)cparam_.nz / (double)(1 << ilevel) * boxlength_;
patchlength_ = cparam_.lx;
kfac_ = 2.0 * M_PI / patchlength_;
kmax_ = kfac_ * cparam_.nx / 2;
if( prefh_->get_margin() < 0 ){
cparam_.nx = 2 * prefh_->size(ilevel, 0);
cparam_.ny = 2 * prefh_->size(ilevel, 1);
cparam_.nz = 2 * prefh_->size(ilevel, 2);
cparam_.nx = prefh_->size(ilevel, 0) + 2*prefh_->get_margin();
cparam_.ny = prefh_->size(ilevel, 1) + 2*prefh_->get_margin();
cparam_.nz = prefh_->size(ilevel, 2) + 2*prefh_->get_margin();
cparam_.lx = (double)cparam_.nx / (double)(1 << ilevel) * boxlength_;
cparam_.ly = (double)cparam_.ny / (double)(1 << ilevel) * boxlength_;
cparam_.lz = (double)cparam_.nz / (double)(1 << ilevel) * boxlength_;
patchlength_ = cparam_.lx;
kfac_ = 2.0 * M_PI / patchlength_;
kmax_ = kfac_ * cparam_.nx / 2;
return this;
void *get_ptr() { return NULL; }
bool is_ksampled() { return true; }
void at_k(size_t len, const double *in_k, double *out_Tk)
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
double kk = kfac_ * in_k[i];
out_Tk[i] = tfk_->compute(kk);
~kernel_k() { delete tfk_; }
void deallocate() {}
} // namespace convolution
convolution::kernel_creator_concrete<convolution::kernel_k> creator_kd("tf_kernel_k");