/* fd_schemes.hh - This file is part of MUSIC - a code to generate multi-scale initial conditions for cosmological simulations Copyright (C) 2010 Oliver Hahn This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef __FD_SCHEMES_HH #define __FD_SCHEMES_HH #include #include //... abstract implementation of the Poisson/Force scheme template< class L, class G, typename real_t=double > class scheme { public: typedef L laplacian; typedef G gradient; laplacian m_laplacian; gradient m_gradient; template< class C > inline real_t grad_x( const C&c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) { return m_gradient.apply_x( c,i,j,k ); } template< class C > inline real_t grad_y( const C&c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) { return m_gradient.apply_y( c,i,j,k ); } template< class C > inline real_t grad_z( const C&c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) { return m_gradient.apply_z( c,i,j,k ); } template< class C > inline real_t L_apply( const C&c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) { return m_laplacian.apply( c,i,j,k ); } template< class C > inline real_t L_rhs( const C&c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) { return m_laplacian.rhs( c,i,j,k ); } inline real_t ccoeff( void ) { return m_laplacian.ccoeff(); } }; template< int nextent, typename T > class gradient { typedef T real_t; std::vector m_stencil; const unsigned nl; public: gradient() : nl( 2*nextent+1 ) { m_stencil.assign(nl*nl*nl,(real_t)0.0); } real_t& operator()(int i) { return m_stencil[i+nextent]; } const real_t& operator()(int i) const { return m_stencil[i+nextent]; } template< class C > inline void apply( const C& c, C& f, int dir ) { f = c; int nx=c.size(0), ny=c.size(1), nz=c.size(2); double hx = 1.0/(nx+1.0), hy = 1.0/(ny+1.0), hz = 1.0/(nz+1.0); f.zero(); if( dir == 0 ) for( int i=0; i class base_stencil { protected: std::vector m_stencil; const unsigned nl; public: bool m_modsource; public: base_stencil( bool amodsource = false ) : nl( 2*nextent+1 ), m_modsource( amodsource ) { m_stencil.assign(nl*nl*nl,(real_t)0.0); } real_t& operator()(int i, int j, int k) { return m_stencil[((i+nextent)*nl+(j+nextent))*nl+(k+nextent)]; } const real_t& operator()(unsigned i, unsigned j, unsigned k) const { return m_stencil[((i+nextent)*nl+(j+nextent))*nl+(k+nextent)]; } template< class C > inline real_t rhs( const C& c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) { real_t sum = this->apply( c, i, j, k ); sum -= (*this)(0,0,0) * c(i,j,k); return sum; } inline real_t ccoeff( void ) { return (*this)(0,0,0); } template< class C > inline real_t apply( const C& c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) { real_t sum = 0.0; for( int ii=-nextent; ii<=nextent; ++ii ) for( int jj=-nextent; jj<=nextent; ++jj ) for( int kk=-nextent; kk<=nextent; ++kk ) sum += (*this)(ii,jj,kk) * c(i+ii,j+jj,k+kk); return sum; } template< class C > inline real_t modsource( const C& c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) { return 0.0; } }; /***************************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ //... Implementation of the Gradient schemes............................................ template< typename real_t > class deriv_2P : public gradient<1,real_t> { public: deriv_2P( void ) { (*this)( 0 ) = 0.0; (*this)(-1 ) = -0.5; (*this)(+1 ) = +0.5; } }; //... Implementation of the Laplacian schemes.......................................... template< typename real_t > class stencil_7P : public base_stencil<1,real_t> { public: stencil_7P( void ) { (*this)( 0, 0, 0) = -6.0; (*this)(-1, 0, 0) = +1.0; (*this)(+1, 0, 0) = +1.0; (*this)( 0,-1, 0) = +1.0; (*this)( 0,+1, 0) = +1.0; (*this)( 0, 0,-1) = +1.0; (*this)( 0, 0,+1) = +1.0; } template< class C > inline real_t apply( const C& c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) const { return c(i-1,j,k)+c(i+1,j,k)+c(i,j-1,k)+c(i,j+1,k)+c(i,j,k-1)+c(i,j,k+1)-6.0*c(i,j,k); } template< class C > inline real_t rhs( const C& c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) const { return c(i-1,j,k)+c(i+1,j,k)+c(i,j-1,k)+c(i,j+1,k)+c(i,j,k-1)+c(i,j,k+1); } inline real_t ccoeff( void ) { return -6.0; } }; template< typename real_t > class stencil_13P : public base_stencil<2,real_t> { public: stencil_13P( void ) { (*this)( 0, 0, 0) = -90.0/12.; (*this)(-1, 0, 0) = (*this)(+1, 0, 0) = (*this)( 0,-1, 0) = (*this)( 0,+1, 0) = (*this)( 0, 0,-1) = (*this)( 0, 0,+1) = 16./12.; (*this)(-2, 0, 0) = (*this)(+2, 0, 0) = (*this)( 0,-2, 0) = (*this)( 0,+2, 0) = (*this)( 0, 0,-2) = (*this)( 0, 0,+2) = -1./12.; } template< class C > inline real_t apply( const C& c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) { return (-1.0*(c(i-2,j,k)+c(i+2,j,k)+c(i,j-2,k)+c(i,j+2,k)+c(i,j,k-2)+c(i,j,k+2)) +16.0*(c(i-1,j,k)+c(i+1,j,k)+c(i,j-1,k)+c(i,j+1,k)+c(i,j,k-1)+c(i,j,k+1)) -90.0*c(i,j,k))/12.0; } template< class C > inline real_t rhs( const C& c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) { return (-1.0*(c(i-2,j,k)+c(i+2,j,k)+c(i,j-2,k)+c(i,j+2,k)+c(i,j,k-2)+c(i,j,k+2)) +16.0*(c(i-1,j,k)+c(i+1,j,k)+c(i,j-1,k)+c(i,j+1,k)+c(i,j,k-1)+c(i,j,k+1)))/12.0; } inline real_t ccoeff( void ) { return -90.0/12.0; } }; template< typename real_t > class stencil_19P : public base_stencil<3,real_t> { public: stencil_19P( void ) { (*this)( 0, 0, 0) = -1470./180.; (*this)(-1, 0, 0) = (*this)(+1, 0, 0) = (*this)( 0,-1, 0) = (*this)( 0,+1, 0) = (*this)( 0, 0,-1) = (*this)( 0, 0,+1) = 270./180.; (*this)(-2, 0, 0) = (*this)(+2, 0, 0) = (*this)( 0,-2, 0) = (*this)( 0,+2, 0) = (*this)( 0, 0,-2) = (*this)( 0, 0,+2) = -27./180.; (*this)(-3, 0, 0) = (*this)(+3, 0, 0) = (*this)( 0,-3, 0) = (*this)( 0,+3, 0) = (*this)( 0, 0,-3) = (*this)( 0, 0,+3) = 2./180.; } template< class C > inline real_t apply( const C& c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) { return (2.0*(c(i-3,j,k)+c(i+3,j,k)+c(i,j-3,k)+c(i,j+3,k)+c(i,j,k-3)+c(i,j,k+3)) -27.0*(c(i-2,j,k)+c(i+2,j,k)+c(i,j-2,k)+c(i,j+2,k)+c(i,j,k-2)+c(i,j,k+2)) +270.0*(c(i-1,j,k)+c(i+1,j,k)+c(i,j-1,k)+c(i,j+1,k)+c(i,j,k-1)+c(i,j,k+1)) -1470.0*c(i,j,k))/180.0; } template< class C > inline real_t rhs( const C& c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) { return (2.0*(c(i-3,j,k)+c(i+3,j,k)+c(i,j-3,k)+c(i,j+3,k)+c(i,j,k-3)+c(i,j,k+3)) -27.0*(c(i-2,j,k)+c(i+2,j,k)+c(i,j-2,k)+c(i,j+2,k)+c(i,j,k-2)+c(i,j,k+2)) +270.0*(c(i-1,j,k)+c(i+1,j,k)+c(i,j-1,k)+c(i,j+1,k)+c(i,j,k-1)+c(i,j,k+1)))/180.0; } inline real_t ccoeff( void ) { return -1470.0/180.0; } }; template< typename real_t > class Laplace_flux_O4 { public: //.. idir is -1 for left boundary, +1 for right boundary template< class C > inline double apply_x( int idir, const C& c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) { double fac = -((double)idir)/12.0; return fac*(-c(i-2,j,k)+15.0*c(i-1,j,k)-15.0*c(i,j,k)+c(i+1,j,k)); } template< class C > inline double apply_y( int idir, const C& c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) { double fac = -((double)idir)/12.0; return fac*(-c(i,j-2,k)+15.0*c(i,j-1,k)-15.0*c(i,j,k)+c(i,j+1,k)); } template< class C > inline double apply_z( int idir, const C& c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) { double fac = -((double)idir)/12.0; return fac*(-c(i,j,k-2)+15.0*c(i,j,k-1)-15.0*c(i,j,k)+c(i,j,k+1)); } }; template< typename real_t > class Laplace_flux_O6 { public: //.. idir is -1 for left boundary, +1 for right boundary template< class C > inline double apply_x( int idir, const C& c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) { double fac = -((double)idir)/180.0; return fac*(2.*c(i-3,j,k)-25.*c(i-2,j,k)+245.*c(i-1,j,k)-245.0*c(i,j,k)+25.*c(i+1,j,k)-2.*c(i+2,j,k)); } template< class C > inline double apply_y( int idir, const C& c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) { double fac = -((double)idir)/180.0; return fac*(2.*c(i,j-3,k)-25.*c(i,j-2,k)+245.*c(i,j-1,k)-245.0*c(i,j,k)+25.*c(i,j+1,k)-2.*c(i,j+2,k)); } template< class C > inline double apply_z( int idir, const C& c, const int i, const int j, const int k ) { double fac = -((double)idir)/180.0; return fac*(2.*c(i,j,k-3)-25.*c(i,j,k-2)+245.*c(i,j,k-1)-245.0*c(i,j,k)+25.*c(i,j,k+1)-2.*c(i,j,k+2)); } }; #endif