# Zoom Initial Conditions for halo 9744960 in simulation RefL0100N1504 (EAGLE project) # Details on this halo can be found on https://cosmicweb.eu/simulation/RefL0100N1504/halo/9744960 # This file has been generated by CosmICweb @2023-03-06T08:46:30.871Z [setup] boxlength = 67.77 zstart = 127 levelmin = 7 levelmin_TF = 9 levelmax = 11 baryons = no use_2LPT = no use_LLA = no padding = 8 # Ellipsoidal refinement region defined on unity cube # This minimum bounding ellipsoid has been obtained from # particles within 2 R200c of the halo center region = ellipsoid region_ellipsoid_matrix[0] = 2022.3683, -727.43207, 647.41876 region_ellipsoid_matrix[1] = -727.43207, 1231.4218, 156.45541 region_ellipsoid_matrix[2] = 647.41876, 156.45541, 1635.1184 region_ellipsoid_center = 0.56548864, 0.5168543, 0.6127409 [cosmology] Omega_m = 0.307 Omega_L = 0.693 Omega_b = 0.04825 H0 = 67.77 sigma_8 = 0.8288 nspec = 0.9611 ZeroRadiation = true transfer = camb_file transfer_file = ../data/EAGLE/Eagle_camb_file.txt [random] generator = PANPHASIA descriptor =[Panph1,L16,(31250,23438,39063),S12,CH1050187043,EAGLE_L0100_VOL1] [poisson] fft_fine = yes accuracy = 1e-6 grad_order = 6 laplace_order = 6 [output] ##generic MUSIC data format (used for testing) ##requires HDF5 installation and HDF5 enabled in Makefile #format = generic #filename = debug.hdf5 ## AREPO data format ## requires HDF5 installation and HDF5 enabled in Makefile #format = arepo #filename = ics_arepo.hdf5 ## SWIFT data format ## requires HDF5 installation and HDF5 enabled in Makefile #format = swift #filename = ics_swift.hdf5 ## RAMSES format (compatible with Bertschinger's grafic2) ## option 'ramses_nml'=yes writes out a startup nml file #format = grafic2 #filename = ics_ramses #ramses_nml = yes ## ENZO - also outputs the settings for the parameter file ## requires HDF5 installation and HDF5 enabled in Makefile #format = enzo #filename = ic.enzo ## TIPSY format compatible with PKDgrav and Gasoline #format = tipsy #filename = ics_tipsy.dat ## NYX compatible output format ##requires boxlib installation and boxlib enabled in Makefile #format = nyx #filename = init ## Gadget-2 (type=1: high-res particles, type=5: rest) - old bunary format #format = gadget2 #filename = ics_gadget.dat