# Do not change the following variables here, but in Make.local # BOXLIB_HOME defines the directory in which we will find all the BoxLib code # it is set via environment Variable otherwise it's set to this: BOXLIB_HOME = ${HOME}/nyx_tot_sterben/BoxLib #TOP defines the directory in which we will find Source, Exec, etc TOP = ${HOME}/music-stuff/music/plugins/boxlib_stuff # PRECISION HAS TO BE DOUBLE!!! SINGLE won't work out of the box because of fftw3 issues PRECISION = DOUBLE DEBUG = FALSE DIM = 3 COMP = Intel FCOMP = Intel USE_MPI = FALSE USE_OMP = FALSE EBASE = Nyx-ic USE_NU = FALSE USE_NONGAUSS = FALSE # on-site changes to these variables go to Make.local: -include Make.local IN_MUSIC = NO #include ./Make.package DEFINES += -DFFTW3 include ./Make.ic