program get_music_refmask !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Ce programme calcule la carte de densite surfacique projetee ! des particules de matiere noire d'une simulation RAMSES. ! Version F90 par R. Teyssier le 01/04/01. !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none integer::ncpu,ndim,npart,ngrid,n,i,j,k,icpu,ipos,nstar,nstart,inull,ico integer::ncpu2,npart2,ndim2,levelmin,levelmax,ilevel,ndark,ismooth integer::nx=0,ny=0,ix,iy,iz,ixp1,iyp1,idim,jdim,ncpu_read real(KIND=8)::mtot,ddx,ddy,dex,dey,t,soft,poty,mass,btime,unit_l,aexp,unit_t real(KIND=8)::xmin=0,xmax=1,ymin=0,ymax=1,zmin=0,zmax=1,r,xc=0.5,yc=0.5,zc=0.5,rad=-1 integer::imin,imax,jmin,jmax,kmin,kmax,lmin,ipart real(KIND=8)::xxmin,xxmax,yymin,yymax,dy,deltax,fakeage real(KIND=4),dimension(:,:),allocatable::toto real(KIND=8),dimension(:,:),allocatable::map real(KIND=8),dimension(:) ,allocatable::x real(KIND=8),dimension(:) ,allocatable::y real(KIND=8),dimension(:) ,allocatable::z real(KIND=8),dimension(:) ,allocatable::vx real(KIND=8),dimension(:) ,allocatable::vy real(KIND=8),dimension(:) ,allocatable::vz real(KIND=8),dimension(:) ,allocatable::m real(KIND=8),dimension(:) ,allocatable::temp real(KIND=8),dimension(:) ,allocatable::bt real(KIND=8),dimension(:) ,allocatable::tempx,tempy,tempz,tempvx,tempvy,tempvz,tempm,tempbt,tempr integer ,allocatable,dimension(:)::tempid,temp2,indtempid integer ,allocatable,dimension(:)::id integer ,allocatable,dimension(:)::idpart,indidpart integer::outputmode real ,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:)::imark character(LEN=1)::proj='z' character(LEN=5)::nchar,ncharcpu character(LEN=80)::ordering,format_grille character(LEN=80)::GMGM character(LEN=128)::nomfich,repository,filetype='bin',grafic character(LEN=128)::nomfich2,repository2, outputname logical::ok,ok_part,periodic=.false.,star=.false.,okerode=.false. integer::impi,ndom,bit_length,maxdom,maxid,idd integer,dimension(1:8)::idom,jdom,kdom,cpu_min,cpu_max real(KIND=8),dimension(1:8)::bounding_min,bounding_max real(KIND=8)::dkey,order_min,dmax,vfact real(kind=8),dimension(:),allocatable::bound_key logical,dimension(:),allocatable::cpu_read integer,dimension(:),allocatable::cpu_list integer(kind=4)::np1,np2,np3 real::dx,dx2,x1o,x2o,x3o,astart,omegam,omegav,h0,x1or,x2or,x3or,dxor,omegak call read_params !----------------------------------------------- ! Lecture du fichier particules au format RAMSES !----------------------------------------------- ipos=INDEX(repository,'output_') nchar=repository(ipos+7:ipos+13) nomfich=TRIM(repository)//'/part_'//TRIM(nchar)//'.out00001' inquire(file=nomfich, exist=ok) ! verify input file if ( .not. ok ) then print *,TRIM(nomfich)//' not found.' stop endif nomfich=TRIM(repository)//'/info_'//TRIM(nchar)//'.txt' inquire(file=nomfich, exist=ok) ! verify input file if ( .not. ok ) then print *,TRIM(nomfich)//' not found.' stop endif open(unit=10,file=nomfich,form='formatted',status='old') ! read(10,'("ncpu =",I11)')ncpu read(10,'(A13,I11)')GMGM,ncpu ! read(10,'("ndim =",I11)')ndim read(10,'(A13,I11)')GMGM,ndim ! read(10,'("levelmin =",I11)')levelmin read(10,'(A13,I11)')GMGM,levelmin ! read(10,'("levelmax =",I11)')levelmax read(10,'(A13,I11)')GMGM,levelmax read(10,*) read(10,*) read(10,*) write(*,*)ncpu,ndim,levelmin,levelmax read(10,*) ! read(10,'("time =",E23.15)')t read(10,'(A13,E23.15)')GMGM,t ! read(10,'("aexp =",E23.15)')aexp read(10,'(A13,E23.15)')GMGM,aexp read(10,*) read(10,*) read(10,*) read(10,*) read(10,*) ! read(10,'("unit_l =",E23.15)')unit_l read(10,'(A13,E23.15)')GMGM,unit_l read(10,*) ! read(10,'("unit_t =",E23.15)')unit_t read(10,'(A13,E23.15)')GMGM,unit_t read(10,*) ! read(10,'("ordering type=",A80)'),ordering read(10,'(A14,A80)')GMGM,ordering read(10,*) write(*,'(" ordering type=",A20)'),TRIM(ordering) allocate(cpu_list(1:ncpu)) if(TRIM(ordering).eq.'hilbert')then allocate(bound_key(0:ncpu)) allocate(cpu_read(1:ncpu)) cpu_read=.false. do impi=1,ncpu read(10,'(I8,1X,E23.15,1X,E23.15)')i,bound_key(impi-1),bound_key(impi) end do endif close(10) if(TRIM(ordering).eq.'hilbert')then dmax=max(xmax-xmin,ymax-ymin,zmax-zmin) do ilevel=1,levelmax deltax=0.5d0**ilevel if( end do lmin=ilevel bit_length=lmin-1 maxdom=2**bit_length imin=0; imax=0; jmin=0; jmax=0; kmin=0; kmax=0 if(bit_length>0)then imin=int(xmin*dble(maxdom)) imax=imin+1 jmin=int(ymin*dble(maxdom)) jmax=jmin+1 kmin=int(zmin*dble(maxdom)) kmax=kmin+1 endif dkey=(dble(2**(levelmax+1)/dble(maxdom)))**ndim ndom=1 if(bit_length>0)ndom=8 idom(1)=imin; idom(2)=imax idom(3)=imin; idom(4)=imax idom(5)=imin; idom(6)=imax idom(7)=imin; idom(8)=imax jdom(1)=jmin; jdom(2)=jmin jdom(3)=jmax; jdom(4)=jmax jdom(5)=jmin; jdom(6)=jmin jdom(7)=jmax; jdom(8)=jmax kdom(1)=kmin; kdom(2)=kmin kdom(3)=kmin; kdom(4)=kmin kdom(5)=kmax; kdom(6)=kmax kdom(7)=kmax; kdom(8)=kmax do i=1,ndom if(bit_length>0)then call hilbert3d(idom(i),jdom(i),kdom(i),order_min,bit_length,1) else order_min=0.0d0 endif bounding_min(i)=(order_min)*dkey bounding_max(i)=(order_min+1.0D0)*dkey end do cpu_min=0; cpu_max=0 do impi=1,ncpu do i=1,ndom if ( bound_key(impi-1).le.bounding_min(i).and.& & bound_key(impi ).gt.bounding_min(i))then cpu_min(i)=impi endif if ( bound_key(impi-1).lt.bounding_max(i).and.& & bound_key(impi ).ge.bounding_max(i))then cpu_max(i)=impi endif end do end do ncpu_read=0 do i=1,ndom do j=cpu_min(i),cpu_max(i) if(.not. cpu_read(j))then ncpu_read=ncpu_read+1 cpu_list(ncpu_read)=j cpu_read(j)=.true. endif enddo enddo else ncpu_read=ncpu do j=1,ncpu cpu_list(j)=j end do end if npart=0 do k=1,ncpu_read write(*,*) 'CPU=',k icpu=cpu_list(k) call title(icpu,ncharcpu) nomfich=TRIM(repository)//'/part_'//TRIM(nchar)//'.out'//TRIM(ncharcpu) open(unit=1,file=nomfich,status='old',form='unformatted') read(1)ncpu2 read(1)ndim2 read(1)npart2 read(1) read(1)nstar close(1) npart=npart+npart2 end do write(*,*) npart,' particles in the region' allocate(m(1:npart)) allocate(x(1:npart)) allocate(y(1:npart)) allocate(z(1:npart)) allocate(vx(1:npart)) allocate(vy(1:npart)) allocate(vz(1:npart)) allocate(id(1:npart)) if(nstar>0) then allocate(bt(1:npart)) endif !----------------------------------------------- ! Compute projected mass using CIC smoothing !---------------------------------------------- mtot=0.0d0 nstart=1 do k=1,ncpu_read icpu=cpu_list(k) call title(icpu,ncharcpu) nomfich=TRIM(repository)//'/part_'//TRIM(nchar)//'.out'//TRIM(ncharcpu) open(unit=1,file=nomfich,status='old',form='unformatted') write(*,*)'Processing file '//TRIM(nomfich) read(1)ncpu2 read(1)ndim2 read(1)npart2 read(1) read(1) read(1) read(1) read(1) allocate(temp(1:npart2)) allocate(temp2(1:npart2)) ! Read positions read(1)temp x(nstart:nstart+npart2-1)=temp read(1)temp y(nstart:nstart+npart2-1)=temp read(1)temp z(nstart:nstart+npart2-1)=temp ! Read velocity read(1)temp vx(nstart:nstart+npart2-1)=temp read(1)temp vy(nstart:nstart+npart2-1)=temp read(1)temp vz(nstart:nstart+npart2-1)=temp ! Read mass read(1)temp m(nstart:nstart+npart2-1)=temp !Read identity read(1)temp2 id(nstart:nstart+npart2-1)=temp2 !Read level read(1)temp2 if(nstar>0) then ! Read BT read(1)temp bt(nstart:nstart+npart2-1)=temp endif ! ---------------------------- nstart=nstart+npart2 !Fill up the next set deallocate(temp) deallocate(temp2) enddo 40 format(3e16.8) 50 format(2I16) !Outputs IDs of selected particles ipart=0 mass=0.0 write(*,*) 'Getting IDs...' open(18,file='partID.dat',form='formatted') maxid=0 do i=1,npart !To get maximum identity of the particle if(nstar.eq.0) then !Only DM particles btime=0 else btime=bt(i) endif if(btime.eq.0) then ok_part=(x(i)>=xmin.and.x(i)<=xmax.and. & & y(i)>=ymin.and.y(i)<=ymax.and. & & z(i)>=zmin.and.z(i)<=zmax) if(rad>0) then r=(x(i)-xc)**2+(y(i)-yc)**2+(z(i)-zc)**2 ok_part=(sqrt(r)<=rad) endif if(ok_part) then maxid=max(maxid,id(i)) ipart=ipart+1 mass=mass+m(i) endif endif enddo write(*,*) 'We have',ipart,' particles in selected region' write(*,*) 'Total mass =', mass 30 format(i16) write(18,50) ipart,npart,maxid allocate(idpart(1:ipart)) j=1 do i=1,npart !Start finding the IDs if(nstar.eq.0) then !Only DM particles btime=0 else btime=bt(i) endif if(btime.eq.0) then ok_part=(x(i)>=xmin.and.x(i)<=xmax.and. & & y(i)>=ymin.and.y(i)<=ymax.and. & & z(i)>=zmin.and.z(i)<=zmax) if(rad>0) then r=(x(i)-xc)**2+(y(i)-yc)**2+(z(i)-zc)**2 ok_part=sqrt(r)<=rad endif if(ok_part) then write(18,30) id(i) !Write IDs idpart(j) = id(i) j = j+1 endif endif enddo npart = ipart allocate(indidpart(1:npart)) CALL quick_sort(idpart, indidpart, npart) !------- read IC data and match ----------- deallocate(m) deallocate(x) deallocate(y) deallocate(z) deallocate(vx) deallocate(vy) deallocate(vz) deallocate(id) if(nstar>0) then deallocate(bt) endif allocate(m(1:npart)) allocate(x(1:npart)) allocate(y(1:npart)) allocate(z(1:npart)) allocate(vx(1:npart)) allocate(vy(1:npart)) allocate(vz(1:npart)) allocate(id(1:npart)) allocate(bt(1:npart)) !----------------------------------------------- ! Compute projected mass using CIC smoothing !---------------------------------------------- mtot=0.0d0 !nstart=1 ipart=0 ipos=INDEX(repository2,'output_') nchar=repository2(ipos+7:ipos+13) do k=1,ncpu_read icpu=cpu_list(k) call title(icpu,ncharcpu) nomfich=TRIM(repository2)//'/part_'//TRIM(nchar)//'.out'//TRIM(ncharcpu) open(unit=1,file=nomfich,status='old',form='unformatted') write(*,*)'Processing file '//TRIM(nomfich) read(1)ncpu2 read(1)ndim2 read(1)npart2 read(1) read(1) read(1) read(1) read(1) allocate(tempx(1:npart2)) allocate(tempy(1:npart2)) allocate(tempz(1:npart2)) allocate(tempvx(1:npart2)) allocate(tempvy(1:npart2)) allocate(tempvz(1:npart2)) allocate(tempm(1:npart2)) allocate(tempid(1:npart2)) allocate(indtempid(1:npart2)) allocate(temp2(1:npart2)) allocate(tempbt(1:npart2)) ! Read positions read(1)tempx read(1)tempy read(1)tempz ! Read velocity read(1)tempvx read(1)tempvy read(1)tempvz ! Read mass read(1)tempm ! Read identity read(1)tempid ! Read level read(1)temp2 if( then ! Read BT read(1)tempbt else tempbt=0 endif close(1) call quick_sort(tempid, indtempid, npart2) ico=1 i=1 do while (i.le.npart2.and.ico.le.npart) if(tempid(i).lt.idpart(ico))then i=i+1 else if(tempid(i).gt.idpart(ico))then ico=ico+1 else if(tempid(i).eq.idpart(ico).and.tempbt(i).ne.0)then i=i+1 else if(tempid(i).eq.idpart(ico).and.tempbt(i).eq.0)then ipart=ipart+1 m(ipart)=tempm(indtempid(i)) x(ipart)=tempx(indtempid(i)) y(ipart)=tempy(indtempid(i)) z(ipart)=tempz(indtempid(i)) vx(ipart)=tempvx(indtempid(i)) vy(ipart)=tempvy(indtempid(i)) vz(ipart)=tempvz(indtempid(i)) id(ipart)=tempid(i) bt(ipart)=tempbt(indtempid(i)) i=i+1 ico=ico+1 end if end if end if end if end do deallocate(tempx) deallocate(tempy) deallocate(tempz) deallocate(tempvx) deallocate(tempvy) deallocate(tempvz) deallocate(tempm) deallocate(tempid) deallocate(indtempid) deallocate(temp2) deallocate(tempbt) end do open(20,file=TRIM(outputname),form='formatted') if( outputmode .eq. 1 ) then do i=1,ipart write(20,1001) x(i), y(i), z(i), vx(i), vy(i), vz(i) end do else do i=1,ipart write(20,1002) x(i), y(i), z(i) end do end if close(20) write(*,*)'Wrote data to file ',trim(outputname) 1001 format (f16.8,f16.8,f16.8,e16.7,e16.7,e16.7) 1002 format (f16.8,f16.8,f16.8) contains subroutine read_params implicit none integer :: i,n integer :: iargc character(len=4) :: opt character(len=128) :: arg LOGICAL :: bad, ok n = iargc() if (n < 4) then print *, 'usage: geticref -inf input_dir_final_snapshot' print *, ' -ini input_dir_first_snapshot' print *, ' [-out output_name] ' print *, ' [-xc xc] ' print *, ' [-yc yc] ' print *, ' [-zc zc] ' print *, ' [-rad rad] ' print *, ' [-vel 0|1] output also velocity data' print *, 'ex: geticref -inf output_00010 -ini output_00001 -xc 0.5 -yc 0.5 -zc 0.5 -rad 0.1' stop end if outputname = 'music_region_file.txt' outputmode = 0 do i = 1,n,2 call getarg(i,opt) if (i == n) then print '("option ",a2," has no argument")', opt stop 2 end if call getarg(i+1,arg) select case (opt) case ('-inf') repository = trim(arg) case ('-ini') repository2 = trim(arg) case ('-dir') proj = trim(arg) case ('-xmi') read (arg,*) xmin case ('-xma') read (arg,*) xmax case ('-ymi') read (arg,*) ymin case ('-yma') read (arg,*) ymax case ('-zmi') read (arg,*) zmin case ('-zma') read (arg,*) zmax case ('-xc') read (arg,*) xc case ('-yc') read (arg,*) yc case ('-zc') read (arg,*) zc case ('-rad') read (arg,*) rad case ('-out') outputname = trim(arg) case ('-vel') read (arg,*) outputmode case ('-per') read (arg,*) periodic case ('-gfc') grafic = trim(arg) case ('-fil') filetype = trim(arg) case default print '("unknown option ",a2," ignored")', opt end select end do return end subroutine read_params end program get_music_refmask !======================================================================= subroutine title(n,nchar) !======================================================================= implicit none integer::n character*5::nchar character*1::nchar1 character*2::nchar2 character*3::nchar3 character*4::nchar4 character*5::nchar5 if( write(nchar5,'(i5)') n nchar = nchar5 elseif( write(nchar4,'(i4)') n nchar = '0'//nchar4 elseif( write(nchar3,'(i3)') n nchar = '00'//nchar3 elseif( write(nchar2,'(i2)') n nchar = '000'//nchar2 else write(nchar1,'(i1)') n nchar = '0000'//nchar1 endif end subroutine title !================================================================ !================================================================ !================================================================ !================================================================ subroutine hilbert3d(x,y,z,order,bit_length,npoint) implicit none integer ,INTENT(IN) ::bit_length,npoint integer ,INTENT(IN) ,dimension(1:npoint)::x,y,z real(kind=8),INTENT(OUT),dimension(1:npoint)::order logical,dimension(0:3*bit_length-1)::i_bit_mask logical,dimension(0:1*bit_length-1)::x_bit_mask,y_bit_mask,z_bit_mask integer,dimension(0:7,0:1,0:11)::state_diagram integer::i,ip,cstate,nstate,b0,b1,b2,sdigit,hdigit if(bit_length>bit_size(bit_length))then write(*,*)'Maximum bit length=',bit_size(bit_length) write(*,*)'stop in hilbert3d' stop endif state_diagram = RESHAPE( (/ 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 3, 5,& & 0, 1, 3, 2, 7, 6, 4, 5,& & 2, 6, 0, 7, 8, 8, 0, 7,& & 0, 7, 1, 6, 3, 4, 2, 5,& & 0, 9,10, 9, 1, 1,11,11,& & 0, 3, 7, 4, 1, 2, 6, 5,& & 6, 0, 6,11, 9, 0, 9, 8,& & 2, 3, 1, 0, 5, 4, 6, 7,& & 11,11, 0, 7, 5, 9, 0, 7,& & 4, 3, 5, 2, 7, 0, 6, 1,& & 4, 4, 8, 8, 0, 6,10, 6,& & 6, 5, 1, 2, 7, 4, 0, 3,& & 5, 7, 5, 3, 1, 1,11,11,& & 4, 7, 3, 0, 5, 6, 2, 1,& & 6, 1, 6,10, 9, 4, 9,10,& & 6, 7, 5, 4, 1, 0, 2, 3,& & 10, 3, 1, 1,10, 3, 5, 9,& & 2, 5, 3, 4, 1, 6, 0, 7,& & 4, 4, 8, 8, 2, 7, 2, 3,& & 2, 1, 5, 6, 3, 0, 4, 7,& & 7, 2,11, 2, 7, 5, 8, 5,& & 4, 5, 7, 6, 3, 2, 0, 1,& & 10, 3, 2, 6,10, 3, 4, 4,& & 6, 1, 7, 0, 5, 2, 4, 3 /), & & (/8 ,2, 12 /) ) do ip=1,npoint ! convert to binary do i=0,bit_length-1 x_bit_mask(i)=btest(x(ip),i) y_bit_mask(i)=btest(y(ip),i) z_bit_mask(i)=btest(z(ip),i) enddo ! interleave bits do i=0,bit_length-1 i_bit_mask(3*i+2)=x_bit_mask(i) i_bit_mask(3*i+1)=y_bit_mask(i) i_bit_mask(3*i )=z_bit_mask(i) end do ! build Hilbert ordering using state diagram cstate=0 do i=bit_length-1,0,-1 b2=0 ; if(i_bit_mask(3*i+2))b2=1 b1=0 ; if(i_bit_mask(3*i+1))b1=1 b0=0 ; if(i_bit_mask(3*i ))b0=1 sdigit=b2*4+b1*2+b0 nstate=state_diagram(sdigit,0,cstate) hdigit=state_diagram(sdigit,1,cstate) i_bit_mask(3*i+2)=btest(hdigit,2) i_bit_mask(3*i+1)=btest(hdigit,1) i_bit_mask(3*i )=btest(hdigit,0) cstate=nstate enddo ! save Hilbert key as double precision real order(ip)=0. do i=0,3*bit_length-1 b0=0 ; if(i_bit_mask(i))b0=1 order(ip)=order(ip)+dble(b0)*dble(2)**i end do end do end subroutine hilbert3d SUBROUTINE quick_sort(list,order,n) ! Quick sort routine from: ! Brainerd, W.S., Goldberg, C.H. & Adams, J.C. (1990) "Programmer's Guide to ! Fortran 90", McGraw-Hill ISBN 0-07-000248-7, pages 149-150. ! Modified by Alan Miller to include an associated integer array which gives ! the positions of the elements in the original order. IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: n INTEGER, DIMENSION (1:n), INTENT(INOUT) :: list INTEGER, DIMENSION (1:n), INTENT(OUT) :: order ! Local variable INTEGER :: i DO i = 1, n order(i) = i END DO CALL quick_sort_1(1, n) CONTAINS RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE quick_sort_1(left_end, right_end) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: left_end, right_end ! Local variables INTEGER :: i, j, itemp INTEGER :: reference, temp INTEGER, PARAMETER :: max_simple_sort_size = 6 IF (right_end < left_end + max_simple_sort_size) THEN ! Use interchange sort for small lists CALL interchange_sort(left_end, right_end) ELSE ! Use partition ("quick") sort reference = list((left_end + right_end)/2) i = left_end - 1; j = right_end + 1 DO ! Scan list from left end until element >= reference is found DO i = i + 1 IF (list(i) >= reference) EXIT END DO ! Scan list from right end until element <= reference is found DO j = j - 1 IF (list(j) <= reference) EXIT END DO IF (i < j) THEN ! Swap two out-of-order elements temp = list(i); list(i) = list(j); list(j) = temp itemp = order(i); order(i) = order(j); order(j) = itemp ELSE IF (i == j) THEN i = i + 1 EXIT ELSE EXIT END IF END DO IF (left_end < j) CALL quick_sort_1(left_end, j) IF (i < right_end) CALL quick_sort_1(i, right_end) END IF END SUBROUTINE quick_sort_1 SUBROUTINE interchange_sort(left_end, right_end) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: left_end, right_end ! Local variables INTEGER :: i, j, itemp INTEGER :: temp DO i = left_end, right_end - 1 DO j = i+1, right_end IF (list(i) > list(j)) THEN temp = list(i); list(i) = list(j); list(j) = temp itemp = order(i); order(i) = order(j); order(j) = itemp END IF END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE interchange_sort END SUBROUTINE quick_sort