@article{MUSIC, author = "Hahn, Oliver and Abel, Tom", title = "{Multi-scale initial conditions for cosmological simulations}", eprint = "1103.6031", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "astro-ph.CO", reportNumber = "SLAC-PUB-14463", doi = "10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.18820.x", journal = "Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.", volume = "415", pages = "2101--2121", year = "2011" } @article{COSMICWEB, author = "Buehlmann, Michael and Winkler, Lukas and Hahn, Oliver and Helly, John C. and Jenkins, Adrian", title = "{cosmICweb: Cosmological Initial Conditions for Zoom-in Simulations in the Cloud}", eprint = "2406.02693", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "astro-ph.CO", month = "6", year = "2024" }