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WIP transition to monofonic infrastructure

This commit is contained in:
Oliver Hahn 2023-02-15 06:10:50 -08:00
parent 30feb0ed4a
commit 0bf5a6cfe7
30 changed files with 1700 additions and 2371 deletions

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@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
This file is part of MUSIC -
a tool to generate initial conditions for cosmological simulations
Copyright (C) 2008-12 Oliver Hahn, ojha@gmx.de
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_spline.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_sf_gamma.h>
#include "Numerics.hh"
#include "general.hh"
#include <complex>
#define NZERO_Q
typedef std::complex<double> complex;
//! Abstract base class for transfer functions
This class implements a purely virtual interface that can be
used to derive instances implementing various transfer functions.
class TransferFunction{
Cosmology m_Cosmology;
TransferFunction( Cosmology acosm ) : m_Cosmology( acosm ) { };
virtual double compute( double k ) = 0;
virtual ~TransferFunction(){ };
virtual double get_kmax( void ) = 0;
virtual double get_kmin( void ) = 0;
class TransferFunction_real
gsl_interp_accel *accp, *accn;
gsl_spline *splinep, *splinen;
double Tr0_, Tmin_, Tmax_, Tscale_;
double rneg_, rneg2_;
static TransferFunction *ptf_;
static double nspec_;
double krgood( double mu, double q, double dlnr, double kr )
double krnew = kr;
complex cdgamma, zm, zp;
double arg, iarg, xm, xp, y;
gsl_sf_result g_a, g_p;
xp = 0.5*(mu+1.0+q);
xm = 0.5*(mu+1.0-q);
y = M_PI/(2.0*dlnr);
gsl_sf_lngamma_complex_e (zp.real(), zp.imag(), &g_a, &g_p);
double zpa = g_p.val;
gsl_sf_lngamma_complex_e (zm.real(), zm.imag(), &g_a, &g_p);
double zma = g_p.val;
iarg=(double)((int)(arg + 0.5));
if( arg!=iarg )
return krnew;
void transform( double pnorm, double dplus, unsigned N, double q, std::vector<double>& rr, std::vector<double>& TT )
const double mu = 0.5;
double qmin = 1.0e-6, qmax = 1.0e+6;
q = 0.0;
N = 16384;
#ifdef NZERO_Q
//q = 0.4;
q = 0.2;
double kmin = qmin, kmax=qmax;
double rmin = qmin, rmax = qmax;
double k0 = exp(0.5*(log(kmax)+log(kmin)));
double r0 = exp(0.5*(log(rmax)+log(rmin)));
double L = log(rmax)-log(rmin);
double k0r0 = k0*r0;
double dlnk = L/N, dlnr = L/N;
double sqrtpnorm = sqrt(pnorm);
double dir = 1.0;
double fftnorm = 1.0/N;
complex_t in[N], out[N];
fftw_plan p,ip;
//... perform anti-ringing correction from Hamilton (2000)
k0r0 = krgood( mu, q, dlnr, k0r0 );
std::ofstream ofsk("transfer_k.txt");
double sum_in = 0.0;
for( unsigned i=0; i<N; ++i )
double k = k0*exp(((int)i - (int)N/2+1) * dlnk);
//double k = k0*exp(((int)i - (int)N/2) * dlnk);
//double k = k0*exp(ii * dlnk);
//... some constants missing ...//
in[i].re = dplus*sqrtpnorm*ptf_->compute( k )*pow(k,0.5*nspec_)*pow(k,1.5-q);
in[i].im = 0.0;
sum_in += in[i].re;
ofsk << std::setw(16) << k <<std::setw(16) << in[i].re << std::endl;
p = fftw_create_plan(N, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
ip = fftw_create_plan(N, FFTW_BACKWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
//fftw_one(p, in, out);
fftw_one(p, in, out);
//... compute the Hankel transform by convolution with the Bessel function
for( unsigned i=0; i<N; ++i )
int ii=i;
if( ii > (int)N/2 )
ii -= N;
#ifndef NZERO_Q
double y=ii*M_PI/L;
complex zp((mu+1.0)*0.5,y);
gsl_sf_result g_a, g_p;
gsl_sf_lngamma_complex_e(zp.real(), zp.imag(), &g_a, &g_p);
double arg = 2.0*(log(2.0/k0r0)*y+g_p.val);
complex cu = complex(out[i].re,out[i].im)*std::polar(1.0,arg);
out[i].re = cu.real()*fftnorm;
out[i].im = cu.imag()*fftnorm;
//complex x(dir*q, (double)ii*2.0*M_PI/L);
complex x(dir*q, (double)ii*2.0*M_PI/L);
gsl_sf_result g_a, g_p;
complex g1, g2, garg, U, phase;
complex twotox = pow(complex(2.0,0.0),x);
//.. evaluate complex Gamma functions
garg = 0.5*(mu+1.0+x);
gsl_sf_lngamma_complex_e (garg.real(), garg.imag(), &g_a, &g_p);
g1 = std::polar(exp(g_a.val),g_p.val);
garg = 0.5*(mu+1.0-x);
gsl_sf_lngamma_complex_e (garg.real(), garg.imag(), &g_a, &g_p);
g2 = std::polar(exp(g_a.val),g_p.val);
//.. compute U
if( (fabs(g2.real()) < 1e-19 && fabs(g2.imag()) < 1e-19) )
//std::cerr << "Warning : encountered possible singularity in TransferFunction_real::transform!\n";
g1 = 1.0; g2 = 1.0;
U = twotox * g1 / g2;
phase = pow(complex(k0r0,0.0),complex(0.0,2.0*M_PI*(double)ii/L));
complex cu = complex(out[i].re,out[i].im)*U*phase*fftnorm;
out[i].re = cu.real();
out[i].im = cu.imag();
if( (out[i].re != out[i].re)||(out[i].im != out[i].im) )
{ std::cerr << "NaN @ i=" << i << ", U= " << U << ", phase = " << phase << ", g1 = " << g1 << ", g2 = " << g2 << std::endl;
std::cerr << "mu+1+q = " << mu+1.0+q << std::endl;
/*out[N/2].im = 0.0;
out[N/2+1].im = 0.0;
out[N/2+1].re = out[N/2].re;
out[N/2].im = 0.0;*/
fftw_one(ip, out, in);
r0 = k0r0/k0;
for( unsigned i=0; i<N; ++i )
int ii = i;
ii -= N/2-1;
//ii -= N/2;
//if( ii>N/2)
// ii-=N;
double r = r0*exp(-ii*dlnr);
rr[N-i-1] = r;
TT[N-i-1] = 4.0*M_PI* sqrt(M_PI/2.0) * in[i].re*pow(r,-(1.5+q));
//TT[N-i-1] = 4.0*M_PI* sqrt(M_PI/2.0) * in[i].re*exp( -dir*(q+1.5)*ii*dlnr +q*log(k0r0))/r0;
//rr[i] = r;
//TT[i] = 4.0*M_PI* sqrt(M_PI/2.0) * in[i].re*pow(r,-(1.5+q));
std::ofstream ofs("transfer_real_new.txt");
for( unsigned i=0; i<N; ++i )
int ii = i;
ii -= N/2-1;
double r = r0*exp(-ii*dlnr);//r0*exp(ii*dlnr);
double T = 4.0*M_PI* sqrt(M_PI/2.0) * in[i].re*pow(r,-(1.5+q));
ofs << r << "\t\t" << T << "\t\t" << in[i].im << std::endl;
TransferFunction_real( TransferFunction *tf, double nspec, double pnorm, double dplus, double rmin, double rmax, double knymax, unsigned nr )
ptf_ = tf;
nspec_ = nspec;
double q = 0.8;
std::vector<double> r,T,xp,yp,xn,yn;
transform( pnorm, dplus, nr, q, r, T );
//... determine r=0 zero component by integrating up to the Nyquist frequency
gsl_integration_workspace * wp;
gsl_function F;
wp = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(20000);
F.function = &call_wrapper;
double par[2]; par[0] = dplus*sqrt(pnorm); //par[1] = M_PI/kny;
F.params = (void*)par;
double error;
//#warning factor of sqrt(1.5) needs to be adjusted for non-equilateral boxes
//.. need a factor sqrt( 2*kny^2_x + 2*kny^2_y + 2*kny^2_z )/2 = sqrt(3/2)kny (in equilateral case)
gsl_integration_qag (&F, 0.0, sqrt(1.5)*knymax, 0, 1e-8, 20000, GSL_INTEG_GAUSS21, wp, &Tr0_, &error);
//Tr0_ = 0.0;
for( unsigned i=0; i<r.size(); ++i )
// spline positive and negative part separately
/*if( T[i] > 0.0 )
xp.push_back( 2.0*log10(r[i]) );
yp.push_back( log10(T[i]) );
rneg_ = r[i];
rneg2_ = rneg_*rneg_;
}else {
xn.push_back( 2.0*log10(r[i]) );
yn.push_back( log10(-T[i]) );
if( r[i] > rmin && r[i] < rmax )
xp.push_back( 2.0*log10(r[i]) );
yp.push_back( log10(fabs(T[i])) );
xn.push_back( 2.0*log10(r[i]) );
if( T[i] >= 0.0 )
yn.push_back( 1.0 );
yn.push_back( -1.0 );
//ofs << std::setw(16) << xp.back() << std::setw(16) << yp.back() << std::endl;
accp = gsl_interp_accel_alloc ();
accn = gsl_interp_accel_alloc ();
//... spline interpolation is only marginally slower here
splinep = gsl_spline_alloc (gsl_interp_cspline, xp.size() );
splinen = gsl_spline_alloc (gsl_interp_cspline, xn.size() );
//... set up everything for spline interpolation
gsl_spline_init (splinep, &xp[0], &yp[0], xp.size() );
gsl_spline_init (splinen, &xn[0], &yn[0], xn.size() );
double dlogr = (log10(rmax)-log10(rmin))/100;
std::ofstream ofs("transfer_splinep.txt");
for( int i=0; i< 100; ++i )
double r = rmin*pow(10.0,i*dlogr);
ofs << std::setw(16) << r << std::setw(16) << compute_real(r*r) << std::endl;
static double call_wrapper( double k, void *arg )
double *a = (double*)arg;
return 4.0*M_PI*a[0]*ptf_->compute( k )*pow(k,0.5*nspec_)*k*k;
gsl_spline_free (splinen);
gsl_interp_accel_free (accn);
gsl_spline_free (splinep);
gsl_interp_accel_free (accp);
inline double compute_real( double r2 ) const
const double EPS = 1e-8;
const double Reps2 = EPS*EPS;
if( r2 <Reps2 )
return Tr0_;
double q;
/*if( r2 < rneg2_ )
q = pow(10.0,gsl_spline_eval (splinep, log10(r2), accp));
q = -pow(10.0,gsl_spline_eval(splinen, log10(r2), accn));*/
double logr2 = log10(r2);
q = pow(10.0,gsl_spline_eval(splinep, logr2, accp));
double sign = 1.0;
if( gsl_spline_eval(splinen, logr2, accn) < 0.0 )
sign = -1.0;
return q*sign;

View file

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ double dsigma2_tophat( double k, void *pparams )
double w = 3.0*(sin(x)-x*cos(x))/(x*x*x); double w = 3.0*(sin(x)-x*cos(x))/(x*x*x);
double tfk = ptf->compute(k,total); double tfk = ptf->compute(k,delta_matter);
return k*k * w*w * pow(k,nspect) * tfk*tfk; return k*k * w*w * pow(k,nspect) * tfk*tfk;
} }
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ double dsigma2_gauss( double k, void *pparams )
double w = exp(-x*x*0.5); double w = exp(-x*x*0.5);
double tfk = ptf->compute(k,total); double tfk = ptf->compute(k,delta_matter);
return k*k * w*w * pow(k,nspect) * tfk*tfk; return k*k * w*w * pow(k,nspect) * tfk*tfk;
} }
@ -76,15 +76,15 @@ void compute_sigma_tophat( config_file& cf, transfer_function *ptf, double R, st
z.clear(); z.clear();
sigma.clear(); sigma.clear();
cosmology cosm( cf ); cosmology::parameters cosm( cf );
CosmoCalc ccalc( cosm, ptf ); cosmology::calculator ccalc( cf );
double zmin = 0.0, zmax = 200.0; double zmin = 0.0, zmax = 200.0;
int nz = 100; int nz = 100;
for( int i=0; i <nz; ++i ) for( int i=0; i <nz; ++i )
z.push_back( zmax - i*(zmax-zmin)/(nz-1.0) ); z.push_back( zmax - i*(zmax-zmin)/(nz-1.0) );
double D0 = ccalc.CalcGrowthFactor(1.0); double D0 = ccalc.get_growth_factor(1.0);
double sigma8 = cf.get_value<double>("cosmology","sigma_8"); double sigma8 = cf.get_value<double>("cosmology","sigma_8");
double nspec = cf.get_value<double>("cosmology","nspec"); double nspec = cf.get_value<double>("cosmology","nspec");
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ void compute_sigma_tophat( config_file& cf, transfer_function *ptf, double R, st
params[2] = reinterpret_cast<char*> (&nspec); params[2] = reinterpret_cast<char*> (&nspec);
double sig = sqrt(4.0*M_PI*integrate( &dsigma2_tophat, 1e-4, 1e4, reinterpret_cast<void*>(params) )); double sig = sqrt(4.0*M_PI*integrate( &dsigma2_tophat, 1e-4, 1e4, reinterpret_cast<void*>(params) ));
double Dz = ccalc.CalcGrowthFactor(1./(1.+z[i])); double Dz = ccalc.get_growth_factor(1./(1.+z[i]));
sigma.push_back( sig*sigma8/sigma0*Dz/D0 ); sigma.push_back( sig*sigma8/sigma0*Dz/D0 );
} }
} }
@ -119,15 +119,15 @@ void compute_sigma_gauss( config_file& cf, transfer_function *ptf, double R, std
z.clear(); z.clear();
sigma.clear(); sigma.clear();
cosmology cosm( cf ); cosmology::parameters cosm( cf );
CosmoCalc ccalc( cosm, ptf ); cosmology::calculator ccalc( cf );
double zmin = 0.0, zmax = 200.0; double zmin = 0.0, zmax = 200.0;
int nz = 100; int nz = 100;
for( int i=0; i <nz; ++i ) for( int i=0; i <nz; ++i )
z.push_back( zmax - i*(zmax-zmin)/(nz-1.0) ); z.push_back( zmax - i*(zmax-zmin)/(nz-1.0) );
double D0 = ccalc.CalcGrowthFactor(1.0); double D0 = ccalc.get_growth_factor(1.0);
double sigma8 = cf.get_value<double>("cosmology","sigma_8"); double sigma8 = cf.get_value<double>("cosmology","sigma_8");
double nspec = cf.get_value<double>("cosmology","nspec"); double nspec = cf.get_value<double>("cosmology","nspec");
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ void compute_sigma_gauss( config_file& cf, transfer_function *ptf, double R, std
params[2] = reinterpret_cast<char*> (&nspec); params[2] = reinterpret_cast<char*> (&nspec);
double sig = sqrt(4.0*M_PI*integrate( &dsigma2_gauss, 1e-4, 1e4, reinterpret_cast<void*>(params) )); double sig = sqrt(4.0*M_PI*integrate( &dsigma2_gauss, 1e-4, 1e4, reinterpret_cast<void*>(params) ));
double Dz = ccalc.CalcGrowthFactor(1./(1.+z[i])); double Dz = ccalc.get_growth_factor(1./(1.+z[i]));
//std::cerr << z[i] << " " << sig << std::endl; //std::cerr << z[i] << " " << sig << std::endl;
sigma.push_back( sig*sigma8/sigma0*Dz/D0 ); sigma.push_back( sig*sigma8/sigma0*Dz/D0 );
@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ void compute_sigma_gauss( config_file& cf, transfer_function *ptf, double R, std
constraint_set::constraint_set( config_file& cf, transfer_function *ptf ) constraint_set::constraint_set( config_file& cf, transfer_function *ptf )
: pcf_( &cf ), ptf_( ptf ) : pcf_( &cf ), ptf_( ptf )
{ {
pcosmo_ = new Cosmology( cf ); pcosmo_ = new cosmology::parameters( cf );
pccalc_ = new CosmoCalc( *pcosmo_, ptf_ ); pccalc_ = new cosmology::calculator( cf );
dplus0_ = 1.0;//pccalc_->CalcGrowthFactor( 1.0 ); dplus0_ = 1.0;//pccalc_->CalcGrowthFactor( 1.0 );
@ -218,9 +218,9 @@ constraint_set::constraint_set( config_file& cf, transfer_function *ptf )
double zcoll = cf.get_value<double>( "constraints", temp1 ); double zcoll = cf.get_value<double>( "constraints", temp1 );
new_c.Rg = pow((mass/pow(2.*M_PI,1.5)/rhom),1./3.); new_c.Rg = pow((mass/pow(2.*M_PI,1.5)/rhom),1./3.);
new_c.sigma = 1.686/(pccalc_->CalcGrowthFactor(1./(1.+zcoll))/pccalc_->CalcGrowthFactor(1.0)); new_c.sigma = 1.686/(pccalc_->get_growth_factor(1./(1.+zcoll))/pccalc_->get_growth_factor(1.0));
music::ilog.Print("sigma of constraint : %g", new_c.sigma ); music::ilog.Print("sigma of constraint : %g", new_c.sigma );
new_c.sigma *=pccalc_->CalcGrowthFactor(astart)/pccalc_->CalcGrowthFactor(1.0); new_c.sigma *=pccalc_->get_growth_factor(astart)/pccalc_->get_growth_factor(1.0);
music::ilog.Print("Constraint %d : halo with %g h-1 M_o",i,pow(2.*M_PI,1.5)*rhom*pow(new_c.Rg,3)); music::ilog.Print("Constraint %d : halo with %g h-1 M_o",i,pow(2.*M_PI,1.5)*rhom*pow(new_c.Rg,3));
} }
else if( new_c.type == peak ) else if( new_c.type == peak )
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ void constraint_set::wnoise_constr_corr( double dx, size_t nx, size_t ny, size_t
double k = sqrt(iix*iix+iiy*iiy+iiz*iiz)*(double)nx/lsub; double k = sqrt(iix*iix+iiy*iiy+iiz*iiz)*(double)nx/lsub;
double T = ptf_->compute(k,total); double T = ptf_->compute(k,delta_matter);
double Pk = pnorm*T*T*pow(k,nspec)*d3k; double Pk = pnorm*T*T*pow(k,nspec)*d3k;
size_t q = ((size_t)ix*ny+(size_t)iy)*nzp+(size_t)iz; size_t q = ((size_t)ix*ny+(size_t)iy)*nzp+(size_t)iz;
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ void constraint_set::wnoise_constr_corr( double dx, complex_t* cw, size_t nx, si
iiz *= 2.0*M_PI/nx; iiz *= 2.0*M_PI/nx;
double k = sqrt(iix*iix+iiy*iiy+iiz*iiz)*(double)nx/lsub; double k = sqrt(iix*iix+iiy*iiy+iiz*iiz)*(double)nx/lsub;
double T = ptf_->compute(k,total); double T = ptf_->compute(k,delta_matter);
std::complex<double> v(std::conj(eval_constr(i,iix,iiy,iiz))); std::complex<double> v(std::conj(eval_constr(i,iix,iiy,iiz)));
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ void constraint_set::icov_constr( double dx, size_t nx, size_t ny, size_t nz, ma
iiz *= 2.0*M_PI/nx; iiz *= 2.0*M_PI/nx;
double k = sqrt(iix*iix+iiy*iiy+iiz*iiz)*(double)nx/lsub; double k = sqrt(iix*iix+iiy*iiy+iiz*iiz)*(double)nx/lsub;
double T = ptf_->compute(k,total); double T = ptf_->compute(k,delta_matter);
std::complex<double> v(std::conj(eval_constr(i,iix,iiy,iiz))); std::complex<double> v(std::conj(eval_constr(i,iix,iiy,iiz)));
v *= eval_constr(j,iix,iiy,iiz); v *= eval_constr(j,iix,iiy,iiz);
v *= pnorm * pow(k,nspec) * T * T * d3k; v *= pnorm * pow(k,nspec) * T * T * d3k;

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
#include <general.hh> #include <general.hh>
#include <config_file.hh> #include <config_file.hh>
#include <transfer_function.hh> #include <transfer_function.hh>
#include <cosmology.hh> #include <cosmology_calculator.hh>
//! matrix class serving as a gsl wrapper //! matrix class serving as a gsl wrapper
class matrix class matrix
@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ protected:
config_file *pcf_; config_file *pcf_;
std::vector<constraint> cset_; std::vector<constraint> cset_;
transfer_function *ptf_; transfer_function *ptf_;
CosmoCalc *pccalc_; const cosmology::calculator *pccalc_;
Cosmology *pcosmo_; const cosmology::parameters *pcosmo_;
double dplus0_; double dplus0_;
unsigned constr_level_; unsigned constr_level_;

View file

@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class kernel_k : public kernel
{ {
protected: protected:
/**/ /**/
double boxlength_, patchlength_, nspec_, pnorm_, volfac_, kfac_, kmax_; double boxlength_, patchlength_, nspec_, pnorm_, kfac_, kmax_;
TransferFunction_k *tfk_; TransferFunction_k *tfk_;
public: public:
@ -165,9 +165,8 @@ public:
: kernel(cf, ptf, refh, type) : kernel(cf, ptf, refh, type)
{ {
boxlength_ = pcf_->get_value<double>("setup", "boxlength"); boxlength_ = pcf_->get_value<double>("setup", "boxlength");
nspec_ = pcf_->get_value<double>("cosmology", "nspec"); nspec_ = ptf->cosmo_params_["n_s"];
pnorm_ = pcf_->get_value<double>("cosmology", "pnorm"); pnorm_ = ptf->cosmo_params_["pnorm"];
volfac_ = 1.0; //pow(boxlength,3)/pow(2.0*M_PI,3);
kfac_ = 2.0 * M_PI / boxlength_; kfac_ = 2.0 * M_PI / boxlength_;
kmax_ = kfac_ / 2; kmax_ = kfac_ / 2;
tfk_ = new TransferFunction_k(type_, ptf_, nspec_, pnorm_); tfk_ = new TransferFunction_k(type_, ptf_, nspec_, pnorm_);
@ -231,7 +230,7 @@ public:
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
{ {
double kk = kfac_ * in_k[i]; double kk = kfac_ * in_k[i];
out_Tk[i] = volfac_ * tfk_->compute(kk); out_Tk[i] = tfk_->compute(kk);
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
cosmology.hh - This file is part of MUSIC -
a code to generate multi-scale initial conditions
for cosmological simulations
Copyright (C) 2010 Oliver Hahn
#include "transfer_function.hh"
#include "mesh.hh"
#include "general.hh"
* @class CosmoCalc
* @brief provides functions to compute cosmological quantities
* This class provides member functions to compute cosmological quantities
* related to the Friedmann equations and linear perturbation theory
class CosmoCalc
//! data structure to store cosmological parameters
Cosmology m_Cosmology;
//! pointer to an instance of a transfer function plugin
transfer_function_plugin *m_pTransferFunction;
//! constructor for a cosmology calculator object
* @param acosmo a cosmological parameters structure
* @param pTransferFunction pointer to an instance of a transfer function object
CosmoCalc( const Cosmology acosmo, transfer_function_plugin *pTransferFunction )
m_Cosmology = acosmo;
m_pTransferFunction = pTransferFunction;
//! returns the amplitude of amplitude of the power spectrum
* @param k the wave number in h/Mpc
* @param a the expansion factor of the universe
* @returns power spectrum amplitude for wave number k at time a
inline real_t Power( real_t k, real_t a ){
real_t m_Dplus = CalcGrowthFactor( a );
real_t m_DplusOne = CalcGrowthFactor( 1.0 );
real_t m_pNorm = ComputePNorm( 1e4 );
m_Dplus /= m_DplusOne;
m_DplusOne = 1.0;
real_t scale = m_Dplus/m_DplusOne;
return m_pNorm*scale*scale*TransferSq(k)*pow((double)k,(double)m_Cosmology.nspect);
inline static double H_of_a( double a, void *Params )
Cosmology *cosm = (Cosmology*)Params;
double a2 = a*a;
double Ha = sqrt(cosm->Omega_m/(a2*a) + cosm->Omega_k/a2
+ cosm->Omega_DE * pow(a,-3.*(1.+cosm->w_0+cosm->w_a)) * exp(-3.*(1.0-a)*cosm->w_a) );
return Ha;
inline static double Hprime_of_a( double a, void *Params )
Cosmology *cosm = (Cosmology*)Params;
double a2 = a*a;
double H = H_of_a( a, Params );
double Hprime = 1/(a*H) * ( -1.5 * cosm->Omega_m / (a2*a) - cosm->Omega_k / a2
- 1.5 * cosm->Omega_DE * pow( a, -3.*(1.+cosm->w_0+cosm->w_a) ) * exp( -3.*(1.0-a)*cosm->w_a )
* ( 1. + cosm->w_0 + (1.-a) * cosm->w_a ) );
return Hprime;
//! Integrand used by function CalcGrowthFactor to determine the linear growth factor D+
inline static double GrowthIntegrand( double a, void *Params )
double Ha = a * H_of_a( a, Params );
return 2.5/( Ha * Ha * Ha );
//! Computes the linear theory growth factor D+
/*! Function integrates over member function GrowthIntegrand and computes
* /a
* D+(a) = 5/2 H(a) * | [a'^3 * H(a')^3]^(-1) da'
* /0
real_t CalcGrowthFactor( real_t a )
real_t integral = integrate( &GrowthIntegrand, 0.0, a, (void*)&m_Cosmology );
return H_of_a( a, (void*)&m_Cosmology ) * integral;
//! Compute the factor relating particle displacement and velocity
/*! Function computes
* vfac = a^2 * H(a) * dlogD+ / d log a = a^2 * H'(a) + 5/2 * [ a * D+(a) * H(a) ]^(-1)
real_t CalcVFact( real_t a )
real_t Dp = CalcGrowthFactor( a );
real_t H = H_of_a( a, (void*)&m_Cosmology );
real_t Hp = Hprime_of_a( a, (void*)&m_Cosmology );
real_t a2 = a*a;
return ( a2 * Hp + 2.5 / ( a * Dp * H ) ) * 100.0;
//! Integrand for the sigma_8 normalization of the power spectrum
/*! Returns the value of the primordial power spectrum multiplied with
the transfer function and the window function of 8 Mpc/h at wave number k */
static double dSigma8( double k, void *Params )
if( k<=0.0 )
return 0.0f;
transfer_function *ptf = (transfer_function *)Params;
double x = k*8.0;
double w = 3.0*(sin(x)-x*cos(x))/(x*x*x);
static double nspect = (double)ptf->cosmo_.nspect;
double tf = ptf->compute(k, total);
//... no growth factor since we compute at z=0 and normalize so that D+(z=0)=1
return k*k * w*w * pow((double)k,(double)nspect) * tf*tf;
//! Integrand for the sigma_8 normalization of the power spectrum
/*! Returns the value of the primordial power spectrum multiplied with
the transfer function and the window function of 8 Mpc/h at wave number k */
static double dSigma8_0( double k, void *Params )
if( k<=0.0 )
return 0.0f;
transfer_function *ptf = (transfer_function *)Params;
double x = k*8.0;
double w = 3.0*(sin(x)-x*cos(x))/(x*x*x);
static double nspect = (double)ptf->cosmo_.nspect;
double tf = ptf->compute(k, total0);
//... no growth factor since we compute at z=0 and normalize so that D+(z=0)=1
return k*k * w*w * pow((double)k,(double)nspect) * tf*tf;
//! Computes the square of the transfer function
/*! Function evaluates the supplied transfer function m_pTransferFunction
* and returns the square of its value at wave number k
* @param k wave number at which to evaluate the transfer function
inline real_t TransferSq( real_t k ){
//.. parameter supplied transfer function
real_t tf1 = m_pTransferFunction->compute(k, total);
return tf1*tf1;
//! Computes the normalization for the power spectrum
* integrates the power spectrum to fix the normalization to that given
* by the sigma_8 parameter
real_t ComputePNorm( real_t kmax )
real_t sigma0, kmin;
kmax = m_pTransferFunction->get_kmax();//m_Cosmology.H0/8.0;
kmin = m_pTransferFunction->get_kmin();//0.0;
if( !m_pTransferFunction->tf_has_total0() )
sigma0 = 4.0 * M_PI * integrate( &dSigma8, (double)kmin, (double)kmax, (void*)m_pTransferFunction );
sigma0 = 4.0 * M_PI * integrate( &dSigma8_0, (double)kmin, (double)kmax, (void*)m_pTransferFunction );
return m_Cosmology.sigma8*m_Cosmology.sigma8/sigma0;
//! compute the jeans sound speed
/*! given a density in g/cm^-3 and a mass in g it gives back the sound
* speed in cm/s for which the input mass is equal to the jeans mass
* @param rho density
* @param mass mass scale
* @returns jeans sound speed
inline double jeans_sound_speed( double rho, double mass )
const double G = 6.67e-8;
return pow( 6.0*mass/M_PI*sqrt(rho)*pow(G,1.5), 1.0/3.0 );
//! computes the density from the potential using the Laplacian
void compute_Lu_density( const grid_hierarchy& u, grid_hierarchy& fnew, unsigned order=4 );
//! computes the 2nd order density perturbations using also off-diagonal terms in the potential Hessian
void compute_LLA_density( const grid_hierarchy& u, grid_hierarchy& fnew, unsigned order=4 );
//! computes the source term for the 2nd order perturbations in the displacements
void compute_2LPT_source( const grid_hierarchy& u, grid_hierarchy& fnew, unsigned order=4 );
void compute_2LPT_source_FFT( config_file& cf_, const grid_hierarchy& u, grid_hierarchy& fnew );
#endif // _COSMOLOGY_HH

View file

@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
#pragma once #pragma once
#include <array> #include <array>
#include <vec.hh> #include "math/vec.hh"
#include <cosmology_parameters.hh> #include <cosmology_parameters.hh>
#include <physical_constants.hh> #include <physical_constants.hh>
#include <transfer_function_plugin.hh> #include <transfer_function.hh>
#include <math/ode_integrate.hh> #include <math/ode_integrate.hh>
#include <logger.hh> #include <logger.hh>
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
#include <gsl/gsl_integration.h> #include <gsl/gsl_integration.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h> #include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
namespace cosmology_new namespace cosmology
{ {
/*! /*!
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public:
cosmology::parameters cosmo_param_; cosmology::parameters cosmo_param_;
//! pointer to an instance of a transfer function plugin //! pointer to an instance of a transfer function plugin
std::unique_ptr<TransferFunction_plugin> transfer_function_; std::unique_ptr<transfer_function_plugin> transfer_function_;
private: private:
static constexpr double REL_PRECISION = 1e-10; static constexpr double REL_PRECISION = 1e-10;
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ private:
*/ */
void compute_growth( std::vector<double>& tab_a, std::vector<double>& tab_D, std::vector<double>& tab_f ) void compute_growth( std::vector<double>& tab_a, std::vector<double>& tab_D, std::vector<double>& tab_f )
{ {
using v_t = vec_t<3, double>; using v_t = vec_t<3,double>;
// set ICs, very deep in radiation domination // set ICs, very deep in radiation domination
const double a0 = 1e-10; const double a0 = 1e-10;
@ -177,9 +177,10 @@ public:
Dplus_target_ = D_of_a_( atarget_ ) / Dnow_; Dplus_target_ = D_of_a_( atarget_ ) / Dnow_;
music::ilog << "Linear growth factors: D+_target = " << Dplus_target_ << ", D+_start = " << Dplus_start_ << std::endl; music::ilog << "Linear growth factors: D+_target = " << Dplus_target_ << ", D+_start = " << Dplus_start_ << std::endl;
music::ilog << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
// set up transfer functions and compute normalisation // set up transfer functions and compute normalisation
transfer_function_ = select_TransferFunction_plugin(cf, cosmo_param_); transfer_function_ = select_transfer_function_plugin(cf, cosmo_param_);
transfer_function_->intialise(); transfer_function_->intialise();
if( !transfer_function_->tf_isnormalised_ ){ if( !transfer_function_->tf_isnormalised_ ){
cosmo_param_.set("pnorm", this->compute_pnorm_from_sigma8() ); cosmo_param_.set("pnorm", this->compute_pnorm_from_sigma8() );
@ -190,9 +191,14 @@ public:
} }
cosmo_param_.set("sqrtpnorm", std::sqrt(cosmo_param_["pnorm"])); cosmo_param_.set("sqrtpnorm", std::sqrt(cosmo_param_["pnorm"]));
music::ilog << std::setw(32) << std::left << "TF supports distinct CDM+baryons" // if (!transfer_function_->tf_is_distinct())
// music::wlog << " - WARNING: The selected transfer function does not support" << std::endl
// << " distinct amplitudes for baryon and DM fields!" << std::endl
// << " Perturbation amplitudes will be identical!" << std::endl;
music::ilog << std::setw(32) << std::left << " . TF supports distinct CDM+baryons"
<< " : " << (transfer_function_->tf_is_distinct() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; << " : " << (transfer_function_->tf_is_distinct() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
music::ilog << std::setw(32) << std::left << "TF maximum wave number" music::ilog << std::setw(32) << std::left << " . TF maximum wave number"
<< " : " << transfer_function_->get_kmax() << " h/Mpc" << std::endl; << " : " << transfer_function_->get_kmax() << " h/Mpc" << std::endl;
m_n_s_ = cosmo_param_["n_s"]; m_n_s_ = cosmo_param_["n_s"];

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
* @brief namespace encapsulating all things cosmology * @brief namespace encapsulating all things cosmology
* *
*/ */
namespace cosmology_new{ namespace cosmology{
//! we store here the preset cosmological paramters //! we store here the preset cosmological paramters
parameters::defaultmmap_t parameters::default_pmaps_ parameters::defaultmmap_t parameters::default_pmaps_

View file

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
#include <config_file.hh> #include <config_file.hh>
#include <general.hh> #include <general.hh>
namespace cosmology_new namespace cosmology
{ {
//! structure for cosmological parameters //! structure for cosmological parameters
class parameters class parameters
@ -50,6 +50,19 @@ namespace cosmology_new
return it->second; return it->second;
} }
//! get routine for cosmological parameter key-value pairs
double& get(const std::string &key)
auto it = pmap_.find(key);
if (it == pmap_.end())
auto errmsg = std::string("Cosmological parameter \'") + key + std::string("\' does not exist in internal list.");
music::elog << errmsg << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg.c_str());
return it->second;
//! set routine for cosmological parameter key-value pairs //! set routine for cosmological parameter key-value pairs
void set(const std::string &key, const double value) void set(const std::string &key, const double value)
{ {
@ -69,6 +82,9 @@ namespace cosmology_new
//! shortcut get routine for cosmological parameter key-value pairs through bracket operator //! shortcut get routine for cosmological parameter key-value pairs through bracket operator
inline double operator[](const std::string &key) const { return this->get(key); } inline double operator[](const std::string &key) const { return this->get(key); }
//! shortcut get routine for cosmological parameter key-value pairs through bracket operator
inline double& operator[](const std::string &key) { return this->get(key); }
//! default constructor does nothing //! default constructor does nothing
parameters() {} parameters() {}

View file

@ -253,9 +253,10 @@ void fft_interpolate(m1 &V, m2 &v, bool from_basegrid = false)
/*******************************************************************************************/ /*******************************************************************************************/
/*******************************************************************************************/ /*******************************************************************************************/
void GenerateDensityUnigrid(config_file &cf, transfer_function *ptf, tf_type type, void GenerateDensityUnigrid(config_file &cf, const cosmology::calculator* cc, tf_type type,
refinement_hierarchy &refh, noise_generator &rand, grid_hierarchy &delta, bool smooth, bool shift) refinement_hierarchy &refh, noise_generator &rand, grid_hierarchy &delta, bool smooth, bool shift)
{ {
auto ptf = cc->transfer_function_.get();
unsigned levelmin, levelmax, levelminPoisson; unsigned levelmin, levelmax, levelminPoisson;
levelminPoisson = cf.get_value<unsigned>("setup", "levelmin"); levelminPoisson = cf.get_value<unsigned>("setup", "levelmin");
@ -308,10 +309,11 @@ void GenerateDensityUnigrid(config_file &cf, transfer_function *ptf, tf_type typ
/*******************************************************************************************/ /*******************************************************************************************/
/*******************************************************************************************/ /*******************************************************************************************/
void GenerateDensityHierarchy(config_file &cf, transfer_function *ptf, tf_type type, void GenerateDensityHierarchy(config_file &cf, const cosmology::calculator* cc, tf_type type,
refinement_hierarchy &refh, noise_generator &rand, refinement_hierarchy &refh, noise_generator &rand,
grid_hierarchy &delta, bool smooth, bool shift) grid_hierarchy &delta, bool smooth, bool shift)
{ {
auto ptf = cc->transfer_function_.get();
unsigned levelmin, levelmax, levelminPoisson; unsigned levelmin, levelmax, levelminPoisson;
std::vector<long> rngseeds; std::vector<long> rngseeds;
std::vector<std::string> rngfnames; std::vector<std::string> rngfnames;

View file

@ -15,16 +15,14 @@
#include "general.hh" #include "general.hh"
#include "config_file.hh" #include "config_file.hh"
// #include "density_grid.hh"
#include "random.hh" #include "random.hh"
#include "cosmology.hh"
#include "transfer_function.hh" #include "transfer_function.hh"
#include "general.hh" #include "general.hh"
void GenerateDensityHierarchy(config_file &cf, transfer_function *ptf, tf_type type, void GenerateDensityHierarchy(config_file &cf, const cosmology::calculator* cc, tf_type type,
refinement_hierarchy &refh, noise_generator &rand, grid_hierarchy &delta, bool smooth, bool shift); refinement_hierarchy &refh, noise_generator &rand, grid_hierarchy &delta, bool smooth, bool shift);
void GenerateDensityUnigrid(config_file &cf, transfer_function *ptf, tf_type type, void GenerateDensityUnigrid(config_file &cf, const cosmology::calculator*, tf_type type,
refinement_hierarchy &refh, noise_generator &rand, grid_hierarchy &delta, bool smooth, bool shift); refinement_hierarchy &refh, noise_generator &rand, grid_hierarchy &delta, bool smooth, bool shift);
void normalize_density(grid_hierarchy &delta); void normalize_density(grid_hierarchy &delta);

View file

@ -12,9 +12,10 @@
#include <logger.hh> #include <logger.hh>
#include <config_file.hh> #include <config_file.hh>
#include <memory>
#include <cassert> #include <cassert>
#include <omp.h> #include <omp.h>
#include <complex>
#include <fftw3.h> #include <fftw3.h>
@ -35,6 +36,8 @@
#define FFTW_PREFIX fftwl #define FFTW_PREFIX fftwl
#endif #endif
using ccomplex_t = std::complex<real_t>;
#define FFTW_GEN_NAME_PRIM(a, b) a##_##b #define FFTW_GEN_NAME_PRIM(a, b) a##_##b
#define FFTW_GEN_NAME(a, b) FFTW_GEN_NAME_PRIM(a, b) #define FFTW_GEN_NAME(a, b) FFTW_GEN_NAME_PRIM(a, b)
@ -46,14 +49,13 @@ using fftw_plan_t = FFTW_GEN_NAME(FFTW_PREFIX, plan);
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include <array> #include <array>
using vec3_t = std::array<real_t,3>;
namespace CONFIG namespace CONFIG
{ {
// extern int MPI_thread_support; // extern int MPI_thread_support;
// extern int MPI_task_rank; extern int MPI_task_rank;
// extern int MPI_task_size; extern int MPI_task_size;
// extern bool MPI_ok; extern bool MPI_ok;
// extern bool MPI_threads_ok; // extern bool MPI_threads_ok;
extern bool FFTW_threads_ok; extern bool FFTW_threads_ok;
extern int num_threads; extern int num_threads;
@ -80,7 +82,8 @@ inline T POW4( T a ){
//! structure for cosmological parameters //! structure for cosmological parameters
typedef struct cosmology{ /*
typedef struct cosmology_old{
double double
Omega_m, //!< baryon+dark matter density Omega_m, //!< baryon+dark matter density
Omega_b, //!< baryon matter density Omega_b, //!< baryon matter density
@ -133,7 +136,7 @@ typedef struct cosmology{
{ {
} }
}Cosmology; }Cosmology;*/
//! basic box/grid/refinement structure parameters //! basic box/grid/refinement structure parameters
typedef struct { typedef struct {

View file

@ -44,7 +44,9 @@ extern "C"
#include <densities.hh> #include <densities.hh>
#include <convolution_kernel.hh> #include <convolution_kernel.hh>
#include <cosmology.hh> #include <perturbation_theory.hh>
#include <cosmology_parameters.hh>
#include <cosmology_calculator.hh>
#include <transfer_function.hh> #include <transfer_function.hh>
#define THE_CODE_NAME "music!" #define THE_CODE_NAME "music!"
@ -53,9 +55,9 @@ extern "C"
// initialise with "default" values // initialise with "default" values
namespace CONFIG{ namespace CONFIG{
// int MPI_thread_support = -1; // int MPI_thread_support = -1;
// int MPI_task_rank = 0; int MPI_task_rank = 0;
// int MPI_task_size = 1; int MPI_task_size = 1;
// bool MPI_ok = false; bool MPI_ok = false;
// bool MPI_threads_ok = false; // bool MPI_threads_ok = false;
bool FFTW_threads_ok = false; bool FFTW_threads_ok = false;
int num_threads = 1; int num_threads = 1;
@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ namespace music
struct framework struct framework
{ {
transfer_function *the_transfer_function; // transfer_function *the_transfer_function;
// poisson_solver *the_poisson_solver; // poisson_solver *the_poisson_solver;
config_file *the_config_file; config_file *the_config_file;
refinement_hierarchy *the_refinement_hierarchy; refinement_hierarchy *the_refinement_hierarchy;
@ -76,13 +78,15 @@ namespace music
} }
//... declare static class members here //... declare static class members here
transfer_function *TransferFunction_real::ptf_ = NULL; // transfer_function *TransferFunction_real::ptf_ = NULL;
transfer_function *TransferFunction_k::ptf_ = NULL; transfer_function *TransferFunction_k::ptf_ = NULL;
tf_type TransferFunction_k::type_; tf_type TransferFunction_k::type_;
tf_type TransferFunction_real::type_; // tf_type TransferFunction_real::type_;
real_t TransferFunction_real::nspec_ = -1.0; // real_t TransferFunction_real::nspec_ = -1.0;
real_t TransferFunction_k::nspec_ = -1.0; real_t TransferFunction_k::nspec_ = -1.0;
std::unique_ptr<cosmology::calculator> the_cosmo_calc;
//... prototypes for routines used in main driver routine //... prototypes for routines used in main driver routine
void splash(void); void splash(void);
void modify_grid_for_TF(const refinement_hierarchy &rh_full, refinement_hierarchy &rh_TF, config_file &cf); void modify_grid_for_TF(const refinement_hierarchy &rh_full, refinement_hierarchy &rh_TF, config_file &cf);
@ -95,17 +99,24 @@ void splash(void)
{ {
music::ilog << std::endl music::ilog << std::endl
<< " __ __ __ __ ______ __ ______ " << std::endl << " __ __ __ __ ______ __ ______ " << std::endl
<< " /\\ \"-./ \\ /\\ \\/\\ \\ /\\ ___\\ /\\ \\ /\\ ___\\ " << std::endl << " /\\ \"-./ \\ /\\ \\/\\ \\ /\\ ___\\ /\\ \\ /\\ ___\\ " << std::endl
<< " \\ \\ \\-./\\ \\ \\ \\ \\_\\ \\ \\ \\___ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\____ " << std::endl << " \\ \\ \\-./\\ \\ \\ \\ \\_\\ \\ \\ \\___ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\____ " << std::endl
<< " \\ \\_\\ \\ \\_\\ \\ \\_____\\ \\/\\_____\\ \\ \\_\\ \\ \\_____\\ " << std::endl << " \\ \\_\\ \\ \\_\\ \\ \\_____\\ \\/\\_____\\ \\ \\_\\ \\ \\_____\\ " << std::endl
<< " \\/_/ \\/_/ \\/_____/ \\/_____/ \\/_/ \\/_____/ " << std::endl << std::endl << " \\/_/ \\/_/ \\/_____/ \\/_____/ \\/_/ \\/_____/ " << std::endl << std::endl
<< " this is " << THE_CODE_NAME << " version " << THE_CODE_VERSION << std::endl << std::endl; << " this is " << THE_CODE_NAME << " version " << THE_CODE_VERSION << std::endl << std::endl;
#if defined(CMAKE_BUILD) // git and versioning info:
music::ilog.Print("Version built from git rev.: %s, tag: %s, branch: %s", GIT_REV, GIT_TAG, GIT_BRANCH); music::ilog << "Version: git rev.: " << GIT_REV << ", tag: " << GIT_TAG << ", branch: " << GIT_BRANCH << std::endl;
// Compilation CMake configuration, time etc info:
music::ilog << "This " << CMAKE_BUILDTYPE_STR << " build was compiled at " << __TIME__ << " on " << __DATE__ << std::endl;
#ifdef __GNUC__
music::ilog << "Compiled with GNU C++ version " << __VERSION__ <<std::endl;
music::ilog << "Compiled with " << __VERSION__ << std::endl;
#endif #endif
music::ilog << std::endl << std::endl;
} }
void modify_grid_for_TF(const refinement_hierarchy &rh_full, refinement_hierarchy &rh_TF, config_file &cf) void modify_grid_for_TF(const refinement_hierarchy &rh_full, refinement_hierarchy &rh_TF, config_file &cf)
@ -378,6 +389,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
splash(); splash();
std::cout << " This version is compiled with the following plug-ins:\n"; std::cout << " This version is compiled with the following plug-ins:\n";
print_region_generator_plugins(); print_region_generator_plugins();
print_transfer_function_plugins(); print_transfer_function_plugins();
print_RNG_plugins(); print_RNG_plugins();
@ -407,8 +419,6 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
config_file cf(argv[1]); config_file cf(argv[1]);
std::string tfname, randfname, temp; std::string tfname, randfname, temp;
bool force_shift(false); bool force_shift(false);
double boxlength;
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//... init multi-threading //... init multi-threading
@ -424,7 +434,6 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
//... initialize some parameters about grid set-up //... initialize some parameters about grid set-up
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
boxlength = cf.get_value<double>("setup", "boxlength");
lbase = cf.get_value<unsigned>("setup", "levelmin"); lbase = cf.get_value<unsigned>("setup", "levelmin");
lmax = cf.get_value<unsigned>("setup", "levelmax"); lmax = cf.get_value<unsigned>("setup", "levelmax");
lbaseTF = cf.get_value_safe<unsigned>("setup", "levelmin_TF", lbase); lbaseTF = cf.get_value_safe<unsigned>("setup", "levelmin_TF", lbase);
@ -463,39 +472,42 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
do_LLA = cf.get_value_safe<bool>("setup", "use_LLA", false), do_LLA = cf.get_value_safe<bool>("setup", "use_LLA", false),
do_counter_mode = cf.get_value_safe<bool>("setup", "zero_zoom_velocity", false); do_counter_mode = cf.get_value_safe<bool>("setup", "zero_zoom_velocity", false);
transfer_function_plugin *the_transfer_function_plugin = select_transfer_function_plugin(cf); the_cosmo_calc = std::make_unique<cosmology::calculator>(cf);
cosmology cosmo(cf); bool tf_has_velocities = the_cosmo_calc.get()->transfer_function_.get()->tf_has_velocities();
//! starting redshift
const real_t zstart = cf.get_value<double>("setup", "zstart");
const real_t astart = 1.0/(1.0+zstart);
music::ilog << "- starting at a=" << 1.0/(1.0+zstart) << std::endl;
music::ilog << "- starting at a=" << cosmo.astart << std::endl; double cosmo_dplus = the_cosmo_calc->get_growth_factor(astart) / the_cosmo_calc->get_growth_factor(1.0);
double cosmo_vfact = the_cosmo_calc->get_vfact(astart);
CosmoCalc ccalc(cosmo, the_transfer_function_plugin);
cosmo.pnorm = ccalc.ComputePNorm(2.0 * M_PI / boxlength);
cosmo.dplus = ccalc.CalcGrowthFactor(cosmo.astart) / ccalc.CalcGrowthFactor(1.0);
cosmo.vfact = ccalc.CalcVFact(cosmo.astart);
if (!the_transfer_function_plugin->tf_has_total0())
cosmo.pnorm *= cosmo.dplus * cosmo.dplus;
if (!the_cosmo_calc.get()->transfer_function_.get()->tf_has_total0()){
the_cosmo_calc->cosmo_param_["pnorm"] *= cosmo_dplus * cosmo_dplus;
double cosmo_pnorm = the_cosmo_calc->cosmo_param_["pnorm"];
//... directly use the normalisation via a parameter rather than the calculated one //... directly use the normalisation via a parameter rather than the calculated one
cosmo.pnorm = cf.get_value_safe<double>("setup", "force_pnorm", cosmo.pnorm); cosmo_pnorm = cf.get_value_safe<double>("setup", "force_pnorm", cosmo_pnorm);
double vfac2lpt = 1.0; double vfac2lpt = 1.0;
if (the_transfer_function_plugin->tf_velocity_units() && do_baryons) if (the_cosmo_calc->transfer_function_->tf_velocity_units() && do_baryons)
{ {
vfac2lpt = cosmo.vfact; // if the velocities are in velocity units, we need to divide by vfact for the 2lPT term vfac2lpt = cosmo_vfact; // if the velocities are in velocity units, we need to divide by vfact for the 2lPT term
cosmo.vfact = 1.0; cosmo_vfact = 1.0;
} }
{ {
char tmpstr[128]; char tmpstr[128];
snprintf(tmpstr, 128, "%.12g", cosmo.pnorm); snprintf(tmpstr, 128, "%.12g", cosmo_pnorm);
cf.insert_value("cosmology", "pnorm", tmpstr); cf.insert_value("cosmology", "pnorm", tmpstr);
snprintf(tmpstr, 128, "%.12g", cosmo.dplus); snprintf(tmpstr, 128, "%.12g", cosmo_dplus);
cf.insert_value("cosmology", "dplus", tmpstr); cf.insert_value("cosmology", "dplus", tmpstr);
snprintf(tmpstr, 128, "%.12g", cosmo.vfact); snprintf(tmpstr, 128, "%.12g", cosmo_vfact);
cf.insert_value("cosmology", "vfact", tmpstr); cf.insert_value("cosmology", "vfact", tmpstr);
} }
@ -505,16 +517,13 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
//... determine run parameters //... determine run parameters
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!the_transfer_function_plugin->tf_is_distinct() && do_baryons)
music::wlog << " - WARNING: The selected transfer function does not support" << std::endl
<< " distinct amplitudes for baryon and DM fields!" << std::endl
<< " Perturbation amplitudes will be identical!" << std::endl;
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//... start up the random number generator plugin //... start up the random number generator plugin
//... see if we need to set some grid building constraints //... see if we need to set some grid building constraints
noise_generator rand( cf, the_transfer_function_plugin ); noise_generator rand( cf );
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//... determine the refinement hierarchy //... determine the refinement hierarchy
@ -549,13 +558,11 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
music::ilog << " GENERATING WHITE NOISE\n"; music::ilog << " GENERATING WHITE NOISE\n";
music::ilog << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; music::ilog << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
music::ilog << "Computing white noise..." << std::endl; music::ilog << "Computing white noise..." << std::endl;
// rand_gen rand(cf, rh_TF, the_transfer_function_plugin);
rand.initialize_for_grid_structure( rh_TF ); rand.initialize_for_grid_structure( rh_TF );
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//... initialize the Poisson solver //... initialize the Poisson solver
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// bool bdefd = cf.get_value_safe<bool> ( "poisson" , "fft_fine", true );
bool bdefd = true; // we set this by default and don't allow it to be changed outside any more bool bdefd = true; // we set this by default and don't allow it to be changed outside any more
bool bglass = cf.get_value_safe<bool>("output", "glass", false); bool bglass = cf.get_value_safe<bool>("output", "glass", false);
bool bsph = cf.get_value_safe<bool>("setup", "do_SPH", false) && do_baryons; bool bsph = cf.get_value_safe<bool>("setup", "do_SPH", false) && do_baryons;
@ -610,11 +617,11 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
music::ulog.Print("Computing dark matter displacements..."); music::ulog.Print("Computing dark matter displacements...");
grid_hierarchy f(nbnd); //, u(nbnd); grid_hierarchy f(nbnd); //, u(nbnd);
tf_type my_tf_type = cdm; tf_type my_tf_type = delta_cdm;
if (!do_baryons || !the_transfer_function_plugin->tf_is_distinct()) if (!do_baryons)
my_tf_type = total; my_tf_type = delta_matter;
GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_transfer_function_plugin, my_tf_type, rh_TF, rand, f, false, false); GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_cosmo_calc.get(), my_tf_type, rh_TF, rand, f, false, false);
coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling); coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling);
f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift()); f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift());
@ -678,7 +685,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
music::ilog << " COMPUTING BARYON DENSITY\n"; music::ilog << " COMPUTING BARYON DENSITY\n";
music::ilog << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; music::ilog << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
music::ulog.Print("Computing baryon density..."); music::ulog.Print("Computing baryon density...");
GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_transfer_function_plugin, baryon, rh_TF, rand, f, false, bbshift); GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_cosmo_calc.get(), delta_baryon, rh_TF, rand, f, false, bbshift);
coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling); coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling);
f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift()); f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift());
normalize_density(f); normalize_density(f);
@ -741,17 +748,17 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//... velocities //... velocities
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ((!the_transfer_function_plugin->tf_has_velocities() || !do_baryons) && !bsph) if ((!tf_has_velocities || !do_baryons) && !bsph)
{ {
music::ilog << "===============================================================================" << std::endl; music::ilog << "===============================================================================" << std::endl;
music::ilog << " COMPUTING VELOCITIES\n"; music::ilog << " COMPUTING VELOCITIES\n";
music::ilog << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; music::ilog << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
music::ulog.Print("Computing velocitites..."); music::ulog.Print("Computing velocitites...");
if (do_baryons || the_transfer_function_plugin->tf_has_velocities()) if (do_baryons || tf_has_velocities)
{ {
music::ulog.Print("Generating velocity perturbations..."); music::ulog.Print("Generating velocity perturbations...");
GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_transfer_function_plugin, vtotal, rh_TF, rand, f, false, false); GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_cosmo_calc.get(), theta_cdm, rh_TF, rand, f, false, false);
coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling); coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling);
f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift()); f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift());
normalize_density(f); normalize_density(f);
@ -779,7 +786,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
the_poisson_solver->gradient(icoord, u, data_forIO); the_poisson_solver->gradient(icoord, u, data_forIO);
//... multiply to get velocity //... multiply to get velocity
data_forIO *= cosmo.vfact; data_forIO *= cosmo_vfact;
//... velocity kick to keep refined region centered? //... velocity kick to keep refined region centered?
@ -796,7 +803,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, data_forIO, false); coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, data_forIO, false);
// add counter velocity-mode // add counter velocity-mode
if( do_counter_mode ) add_constant_value( data_forIO, -counter_mode_amp[icoord]*cosmo.vfact ); if( do_counter_mode ) add_constant_value( data_forIO, -counter_mode_amp[icoord]*cosmo_vfact );
music::ulog.Print("Writing CDM velocities"); music::ulog.Print("Writing CDM velocities");
the_output_plugin->write_dm_velocity(icoord, data_forIO); the_output_plugin->write_dm_velocity(icoord, data_forIO);
@ -821,7 +828,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
//... we do baryons and have velocity transfer functions, or we do SPH and not to shift //... we do baryons and have velocity transfer functions, or we do SPH and not to shift
//... do DM first //... do DM first
GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_transfer_function_plugin, vcdm, rh_TF, rand, f, false, false); GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_cosmo_calc.get(), theta_cdm, rh_TF, rand, f, false, false);
coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling); coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling);
f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift()); f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift());
normalize_density(f); normalize_density(f);
@ -851,7 +858,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
the_poisson_solver->gradient(icoord, u, data_forIO); the_poisson_solver->gradient(icoord, u, data_forIO);
//... multiply to get velocity //... multiply to get velocity
data_forIO *= cosmo.vfact; data_forIO *= cosmo_vfact;
double sigv = compute_finest_sigma(data_forIO); double sigv = compute_finest_sigma(data_forIO);
music::ilog.Print("sigma of %c-velocity of high-res DM is %f", 'x' + icoord, sigv); music::ilog.Print("sigma of %c-velocity of high-res DM is %f", 'x' + icoord, sigv);
@ -866,7 +873,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, data_forIO, false); coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, data_forIO, false);
// add counter velocity mode // add counter velocity mode
if( do_counter_mode ) add_constant_value( data_forIO, -counter_mode_amp[icoord]*cosmo.vfact ); if( do_counter_mode ) add_constant_value( data_forIO, -counter_mode_amp[icoord]*cosmo_vfact );
music::ulog.Print("Writing CDM velocities"); music::ulog.Print("Writing CDM velocities");
the_output_plugin->write_dm_velocity(icoord, data_forIO); the_output_plugin->write_dm_velocity(icoord, data_forIO);
@ -880,7 +887,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
music::ilog << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; music::ilog << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
music::ulog.Print("Computing baryon velocitites..."); music::ulog.Print("Computing baryon velocitites...");
//... do baryons //... do baryons
GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_transfer_function_plugin, vbaryon, rh_TF, rand, f, false, bbshift); GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_cosmo_calc.get(), theta_baryon, rh_TF, rand, f, false, bbshift);
coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling); coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling);
f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift()); f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift());
normalize_density(f); normalize_density(f);
@ -910,7 +917,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
the_poisson_solver->gradient(icoord, u, data_forIO); the_poisson_solver->gradient(icoord, u, data_forIO);
//... multiply to get velocity //... multiply to get velocity
data_forIO *= cosmo.vfact; data_forIO *= cosmo_vfact;
double sigv = compute_finest_sigma(data_forIO); double sigv = compute_finest_sigma(data_forIO);
music::ilog.Print("sigma of %c-velocity of high-res baryons is %f", 'x' + icoord, sigv); music::ilog.Print("sigma of %c-velocity of high-res baryons is %f", 'x' + icoord, sigv);
@ -925,7 +932,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, data_forIO, false); coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, data_forIO, false);
// add counter velocity mode // add counter velocity mode
if( do_counter_mode ) add_constant_value( data_forIO, -counter_mode_amp[icoord]*cosmo.vfact ); if( do_counter_mode ) add_constant_value( data_forIO, -counter_mode_amp[icoord]*cosmo_vfact );
music::ulog.Print("Writing baryon velocities"); music::ulog.Print("Writing baryon velocities");
the_output_plugin->write_gas_velocity(icoord, data_forIO); the_output_plugin->write_gas_velocity(icoord, data_forIO);
@ -946,13 +953,13 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
grid_hierarchy f(nbnd), u1(nbnd), u2LPT(nbnd), f2LPT(nbnd); grid_hierarchy f(nbnd), u1(nbnd), u2LPT(nbnd), f2LPT(nbnd);
tf_type my_tf_type = vcdm; tf_type my_tf_type = theta_cdm;
bool dm_only = !do_baryons; bool dm_only = !do_baryons;
if (!do_baryons || !the_transfer_function_plugin->tf_has_velocities()) if (!do_baryons || !tf_has_velocities)
my_tf_type = total; my_tf_type = theta_matter;
music::ilog << "===============================================================================" << std::endl; music::ilog << "===============================================================================" << std::endl;
if (my_tf_type == total) if (my_tf_type == theta_matter)
{ {
music::ilog << " COMPUTING VELOCITIES" << std::endl; music::ilog << " COMPUTING VELOCITIES" << std::endl;
} }
@ -962,7 +969,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
} }
music::ilog << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; music::ilog << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_transfer_function_plugin, my_tf_type, rh_TF, rand, f, false, false); GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_cosmo_calc.get(), my_tf_type, rh_TF, rand, f, false, false);
coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling); coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling);
f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift()); f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift());
normalize_density(f); normalize_density(f);
@ -1028,7 +1035,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
else else
the_poisson_solver->gradient(icoord, u1, data_forIO); the_poisson_solver->gradient(icoord, u1, data_forIO);
data_forIO *= cosmo.vfact; data_forIO *= cosmo_vfact;
double sigv = compute_finest_sigma(data_forIO); double sigv = compute_finest_sigma(data_forIO);
@ -1051,7 +1058,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
music::ulog.Print("Writing CDM velocities"); music::ulog.Print("Writing CDM velocities");
the_output_plugin->write_dm_velocity(icoord, data_forIO); the_output_plugin->write_dm_velocity(icoord, data_forIO);
if (do_baryons && !the_transfer_function_plugin->tf_has_velocities() && !bsph) if (do_baryons && !tf_has_velocities && !bsph)
{ {
music::ulog.Print("Writing baryon velocities"); music::ulog.Print("Writing baryon velocities");
the_output_plugin->write_gas_velocity(icoord, data_forIO); the_output_plugin->write_gas_velocity(icoord, data_forIO);
@ -1061,14 +1068,14 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
if (!dm_only) if (!dm_only)
u1.deallocate(); u1.deallocate();
if (do_baryons && (the_transfer_function_plugin->tf_has_velocities() || bsph)) if (do_baryons && (tf_has_velocities || bsph))
{ {
music::ilog << "===============================================================================" << std::endl; music::ilog << "===============================================================================" << std::endl;
music::ilog << " COMPUTING BARYON VELOCITIES" << std::endl; music::ilog << " COMPUTING BARYON VELOCITIES" << std::endl;
music::ilog << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; music::ilog << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
music::ulog.Print("Computing baryon displacements..."); music::ulog.Print("Computing baryon displacements...");
GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_transfer_function_plugin, vbaryon, rh_TF, rand, f, false, bbshift); GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_cosmo_calc.get(), theta_baryon, rh_TF, rand, f, false, bbshift);
coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling); coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling);
f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift()); f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift());
normalize_density(f); normalize_density(f);
@ -1126,7 +1133,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
else else
the_poisson_solver->gradient(icoord, u1, data_forIO); the_poisson_solver->gradient(icoord, u1, data_forIO);
data_forIO *= cosmo.vfact; data_forIO *= cosmo_vfact;
double sigv = compute_finest_sigma(data_forIO); double sigv = compute_finest_sigma(data_forIO);
@ -1162,11 +1169,11 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
if (!dm_only) if (!dm_only)
{ {
// my_tf_type is cdm if do_baryons==true, total otherwise // my_tf_type is cdm if do_baryons==true, total otherwise
my_tf_type = cdm; my_tf_type = delta_cdm;
if (!do_baryons || !the_transfer_function_plugin->tf_is_distinct()) if (!do_baryons || !the_cosmo_calc->transfer_function_->tf_is_distinct())
my_tf_type = total; my_tf_type = delta_matter;
GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_transfer_function_plugin, my_tf_type, rh_TF, rand, f, false, false); GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_cosmo_calc.get(), my_tf_type, rh_TF, rand, f, false, false);
coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling); coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling);
f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift()); f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift());
normalize_density(f); normalize_density(f);
@ -1248,7 +1255,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, data_forIO, false); coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, data_forIO, false);
// add counter mode // add counter mode
if( do_counter_mode ) add_constant_value( data_forIO, -counter_mode_amp[icoord]/cosmo.vfact ); if( do_counter_mode ) add_constant_value( data_forIO, -counter_mode_amp[icoord]/cosmo_vfact );
music::ulog.Print("Writing CDM displacements"); music::ulog.Print("Writing CDM displacements");
the_output_plugin->write_dm_position(icoord, data_forIO); the_output_plugin->write_dm_position(icoord, data_forIO);
@ -1264,7 +1271,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
music::ilog << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; music::ilog << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
music::ulog.Print("Computing baryon density..."); music::ulog.Print("Computing baryon density...");
GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_transfer_function_plugin, baryon, rh_TF, rand, f, true, false); GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_cosmo_calc.get(), delta_baryon, rh_TF, rand, f, true, false);
coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling); coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling);
f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift()); f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift());
normalize_density(f); normalize_density(f);
@ -1307,7 +1314,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
music::ilog << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; music::ilog << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
music::ulog.Print("Computing baryon displacements..."); music::ulog.Print("Computing baryon displacements...");
GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_transfer_function_plugin, baryon, rh_TF, rand, f, false, bbshift); GenerateDensityHierarchy(cf, the_cosmo_calc.get(), delta_baryon, rh_TF, rand, f, false, bbshift);
coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling); coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, f, bspectral_sampling);
f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift()); f.add_refinement_mask(rh_Poisson.get_coord_shift());
normalize_density(f); normalize_density(f);
@ -1365,7 +1372,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, data_forIO, false); coarsen_density(rh_Poisson, data_forIO, false);
// add counter mode // add counter mode
if( do_counter_mode ) add_constant_value( data_forIO, -counter_mode_amp[icoord]/cosmo.vfact ); if( do_counter_mode ) add_constant_value( data_forIO, -counter_mode_amp[icoord]/cosmo_vfact );
music::ulog.Print("Writing baryon displacements"); music::ulog.Print("Writing baryon displacements");
@ -1397,10 +1404,12 @@ int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
music::ulog.Print("Wrote output file \'%s\'.", outfname.c_str()); music::ulog.Print("Wrote output file \'%s\'.", outfname.c_str());
} }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//... clean up //... clean up
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete the_transfer_function_plugin; // delete the_transfer_function_plugin;
delete the_poisson_solver; delete the_poisson_solver;
if( CONFIG::FFTW_threads_ok ) if( CONFIG::FFTW_threads_ok )

src/math/interpolate.hh Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
// This file is part of monofonIC (MUSIC2)
// A software package to generate ICs for cosmological simulations
// Copyright (C) 2020 by Oliver Hahn
// monofonIC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// monofonIC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include <gsl/gsl_spline.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
template <bool logx, bool logy, bool periodic>
class interpolated_function_1d
bool isinit_;
std::vector<double> data_x_, data_y_;
gsl_interp_accel *gsl_ia_;
gsl_spline *gsl_sp_;
void deallocate()
interpolated_function_1d(const interpolated_function_1d &) = delete;
interpolated_function_1d() : isinit_(false){}
interpolated_function_1d(const std::vector<double> &data_x, const std::vector<double> &data_y)
: isinit_(false)
static_assert(!(logx & periodic),"Class \'interpolated_function_1d\' cannot both be periodic and logarithmic in x!");
this->set_data( data_x, data_y );
if (isinit_) this->deallocate();
void set_data(const std::vector<double> &data_x, const std::vector<double> &data_y)
data_x_ = data_x;
data_y_ = data_y;
assert(data_x_.size() == data_y_.size());
assert(data_x_.size() > 5);
if (logx) for (auto &d : data_x_) d = std::log(d);
if (logy) for (auto &d : data_y_) d = std::log(d);
if (isinit_) this->deallocate();
gsl_ia_ = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
gsl_sp_ = gsl_spline_alloc(periodic ? gsl_interp_cspline_periodic : gsl_interp_cspline, data_x_.size());
gsl_spline_init(gsl_sp_, &data_x_[0], &data_y_[0], data_x_.size());
isinit_ = true;
double operator()(double x) const noexcept
assert( isinit_ && !(logx&&x<=0.0) );
const double xa = logx ? std::log(x) : x;
const double y(gsl_spline_eval(gsl_sp_, xa, gsl_ia_));
return logy ? std::exp(y) : y;

src/math/mat3.hh Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
// This file is part of monofonIC (MUSIC2)
// A software package to generate ICs for cosmological simulations
// Copyright (C) 2020 by Oliver Hahn
// monofonIC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// monofonIC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <gsl/gsl_math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_eigen.h>
#include <math/vec3.hh>
//! class for 3x3 matrix calculations
template<typename T>
class mat3_t{
std::array<T,9> data_;
std::array<double,9> data_double_;
gsl_matrix_view m_;
gsl_vector *eval_;
gsl_matrix *evec_;
gsl_eigen_symmv_workspace * wsp_;
bool bdid_alloc_gsl_;
void init_gsl(){
// allocate memory for GSL operations if we haven't done so yet
if( !bdid_alloc_gsl_ )
if( typeid(T)!=typeid(double) ){
m_ = gsl_matrix_view_array ( &data_double_[0], 3, 3);
m_ = gsl_matrix_view_array ( (double*)(&data_[0]), 3, 3); // this should only ever be called for T==double so cast is to avoid constexpr ifs from C++17
eval_ = gsl_vector_alloc (3);
evec_ = gsl_matrix_alloc (3, 3);
wsp_ = gsl_eigen_symmv_alloc (3);
bdid_alloc_gsl_ = true;
if( typeid(T)!=typeid(double) ){
for( int i=0; i<9; ++i ) data_double_[i] = double(data_[i]);
void free_gsl(){
// free memory for GSL operations if it was allocated
if( bdid_alloc_gsl_ )
gsl_eigen_symmv_free (wsp_);
gsl_vector_free (eval_);
gsl_matrix_free (evec_);
: bdid_alloc_gsl_(false)
//! copy constructor
mat3_t( const mat3_t<T> &m)
: data_(m.data_), bdid_alloc_gsl_(false)
//! move constructor
mat3_t( mat3_t<T> &&m)
: data_(std::move(m.data_)), bdid_alloc_gsl_(false)
//! construct mat3_t from initializer list
template<typename ...E>
: data_{{std::forward<E>(e)...}}, bdid_alloc_gsl_(false)
mat3_t<T>& operator=(const mat3_t<T>& m) noexcept{
data_ = m.data_;
return *this;
mat3_t<T>& operator=(const mat3_t<T>&& m) noexcept{
data_ = std::move(m.data_);
return *this;
//! destructor
//! bracket index access to vector components
T &operator[](size_t i) noexcept { return data_[i];}
//! const bracket index access to vector components
const T &operator[](size_t i) const noexcept { return data_[i]; }
//! matrix 2d index access
T &operator()(size_t i, size_t j) noexcept { return data_[3*i+j]; }
//! const matrix 2d index access
const T &operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const noexcept { return data_[3*i+j]; }
//! in-place addition
mat3_t<T>& operator+=( const mat3_t<T>& rhs ) noexcept{
for (size_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
(*this)[i] += rhs[i];
return *this;
//! in-place subtraction
mat3_t<T>& operator-=( const mat3_t<T>& rhs ) noexcept{
for (size_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
(*this)[i] -= rhs[i];
return *this;
void zero() noexcept{
for (size_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i) data_[i]=0;
void eigen( vec3_t<T>& evals, vec3_t<T>& evec1, vec3_t<T>& evec2, vec3_t<T>& evec3_t )
gsl_eigen_symmv (&m_.matrix, eval_, evec_, wsp_);
gsl_eigen_symmv_sort (eval_, evec_, GSL_EIGEN_SORT_VAL_ASC);
for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ){
evals[i] = gsl_vector_get( eval_, i );
evec1[i] = gsl_matrix_get( evec_, i, 0 );
evec2[i] = gsl_matrix_get( evec_, i, 1 );
evec3_t[i] = gsl_matrix_get( evec_, i, 2 );
template<typename T>
constexpr const mat3_t<T> operator+(const mat3_t<T> &lhs, const mat3_t<T> &rhs) noexcept
mat3_t<T> result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
result[i] = lhs[i] + rhs[i];
return result;
// matrix - vector multiplication
template<typename T>
inline vec3_t<T> operator*( const mat3_t<T> &A, const vec3_t<T> &v ) noexcept
vec3_t<T> result;
for( int mu=0; mu<3; ++mu ){
result[mu] = 0.0;
for( int nu=0; nu<3; ++nu ){
result[mu] += A(mu,nu)*v[nu];
return result;

src/math/ode_integrate.hh Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
// This file is part of monofonIC (MUSIC2)
// A software package to generate ICs for cosmological simulations
// Copyright (C) 2020 by Oliver Hahn
// monofonIC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// monofonIC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
//! ODE integration namespace
namespace ode_integrate
// simple Runge-Kutta 4th order step without error estimate
template <typename vector_t, typename function_t>
inline void rk4_step(double h, double &t, vector_t &y, function_t f)
vector_t k1(h * f(t, y));
vector_t k2(h * f(t + h / 2, y + k1 / 2));
vector_t k3(h * f(t + h / 2, y + k2 / 2));
vector_t k4(h * f(t + h, y + k3));
y += (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4) / 6;
t += h;
// Cash-Karp modified Runge-Kutta scheme, 5th order with 4th order error estimate
// see Press & Teukolsky (1992): "Adaptive Stepsize Runge-Kutta Integration"
// in Computers in Physics 6, 188 (1992); doi: 10.1063/1.4823060
template <typename vector_t, typename function_t>
inline vector_t ckrk5_step(double h, double &t, vector_t &y, function_t f)
static constexpr double
a2 = 0.20,
a3 = 0.30, a4 = 0.60, a5 = 1.0, a6 = 0.8750,
b21 = 0.20,
b31 = 3.0 / 40.0, b32 = 9.0 / 40.0,
b41 = 0.30, b42 = -0.90, b43 = 1.20,
b51 = -11.0 / 54.0, b52 = 2.50, b53 = -70.0 / 27.0, b54 = 35.0 / 27.0,
b61 = 1631.0 / 55296.0, b62 = 175.0 / 512.0, b63 = 575.0 / 13824.0, b64 = 44275.0 / 110592.0, b65 = 253.0 / 4096.0,
c1 = 37.0 / 378.0, c3 = 250.0 / 621.0, c4 = 125.0 / 594.0, c6 = 512.0 / 1771.0,
dc1 = c1 - 2825.0 / 27648.0, dc3 = c3 - 18575.0 / 48384.0,
dc4 = c4 - 13525.0 / 55296.0, dc5 = -277.0 / 14336.0, dc6 = c6 - 0.250;
vector_t k1(h * f(t, y));
vector_t k2(h * f(t + a2 * h, y + b21 * k1));
vector_t k3(h * f(t + a3 * h, y + b31 * k1 + b32 * k2));
vector_t k4(h * f(t + a4 * h, y + b41 * k1 + b42 * k2 + b43 * k3));
vector_t k5(h * f(t + a5 * h, y + b51 * k1 + b52 * k2 + b53 * k3 + b54 * k4));
vector_t k6(h * f(t + a6 * h, y + b61 * k1 + b62 * k2 + b63 * k3 + b64 * k4 + b65 * k5));
y += c1 * k1 + c3 * k3 + c4 * k4 + c6 * k6;
return dc1 * k1 + dc3 * k3 + dc4 * k4 + dc5 * k5 + dc6 * k6;
// Adaptive step-size quality-controlled routine for ckrk5_step, see
// Press & Teukolsky (1992): "Adaptive Stepsize Runge-Kutta Integration"
// in Computers in Physics 6, 188 (1992); doi: 10.1063/1.4823060
template <typename vector_t, typename function_t>
inline void rk_step_qs(double htry, double &t, vector_t &y, vector_t &yscale, function_t f, double eps, double &hdid, double &hnext)
static constexpr double SAFETY{0.9};
static constexpr double PSHRNK{-0.25};
static constexpr double PGROW{-0.2};
static constexpr double ERRCON{1.89e-4};
auto h(htry);
vector_t ytemp(y);
vector_t yerr;
double errmax;
yerr = ckrk5_step(h, t, ytemp, f);
errmax = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < yerr.size(); ++i)
errmax = std::max(errmax, std::fabs(yerr[i] / yscale[i]));
errmax = errmax / eps;
if (errmax > 1.0)
h *= std::max(0.1, SAFETY*std::pow(errmax, PSHRNK));
if (t + h == t)
std::cerr << "stepsize underflow in rkqs" << std::endl;
goto do_ckrk5trialstep;
if( errmax > ERRCON ){
hnext = h * SAFETY * std::pow(errmax, PGROW);
hnext = 5*h;
hdid = h;
t += h;
y = ytemp;
} // namespace ode_integrate

src/math/vec.hh Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
// This file is part of monofonIC (MUSIC2)
// A software package to generate ICs for cosmological simulations
// Copyright (C) 2020 by Oliver Hahn
// monofonIC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// monofonIC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <array>
//! implements general N-dim vectors of arbitrary primtive type with some arithmetic ops
template <int N, typename T = double>
struct vec_t
std::array<T, N> data_;
vec_t() {}
vec_t(const vec_t<N, T> &v)
: data_(v.data_) {}
vec_t(vec_t<N, T> &&v)
: data_(std::move(v.data_)) {}
template <typename... E>
vec_t(E... e)
: data_{{std::forward<E>(e)...}}
static_assert(sizeof...(E) == N, "Brace-enclosed initialiser list doesn't match vec_t length!");
//! bracket index access to vector components
T &operator[](size_t i) noexcept { return data_[i]; }
//! const bracket index access to vector components
const T &operator[](size_t i) const noexcept { return data_[i]; }
// assignment operator
vec_t<N, T> &operator=(const vec_t<N, T> &v) noexcept
data_ = v.data_;
return *this;
//! implementation of summation of vec_t
vec_t<N, T> operator+(const vec_t<N, T> &v) const noexcept
vec_t<N, T> res;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
res[i] = data_[i] + v[i];
return res;
//! implementation of difference of vec_t
vec_t<N, T> operator-(const vec_t<N, T> &v) const noexcept
vec_t<N, T> res;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
res[i] = data_[i] - v[i];
return res;
//! implementation of unary negative
vec_t<N, T> operator-() const noexcept
vec_t<N, T> res;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
res[i] = -data_[i];
return res;
//! implementation of scalar multiplication
template <typename T2>
vec_t<N, T> operator*(T2 s) const noexcept
vec_t<N, T> res;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
res[i] = data_[i] * s;
return res;
//! implementation of scalar division
vec_t<N, T> operator/(T s) const noexcept
vec_t<N, T> res;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
res[i] = data_[i] / s;
return res;
//! takes the absolute value of each element
vec_t<N, T> abs(void) const noexcept
vec_t<N, T> res;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
res[i] = std::fabs(data_[i]);
return res;
//! implementation of implicit summation of vec_t
vec_t<N, T> &operator+=(const vec_t<N, T> &v) noexcept
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
data_[i] += v[i];
return *this;
//! implementation of implicit subtraction of vec_t
vec_t<N, T> &operator-=(const vec_t<N, T> &v) noexcept
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
data_[i] -= v[i];
return *this;
//! implementation of implicit scalar multiplication of vec_t
vec_t<N, T> &operator*=(T s) noexcept
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
data_[i] *= s;
return *this;
//! implementation of implicit scalar division of vec_t
vec_t<N, T> &operator/=(T s) noexcept
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
data_[i] /= s;
return *this;
size_t size(void) const noexcept { return N; }
//! multiplication with scalar
template <typename T2, int N, typename T = double>
inline vec_t<N, T> operator*(T2 s, const vec_t<N, T> &v)
vec_t<N, T> res;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
res[i] = v[i] * s;
return res;

src/math/vec3.hh Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
// This file is part of monofonIC (MUSIC2)
// A software package to generate ICs for cosmological simulations
// Copyright (C) 2020 by Oliver Hahn
// monofonIC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// monofonIC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
//! implements a simple class of 3-vectors of arbitrary scalar type
template< typename T >
class vec3_t{
//! holds the data
std::array<T,3> data_;
//! expose access to elements via references
T &x,&y,&z;
//! empty constructor
: data_{{T(0),T(0),T(0)}},x(data_[0]),y(data_[1]),z(data_[2]){}
//! copy constructor
vec3_t( const vec3_t<T> &v)
: data_(v.data_), x(data_[0]),y(data_[1]),z(data_[2]){}
//! copy constructor for non-const reference, needed to avoid variadic template being called for non-const reference
vec3_t( vec3_t<T>& v)
: data_(v.data_), x(data_[0]),y(data_[1]),z(data_[2]){}
//! move constructor
vec3_t( vec3_t<T> &&v)
: data_(std::move(v.data_)), x(data_[0]), y(data_[1]), z(data_[2]){}
//! construct vec3_t from initializer list
// template<typename ...E>
// vec3_t(E&&...e)
// : data_{{std::forward<E>(e)...}}, x{data_[0]}, y{data_[1]}, z{data_[2]}
// {}
vec3_t( T a, T b, T c )
: data_{{a,b,c}}, x(data_[0]), y(data_[1]), z(data_[2]){}
explicit vec3_t( T a)
: data_{{a,a,a}}, x(data_[0]), y(data_[1]), z(data_[2]){}
//! bracket index access to vector components
T &operator[](size_t i) noexcept{ return data_[i];}
//! const bracket index access to vector components
const T &operator[](size_t i) const noexcept { return data_[i]; }
// assignment operator
vec3_t<T>& operator=( const vec3_t<T>& v ) noexcept { data_=v.data_; return *this; }
//! implementation of summation of vec3_t
vec3_t<T> operator+( const vec3_t<T>& v ) const noexcept{ return vec3_t<T>({x+v.x,y+v.y,z+v.z}); }
//! implementation of difference of vec3_t
vec3_t<T> operator-( const vec3_t<T>& v ) const noexcept{ return vec3_t<T>({x-v.x,y-v.y,z-v.z}); }
//! implementation of unary negative
vec3_t<T> operator-() const noexcept{ return vec3_t<T>({-x,-y,-z}); }
//! implementation of scalar multiplication
vec3_t<T> operator*( T s ) const noexcept{ return vec3_t<T>({x*s,y*s,z*s}); }
//! implementation of scalar division
vec3_t<T> operator/( T s ) const noexcept{ return vec3_t<T>({x/s,y/s,z/s}); }
//! implementation of += operator
vec3_t<T>& operator+=( const vec3_t<T>& v ) noexcept{ x+=v.x; y+=v.y; z+=v.z; return *this; }
//! implementation of -= operator
vec3_t<T>& operator-=( const vec3_t<T>& v ) noexcept{ x-=v.x; y-=v.y; z-=v.z; return *this; }
//! multiply with scalar
vec3_t<T>& operator*=( T s ) noexcept{ x*=s; y*=s; z*=s; return *this; }
//! divide by scalar
vec3_t<T>& operator/=( T s ) noexcept{ x/=s; y/=s; z/=s; return *this; }
//! compute dot product with another vector
T dot(const vec3_t<T> &a) const noexcept
return data_[0] * a.data_[0] + data_[1] * a.data_[1] + data_[2] * a.data_[2];
//! returns 2-norm squared of vector
T norm_squared(void) const noexcept { return this->dot(*this); }
//! returns 2-norm of vector
T norm(void) const noexcept { return std::sqrt( this->norm_squared() ); }
//! wrap absolute vector to box of size p
vec3_t<T>& wrap_abs( T p = 1.0 ) noexcept{
for( auto& x : data_ ) x = std::fmod( 2*p + x, p );
return *this;
//! wrap relative vector to box of size p
vec3_t<T>& wrap_rel( T p = 1.0 ) noexcept{
for( auto& x : data_ ) x = (x<-p/2)? x+p : (x>=p/2)? x-p : x;
return *this;
//! takes the absolute value of each element
vec3_t<T> abs(void) const noexcept
vec3_t<T> res;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
res[i] = std::fabs(data_[i]);
return res;
//! ordering, allows 3d sorting of vec3_ts
bool operator<( const vec3_t<T>& o ) const noexcept{
if( x!=o.x ) return x<o.x?true:false;
if( y!=o.y ) return y<o.y?true:false;
if( z!=o.z ) return z<o.z?true:false;
return false;
//! multiplication with scalar
template<typename T>
vec3_t<T> operator*( T s, const vec3_t<T>& v ){
return vec3_t<T>({v.x*s,v.y*s,v.z*s});

View file

@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
*/ */
#include "cosmology.hh" #include <perturbation_theory.hh>
#include "mesh.hh" #include <mesh.hh>
#include "mg_operators.hh" #include <mg_operators.hh>
#include "general.hh" #include <general.hh>
#define ACC(i, j, k) ((*u.get_grid((ilevel)))((i), (j), (k))) #define ACC(i, j, k) ((*u.get_grid((ilevel)))((i), (j), (k)))
#define SQR(x) ((x) * (x)) #define SQR(x) ((x) * (x))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
cosmology.hh - This file is part of MUSIC -
a code to generate multi-scale initial conditions
for cosmological simulations
Copyright (C) 2010 Oliver Hahn
#pragma once
#include "mesh.hh"
#include "general.hh"
//! compute the jeans sound speed
/*! given a density in g/cm^-3 and a mass in g it gives back the sound
* speed in cm/s for which the input mass is equal to the jeans mass
* @param rho density
* @param mass mass scale
* @returns jeans sound speed
inline double jeans_sound_speed( double rho, double mass )
const double G = 6.67e-8;
return pow( 6.0*mass/M_PI*sqrt(rho)*pow(G,1.5), 1.0/3.0 );
//! computes the density from the potential using the Laplacian
void compute_Lu_density( const grid_hierarchy& u, grid_hierarchy& fnew, unsigned order=4 );
//! computes the 2nd order density perturbations using also off-diagonal terms in the potential Hessian
void compute_LLA_density( const grid_hierarchy& u, grid_hierarchy& fnew, unsigned order=4 );
//! computes the source term for the 2nd order perturbations in the displacements
void compute_2LPT_source( const grid_hierarchy& u, grid_hierarchy& fnew, unsigned order=4 );
void compute_2LPT_source_FFT( config_file& cf_, const grid_hierarchy& u, grid_hierarchy& fnew );

View file

@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ void RNG_panphasia::fill_grid(int level, DensityGrid<real_t> &R)
size_t idx = ((size_t)i * nxremap[1] + (size_t)j) * (nxremap[2] / 2 + 1) + (size_t)k; size_t idx = ((size_t)i * nxremap[1] + (size_t)j) * (nxremap[2] / 2 + 1) + (size_t)k;
double fx(1.0), fy(1.0), fz(1.0), arg = 0.; double fx(1.0), fy(1.0), fz(1.0), arg = 0.;
complex gx(0., 0.), gy(0., 0.), gz(0., 0.); ccomplex_t gx(0., 0.), gy(0., 0.), gz(0., 0.);
int ii(i), jj(j), kk(k); int ii(i), jj(j), kk(k);
if (i > nxremap[0] / 2) if (i > nxremap[0] / 2)
@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ void RNG_panphasia::fill_grid(int level, DensityGrid<real_t> &R)
{ {
arg = M_PI * (double)ii / (double)nxremap[0]; arg = M_PI * (double)ii / (double)nxremap[0];
fx = sin(arg) / arg; fx = sin(arg) / arg;
gx = complex(0.0, (arg * cos(arg) - sin(arg)) / (arg * arg)); gx = ccomplex_t(0.0, (arg * cos(arg) - sin(arg)) / (arg * arg));
} }
else else
{ {
@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ void RNG_panphasia::fill_grid(int level, DensityGrid<real_t> &R)
{ {
arg = M_PI * (double)jj / (double)nxremap[1]; arg = M_PI * (double)jj / (double)nxremap[1];
fy = sin(arg) / arg; fy = sin(arg) / arg;
gy = complex(0.0, (arg * cos(arg) - sin(arg)) / (arg * arg)); gy = ccomplex_t(0.0, (arg * cos(arg) - sin(arg)) / (arg * arg));
} }
else else
{ {
@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ void RNG_panphasia::fill_grid(int level, DensityGrid<real_t> &R)
{ {
arg = M_PI * (double)kk / (double)nxremap[2]; arg = M_PI * (double)kk / (double)nxremap[2];
fz = sin(arg) / arg; fz = sin(arg) / arg;
gz = complex(0.0, (arg * cos(arg) - sin(arg)) / (arg * arg)); gz = ccomplex_t(0.0, (arg * cos(arg) - sin(arg)) / (arg * arg));
} }
else else
{ {
@ -529,13 +529,13 @@ void RNG_panphasia::fill_grid(int level, DensityGrid<real_t> &R)
gz = 0.0; gz = 0.0;
} }
complex temp_comp = (fx + sqrt(3.0) * gx) * (fy + sqrt(3.0) * gy) * (fz + sqrt(3.0) * gz); ccomplex_t temp_comp = (fx + sqrt(3.0) * gx) * (fy + sqrt(3.0) * gy) * (fz + sqrt(3.0) * gz);
double magnitude = sqrt(1.0 - std::abs(temp_comp * temp_comp)); double magnitude = sqrt(1.0 - std::abs(temp_comp * temp_comp));
if (abs(ii) != nxremap[0] / 2 && abs(jj) != nxremap[1] / 2 && if (abs(ii) != nxremap[0] / 2 && abs(jj) != nxremap[1] / 2 &&
abs(kk) != nxremap[2] / 2) abs(kk) != nxremap[2] / 2)
{ // kkmax != nxremap[2]/2 ){ { // kkmax != nxremap[2]/2 ){
complex x, y0(RE(pc0[idx]), IM(pc0[idx])), y1(RE(pc1[idx]), IM(pc1[idx])), y2(RE(pc2[idx]), IM(pc2[idx])), ccomplex_t x, y0(RE(pc0[idx]), IM(pc0[idx])), y1(RE(pc1[idx]), IM(pc1[idx])), y2(RE(pc2[idx]), IM(pc2[idx])),
y3(RE(pc3[idx]), IM(pc3[idx])), y4(RE(pc4[idx]), IM(pc4[idx])); y3(RE(pc3[idx]), IM(pc3[idx])), y4(RE(pc4[idx]), IM(pc4[idx]));
x = y0 * fx * fy * fz + sqrt(3.0) * (y1 * gx * fy * fz + y2 * fx * gy * fz + y3 * fx * fy * gz) + x = y0 * fx * fy * fz + sqrt(3.0) * (y1 * gx * fy * fz + y2 * fx * gy * fz + y3 * fx * fy * gz) +
@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ void RNG_panphasia::fill_grid(int level, DensityGrid<real_t> &R)
size_t idx = ((size_t)i * nxremap[1] + (size_t)j) * (nxremap[2] / 2 + 1) + (size_t)k; size_t idx = ((size_t)i * nxremap[1] + (size_t)j) * (nxremap[2] / 2 + 1) + (size_t)k;
double fx(1.0), fy(1.0), fz(1.0), arg = 0.; double fx(1.0), fy(1.0), fz(1.0), arg = 0.;
complex gx(0., 0.), gy(0., 0.), gz(0., 0.); ccomplex_t gx(0., 0.), gy(0., 0.), gz(0., 0.);
int ii(i), jj(j), kk(k); int ii(i), jj(j), kk(k);
if (i > nxremap[0] / 2) if (i > nxremap[0] / 2)
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ void RNG_panphasia::fill_grid(int level, DensityGrid<real_t> &R)
{ {
arg = M_PI * (double)ii / (double)nxremap[0]; arg = M_PI * (double)ii / (double)nxremap[0];
fx = sin(arg) / arg; fx = sin(arg) / arg;
gx = complex(0.0, (arg * cos(arg) - sin(arg)) / (arg * arg)); gx = ccomplex_t(0.0, (arg * cos(arg) - sin(arg)) / (arg * arg));
} }
else else
{ {
@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ void RNG_panphasia::fill_grid(int level, DensityGrid<real_t> &R)
{ {
arg = M_PI * (double)jj / (double)nxremap[1]; arg = M_PI * (double)jj / (double)nxremap[1];
fy = sin(arg) / arg; fy = sin(arg) / arg;
gy = complex(0.0, (arg * cos(arg) - sin(arg)) / (arg * arg)); gy = ccomplex_t(0.0, (arg * cos(arg) - sin(arg)) / (arg * arg));
} }
else else
{ {
@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ void RNG_panphasia::fill_grid(int level, DensityGrid<real_t> &R)
{ {
arg = M_PI * (double)kk / (double)nxremap[2]; arg = M_PI * (double)kk / (double)nxremap[2];
fz = sin(arg) / arg; fz = sin(arg) / arg;
gz = complex(0.0, (arg * cos(arg) - sin(arg)) / (arg * arg)); gz = ccomplex_t(0.0, (arg * cos(arg) - sin(arg)) / (arg * arg));
} }
else else
{ {
@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ void RNG_panphasia::fill_grid(int level, DensityGrid<real_t> &R)
if (abs(ii) != nxremap[0] / 2 && abs(jj) != nxremap[1] / 2 && if (abs(ii) != nxremap[0] / 2 && abs(jj) != nxremap[1] / 2 &&
abs(kk) != nxremap[2] / 2) abs(kk) != nxremap[2] / 2)
{ // kkmax != nxremap[2]/2 ){ { // kkmax != nxremap[2]/2 ){
complex x, y1(RE(pc1[idx]), IM(pc1[idx])), y2(RE(pc2[idx]), IM(pc2[idx])), y3(RE(pc3[idx]), IM(pc3[idx])), ccomplex_t x, y1(RE(pc1[idx]), IM(pc1[idx])), y2(RE(pc2[idx]), IM(pc2[idx])), y3(RE(pc3[idx]), IM(pc3[idx])),
y4(RE(pc4[idx]), IM(pc4[idx])); y4(RE(pc4[idx]), IM(pc4[idx]));
x = 3.0 * (y1 * gx * gy * fz + y2 * fx * gy * gz + y3 * gx * fy * gz) + sqrt(27.0) * y4 * gx * gy * gz; x = 3.0 * (y1 * gx * gy * fz + y2 * fx * gy * gz + y3 * gx * fy * gz) + sqrt(27.0) * y4 * gx * gy * gz;
@ -767,10 +767,10 @@ void RNG_panphasia::fill_grid(int level, DensityGrid<real_t> &R)
size_t idx2 = ((size_t)ir * nx_m[1] + (size_t)jr) * ((size_t)nx_m[2] / 2 + 1) + (size_t)kr; size_t idx2 = ((size_t)ir * nx_m[1] + (size_t)jr) * ((size_t)nx_m[2] / 2 + 1) + (size_t)kr;
complex x(RE(pc0[idx]), IM(pc0[idx])); ccomplex_t x(RE(pc0[idx]), IM(pc0[idx]));
double total_phase_shift; double total_phase_shift;
total_phase_shift = inter_grid_phase_adjustment_ * (double)(ii + jj + kk); total_phase_shift = inter_grid_phase_adjustment_ * (double)(ii + jj + kk);
x = x * exp(complex(0.0, total_phase_shift)); x = x * exp(ccomplex_t(0.0, total_phase_shift));
RE(pc1[idx2]) = x.real(); RE(pc1[idx2]) = x.real();
IM(pc1[idx2]) = x.imag(); IM(pc1[idx2]) = x.imag();
} }

View file

@ -26,10 +26,12 @@ public:
\param aCosm Structure of type Cosmology carrying the cosmological parameters \param aCosm Structure of type Cosmology carrying the cosmological parameters
\param bSugiyama flag whether the Sugiyama (1995) correction shall be applied (default=true) \param bSugiyama flag whether the Sugiyama (1995) correction shall be applied (default=true)
*/ */
transfer_bbks_plugin( config_file& cf ) transfer_bbks_plugin( config_file& cf, const cosmology::parameters& cp )
: transfer_function_plugin( cf ) : transfer_function_plugin( cf, cp )
{ {
double Omega0 = cosmo_.Omega_m; const double Omega0 = cp["Omega_m"];
const double Omegab = cp["Omega_b"];
const double H0 = cp["H0"];
double FreeGamma = -1.0; double FreeGamma = -1.0;
bool bSugiyama(true); bool bSugiyama(true);
@ -43,9 +45,9 @@ public:
FreeGamma = pcf_->get_value_safe<double>( "cosmology", "gamma", FreeGamma ); FreeGamma = pcf_->get_value_safe<double>( "cosmology", "gamma", FreeGamma );
if( FreeGamma <= 0.0 ){ if( FreeGamma <= 0.0 ){
m_Gamma = Omega0*0.01*cosmo_.H0; m_Gamma = Omega0*0.01*H0;
if( bSugiyama ) if( bSugiyama )
m_Gamma *= exp(-cosmo_.Omega_b*(1.0+sqrt(2.0*0.01*cosmo_.H0)/Omega0)); m_Gamma *= exp(-Omegab*(1.0+sqrt(2.0*0.01*H0)/Omega0));
}else }else
m_Gamma = FreeGamma; m_Gamma = FreeGamma;

View file

@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ private:
std::vector<double> m_tab_k, m_tab_Tk_tot, m_tab_Tk_cdm, m_tab_Tk_baryon; std::vector<double> m_tab_k, m_tab_Tk_tot, m_tab_Tk_cdm, m_tab_Tk_baryon;
std::vector<double> m_tab_Tvk_tot, m_tab_Tvk_cdm, m_tab_Tvk_baryon; std::vector<double> m_tab_Tvk_tot, m_tab_Tvk_cdm, m_tab_Tvk_baryon;
gsl_interp_accel *acc_tot, *acc_cdm, *acc_baryon; gsl_interp_accel *acc_tot, *acc_cdm, *acc_baryon;
gsl_interp_accel *acc_vtot, *acc_vcdm, *acc_vbaryon; gsl_interp_accel *acc_vtot, *acc_theta_cdm, *acc_theta_baryon;
gsl_spline *spline_tot, *spline_cdm, *spline_baryon; gsl_spline *spline_tot, *spline_cdm, *spline_baryon;
gsl_spline *spline_vtot, *spline_vcdm, *spline_vbaryon; gsl_spline *spline_vtot, *spline_theta_cdm, *spline_theta_baryon;
double m_kmin, m_kmax, m_Omega_b, m_Omega_m, m_zstart; double m_kmin, m_kmax, m_Omega_b, m_Omega_m, m_zstart;
unsigned m_nlines; unsigned m_nlines;
@ -162,12 +162,13 @@ private:
} }
public: public:
transfer_CAMB_plugin(config_file &cf) transfer_CAMB_plugin(config_file &cf, const cosmology::parameters& cp)
: transfer_function_plugin(cf) : transfer_function_plugin(cf,cp)
{ {
m_filename_Tk = pcf_->get_value<std::string>("cosmology", "transfer_file"); m_filename_Tk = pcf_->get_value<std::string>("cosmology", "transfer_file");
m_Omega_m=cf.get_value<double>("cosmology","Omega_m"); //MvD
m_Omega_b=cf.get_value<double>("cosmology","Omega_b"); //MvD m_Omega_m=cp["Omega_m"]; //MvD
m_Omega_b=cp["Omega_b"]; //MvD
m_zstart =cf.get_value<double>("setup","zstart"); //MvD m_zstart =cf.get_value<double>("setup","zstart"); //MvD
read_table(); read_table();
@ -176,16 +177,16 @@ public:
acc_cdm = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); acc_cdm = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
acc_baryon = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); acc_baryon = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
acc_vtot = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); //>[150609SH: add] acc_vtot = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); //>[150609SH: add]
acc_vcdm = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); //>[150609SH: add] acc_theta_cdm = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); //>[150609SH: add]
acc_vbaryon = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); //>[150609SH: add] acc_theta_baryon = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); //>[150609SH: add]
spline_tot = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size()); spline_tot = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size());
spline_cdm = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size()); spline_cdm = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size());
spline_baryon = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size()); spline_baryon = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size());
spline_vtot = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size()); spline_vtot = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size());
spline_vcdm = spline_theta_cdm =
gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size()); //>[150609SH: add] gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size()); //>[150609SH: add]
spline_vbaryon = spline_theta_baryon =
gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size()); //>[150609SH: add] gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size()); //>[150609SH: add]
gsl_spline_init(spline_tot, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tk_tot[0], m_tab_k.size()); gsl_spline_init(spline_tot, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tk_tot[0], m_tab_k.size());
@ -194,9 +195,9 @@ public:
m_tab_k.size()); m_tab_k.size());
gsl_spline_init(spline_vtot, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tvk_tot[0], gsl_spline_init(spline_vtot, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tvk_tot[0],
m_tab_k.size()); //>[150609SH: add] m_tab_k.size()); //>[150609SH: add]
gsl_spline_init(spline_vcdm, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tvk_cdm[0], gsl_spline_init(spline_theta_cdm, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tvk_cdm[0],
m_tab_k.size()); //>[150609SH: add] m_tab_k.size()); //>[150609SH: add]
gsl_spline_init(spline_vbaryon, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tvk_baryon[0], gsl_spline_init(spline_theta_baryon, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tvk_baryon[0],
m_tab_k.size()); //>[150609SH: add] m_tab_k.size()); //>[150609SH: add]
tf_distinct_ = true; // [150612SH: different density between CDM v.s. Baryon] tf_distinct_ = true; // [150612SH: different density between CDM v.s. Baryon]
@ -208,15 +209,15 @@ public:
gsl_spline_free(spline_cdm); gsl_spline_free(spline_cdm);
gsl_spline_free(spline_baryon); gsl_spline_free(spline_baryon);
gsl_spline_free(spline_vtot); gsl_spline_free(spline_vtot);
gsl_spline_free(spline_vcdm); //>[150609SH: add] gsl_spline_free(spline_theta_cdm); //>[150609SH: add]
gsl_spline_free(spline_vbaryon); //>[150609SH: add] gsl_spline_free(spline_theta_baryon); //>[150609SH: add]
gsl_interp_accel_free(acc_tot); gsl_interp_accel_free(acc_tot);
gsl_interp_accel_free(acc_cdm); gsl_interp_accel_free(acc_cdm);
gsl_interp_accel_free(acc_baryon); gsl_interp_accel_free(acc_baryon);
gsl_interp_accel_free(acc_vtot); gsl_interp_accel_free(acc_vtot);
gsl_interp_accel_free(acc_vcdm); //>[150609SH: add] gsl_interp_accel_free(acc_theta_cdm); //>[150609SH: add]
gsl_interp_accel_free(acc_vbaryon); //>[150609SH: add] gsl_interp_accel_free(acc_theta_baryon); //>[150609SH: add]
} }
// linear interpolation in log-log // linear interpolation in log-log
@ -230,31 +231,31 @@ public:
double delk = lk - m_tab_k[n]; double delk = lk - m_tab_k[n];
switch (type) { switch (type) {
case cdm: case delta_cdm:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[n1]; v1 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[n]; v2 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[n];
return pow(10.0, (v2 - v1) / dk * (delk) + v2); return pow(10.0, (v2 - v1) / dk * (delk) + v2);
case baryon: case delta_baryon:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[n1]; v1 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[n]; v2 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[n];
if (m_linbaryoninterp) if (m_linbaryoninterp)
return std::max((v2 - v1) / dk * (delk) + v2, tiny); return std::max((v2 - v1) / dk * (delk) + v2, tiny);
return pow(10.0, (v2 - v1) / dk * (delk) + v2); return pow(10.0, (v2 - v1) / dk * (delk) + v2);
case vtotal: //>[150609SH: add] case theta_matter: //>[150609SH: add]
v1 = m_tab_Tvk_tot[n1]; v1 = m_tab_Tvk_tot[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tvk_tot[n]; v2 = m_tab_Tvk_tot[n];
return pow(10.0, (v2 - v1) / dk * (delk) + v2); return pow(10.0, (v2 - v1) / dk * (delk) + v2);
case vcdm: //>[150609SH: add] case theta_cdm: //>[150609SH: add]
v1 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[n1]; v1 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[n]; v2 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[n];
return pow(10.0, (v2 - v1) / dk * (delk) + v2); return pow(10.0, (v2 - v1) / dk * (delk) + v2);
case vbaryon: //>[150609SH: add] case theta_baryon: //>[150609SH: add]
v1 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[n1]; v1 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[n]; v2 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[n];
if (m_linbaryoninterp) if (m_linbaryoninterp)
return std::max((v2 - v1) / dk * (delk) + v2, tiny); return std::max((v2 - v1) / dk * (delk) + v2, tiny);
return pow(10.0, (v2 - v1) / dk * (delk) + v2); return pow(10.0, (v2 - v1) / dk * (delk) + v2);
case total: case delta_matter:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_tot[n1]; v1 = m_tab_Tk_tot[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_tot[n]; v2 = m_tab_Tk_tot[n];
return pow(10.0, (v2 - v1) / dk * (delk) + v2); return pow(10.0, (v2 - v1) / dk * (delk) + v2);
@ -270,21 +271,21 @@ public:
// use constant interpolation on the left side of the tabulated values // use constant interpolation on the left side of the tabulated values
if (k < m_kmin) { if (k < m_kmin) {
switch (type) { switch (type) {
case cdm: case delta_cdm:
return pow(10.0, m_tab_Tk_cdm[0]); return pow(10.0, m_tab_Tk_cdm[0]);
case baryon: case delta_baryon:
if (m_linbaryoninterp) if (m_linbaryoninterp)
return m_tab_Tk_baryon[0]; return m_tab_Tk_baryon[0];
return pow(10.0, m_tab_Tk_baryon[0]); return pow(10.0, m_tab_Tk_baryon[0]);
case vtotal: case theta_matter:
return pow(10.0, m_tab_Tvk_tot[0]); return pow(10.0, m_tab_Tvk_tot[0]);
case vcdm: case theta_cdm:
return pow(10.0, m_tab_Tvk_cdm[0]); return pow(10.0, m_tab_Tvk_cdm[0]);
case vbaryon: case theta_baryon:
if (m_linbaryoninterp) if (m_linbaryoninterp)
return m_tab_Tvk_baryon[0]; return m_tab_Tvk_baryon[0];
return pow(10.0, m_tab_Tvk_baryon[0]); return pow(10.0, m_tab_Tvk_baryon[0]);
case total: case delta_matter:
return pow(10.0, m_tab_Tk_tot[0]); return pow(10.0, m_tab_Tk_tot[0]);
default: default:
throw std::runtime_error( throw std::runtime_error(
@ -297,21 +298,21 @@ public:
double lk = log10(k); double lk = log10(k);
switch (type) { switch (type) {
case cdm: case delta_cdm:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval(spline_cdm, lk, acc_cdm)); return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval(spline_cdm, lk, acc_cdm));
case baryon: case delta_baryon:
if (m_linbaryoninterp) if (m_linbaryoninterp)
return gsl_spline_eval(spline_baryon, lk, acc_baryon); return gsl_spline_eval(spline_baryon, lk, acc_baryon);
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval(spline_baryon, lk, acc_baryon)); return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval(spline_baryon, lk, acc_baryon));
case vtotal: case theta_matter:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval(spline_vtot, lk, acc_vtot)); //MvD return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval(spline_vtot, lk, acc_vtot)); //MvD
case vcdm: case theta_cdm:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval(spline_vcdm, lk, acc_vcdm)); return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval(spline_theta_cdm, lk, acc_theta_cdm));
case vbaryon: case theta_baryon:
if (m_linbaryoninterp) if (m_linbaryoninterp)
return gsl_spline_eval(spline_vbaryon, lk, acc_vbaryon); return gsl_spline_eval(spline_theta_baryon, lk, acc_theta_baryon);
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval(spline_vbaryon, lk, acc_vbaryon)); return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval(spline_theta_baryon, lk, acc_theta_baryon));
case total: case delta_matter:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval(spline_tot, lk, acc_tot)); return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval(spline_tot, lk, acc_tot));
default: default:
throw std::runtime_error( throw std::runtime_error(

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
/* /*
transfer_eisenstein.cc - This file is part of MUSIC - transfer_eisenstein.cc - This file is part of MUSIC -
a code to generate multi-scale initial conditions a code to generate multi-scale initial conditions
for cosmological simulations for cosmological simulations
*/ */
#include "transfer_function.hh" #include "transfer_function.hh"
@ -11,30 +11,29 @@
// forward declaration of WDM class // forward declaration of WDM class
class transfer_eisenstein_wdm_plugin; class transfer_eisenstein_wdm_plugin;
struct eisenstein_transfer struct eisenstein_transfer
{ {
//Cosmology m_Cosmology; // Cosmology m_Cosmology;
double m_h0; double m_h0;
double omhh, /* Omega_matter*h^2 */ double omhh, /* Omega_matter*h^2 */
obhh, /* Omega_baryon*h^2 */ obhh, /* Omega_baryon*h^2 */
theta_cmb, /* Tcmb in units of 2.7 K */ theta_cmb, /* Tcmb in units of 2.7 K */
z_equality, /* Redshift of matter-radiation equality, really 1+z */ z_equality, /* Redshift of matter-radiation equality, really 1+z */
k_equality, /* Scale of equality, in Mpc^-1 */ k_equality, /* Scale of equality, in Mpc^-1 */
z_drag, /* Redshift of drag epoch */ z_drag, /* Redshift of drag epoch */
R_drag, /* Photon-baryon ratio at drag epoch */ R_drag, /* Photon-baryon ratio at drag epoch */
R_equality, /* Photon-baryon ratio at equality epoch */ R_equality, /* Photon-baryon ratio at equality epoch */
sound_horizon, /* Sound horizon at drag epoch, in Mpc */ sound_horizon, /* Sound horizon at drag epoch, in Mpc */
k_silk, /* Silk damping scale, in Mpc^-1 */ k_silk, /* Silk damping scale, in Mpc^-1 */
alpha_c, /* CDM suppression */ alpha_c, /* CDM suppression */
beta_c, /* CDM log shift */ beta_c, /* CDM log shift */
alpha_b, /* Baryon suppression */ alpha_b, /* Baryon suppression */
beta_b, /* Baryon envelope shift */ beta_b, /* Baryon envelope shift */
beta_node, /* Sound horizon shift */ beta_node, /* Sound horizon shift */
k_peak, /* Fit to wavenumber of first peak, in Mpc^-1 */ k_peak, /* Fit to wavenumber of first peak, in Mpc^-1 */
sound_horizon_fit, /* Fit to sound horizon, in Mpc */ sound_horizon_fit, /* Fit to sound horizon, in Mpc */
alpha_gamma; /* Gamma suppression in approximate TF */ alpha_gamma; /* Gamma suppression in approximate TF */
//! private member function: sets internal quantities for Eisenstein & Hu fitting //! private member function: sets internal quantities for Eisenstein & Hu fitting
void TFset_parameters(double omega0hh, double f_baryon, double Tcmb) void TFset_parameters(double omega0hh, double f_baryon, double Tcmb)
/* Set all the scalars quantities for Eisenstein & Hu 1997 fitting formula */ /* Set all the scalars quantities for Eisenstein & Hu 1997 fitting formula */
@ -50,57 +49,58 @@ struct eisenstein_transfer
{ {
double z_drag_b1, z_drag_b2; double z_drag_b1, z_drag_b2;
double alpha_c_a1, alpha_c_a2, beta_c_b1, beta_c_b2, alpha_b_G, y; double alpha_c_a1, alpha_c_a2, beta_c_b1, beta_c_b2, alpha_b_G, y;
if (f_baryon<=0.0 || omega0hh<=0.0) { if (f_baryon <= 0.0 || omega0hh <= 0.0)
fprintf(stderr, "TFset_parameters(): Illegal input.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "TFset_parameters(): Illegal input.\n");
exit(1); exit(1);
} }
omhh = omega0hh; omhh = omega0hh;
obhh = omhh*f_baryon; obhh = omhh * f_baryon;
if (Tcmb<=0.0) Tcmb=2.728; /* COBE FIRAS */ if (Tcmb <= 0.0)
theta_cmb = Tcmb/2.7; Tcmb = 2.728; /* COBE FIRAS */
theta_cmb = Tcmb / 2.7;
z_equality = 2.50e4*omhh/POW4(theta_cmb); /* Really 1+z */
k_equality = 0.0746*omhh/SQR(theta_cmb); z_equality = 2.50e4 * omhh / POW4(theta_cmb); /* Really 1+z */
k_equality = 0.0746 * omhh / SQR(theta_cmb);
z_drag_b1 = 0.313*pow((double)omhh,-0.419)*(1+0.607*pow((double)omhh,0.674));
z_drag_b2 = 0.238*pow((double)omhh,0.223); z_drag_b1 = 0.313 * pow((double)omhh, -0.419) * (1 + 0.607 * pow((double)omhh, 0.674));
z_drag = 1291*pow(omhh,0.251)/(1+0.659*pow((double)omhh,0.828))* z_drag_b2 = 0.238 * pow((double)omhh, 0.223);
(1+z_drag_b1*pow((double)obhh,(double)z_drag_b2)); z_drag = 1291 * pow(omhh, 0.251) / (1 + 0.659 * pow((double)omhh, 0.828)) *
(1 + z_drag_b1 * pow((double)obhh, (double)z_drag_b2));
R_drag = 31.5*obhh/POW4(theta_cmb)*(1000/(1+z_drag));
R_equality = 31.5*obhh/POW4(theta_cmb)*(1000/z_equality); R_drag = 31.5 * obhh / POW4(theta_cmb) * (1000 / (1 + z_drag));
R_equality = 31.5 * obhh / POW4(theta_cmb) * (1000 / z_equality);
sound_horizon = 2./3./k_equality*sqrt(6./R_equality)*
log((sqrt(1+R_drag)+sqrt(R_drag+R_equality))/(1+sqrt(R_equality))); sound_horizon = 2. / 3. / k_equality * sqrt(6. / R_equality) *
log((sqrt(1 + R_drag) + sqrt(R_drag + R_equality)) / (1 + sqrt(R_equality)));
k_silk = 1.6*pow((double)obhh,0.52)*pow((double)omhh,0.73)*(1+pow((double)10.4*omhh,-0.95));
k_silk = 1.6 * pow((double)obhh, 0.52) * pow((double)omhh, 0.73) * (1 + pow((double)10.4 * omhh, -0.95));
alpha_c_a1 = pow((double)46.9*omhh,0.670)*(1+pow(32.1*omhh,-0.532));
alpha_c_a2 = pow((double)12.0*omhh,0.424)*(1+pow(45.0*omhh,-0.582)); alpha_c_a1 = pow((double)46.9 * omhh, 0.670) * (1 + pow(32.1 * omhh, -0.532));
alpha_c = pow(alpha_c_a1,-f_baryon)* alpha_c_a2 = pow((double)12.0 * omhh, 0.424) * (1 + pow(45.0 * omhh, -0.582));
pow(alpha_c_a2,-CUBE(f_baryon)); alpha_c = pow(alpha_c_a1, -f_baryon) *
pow(alpha_c_a2, -CUBE(f_baryon));
beta_c_b1 = 0.944/(1+pow(458*omhh,-0.708));
beta_c_b2 = pow(0.395*omhh, -0.0266); beta_c_b1 = 0.944 / (1 + pow(458 * omhh, -0.708));
beta_c = 1.0/(1+beta_c_b1*(pow(1-f_baryon, beta_c_b2)-1)); beta_c_b2 = pow(0.395 * omhh, -0.0266);
beta_c = 1.0 / (1 + beta_c_b1 * (pow(1 - f_baryon, beta_c_b2) - 1));
y = z_equality/(1+z_drag);
alpha_b_G = y*(-6.*sqrt(1+y)+(2.+3.*y)*log((sqrt(1+y)+1)/(sqrt(1+y)-1))); y = z_equality / (1 + z_drag);
alpha_b = 2.07*k_equality*sound_horizon*pow(1+R_drag,-0.75)*alpha_b_G; alpha_b_G = y * (-6. * sqrt(1 + y) + (2. + 3. * y) * log((sqrt(1 + y) + 1) / (sqrt(1 + y) - 1)));
alpha_b = 2.07 * k_equality * sound_horizon * pow(1 + R_drag, -0.75) * alpha_b_G;
beta_node = 8.41*pow(omhh, 0.435);
beta_b = 0.5+f_baryon+(3.-2.*f_baryon)*sqrt(pow(17.2*omhh,2.0)+1); beta_node = 8.41 * pow(omhh, 0.435);
beta_b = 0.5 + f_baryon + (3. - 2. * f_baryon) * sqrt(pow(17.2 * omhh, 2.0) + 1);
k_peak = 2.5*3.14159*(1+0.217*omhh)/sound_horizon;
sound_horizon_fit = 44.5*log(9.83/omhh)/sqrt(1+10.0*pow(obhh,0.75)); k_peak = 2.5 * 3.14159 * (1 + 0.217 * omhh) / sound_horizon;
sound_horizon_fit = 44.5 * log(9.83 / omhh) / sqrt(1 + 10.0 * pow(obhh, 0.75));
alpha_gamma = 1-0.328*log(431.0*omhh)*f_baryon + 0.38*log(22.3*omhh)*
SQR(f_baryon); alpha_gamma = 1 - 0.328 * log(431.0 * omhh) * f_baryon + 0.38 * log(22.3 * omhh) * SQR(f_baryon);
return; return;
} }
//! private member function: computes transfer function for mode k (k in Mpc) //! private member function: computes transfer function for mode k (k in Mpc)
inline double TFfit_onek(double k, double *tf_baryon, double *tf_cdm) inline double TFfit_onek(double k, double *tf_baryon, double *tf_cdm)
/* Input: k -- Wavenumber at which to calculate transfer function, in Mpc^-1. /* Input: k -- Wavenumber at which to calculate transfer function, in Mpc^-1.
@ -113,71 +113,75 @@ struct eisenstein_transfer
/* Notes: Units are Mpc, not h^-1 Mpc. */ /* Notes: Units are Mpc, not h^-1 Mpc. */
{ {
double T_c_ln_beta, T_c_ln_nobeta, T_c_C_alpha, T_c_C_noalpha; double T_c_ln_beta, T_c_ln_nobeta, T_c_C_alpha, T_c_C_noalpha;
double q, xx, xx_tilde;//, q_eff; double q, xx, xx_tilde; //, q_eff;
double T_c_f, T_c, s_tilde, T_b_T0, T_b, f_baryon, T_full; double T_c_f, T_c, s_tilde, T_b_T0, T_b, f_baryon, T_full;
//double T_0_L0, T_0_C0, T_0, gamma_eff; // double T_0_L0, T_0_C0, T_0, gamma_eff;
//double T_nowiggles_L0, T_nowiggles_C0, T_nowiggles; // double T_nowiggles_L0, T_nowiggles_C0, T_nowiggles;
k = fabs(k); /* Just define negative k as positive */ k = fabs(k); /* Just define negative k as positive */
if (k==0.0) { if (k == 0.0)
if (tf_baryon!=NULL) *tf_baryon = 1.0; {
if (tf_cdm!=NULL) *tf_cdm = 1.0; if (tf_baryon != NULL)
*tf_baryon = 1.0;
if (tf_cdm != NULL)
*tf_cdm = 1.0;
return 1.0; return 1.0;
} }
q = k/13.41/k_equality; q = k / 13.41 / k_equality;
xx = k*sound_horizon; xx = k * sound_horizon;
T_c_ln_beta = log(2.718282+1.8*beta_c*q); T_c_ln_beta = log(2.718282 + 1.8 * beta_c * q);
T_c_ln_nobeta = log(2.718282+1.8*q); T_c_ln_nobeta = log(2.718282 + 1.8 * q);
T_c_C_alpha = 14.2/alpha_c + 386.0/(1+69.9*pow(q,1.08)); T_c_C_alpha = 14.2 / alpha_c + 386.0 / (1 + 69.9 * pow(q, 1.08));
T_c_C_noalpha = 14.2 + 386.0/(1+69.9*pow(q,1.08)); T_c_C_noalpha = 14.2 + 386.0 / (1 + 69.9 * pow(q, 1.08));
T_c_f = 1.0/(1.0+POW4(xx/5.4)); T_c_f = 1.0 / (1.0 + POW4(xx / 5.4));
T_c = T_c_f*T_c_ln_beta/(T_c_ln_beta+T_c_C_noalpha*SQR(q)) + T_c = T_c_f * T_c_ln_beta / (T_c_ln_beta + T_c_C_noalpha * SQR(q)) +
(1-T_c_f)*T_c_ln_beta/(T_c_ln_beta+T_c_C_alpha*SQR(q)); (1 - T_c_f) * T_c_ln_beta / (T_c_ln_beta + T_c_C_alpha * SQR(q));
s_tilde = sound_horizon*pow(1.+CUBE(beta_node/xx),-1./3.); s_tilde = sound_horizon * pow(1. + CUBE(beta_node / xx), -1. / 3.);
xx_tilde = k*s_tilde; xx_tilde = k * s_tilde;
T_b_T0 = T_c_ln_nobeta/(T_c_ln_nobeta+T_c_C_noalpha*SQR(q)); T_b_T0 = T_c_ln_nobeta / (T_c_ln_nobeta + T_c_C_noalpha * SQR(q));
T_b = sin(xx_tilde)/(xx_tilde)*(T_b_T0/(1.+SQR(xx/5.2))+ T_b = sin(xx_tilde) / (xx_tilde) * (T_b_T0 / (1. + SQR(xx / 5.2)) + alpha_b / (1. + CUBE(beta_b / xx)) * exp(-pow(k / k_silk, 1.4)));
f_baryon = obhh / omhh;
f_baryon = obhh/omhh; T_full = f_baryon * T_b + (1 - f_baryon) * T_c;
T_full = f_baryon*T_b + (1-f_baryon)*T_c;
/* Now to store these transfer functions */ /* Now to store these transfer functions */
if (tf_baryon!=NULL) *tf_baryon = T_b; if (tf_baryon != NULL)
if (tf_cdm!=NULL) *tf_cdm = T_c; *tf_baryon = T_b;
if (tf_cdm != NULL)
*tf_cdm = T_c;
return T_full; return T_full;
} }
double fb_, fc_; double fb_, fc_;
eisenstein_transfer() eisenstein_transfer()
{ }
void set_parameters( const cosmology& cosmo, double Tcmb )
{ {
m_h0 = cosmo.H0*0.01;
TFset_parameters( (cosmo.Omega_m)*cosmo.H0*cosmo.H0*(0.01*0.01),
cosmo.Omega_b/cosmo.Omega_m, Tcmb);
fb_ = cosmo.Omega_b/(cosmo.Omega_m);
fc_ = (cosmo.Omega_m-cosmo.Omega_b)/(cosmo.Omega_m) ;
} }
inline double at_k( double k ) void set_parameters(const cosmology::parameters &cp, double Tcmb)
m_h0 = cp["H0"] * 0.01;
TFset_parameters((cp["Omega_m"]) * cp["H0"] * cp["H0"] * (0.01 * 0.01),
cp["Omega_b"] / cp["Omega_m"], Tcmb);
fb_ = cp["Omega_b"] / cp["Omega_m"] ;
fc_ = (cp["Omega_m"] - cp["Omega_b"]) / cp["Omega_m"] ;
inline double at_k(double k)
{ {
double tfb, tfcdm; double tfb, tfcdm;
TFfit_onek( k*m_h0, &tfb, &tfcdm ); TFfit_onek(k * m_h0, &tfb, &tfcdm);
return fb_*tfb+fc_*tfcdm; return fb_ * tfb + fc_ * tfcdm;
} }
}; };
//! Implementation of abstract base class TransferFunction for the Eisenstein & Hu transfer function
//! Implementation of abstract base class TransferFunction for the Eisenstein & Hu transfer function
/*! /*!
This class implements the analytical fit to the matter transfer This class implements the analytical fit to the matter transfer
function by Eisenstein & Hu (1999). In fact it is their code. function by Eisenstein & Hu (1999). In fact it is their code.
@ -185,196 +189,193 @@ struct eisenstein_transfer
class transfer_eisenstein_plugin : public transfer_function_plugin class transfer_eisenstein_plugin : public transfer_function_plugin
{ {
protected: protected:
using transfer_function_plugin::cosmo_; using transfer_function_plugin::cosmo_params_;
eisenstein_transfer etf_; eisenstein_transfer etf_;
//! Constructor for Eisenstein & Hu fitting for transfer function
\param aCosm structure of type Cosmology carrying the cosmological parameters
\param Tcmb mean temperature of the CMB fluctuations (defaults to
Tcmb = 2.726 if not specified)
transfer_eisenstein_plugin( config_file &cf )//Cosmology aCosm, double Tcmb = 2.726 )
: transfer_function_plugin(cf)
double Tcmb = pcf_->get_value_safe("cosmology","Tcmb",2.726);
etf_.set_parameters( cosmo_, Tcmb );
tf_distinct_ = false;
tf_withvel_ = false;
//! Computes the transfer function for k in Mpc/h by calling TFfit_onek
inline double compute( double k, tf_type type ){
return etf_.at_k( k );
inline double get_kmin( void ){
return 1e-5;
inline double get_kmax( void ){
return 1.e5;
//! Constructor for Eisenstein & Hu fitting for transfer function
\param aCosm structure of type Cosmology carrying the cosmological parameters
\param Tcmb mean temperature of the CMB fluctuations (defaults to
Tcmb = 2.726 if not specified)
transfer_eisenstein_plugin(config_file &cf, const cosmology::parameters& cp)
: transfer_function_plugin(cf, cp)
double Tcmb = pcf_->get_value_safe("cosmology", "Tcmb", 2.726);
etf_.set_parameters(cp, Tcmb);
tf_distinct_ = false;
tf_withvel_ = false;
//! Computes the transfer function for k in Mpc/h by calling TFfit_onek
inline double compute(double k, tf_type type)
return etf_.at_k(k);
inline double get_kmin(void)
return 1e-5;
inline double get_kmax(void)
return 1.e5;
#include <map> #include <map>
class transfer_eisenstein_wdm_plugin : public transfer_function_plugin class transfer_eisenstein_wdm_plugin : public transfer_function_plugin
{ {
protected: protected:
real_t m_WDMalpha, m_h0; real_t m_WDMalpha, m_h0;
double omegam_, wdmm_, wdmgx_, wdmnu_, H0_, omegab_; double omegam_, wdmm_, wdmgx_, wdmnu_, H0_, omegab_;
std::string type_; std::string type_;
std::map< std::string, int > typemap_; std::map<std::string, int> typemap_;
eisenstein_transfer etf_; eisenstein_transfer etf_;
enum wdmtyp { wdm_bode, wdm_viel, wdm_bode_wrong=99}; enum wdmtyp
wdm_bode_wrong = 99
public: public:
transfer_eisenstein_wdm_plugin( config_file &cf ) transfer_eisenstein_wdm_plugin(config_file &cf, const cosmology::parameters& cp)
: transfer_function_plugin(cf), m_h0( cosmo_.H0*0.01 ) : transfer_function_plugin(cf,cp), m_h0(cp["H0"] * 0.01)
{ {
double Tcmb = pcf_->get_value_safe("cosmology","Tcmb",2.726); double Tcmb = pcf_->get_value_safe("cosmology", "Tcmb", 2.726);
etf_.set_parameters( cosmo_, Tcmb ); etf_.set_parameters(cp, Tcmb);
typemap_.insert( std::pair<std::string,int>( "BODE", wdm_bode ) ); typemap_.insert(std::pair<std::string, int>("BODE", wdm_bode));
typemap_.insert( std::pair<std::string,int>( "VIEL", wdm_viel ) ); // add the other types typemap_.insert(std::pair<std::string, int>("VIEL", wdm_viel)); // add the other types
typemap_.insert( std::pair<std::string,int>( "BODE_WRONG", wdm_bode_wrong ) ); // add the other types typemap_.insert(std::pair<std::string, int>("BODE_WRONG", wdm_bode_wrong)); // add the other types
omegam_ = cf.get_value<double>("cosmology","Omega_m"); omegam_ = cp["Omega_m"];//cf.get_value<double>("cosmology", "Omega_m");
omegab_ = cf.get_value<double>("cosmology","Omega_b"); omegab_ = cp["Omega_b"];//cf.get_value<double>("cosmology", "Omega_b");
wdmm_ = cf.get_value<double>("cosmology","WDMmass"); wdmm_ = cf.get_value<double>("cosmology", "WDMmass");
H0_ = cp["H0"];//cf.get_value<double>("cosmology", "H0");
H0_ = cf.get_value<double>("cosmology","H0"); type_ = cf.get_value_safe<std::string>("cosmology", "WDMtftype", "BODE");
type_ = cf.get_value_safe<std::string>("cosmology","WDMtftype","BODE");
// type_ = std::string( toupper( type_.c_str() ) );
//type_ = std::string( toupper( type_.c_str() ) );
if (typemap_.find(type_) == typemap_.end())
if( typemap_.find( type_ ) == typemap_.end() ) throw std::runtime_error("unknown transfer function fit for WDM");
throw std::runtime_error("unknown transfer function fit for WDM");
m_WDMalpha = 1.0;
m_WDMalpha = 1.0;
switch (typemap_[type_])
switch( typemap_[type_] ) {
{ //... parameterisation from Bode et al. (2001), ApJ, 556, 93
//... parameterisation from Bode et al. (2001), ApJ, 556, 93 case wdm_bode:
case wdm_bode: wdmnu_ = cf.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology", "WDMnu", 1.0);
wdmnu_ = cf.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology","WDMnu",1.0); wdmgx_ = cf.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology", "WDMg_x", 1.5);
wdmgx_ = cf.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology","WDMg_x",1.5); m_WDMalpha = 0.05 * pow(omegam_ / 0.4, 0.15) * pow(H0_ * 0.01 / 0.65, 1.3) * pow(wdmm_, -1.15) * pow(1.5 / wdmgx_, 0.29);
m_WDMalpha = 0.05 * pow( omegam_/0.4,0.15)
*pow(H0_*0.01/0.65,1.3)*pow(wdmm_,-1.15) break;
//... parameterisation from Viel et al. (2005), Phys Rev D, 71
break; case wdm_viel:
wdmnu_ = cf.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology", "WDMnu", 1.12);
//... parameterisation from Viel et al. (2005), Phys Rev D, 71 m_WDMalpha = 0.049 * pow(omegam_ / 0.25, 0.11) * pow(H0_ * 0.01 / 0.7, 1.22) * pow(wdmm_, -1.11);
case wdm_viel: break;
wdmnu_ = cf.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology","WDMnu",1.12);
m_WDMalpha = 0.049 * pow( omegam_/0.25,0.11) //.... below is for historical reasons due to the buggy parameterisation
*pow(H0_*0.01/0.7,1.22)*pow(wdmm_,-1.11); //.... in early versions of MUSIC, but apart from H instead of h, Bode et al.
break; case wdm_bode_wrong:
wdmnu_ = cf.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology", "WDMnu", 1.0);
wdmgx_ = cf.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology", "WDMg_x", 1.5);
//.... below is for historical reasons due to the buggy parameterisation m_WDMalpha = 0.05 * pow(omegam_ / 0.4, 0.15) * pow(H0_ / 0.65, 1.3) * pow(wdmm_, -1.15) * pow(1.5 / wdmgx_, 0.29);
//.... in early versions of MUSIC, but apart from H instead of h, Bode et al. break;
case wdm_bode_wrong:
wdmnu_ = cf.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology","WDMnu",1.0); default:
wdmgx_ = cf.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology","WDMg_x",1.5); wdmnu_ = cf.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology", "WDMnu", 1.0);
m_WDMalpha = 0.05 * pow( omegam_/0.4,0.15) wdmgx_ = cf.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology", "WDMg_x", 1.5);
*pow(H0_/0.65,1.3)*pow(wdmm_,-1.15) m_WDMalpha = 0.05 * pow(omegam_ / 0.4, 0.15) * pow(H0_ * 0.01 / 0.65, 1.3) * pow(wdmm_, -1.15) * pow(1.5 / wdmgx_, 0.29);
*pow(1.5/wdmgx_,0.29); break;
wdmnu_ = cf.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology","WDMnu",1.0);
wdmgx_ = cf.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology","WDMg_x",1.5);
m_WDMalpha = 0.05 * pow( omegam_/0.4,0.15)
std::cerr << "WDM alpha = " << m_WDMalpha << std::endl;
inline double compute( double k, tf_type type )
return etf_.at_k( k )*pow(1.0+pow(m_WDMalpha*k,2.0*wdmnu_),-5.0/wdmnu_);
inline double get_kmin( void ){
return 1e-4;
} }
std::cerr << "WDM alpha = " << m_WDMalpha << std::endl;
inline double get_kmax( void ){ }
return 1.e4;
} inline double compute(double k, tf_type type)
return etf_.at_k(k) * pow(1.0 + pow(m_WDMalpha * k, 2.0 * wdmnu_), -5.0 / wdmnu_);
inline double get_kmin(void)
return 1e-4;
inline double get_kmax(void)
return 1.e4;
}; };
// CDM Bino type WIMP small-scale damped spectrum from Green, Hofmann & Schwarz (2004) // CDM Bino type WIMP small-scale damped spectrum from Green, Hofmann & Schwarz (2004)
class transfer_eisenstein_cdmbino_plugin : public transfer_function_plugin class transfer_eisenstein_cdmbino_plugin : public transfer_function_plugin
{ {
protected: protected:
real_t m_h0; real_t m_h0;
double omegam_, H0_, omegab_, mcdm_, Tkd_, kfs_, kd_; double omegam_, H0_, omegab_, mcdm_, Tkd_, kfs_, kd_;
eisenstein_transfer etf_; eisenstein_transfer etf_;
public: public:
transfer_eisenstein_cdmbino_plugin( config_file &cf ) transfer_eisenstein_cdmbino_plugin(config_file &cf, const cosmology::parameters &cp)
: transfer_function_plugin(cf), m_h0( cosmo_.H0*0.01 ) : transfer_function_plugin(cf, cp)
{ {
double Tcmb = pcf_->get_value_safe("cosmology","Tcmb",2.726); double Tcmb = pcf_->get_value_safe("cosmology", "Tcmb", 2.726);
etf_.set_parameters( cosmo_, Tcmb ); etf_.set_parameters(cp, Tcmb);
omegam_ = cf.get_value<double>("cosmology","Omega_m"); omegam_ = cp["Omega_m"];
omegab_ = cf.get_value<double>("cosmology","Omega_b"); omegab_ = cp["Omega_b"];
H0_ = cf.get_value<double>("cosmology","H0"); H0_ = cf.get_value<double>("cosmology", "H0");
m_h0 = H0_ * 0.01;
mcdm_ = cf.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology","CDM_mass", 100.0); // bino particle mass in GeV
Tkd_ = cf.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology","CDM_Tkd", 33.0); // temperature at which CDM particle kinetically decouples (in MeV)
kfs_ = 1.7e6 / m_h0 * sqrt( mcdm_ / 100. * Tkd_ / 30. ) / (1.0 + log( Tkd_ / 30. ) / 19.2 );
kd_ = 3.8e7 / m_h0 * sqrt( mcdm_ / 100. * Tkd_ / 30. );
music::ilog.Print(" bino CDM: k_fs = %g, k_d = %g", kfs_, kd_ );
inline double compute( double k, tf_type type )
double kkfs = k/kfs_;
double kkfs2 = kkfs*kkfs;
double kkd2 = (k/kd_)*(k/kd_);
// in principle the Green et al. (2004) works only up to k/k_fs < 1
// the fit crosses zero at (k/k_fs)**2 = 3/2, we just zero it there...
if( kkfs2 < 1.5 )
return etf_.at_k( k ) * (1.0-2.0/3.0*kkfs2) * exp( -kkfs2 - kkd2 );
return 0.0;
inline double get_kmin( void ){ mcdm_ = cf.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology", "CDM_mass", 100.0); // bino particle mass in GeV
return 1e-4; Tkd_ = cf.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology", "CDM_Tkd", 33.0); // temperature at which CDM particle kinetically decouples (in MeV)
kfs_ = 1.7e6 / m_h0 * sqrt(mcdm_ / 100. * Tkd_ / 30.) / (1.0 + log(Tkd_ / 30.) / 19.2);
inline double get_kmax( void ){ kd_ = 3.8e7 / m_h0 * sqrt(mcdm_ / 100. * Tkd_ / 30.);
return 1.e8;
} music::ilog.Print(" bino CDM: k_fs = %g, k_d = %g", kfs_, kd_);
inline double compute(double k, tf_type type)
double kkfs = k / kfs_;
double kkfs2 = kkfs * kkfs;
double kkd2 = (k / kd_) * (k / kd_);
// in principle the Green et al. (2004) works only up to k/k_fs < 1
// the fit crosses zero at (k/k_fs)**2 = 3/2, we just zero it there...
if (kkfs2 < 1.5)
return etf_.at_k(k) * (1.0 - 2.0 / 3.0 * kkfs2) * exp(-kkfs2 - kkd2);
return 0.0;
inline double get_kmin(void)
return 1e-4;
inline double get_kmax(void)
return 1.e8;
}; };
namespace{ transfer_function_plugin_creator_concrete<transfer_eisenstein_plugin> creator("eisenstein");
transfer_function_plugin_creator_concrete< transfer_eisenstein_plugin > creator("eisenstein"); transfer_function_plugin_creator_concrete<transfer_eisenstein_wdm_plugin> creator2("eisenstein_wdm");
transfer_function_plugin_creator_concrete< transfer_eisenstein_wdm_plugin > creator2("eisenstein_wdm"); transfer_function_plugin_creator_concrete<transfer_eisenstein_cdmbino_plugin> creator3("eisenstein_cdmbino");
transfer_function_plugin_creator_concrete< transfer_eisenstein_cdmbino_plugin > creator3("eisenstein_cdmbino");
} }

View file

@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
transfer_eisenstein.cc - This file is part of MUSIC -
a code to generate multi-scale initial conditions
for cosmological simulations
#include "transfer_function.hh"
// forward declaration of WDM class
class transfer_eisenstein_wdm_plugin;
struct eisenstein_transfer
//Cosmology m_Cosmology;
double m_h0;
double omhh, /* Omega_matter*h^2 */
obhh, /* Omega_baryon*h^2 */
theta_cmb, /* Tcmb in units of 2.7 K */
z_equality, /* Redshift of matter-radiation equality, really 1+z */
k_equality, /* Scale of equality, in Mpc^-1 */
z_drag, /* Redshift of drag epoch */
R_drag, /* Photon-baryon ratio at drag epoch */
R_equality, /* Photon-baryon ratio at equality epoch */
sound_horizon, /* Sound horizon at drag epoch, in Mpc */
k_silk, /* Silk damping scale, in Mpc^-1 */
alpha_c, /* CDM suppression */
beta_c, /* CDM log shift */
alpha_b, /* Baryon suppression */
beta_b, /* Baryon envelope shift */
beta_node, /* Sound horizon shift */
k_peak, /* Fit to wavenumber of first peak, in Mpc^-1 */
sound_horizon_fit, /* Fit to sound horizon, in Mpc */
alpha_gamma; /* Gamma suppression in approximate TF */
//! private member function: sets internal quantities for Eisenstein & Hu fitting
void TFset_parameters(double omega0hh, double f_baryon, double Tcmb)
/* Set all the scalars quantities for Eisenstein & Hu 1997 fitting formula */
/* Input: omega0hh -- The density of CDM and baryons, in units of critical dens,
multiplied by the square of the Hubble constant, in units
of 100 km/s/Mpc */
/* f_baryon -- The fraction of baryons to CDM */
/* Tcmb -- The temperature of the CMB in Kelvin. Tcmb<=0 forces use
of the COBE value of 2.728 K. */
/* Output: Nothing, but set many global variables used in TFfit_onek().
You can access them yourself, if you want. */
/* Note: Units are always Mpc, never h^-1 Mpc. */
double z_drag_b1, z_drag_b2;
double alpha_c_a1, alpha_c_a2, beta_c_b1, beta_c_b2, alpha_b_G, y;
if (f_baryon<=0.0 || omega0hh<=0.0) {
fprintf(stderr, "TFset_parameters(): Illegal input.\n");
omhh = omega0hh;
obhh = omhh*f_baryon;
if (Tcmb<=0.0) Tcmb=2.728; /* COBE FIRAS */
theta_cmb = Tcmb/2.7;
z_equality = 2.50e4*omhh/POW4(theta_cmb); /* Really 1+z */
k_equality = 0.0746*omhh/SQR(theta_cmb);
z_drag_b1 = 0.313*pow((double)omhh,-0.419)*(1+0.607*pow((double)omhh,0.674));
z_drag_b2 = 0.238*pow((double)omhh,0.223);
z_drag = 1291*pow(omhh,0.251)/(1+0.659*pow((double)omhh,0.828))*
R_drag = 31.5*obhh/POW4(theta_cmb)*(1000/(1+z_drag));
R_equality = 31.5*obhh/POW4(theta_cmb)*(1000/z_equality);
sound_horizon = 2./3./k_equality*sqrt(6./R_equality)*
k_silk = 1.6*pow((double)obhh,0.52)*pow((double)omhh,0.73)*(1+pow((double)10.4*omhh,-0.95));
alpha_c_a1 = pow((double)46.9*omhh,0.670)*(1+pow(32.1*omhh,-0.532));
alpha_c_a2 = pow((double)12.0*omhh,0.424)*(1+pow(45.0*omhh,-0.582));
alpha_c = pow(alpha_c_a1,-f_baryon)*
beta_c_b1 = 0.944/(1+pow(458*omhh,-0.708));
beta_c_b2 = pow(0.395*omhh, -0.0266);
beta_c = 1.0/(1+beta_c_b1*(pow(1-f_baryon, beta_c_b2)-1));
y = z_equality/(1+z_drag);
alpha_b_G = y*(-6.*sqrt(1+y)+(2.+3.*y)*log((sqrt(1+y)+1)/(sqrt(1+y)-1)));
alpha_b = 2.07*k_equality*sound_horizon*pow(1+R_drag,-0.75)*alpha_b_G;
beta_node = 8.41*pow(omhh, 0.435);
beta_b = 0.5+f_baryon+(3.-2.*f_baryon)*sqrt(pow(17.2*omhh,2.0)+1);
k_peak = 2.5*3.14159*(1+0.217*omhh)/sound_horizon;
sound_horizon_fit = 44.5*log(9.83/omhh)/sqrt(1+10.0*pow(obhh,0.75));
alpha_gamma = 1-0.328*log(431.0*omhh)*f_baryon + 0.38*log(22.3*omhh)*
//! private member function: computes transfer function for mode k (k in Mpc)
inline double TFfit_onek(double k, double *tf_baryon, double *tf_cdm)
/* Input: k -- Wavenumber at which to calculate transfer function, in Mpc^-1.
*tf_baryon, *tf_cdm -- Input value not used; replaced on output if
the input was not NULL. */
/* Output: Returns the value of the full transfer function fitting formula.
This is the form given in Section 3 of Eisenstein & Hu (1997).
*tf_baryon -- The baryonic contribution to the full fit.
*tf_cdm -- The CDM contribution to the full fit. */
/* Notes: Units are Mpc, not h^-1 Mpc. */
double T_c_ln_beta, T_c_ln_nobeta, T_c_C_alpha, T_c_C_noalpha;
double q, xx, xx_tilde;//, q_eff;
double T_c_f, T_c, s_tilde, T_b_T0, T_b, f_baryon, T_full;
//double T_0_L0, T_0_C0, T_0, gamma_eff;
//double T_nowiggles_L0, T_nowiggles_C0, T_nowiggles;
k = fabs(k); /* Just define negative k as positive */
if (k==0.0) {
if (tf_baryon!=NULL) *tf_baryon = 1.0;
if (tf_cdm!=NULL) *tf_cdm = 1.0;
return 1.0;
q = k/13.41/k_equality;
xx = k*sound_horizon;
T_c_ln_beta = log(2.718282+1.8*beta_c*q);
T_c_ln_nobeta = log(2.718282+1.8*q);
T_c_C_alpha = 14.2/alpha_c + 386.0/(1+69.9*pow(q,1.08));
T_c_C_noalpha = 14.2 + 386.0/(1+69.9*pow(q,1.08));
T_c_f = 1.0/(1.0+POW4(xx/5.4));
T_c = T_c_f*T_c_ln_beta/(T_c_ln_beta+T_c_C_noalpha*SQR(q)) +
s_tilde = sound_horizon*pow(1.+CUBE(beta_node/xx),-1./3.);
xx_tilde = k*s_tilde;
T_b_T0 = T_c_ln_nobeta/(T_c_ln_nobeta+T_c_C_noalpha*SQR(q));
T_b = sin(xx_tilde)/(xx_tilde)*(T_b_T0/(1.+SQR(xx/5.2))+
f_baryon = obhh/omhh;
T_full = f_baryon*T_b + (1-f_baryon)*T_c;
/* Now to store these transfer functions */
if (tf_baryon!=NULL) *tf_baryon = T_b;
if (tf_cdm!=NULL) *tf_cdm = T_c;
return T_full;
double fb_, fc_;
{ }
void set_parameters( const cosmology& cosmo, double Tcmb )
m_h0 = cosmo.H0*0.01;
TFset_parameters( (cosmo.Omega_m)*cosmo.H0*cosmo.H0*(0.01*0.01),
cosmo.Omega_b/(cosmo.Omega_m-cosmo.Omega_b), Tcmb);
fb_ = cosmo.Omega_b/(cosmo.Omega_m);
fc_ = (cosmo.Omega_m-cosmo.Omega_b)/(cosmo.Omega_m) ;
inline double at_k( double k )
double tfb, tfcdm;
TFfit_onek( k*m_h0, &tfb, &tfcdm );
return fb_*tfb+fc_*tfcdm;
#include "cosmology.hh"
//! Implementation of abstract base class TransferFunction for the Eisenstein & Hu transfer function with an additional suppression of large-scale power
This class implements the analytical fit to the matter transfer
function by Eisenstein & Hu (1999). In fact it is their code.
class transfer_eisensteinS_plugin : public transfer_function_plugin
using transfer_function_plugin::cosmo_;
eisenstein_transfer etf_;
double ktrunc_, normfac_;
double dplus_;
//! Constructor for Eisenstein & Hu fitting for transfer function
\param aCosm structure of type Cosmology carrying the cosmological parameters
\param Tcmb mean temperature of the CMB fluctuations (defaults to
Tcmb = 2.726 if not specified)
transfer_eisensteinS_plugin( config_file &cf )//Cosmology aCosm, double Tcmb = 2.726 )
: transfer_function_plugin(cf)
double Tcmb = pcf_->get_value_safe<double>("cosmology","Tcmb",2.726);
//double boxlength = pcf_->get_value<double>("setup","boxlength");
ktrunc_ = pcf_->get_value<double>("cosmology","ktrunc");
normfac_ = 2.0/M_PI;
etf_.set_parameters( cosmo_, Tcmb );
tf_distinct_ = false;
tf_withvel_ = false;
tf_withtotal0_ = true;
cosmology cosmo( cf );
CosmoCalc ccalc(cosmo, this);
dplus_ = ccalc.CalcGrowthFactor( cosmo.astart )/ccalc.CalcGrowthFactor( 1.0 );
//! Computes the transfer function for k in Mpc/h by calling TFfit_onek
inline double compute( double k, tf_type type ){
if( type == total0 )
return etf_.at_k( k )/dplus_;
return etf_.at_k( k ) * atan(k/ktrunc_)*normfac_;
inline double get_kmin( void ){
return 1e-4;
inline double get_kmax( void ){
return 1.e4;
transfer_function_plugin_creator_concrete< transfer_eisensteinS_plugin > creator("eisenstein_suppress");

View file

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
tranfer_inflation.cc - This file is part of MUSIC -
a code to generate multi-scale initial conditions
for cosmological simulations
Copyright (C) 2010 Oliver Hahn
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "transfer_function.hh"
class transfer_inflation_plugin : public transfer_function_plugin
double ns2_;
transfer_inflation_plugin( config_file& cf )
: transfer_function_plugin( cf )
ns2_ = 0.5*cf.get_value<double>("cosmology","nspec");
tf_distinct_ = true;
~transfer_inflation_plugin(){ };
double compute( double k, tf_type type=baryon)
return pow(k,ns2_);
double get_kmax( void )
return 1e10;
double get_kmin( void )
return 1e-30;
transfer_function_plugin_creator_concrete< transfer_inflation_plugin > creator("inflation");

View file

@ -1,59 +1,63 @@
/* /*
transfer_camb.cc - This file is part of MUSIC - transfer_camb.cc - This file is part of MUSIC -
a code to generate multi-scale initial conditions a code to generate multi-scale initial conditions
for cosmological simulations for cosmological simulations
Copyright (C) 2010 Oliver Hahn Copyright (C) 2010 Oliver Hahn
*/ */
#include "transfer_function.hh" #include "transfer_function.hh"
class transfer_LINGERpp_plugin : public transfer_function_plugin class transfer_LINGERpp_plugin : public transfer_function_plugin
{ {
private: private:
std::string m_filename_Pk, m_filename_Tk; std::string m_filename_Pk, m_filename_Tk;
std::vector<double> m_tab_k, m_tab_Tk_tot, m_tab_Tk_cdm, m_tab_Tk_baryon, m_tab_Tvk_tot, m_tab_Tvk_cdm, m_tab_Tvk_baryon, m_tab_Tk_tot0; std::vector<double> m_tab_k, m_tab_Tk_tot, m_tab_Tk_cdm, m_tab_Tk_baryon, m_tab_Tvk_tot, m_tab_Tvk_cdm, m_tab_Tvk_baryon, m_tab_Tk_tot0;
gsl_interp_accel *acc_dtot, *acc_dcdm, *acc_dbaryon, *acc_vtot, *acc_vcdm, *acc_vbaryon, *acc_dtot0; gsl_interp_accel *acc_dtot, *acc_dcdm, *acc_dbaryon, *acc_vtot, *acc_theta_cdm, *acc_theta_baryon, *acc_dtot0;
gsl_spline *spline_dtot, *spline_dcdm, *spline_dbaryon, *spline_vtot, *spline_vcdm, *spline_vbaryon, *spline_dtot0; gsl_spline *spline_dtot, *spline_dcdm, *spline_dbaryon, *spline_vtot, *spline_theta_cdm, *spline_theta_baryon, *spline_dtot0;
bool m_bnovrel; bool m_bnovrel;
bool m_bz0norm; bool m_bz0norm;
void read_table( void ){ void read_table(void)
#ifdef WITH_MPI #ifdef WITH_MPI
if( MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0 ){ if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() == 0)
#endif #endif
std::cerr std::cerr
<< " - reading tabulated transfer function data from file \n" << " - reading tabulated transfer function data from file \n"
<< " \'" << m_filename_Tk << "\'\n"; << " \'" << m_filename_Tk << "\'\n";
std::string line; std::string line;
std::ifstream ifs( m_filename_Tk.c_str() ); std::ifstream ifs(m_filename_Tk.c_str());
if(! ifs.good() ) if (!ifs.good())
throw std::runtime_error("Could not find transfer function file \'"+m_filename_Tk+"\'"); throw std::runtime_error("Could not find transfer function file \'" + m_filename_Tk + "\'");
m_tab_k.clear(); m_tab_k.clear();
m_tab_Tk_tot.clear(); m_tab_Tk_tot.clear();
m_tab_Tk_cdm.clear(); m_tab_Tk_cdm.clear();
m_tab_Tk_baryon.clear(); m_tab_Tk_baryon.clear();
m_tab_Tvk_tot.clear(); m_tab_Tvk_tot.clear();
m_tab_Tvk_cdm.clear(); m_tab_Tvk_cdm.clear();
m_tab_Tvk_baryon.clear(); m_tab_Tvk_baryon.clear();
m_tab_Tk_tot0.clear(); m_tab_Tk_tot0.clear();
const double zero = 1e-10; const double zero = 1e-10;
while( !ifs.eof() ){ while (!ifs.eof())
getline(ifs,line); {
getline(ifs, line);
if(ifs.eof()) break;
if (ifs.eof())
std::stringstream ss(line); std::stringstream ss(line);
double k, Tkc, Tkb, Tktot, Tkvc, Tkvb, Tkvtot, Tktot0; double k, Tkc, Tkb, Tktot, Tkvc, Tkvb, Tkvtot, Tktot0;
ss >> k; ss >> k;
ss >> Tktot; ss >> Tktot;
@ -61,290 +65,288 @@ private:
ss >> Tkb; ss >> Tkb;
ss >> Tkvc; ss >> Tkvc;
ss >> Tkvb; ss >> Tkvb;
ss >> Tkvtot; ss >> Tkvtot;
ss >> Tktot0; ss >> Tktot0;
if( m_bnovrel ) if (m_bnovrel)
{ {
std::cerr << " - transfer_linger++ : disabling baryon-DM relative velocity\n"; std::cerr << " - transfer_linger++ : disabling baryon-DM relative velocity\n";
Tkvb = Tkvc; Tkvb = Tkvc;
} }
Tktot = std::max(zero,Tktot); Tktot = std::max(zero, Tktot);
Tkc = std::max(zero,Tkc); Tkc = std::max(zero, Tkc);
Tkb = std::max(zero,Tkb); Tkb = std::max(zero, Tkb);
Tkvtot= std::max(zero,Tkvtot); Tkvtot = std::max(zero, Tkvtot);
Tkvc = std::max(zero,Tkvc); Tkvc = std::max(zero, Tkvc);
Tkvb = std::max(zero,Tkvb); Tkvb = std::max(zero, Tkvb);
Tktot0= std::max(zero,Tktot0); Tktot0 = std::max(zero, Tktot0);
m_tab_k.push_back( log10(k) ); m_tab_k.push_back(log10(k));
m_tab_Tk_tot.push_back( log10(Tktot) ); m_tab_Tk_tot.push_back(log10(Tktot));
m_tab_Tk_baryon.push_back( log10(Tkb) ); m_tab_Tk_baryon.push_back(log10(Tkb));
m_tab_Tk_cdm.push_back( log10(Tkc) ); m_tab_Tk_cdm.push_back(log10(Tkc));
m_tab_Tvk_tot.push_back( log10(Tkvtot) ); m_tab_Tvk_tot.push_back(log10(Tkvtot));
m_tab_Tvk_cdm.push_back( log10(Tkvc) ); m_tab_Tvk_cdm.push_back(log10(Tkvc));
m_tab_Tvk_baryon.push_back( log10(Tkvb) ); m_tab_Tvk_baryon.push_back(log10(Tkvb));
m_tab_Tk_tot0.push_back( log10(Tktot0) ); m_tab_Tk_tot0.push_back(log10(Tktot0));
} }
ifs.close(); ifs.close();
#ifdef WITH_MPI #ifdef WITH_MPI
} }
unsigned n=m_tab_k.size(); unsigned n = m_tab_k.size();
if( MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() > 0 ){ if (MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() > 0)
m_tab_k.assign(n,0); {
m_tab_Tk_tot.assign(n,0); m_tab_k.assign(n, 0);
m_tab_Tk_cdm.assign(n,0); m_tab_Tk_tot.assign(n, 0);
m_tab_Tk_baryon.assign(n,0); m_tab_Tk_cdm.assign(n, 0);
m_tab_Tvk_tot.assign(n,0); m_tab_Tk_baryon.assign(n, 0);
m_tab_Tvk_cdm.assign(n,0); m_tab_Tvk_tot.assign(n, 0);
m_tab_Tvk_baryon.assign(n,0); m_tab_Tvk_cdm.assign(n, 0);
m_tab_Tk_tot0.assign(n,0); m_tab_Tvk_baryon.assign(n, 0);
m_tab_Tk_tot0.assign(n, 0);
} }
MPI::COMM_WORLD.Bcast( &m_tab_k[0], n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0 ); MPI::COMM_WORLD.Bcast(&m_tab_k[0], n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0);
MPI::COMM_WORLD.Bcast( &m_tab_Tk_tot[0], n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0 ); MPI::COMM_WORLD.Bcast(&m_tab_Tk_tot[0], n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0);
MPI::COMM_WORLD.Bcast( &m_tab_Tk_cdm[0], n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0 ); MPI::COMM_WORLD.Bcast(&m_tab_Tk_cdm[0], n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0);
MPI::COMM_WORLD.Bcast( &m_tab_Tk_baryon[0], n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0 ); MPI::COMM_WORLD.Bcast(&m_tab_Tk_baryon[0], n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0);
MPI::COMM_WORLD.Bcast( &m_tab_Tvk_tot[0], n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0 ); MPI::COMM_WORLD.Bcast(&m_tab_Tvk_tot[0], n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0);
MPI::COMM_WORLD.Bcast( &m_tab_Tvk_cdm[0], n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0 ); MPI::COMM_WORLD.Bcast(&m_tab_Tvk_cdm[0], n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0);
MPI::COMM_WORLD.Bcast( &m_tab_Tvk_baryon[0], n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0 ); MPI::COMM_WORLD.Bcast(&m_tab_Tvk_baryon[0], n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0);
MPI::COMM_WORLD.Bcast( &m_tab_Tk_tot0[0], n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0 ); MPI::COMM_WORLD.Bcast(&m_tab_Tk_tot0[0], n, MPI_DOUBLE, 0);
#endif #endif
} }
public: public:
transfer_LINGERpp_plugin( config_file& cf ) transfer_LINGERpp_plugin(config_file &cf, const cosmology::parameters &cp)
: transfer_function_plugin( cf ) : transfer_function_plugin(cf, cp)
{ {
m_filename_Tk = pcf_->get_value<std::string>("cosmology","transfer_file"); m_filename_Tk = pcf_->get_value<std::string>("cosmology", "transfer_file");
//.. disable the baryon-CDM relative velocity (both follow the total matter potential) //.. disable the baryon-CDM relative velocity (both follow the total matter potential)
m_bnovrel = pcf_->get_value_safe<bool>("cosmology","no_vrel",false); m_bnovrel = pcf_->get_value_safe<bool>("cosmology", "no_vrel", false);
//.. normalize at z=0 rather than using the linearly scaled zini spectrum //.. normalize at z=0 rather than using the linearly scaled zini spectrum
//.. this can be different due to radiation still being non-negligible at //.. this can be different due to radiation still being non-negligible at
//.. high redshifts //.. high redshifts
m_bz0norm = pcf_->get_value_safe<bool>("cosmology","z0norm",true); m_bz0norm = pcf_->get_value_safe<bool>("cosmology", "z0norm", true);
tf_distinct_ = true; tf_distinct_ = true;
tf_withvel_ = true; tf_withvel_ = true;
tf_velunits_ = true; tf_velunits_ = true;
//.. normalize with z=0 spectrum rather than zini spectrum? //.. normalize with z=0 spectrum rather than zini spectrum?
if( m_bz0norm ) if (m_bz0norm)
tf_withtotal0_ = true; tf_withtotal0_ = true;
else else
tf_withtotal0_ = false; tf_withtotal0_ = false;
read_table( );
acc_dtot = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); acc_dtot = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
acc_dcdm = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); acc_dcdm = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
acc_dbaryon = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); acc_dbaryon = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
acc_vtot = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); acc_vtot = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
acc_vcdm = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); acc_theta_cdm = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
acc_vbaryon = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); acc_theta_baryon = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
acc_dtot0 = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); acc_dtot0 = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
spline_dtot = gsl_spline_alloc( gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size() ); spline_dtot = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size());
spline_dcdm = gsl_spline_alloc( gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size() ); spline_dcdm = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size());
spline_dbaryon = gsl_spline_alloc( gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size() ); spline_dbaryon = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size());
spline_vtot = gsl_spline_alloc( gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size() ); spline_vtot = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size());
spline_vcdm = gsl_spline_alloc( gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size() ); spline_theta_cdm = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size());
spline_vbaryon = gsl_spline_alloc( gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size() ); spline_theta_baryon = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size());
spline_dtot0 = gsl_spline_alloc( gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size() ); spline_dtot0 = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size());
gsl_spline_init (spline_dtot, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tk_tot[0], m_tab_k.size() ); gsl_spline_init(spline_dtot, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tk_tot[0], m_tab_k.size());
gsl_spline_init (spline_dcdm, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tk_cdm[0], m_tab_k.size() ); gsl_spline_init(spline_dcdm, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tk_cdm[0], m_tab_k.size());
gsl_spline_init (spline_dbaryon, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tk_baryon[0], m_tab_k.size() ); gsl_spline_init(spline_dbaryon, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tk_baryon[0], m_tab_k.size());
gsl_spline_init (spline_vtot, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tvk_tot[0], m_tab_k.size() ); gsl_spline_init(spline_vtot, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tvk_tot[0], m_tab_k.size());
gsl_spline_init (spline_vcdm, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tvk_cdm[0], m_tab_k.size() ); gsl_spline_init(spline_theta_cdm, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tvk_cdm[0], m_tab_k.size());
gsl_spline_init (spline_vbaryon, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tvk_baryon[0], m_tab_k.size() ); gsl_spline_init(spline_theta_baryon, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tvk_baryon[0], m_tab_k.size());
if( tf_withtotal0_ ) if (tf_withtotal0_)
gsl_spline_init (spline_dtot0, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tk_tot0[0], m_tab_k.size() ); gsl_spline_init(spline_dtot0, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tk_tot0[0], m_tab_k.size());
else else
gsl_spline_init (spline_dtot0, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tk_tot[0], m_tab_k.size() ); gsl_spline_init(spline_dtot0, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tk_tot[0], m_tab_k.size());
} }
~transfer_LINGERpp_plugin() ~transfer_LINGERpp_plugin()
{ {
gsl_spline_free (spline_dtot); gsl_spline_free(spline_dtot);
gsl_spline_free (spline_dcdm); gsl_spline_free(spline_dcdm);
gsl_spline_free (spline_dbaryon); gsl_spline_free(spline_dbaryon);
gsl_spline_free (spline_vtot); gsl_spline_free(spline_vtot);
gsl_spline_free (spline_vcdm); gsl_spline_free(spline_theta_cdm);
gsl_spline_free (spline_vbaryon); gsl_spline_free(spline_theta_baryon);
gsl_spline_free (spline_dtot0); gsl_spline_free(spline_dtot0);
gsl_interp_accel_free (acc_dtot); gsl_interp_accel_free(acc_dtot);
gsl_interp_accel_free (acc_dcdm); gsl_interp_accel_free(acc_dcdm);
gsl_interp_accel_free (acc_dbaryon); gsl_interp_accel_free(acc_dbaryon);
gsl_interp_accel_free (acc_vtot); gsl_interp_accel_free(acc_vtot);
gsl_interp_accel_free (acc_vcdm); gsl_interp_accel_free(acc_theta_cdm);
gsl_interp_accel_free (acc_vbaryon); gsl_interp_accel_free(acc_theta_baryon);
gsl_interp_accel_free (acc_dtot0); gsl_interp_accel_free(acc_dtot0);
} }
inline double extrap_left( double k, const tf_type& type ) inline double extrap_left(double k, const tf_type &type)
{ {
if( k<1e-8 ) if (k < 1e-8)
return 1.0; return 1.0;
double v1(1.0), v2(1.0); double v1(1.0), v2(1.0);
switch( type ) switch (type)
{ {
case cdm: case delta_cdm:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[0]; v1 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[0];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[1]; v2 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[1];
break; break;
case baryon: case delta_baryon:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[0]; v1 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[0];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[1]; v2 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[1];
break; break;
case vtotal: case theta_matter:
v1 = m_tab_Tvk_tot[0]; v1 = m_tab_Tvk_tot[0];
v2 = m_tab_Tvk_tot[1]; v2 = m_tab_Tvk_tot[1];
break; break;
case vcdm: case theta_cdm:
v1 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[0]; v1 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[0];
v2 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[1]; v2 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[1];
break; break;
case vbaryon: case theta_baryon:
v1 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[0]; v1 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[0];
v2 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[1]; v2 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[1];
break; break;
case total: case delta_matter:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_tot[0]; v1 = m_tab_Tk_tot[0];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_tot[1]; v2 = m_tab_Tk_tot[1];
break; break;
case total0: case delta_matter0:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_tot0[0]; v1 = m_tab_Tk_tot0[0];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_tot0[1]; v2 = m_tab_Tk_tot0[1];
break; break;
default: default:
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid type requested in transfer function evaluation"); throw std::runtime_error("Invalid type requested in transfer function evaluation");
} }
double lk = log10(k); double lk = log10(k);
double dk = m_tab_k[1]-m_tab_k[0]; double dk = m_tab_k[1] - m_tab_k[0];
double delk = lk-m_tab_k[0]; double delk = lk - m_tab_k[0];
//double xi = (v2-v1)/dk; // double xi = (v2-v1)/dk;
return pow(10.0,(v2-v1)/dk*(delk)+v1); return pow(10.0, (v2 - v1) / dk * (delk) + v1);
inline double extrap_right( double k, const tf_type& type )
double v1(1.0), v2(1.0);
int n=m_tab_k.size()-1, n1=n-1;
switch( type )
case cdm:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[n];
case baryon:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[n];
case vtotal:
v1 = m_tab_Tvk_tot[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tvk_tot[n];
case vcdm:
v1 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[n];
case vbaryon:
v1 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[n];
case total:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_tot[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_tot[n];
case total0:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_tot0[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_tot0[n];
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid type requested in transfer function evaluation");
double lk = log10(k);
double dk = m_tab_k[n]-m_tab_k[n1];
double delk = lk-m_tab_k[n];
//double xi = (v2-v1)/dk;
return pow(10.0,(v2-v1)/dk*(delk)+v2);
inline double compute( double k, tf_type type ){
double lk = log10(k);
//if( lk<m_tab_k[1])
// return 1.0;
//if( lk>m_tab_k[m_tab_k.size()-2] );
// return m_tab_Tk_cdm[m_tab_k.size()-2]/k/k;
if( k<get_kmin() )
return extrap_left(k, type );
if( k>get_kmax() )
return extrap_right(k,type );
switch( type )
case cdm:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval (spline_dcdm, lk, acc_dcdm) );
case baryon:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval (spline_dbaryon, lk, acc_dbaryon) );
case vtotal:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval (spline_vtot, lk, acc_vtot) );
case vcdm:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval (spline_vcdm, lk, acc_vcdm) );
case vbaryon:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval (spline_vbaryon, lk, acc_vbaryon) );
case total:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval (spline_dtot, lk, acc_dtot) );
case total0:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval (spline_dtot0, lk, acc_dtot0) );
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid type requested in transfer function evaluation");
return 1.0;
inline double get_kmin( void ){
return pow(10.0,m_tab_k[0]);
} }
inline double get_kmax( void ){ inline double extrap_right(double k, const tf_type &type)
return pow(10.0,m_tab_k[m_tab_k.size()-1]); {
double v1(1.0), v2(1.0);
int n = m_tab_k.size() - 1, n1 = n - 1;
switch (type)
case delta_cdm:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[n];
case delta_baryon:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[n];
case theta_matter:
v1 = m_tab_Tvk_tot[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tvk_tot[n];
case theta_cdm:
v1 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[n];
case theta_baryon:
v1 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[n];
case delta_matter:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_tot[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_tot[n];
case delta_matter0:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_tot0[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_tot0[n];
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid type requested in transfer function evaluation");
double lk = log10(k);
double dk = m_tab_k[n] - m_tab_k[n1];
double delk = lk - m_tab_k[n];
// double xi = (v2-v1)/dk;
return pow(10.0, (v2 - v1) / dk * (delk) + v2);
inline double compute(double k, tf_type type)
double lk = log10(k);
// if( lk<m_tab_k[1])
// return 1.0;
// if( lk>m_tab_k[m_tab_k.size()-2] );
// return m_tab_Tk_cdm[m_tab_k.size()-2]/k/k;
if (k < get_kmin())
return extrap_left(k, type);
if (k > get_kmax())
return extrap_right(k, type);
switch (type)
case delta_cdm:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval(spline_dcdm, lk, acc_dcdm));
case delta_baryon:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval(spline_dbaryon, lk, acc_dbaryon));
case theta_matter:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval(spline_vtot, lk, acc_vtot));
case theta_cdm:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval(spline_theta_cdm, lk, acc_theta_cdm));
case theta_baryon:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval(spline_theta_baryon, lk, acc_theta_baryon));
case delta_matter:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval(spline_dtot, lk, acc_dtot));
case delta_matter0:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval(spline_dtot0, lk, acc_dtot0));
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid type requested in transfer function evaluation");
return 1.0;
inline double get_kmin(void)
return pow(10.0, m_tab_k[0]);
inline double get_kmax(void)
return pow(10.0, m_tab_k[m_tab_k.size() - 1]);
} }
}; };
namespace{ namespace
transfer_function_plugin_creator_concrete< transfer_LINGERpp_plugin > creator("linger++"); {
transfer_function_plugin_creator_concrete<transfer_LINGERpp_plugin> creator("linger++");
} }

View file

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ class transfer_MUSIC_plugin : public transfer_function_plugin
private: private:
std::string m_filename_Pk, m_filename_Tk; std::string m_filename_Pk, m_filename_Tk;
std::vector<double> m_tab_k, m_tab_Tk_tot, m_tab_Tk_cdm, m_tab_Tk_baryon, m_tab_Tvk_cdm, m_tab_Tvk_baryon; std::vector<double> m_tab_k, m_tab_Tk_tot, m_tab_Tk_cdm, m_tab_Tk_baryon, m_tab_Tvk_cdm, m_tab_Tvk_baryon;
gsl_interp_accel *acc_dtot, *acc_dcdm, *acc_dbaryon, *acc_vcdm, *acc_vbaryon; gsl_interp_accel *acc_dtot, *acc_dcdm, *acc_dbaryon, *acc_theta_cdm, *acc_theta_baryon;
gsl_spline *spline_dtot, *spline_dcdm, *spline_dbaryon, *spline_vcdm, *spline_vbaryon; gsl_spline *spline_dtot, *spline_dcdm, *spline_dbaryon, *spline_theta_cdm, *spline_theta_baryon;
@ -117,8 +117,8 @@ private:
} }
public: public:
transfer_MUSIC_plugin( config_file& cf ) transfer_MUSIC_plugin( config_file& cf, const cosmology::parameters& cp )
: transfer_function_plugin( cf ) : transfer_function_plugin( cf, cp )
{ {
m_filename_Tk = pcf_->get_value<std::string>("cosmology","transfer_file"); m_filename_Tk = pcf_->get_value<std::string>("cosmology","transfer_file");
@ -127,20 +127,20 @@ public:
acc_dtot = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); acc_dtot = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
acc_dcdm = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); acc_dcdm = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
acc_dbaryon = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); acc_dbaryon = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
acc_vcdm = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); acc_theta_cdm = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
acc_vbaryon = gsl_interp_accel_alloc(); acc_theta_baryon = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
spline_dtot = gsl_spline_alloc( gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size() ); spline_dtot = gsl_spline_alloc( gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size() );
spline_dcdm = gsl_spline_alloc( gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size() ); spline_dcdm = gsl_spline_alloc( gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size() );
spline_dbaryon = gsl_spline_alloc( gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size() ); spline_dbaryon = gsl_spline_alloc( gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size() );
spline_vcdm = gsl_spline_alloc( gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size() ); spline_theta_cdm = gsl_spline_alloc( gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size() );
spline_vbaryon = gsl_spline_alloc( gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size() ); spline_theta_baryon = gsl_spline_alloc( gsl_interp_cspline, m_tab_k.size() );
gsl_spline_init (spline_dtot, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tk_tot[0], m_tab_k.size() ); gsl_spline_init (spline_dtot, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tk_tot[0], m_tab_k.size() );
gsl_spline_init (spline_dcdm, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tk_cdm[0], m_tab_k.size() ); gsl_spline_init (spline_dcdm, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tk_cdm[0], m_tab_k.size() );
gsl_spline_init (spline_dbaryon, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tk_baryon[0], m_tab_k.size() ); gsl_spline_init (spline_dbaryon, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tk_baryon[0], m_tab_k.size() );
gsl_spline_init (spline_vcdm, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tvk_cdm[0], m_tab_k.size() ); gsl_spline_init (spline_theta_cdm, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tvk_cdm[0], m_tab_k.size() );
gsl_spline_init (spline_vbaryon, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tvk_baryon[0], m_tab_k.size() ); gsl_spline_init (spline_theta_baryon, &m_tab_k[0], &m_tab_Tvk_baryon[0], m_tab_k.size() );
tf_distinct_ = true; tf_distinct_ = true;
tf_withvel_ = true; tf_withvel_ = true;
@ -151,14 +151,14 @@ public:
gsl_spline_free (spline_dtot); gsl_spline_free (spline_dtot);
gsl_spline_free (spline_dcdm); gsl_spline_free (spline_dcdm);
gsl_spline_free (spline_dbaryon); gsl_spline_free (spline_dbaryon);
gsl_spline_free (spline_vcdm); gsl_spline_free (spline_theta_cdm);
gsl_spline_free (spline_vbaryon); gsl_spline_free (spline_theta_baryon);
gsl_interp_accel_free (acc_dtot); gsl_interp_accel_free (acc_dtot);
gsl_interp_accel_free (acc_dcdm); gsl_interp_accel_free (acc_dcdm);
gsl_interp_accel_free (acc_dbaryon); gsl_interp_accel_free (acc_dbaryon);
gsl_interp_accel_free (acc_vcdm); gsl_interp_accel_free (acc_theta_cdm);
gsl_interp_accel_free (acc_vbaryon); gsl_interp_accel_free (acc_theta_baryon);
} }
inline double extrap_left( double k, const tf_type& type ) inline double extrap_left( double k, const tf_type& type )
@ -169,23 +169,23 @@ public:
double v1(1.0), v2(1.0); double v1(1.0), v2(1.0);
switch( type ) switch( type )
{ {
case cdm: case delta_cdm:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[0]; v1 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[0];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[1]; v2 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[1];
break; break;
case baryon: case delta_baryon:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[0]; v1 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[0];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[1]; v2 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[1];
break; break;
case vcdm: case theta_cdm:
v1 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[0]; v1 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[0];
v2 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[1]; v2 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[1];
break; break;
case vbaryon: case theta_baryon:
v1 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[0]; v1 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[0];
v2 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[1]; v2 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[1];
break; break;
case total: case delta_matter:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_tot[0]; v1 = m_tab_Tk_tot[0];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_tot[1]; v2 = m_tab_Tk_tot[1];
break; break;
@ -209,23 +209,23 @@ public:
int n=m_tab_k.size()-1, n1=n-1; int n=m_tab_k.size()-1, n1=n-1;
switch( type ) switch( type )
{ {
case cdm: case delta_cdm:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[n1]; v1 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[n]; v2 = m_tab_Tk_cdm[n];
break; break;
case baryon: case delta_baryon:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[n1]; v1 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[n]; v2 = m_tab_Tk_baryon[n];
break; break;
case vcdm: case theta_cdm:
v1 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[n1]; v1 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[n]; v2 = m_tab_Tvk_cdm[n];
break; break;
case vbaryon: case theta_baryon:
v1 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[n1]; v1 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[n]; v2 = m_tab_Tvk_baryon[n];
break; break;
case total: case delta_matter:
v1 = m_tab_Tk_tot[n1]; v1 = m_tab_Tk_tot[n1];
v2 = m_tab_Tk_tot[n]; v2 = m_tab_Tk_tot[n];
break; break;
@ -261,15 +261,15 @@ public:
switch( type ) switch( type )
{ {
case cdm: case delta_cdm:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval (spline_dcdm, lk, acc_dcdm) ); return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval (spline_dcdm, lk, acc_dcdm) );
case baryon: case delta_baryon:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval (spline_dbaryon, lk, acc_dbaryon) ); return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval (spline_dbaryon, lk, acc_dbaryon) );
case vcdm: case theta_cdm:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval (spline_vcdm, lk, acc_vcdm) ); return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval (spline_theta_cdm, lk, acc_theta_cdm) );
case vbaryon: case theta_baryon:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval (spline_vbaryon, lk, acc_vbaryon) ); return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval (spline_theta_baryon, lk, acc_theta_baryon) );
case total: case delta_matter:
return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval (spline_dtot, lk, acc_dtot) ); return pow(10.0, gsl_spline_eval (spline_dtot, lk, acc_dtot) );
default: default:

View file

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ protected:
public: public:
//! constructor //! constructor
random_number_generator(config_file &cf, transfer_function *ptf = NULL) explicit random_number_generator(config_file &cf)
: pcf_(&cf) //, prefh_( &refh ) : pcf_(&cf) //, prefh_( &refh )
{ {
levelmin_ = pcf_->get_value<int>("setup", "levelmin"); levelmin_ = pcf_->get_value<int>("setup", "levelmin");

View file

@ -30,17 +30,14 @@ void print_transfer_function_plugins()
if( (*it).second ) if( (*it).second )
std::cout << "\t\'" << (*it).first << "\'\n"; std::cout << "\t\'" << (*it).first << "\'\n";
++it; ++it;
} }
} }
transfer_function_plugin *select_transfer_function_plugin( config_file& cf ) std::unique_ptr<transfer_function_plugin> select_transfer_function_plugin( config_file& cf, const cosmology::parameters& cp )
{ {
std::string tfname = cf.get_value<std::string>( "cosmology", "transfer" ); std::string tfname = cf.get_value<std::string>( "cosmology", "transfer" );
transfer_function_plugin_creator *the_transfer_function_plugin_creator transfer_function_plugin_creator *the_transfer_function_plugin_creator = get_transfer_function_plugin_map()[ tfname ];
= get_transfer_function_plugin_map()[ tfname ];
if( !the_transfer_function_plugin_creator ) if( !the_transfer_function_plugin_creator )
{ {
@ -55,9 +52,6 @@ transfer_function_plugin *select_transfer_function_plugin( config_file& cf )
music::ulog.Print("Selecting transfer function plug-in : %s",tfname.c_str() ); music::ulog.Print("Selecting transfer function plug-in : %s",tfname.c_str() );
} }
transfer_function_plugin *the_transfer_function_plugin return the_transfer_function_plugin_creator->create( cf, cp );
= the_transfer_function_plugin_creator->create( cf );
return the_transfer_function_plugin;
} }

View file

@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
/* /*
transfer_function.hh - This file is part of MUSIC -
a code to generate multi-scale initial conditions
for cosmological simulations
Copyright (C) 2010 Oliver Hahn
#ifndef __TRANSFERFUNCTION_HH transfer_function.hh - This file is part of MUSIC -
#define __TRANSFERFUNCTION_HH a code to generate multi-scale initial conditions
for cosmological simulations
Copyright (C) 2010 Oliver Hahn
#pragma once
#include <vector> #include <vector>
#include <sstream> #include <sstream>
@ -23,12 +21,26 @@
#include <gsl/gsl_spline.h> #include <gsl/gsl_spline.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_sf_gamma.h> #include <gsl/gsl_sf_gamma.h>
#include "Numerics.hh" #include <Numerics.hh>
#include "config_file.hh" #include <config_file.hh>
#include <cosmology_parameters.hh>
enum tf_type
enum tf_type{ {
total, cdm, baryon, vtotal, vcdm, vbaryon, total0 delta_matter,
}; };
@ -37,97 +49,98 @@ enum tf_type{
/*! /*!
This class implements a purely virtual interface that can be This class implements a purely virtual interface that can be
used to derive instances implementing various transfer functions. used to derive instances implementing various transfer functions.
*/ */
class transfer_function_plugin{ class transfer_function_plugin
public: public:
Cosmology cosmo_; //!< cosmological parameter, read from config_file config_file *pcf_; //!< pointer to config_file from which to read parameters
config_file *pcf_; //!< pointer to config_file from which to read parameters const cosmology::parameters &cosmo_params_; //!< cosmological parameters are stored here
bool tf_distinct_; //!< bool if density transfer function is distinct for baryons and DM bool tf_distinct_; //!< bool if density transfer function is distinct for baryons and DM
bool tf_withvel_; //!< bool if also have velocity transfer functions bool tf_withvel_; //!< bool if also have velocity transfer functions
bool tf_withtotal0_; //!< have the z=0 spectrum for normalisation purposes bool tf_withtotal0_; //!< have the z=0 spectrum for normalisation purposes
bool tf_velunits_; //!< velocities are in velocity units (km/s) bool tf_velunits_; //!< velocities are in velocity units (km/s)
public: bool tf_isnormalised_; //!< assume that transfer functions come already correctly normalised and need be re-normalised to a specified value
//! constructor //! constructor
transfer_function_plugin( config_file& cf ) transfer_function_plugin(config_file &cf,const cosmology::parameters &cosmo_params)
: pcf_( &cf ), tf_distinct_(false), tf_withvel_(false), tf_withtotal0_(false), tf_velunits_(false) : pcf_(&cf), cosmo_params_(cosmo_params), tf_distinct_(false), tf_withvel_(false), tf_withtotal0_(false), tf_velunits_(false), tf_isnormalised_(false)
{ {
real_t zstart;
zstart = pcf_->get_value<real_t>( "setup", "zstart" );
cosmo_.astart = 1.0/(1.0+zstart);
cosmo_.Omega_b = pcf_->get_value<real_t>( "cosmology", "Omega_b" );
cosmo_.Omega_m = pcf_->get_value<real_t>( "cosmology", "Omega_m" );
cosmo_.Omega_DE = pcf_->get_value<real_t>( "cosmology", "Omega_L" );
cosmo_.H0 = pcf_->get_value<real_t>( "cosmology", "H0" );
cosmo_.sigma8 = pcf_->get_value<real_t>( "cosmology", "sigma_8" );
cosmo_.nspect = pcf_->get_value<real_t>( "cosmology", "nspec" );
} }
//! destructor //! destructor
virtual ~transfer_function_plugin(){ }; virtual ~transfer_function_plugin(){};
//! initialise, i.e. prepare data for later usage
virtual void intialise(void) {}
//! compute value of transfer function at waven umber //! compute value of transfer function at waven umber
virtual double compute( double k, tf_type type) = 0; virtual double compute(double k, tf_type type) = 0;
//! return maximum wave number allowed //! return maximum wave number allowed
virtual double get_kmax( void ) = 0; virtual double get_kmax(void) = 0;
//! return minimum wave number allowed
virtual double get_kmin( void ) = 0;
//! return if density transfer function is distinct for baryons and DM
bool tf_is_distinct( void )
{ return tf_distinct_; }
//! return if we also have velocity transfer functions
bool tf_has_velocities( void )
{ return tf_withvel_; }
//! return if we also have a z=0 transfer function for normalisation
bool tf_has_total0( void )
{ return tf_withtotal0_; }
//! return if velocity returned is in velocity or in displacement units
bool tf_velocity_units( void )
{ return tf_velunits_; }
//! return minimum wave number allowed
virtual double get_kmin(void) = 0;
//! return if density transfer function is distinct for baryons and DM
bool tf_is_distinct(void) const
return tf_distinct_;
//! return if we also have velocity transfer functions
bool tf_has_velocities(void) const
return tf_withvel_;
//! return if we also have a z=0 transfer function for normalisation
bool tf_has_total0(void) const
return tf_withtotal0_;
//! return if velocity returned is in velocity or in displacement units
bool tf_velocity_units(void) const
return tf_velunits_;
//! Implements abstract factory design pattern for transfer function plug-ins //! Implements abstract factory design pattern for transfer function plug-ins
struct transfer_function_plugin_creator struct transfer_function_plugin_creator
{ {
//! create an instance of a transfer function plug-in //! create an instance of a transfer function plug-in
virtual transfer_function_plugin * create( config_file& cf ) const = 0; virtual std::unique_ptr<transfer_function_plugin> create(config_file &cf, const cosmology::parameters& cp) const = 0;
//! destroy an instance of a plug-in //! destroy an instance of a plug-in
virtual ~transfer_function_plugin_creator() { } virtual ~transfer_function_plugin_creator() {}
}; };
//! Write names of registered transfer function plug-ins to stdout //! Write names of registered transfer function plug-ins to stdout
std::map< std::string, transfer_function_plugin_creator *>& get_transfer_function_plugin_map(); std::map<std::string, transfer_function_plugin_creator *> &get_transfer_function_plugin_map();
void print_transfer_function_plugins( void ); void print_transfer_function_plugins(void);
//! Concrete factory pattern for transfer function plug-ins //! Concrete factory pattern for transfer function plug-ins
template< class Derived > template <class Derived>
struct transfer_function_plugin_creator_concrete : public transfer_function_plugin_creator struct transfer_function_plugin_creator_concrete : public transfer_function_plugin_creator
{ {
//! register the plug-in by its name //! register the plug-in by its name
transfer_function_plugin_creator_concrete( const std::string& plugin_name ) transfer_function_plugin_creator_concrete(const std::string &plugin_name)
{ {
get_transfer_function_plugin_map()[ plugin_name ] = this; get_transfer_function_plugin_map()[plugin_name] = this;
} }
//! create an instance of the plug-in //! create an instance of the plug-in
transfer_function_plugin * create( config_file& cf ) const std::unique_ptr<transfer_function_plugin> create(config_file &cf, const cosmology::parameters& cp) const
{ {
return new Derived( cf ); return std::make_unique<Derived>(cf,cp);
} }
}; };
typedef transfer_function_plugin transfer_function; typedef transfer_function_plugin transfer_function;
transfer_function_plugin *select_transfer_function_plugin( config_file& cf ); std::unique_ptr<transfer_function_plugin> select_transfer_function_plugin(config_file &cf, const cosmology::parameters &cp);
/**********************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************/
/**********************************************************************/ /**********************************************************************/
@ -141,561 +154,78 @@ public:
static real_t nspec_; static real_t nspec_;
double pnorm_, sqrtpnorm_; double pnorm_, sqrtpnorm_;
static tf_type type_; static tf_type type_;
TransferFunction_k( tf_type type, transfer_function *tf, real_t nspec, real_t pnorm ) TransferFunction_k(tf_type type, transfer_function *tf, real_t nspec, real_t pnorm)
: pnorm_(pnorm) : pnorm_(pnorm)
{ {
ptf_ = tf; ptf_ = tf;
nspec_ = nspec; nspec_ = nspec;
sqrtpnorm_ = sqrt( pnorm_ ); sqrtpnorm_ = sqrt(pnorm_);
type_ = type; type_ = type;
std::string fname("input_powerspec.txt"); std::string fname("input_powerspec.txt");
if( type == cdm || type == total ) if (type == delta_cdm || type == delta_matter)
std::ofstream ofs(fname.c_str());
double kmin=log10(tf->get_kmin()), kmax= log10(tf->get_kmax());
double dk=(kmax-kmin)/300.;
ofs << "# The power spectrum definition is smaller than CAMB by a factor 8 pi^3."
<< std::endl;
if( tf->tf_is_distinct() )
ofs << "#"
<< std::setw(15) << "k [h/Mpc]"
<< std::setw(16) << "P_cdm"
<< std::setw(16) << "P_vcdm"
<< std::setw(16) << "P_bar"
<< std::setw(16) << "P_vbar"
<< std::setw(16) << "P_total"
<< std::setw(16) << "P_vtotal"
<< std::endl;
for( int i=0; i<300; ++i )
double k = pow(10.0,kmin+i*dk);
ofs << std::setw(16) << k
<< std::setw(16) << pow(sqrtpnorm_*pow(k,0.5*nspec_)*ptf_->compute(k,cdm),2)
<< std::setw(16) << pow(sqrtpnorm_*pow(k,0.5*nspec_)*ptf_->compute(k,vcdm),2)
<< std::setw(16) << pow(sqrtpnorm_*pow(k,0.5*nspec_)*ptf_->compute(k,baryon),2)
<< std::setw(16) << pow(sqrtpnorm_*pow(k,0.5*nspec_)*ptf_->compute(k,vbaryon),2)
<< std::setw(16) << pow(sqrtpnorm_*pow(k,0.5*nspec_)*ptf_->compute(k,total),2)
<< std::setw(16) << pow(sqrtpnorm_*pow(k,0.5*nspec_)*ptf_->compute(k,vtotal),2)
<< std::endl;
ofs << "#"
<< std::setw(16) << "k [h/Mpc]"
<< std::setw(16) << "P_cdm"
<< std::setw(16) << "P_vcdm"
<< std::setw(16) << "P_total"
<< std::endl;
for( int i=0; i<300; ++i )
double k = pow(10.0,kmin+i*dk);
ofs << std::setw(16) << k
<< std::setw(16) << pow(sqrtpnorm_*pow(k,0.5*nspec_)*ptf_->compute(k,cdm),2)
<< std::setw(16) << pow(sqrtpnorm_*pow(k,0.5*nspec_)*ptf_->compute(k,vcdm),2)
<< std::setw(16) << pow(sqrtpnorm_*pow(k,0.5*nspec_)*ptf_->compute(k,total),2)
<< std::endl;
inline real_t compute( real_t k ) const
return sqrtpnorm_*pow(k,0.5*nspec_)*ptf_->compute(k,type_);
#define NZERO_Q
typedef std::complex<double> complex;
class TransferFunction_real
double Tr0_;
real_t Tmin_, Tmax_, Tscale_;
real_t rneg_, rneg2_, kny_;
static transfer_function *ptf_;
static real_t nspec_;
real_t krgood( real_t mu, real_t q, real_t dlnr, real_t kr )
double krnew = kr;
complex zm, zp;
double arg, iarg, xneg, xpos, y;
gsl_sf_result g_a, g_p;
xpos = 0.5*(mu+1.0+q);
xneg = 0.5*(mu+1.0-q);
y = M_PI/(2.0*dlnr);
gsl_sf_lngamma_complex_e (zp.real(), zp.imag(), &g_a, &g_p);
real_t zpa = g_p.val;
gsl_sf_lngamma_complex_e (zm.real(), zm.imag(), &g_a, &g_p);
real_t zma = g_p.val;
iarg=(real_t)((int)(arg + 0.5));
if( arg!=iarg )
return krnew;
void transform( real_t pnorm, unsigned N, real_t q, std::vector<double>& rr, std::vector<double>& TT )
const double mu = 0.5;
double qmin = 1.0e-7, qmax = 1.0e+7;
q = 0.0;
//N = 16384;
N = 1<<12;
#ifdef NZERO_Q
double kmin = qmin, kmax=qmax;
double rmin = qmin, rmax = qmax;
double k0 = exp(0.5*(log(kmax)+log(kmin)));
double r0 = exp(0.5*(log(rmax)+log(rmin)));
double L = log(rmax)-log(rmin);
double k0r0 = k0*r0;
double dlnk = L/N, dlnr = L/N;
double sqrtpnorm = sqrt(pnorm);
double dir = 1.0;
double fftnorm = 1.0/N;
complex_t *in, *out;
in = new complex_t[N];
out = new complex_t[N];
//... perform anti-ringing correction from Hamilton (2000)
k0r0 = krgood( mu, q, dlnr, k0r0 );
std::string ofname;
switch( type_ )
{ {
case cdm:
ofname = "input_powerspec_cdm.txt"; break;
case baryon:
ofname = "input_powerspec_baryon.txt"; break;
case total:
ofname = "input_powerspec_total.txt"; break;
case vcdm:
ofname = "input_powerspec_vcdm.txt"; break;
case vbaryon:
ofname = "input_powerspec_vbaryon.txt"; break;
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown transfer function type in TransferFunction_real::transform");
std::ofstream ofsk(ofname.c_str());
ofsk << "# The power spectrum definition is smaller than CAMB by a factor 8 pi^3."
<< std::endl;
for( unsigned i=0; i<N; ++i )
double k = k0*exp(((int)i - (int)N/2+1) * dlnk);
double T = ptf_->compute( k, type_ );
double del = sqrtpnorm*T*pow(k,0.5*nspec_);
RE(in[i]) = del*pow(k,1.5-q);
IM(in[i]) = 0.0;
ofsk << std::setw(16) << k <<std::setw(16) << del*del << std::setw(16) << T << std::endl;
fftw_plan_t p,ip;
p = FFTW_API(plan_dft_1d)(N, in, out, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
ip = FFTW_API(plan_dft_1d)(N, out, in, FFTW_BACKWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
//... compute the Hankel transform by convolution with the Bessel function
for( unsigned i=0; i<N; ++i )
int ii=i;
if( ii > (int)N/2 )
ii -= N;
#ifndef NZERO_Q
double y=ii*M_PI/L;
complex zp((mu+1.0)*0.5,y);
gsl_sf_result g_a, g_p;
gsl_sf_lngamma_complex_e(zp.real(), zp.imag(), &g_a, &g_p);
double arg = 2.0*(log(2.0/k0r0)*y+g_p.val);
//complex cu = complex(out[i].re,out[i].im)*std::polar(1.0,arg);
//out[i].re = cu.real()*fftnorm;
//out[i].im = cu.imag()*fftnorm;
complex cu = complex( RE(out[i]), IM(out[i]) ) * std::polar(1.0,arg);
RE(out[i]) = cu.real()*fftnorm;
IM(out[i]) = cu.imag()*fftnorm;
complex x(dir*q, (double)ii*2.0*M_PI/L);
gsl_sf_result g_a, g_p;
complex g1, g2, garg, U, phase;
complex twotox = pow(complex(2.0,0.0),x);
//.. evaluate complex Gamma functions
garg = 0.5*(mu+1.0+x);
gsl_sf_lngamma_complex_e (garg.real(), garg.imag(), &g_a, &g_p);
g1 = std::polar(exp(g_a.val),g_p.val);
garg = 0.5*(mu+1.0-x);
gsl_sf_lngamma_complex_e (garg.real(), garg.imag(), &g_a, &g_p);
g2 = std::polar(exp(g_a.val),g_p.val);
//.. compute U
if( (fabs(g2.real()) < 1e-19 && fabs(g2.imag()) < 1e-19) )
//std::cerr << "Warning : encountered possible singularity in TransferFunction_real::transform!\n";
g1 = 1.0; g2 = 1.0;
U = twotox * g1 / g2;
phase = pow(complex(k0r0,0.0),complex(0.0,2.0*M_PI*(double)ii/L));
complex cu = complex(RE(out[i]),IM(out[i]))*U*phase*fftnorm;
RE(out[i]) = cu.real();
IM(out[i]) = cu.imag();
/*if( (RE(out[i]) != RE(out[i]))||(IM(out[i]) != IM(out[i])) )
{ std::cerr << "NaN @ i=" << i << ", U= " << U << ", phase = " << phase << ", g1 = " << g1 << ", g2 = " << g2 << std::endl;
std::cerr << "mu+1+q = " << mu+1.0+q << std::endl;
r0 = k0r0/k0;
for( unsigned i=0; i<N; ++i )
int ii = i;
ii -= N/2-1;
double r = r0*exp(-ii*dlnr);
rr[N-i-1] = r;
TT[N-i-1] = 4.0*M_PI* sqrt(M_PI/2.0) * RE(in[i]) * pow(r,-(1.5+q));
std::string fname;
if(type_==total) fname = "transfer_real_total.txt";
if(type_==cdm) fname = "transfer_real_cdm.txt";
if(type_==baryon) fname = "transfer_real_baryon.txt";
if(type_==vcdm) fname = "transfer_real_vcdm.txt";
if(type_==vbaryon) fname = "transfer_real_vbaryon.txt";
std::ofstream ofs(fname.c_str()); std::ofstream ofs(fname.c_str());
double kmin = log10(tf->get_kmin()), kmax = log10(tf->get_kmax());
for( unsigned i=0; i<N; ++i ) double dk = (kmax - kmin) / 300.;
int ii = i;
ii -= N/2-1;
double r = r0*exp(-ii*dlnr);//r0*exp(ii*dlnr);
double T = 4.0*M_PI* sqrt(M_PI/2.0) * RE(in[i]) * pow(r,-(1.5+q)); ofs << "# The power spectrum definition is smaller than CAMB by a factor 8 pi^3."
ofs << r << "\t\t" << T << "\t\t" << IM(in[i]) << std::endl; << std::endl;
if (tf->tf_is_distinct())
ofs << "#"
<< std::setw(15) << "k [h/Mpc]"
<< std::setw(16) << "P_cdm"
<< std::setw(16) << "P_theta_cdm"
<< std::setw(16) << "P_bar"
<< std::setw(16) << "P_vbar"
<< std::setw(16) << "P_total"
<< std::setw(16) << "P_vtotal"
<< std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 300; ++i)
double k = pow(10.0, kmin + i * dk);
ofs << std::setw(16) << k
<< std::setw(16) << pow(sqrtpnorm_ * pow(k, 0.5 * nspec_) * ptf_->compute(k, delta_cdm), 2)
<< std::setw(16) << pow(sqrtpnorm_ * pow(k, 0.5 * nspec_) * ptf_->compute(k, theta_cdm), 2)
<< std::setw(16) << pow(sqrtpnorm_ * pow(k, 0.5 * nspec_) * ptf_->compute(k, delta_baryon), 2)
<< std::setw(16) << pow(sqrtpnorm_ * pow(k, 0.5 * nspec_) * ptf_->compute(k, theta_baryon), 2)
<< std::setw(16) << pow(sqrtpnorm_ * pow(k, 0.5 * nspec_) * ptf_->compute(k, delta_matter), 2)
<< std::setw(16) << pow(sqrtpnorm_ * pow(k, 0.5 * nspec_) * ptf_->compute(k, theta_matter), 2)
<< std::endl;
ofs << "#"
<< std::setw(16) << "k [h/Mpc]"
<< std::setw(16) << "P_cdm"
<< std::setw(16) << "P_theta_cdm"
<< std::setw(16) << "P_total"
<< std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 300; ++i)
double k = pow(10.0, kmin + i * dk);
ofs << std::setw(16) << k
<< std::setw(16) << pow(sqrtpnorm_ * pow(k, 0.5 * nspec_) * ptf_->compute(k, delta_cdm), 2)
<< std::setw(16) << pow(sqrtpnorm_ * pow(k, 0.5 * nspec_) * ptf_->compute(k, theta_cdm), 2)
<< std::setw(16) << pow(sqrtpnorm_ * pow(k, 0.5 * nspec_) * ptf_->compute(k, delta_matter), 2)
<< std::endl;
} }
} }
delete[] in;
delete[] out;
} }
std::vector<real_t> m_xtable,m_ytable,m_dytable;
double m_xmin, m_xmax, m_dx, m_rdx; inline real_t compute(real_t k) const
static tf_type type_;
TransferFunction_real( double boxlength, int nfull, tf_type type, transfer_function *tf,
real_t nspec, real_t pnorm, real_t rmin, real_t rmax, real_t knymax, unsigned nr )
{ {
real_t q = 0.8; return sqrtpnorm_ * pow(k, 0.5 * nspec_) * ptf_->compute(k, type_);
ptf_ = tf;
nspec_ = nspec;
type_ = type;
kny_ = knymax;
//... compute the FFTlog transform of the k^n T(k) kernel
std::vector<double> r,T;
transform( pnorm, nr, q, r, T );
gsl_set_error_handler_off ();
//... compute T(r=0) by 3D k-space integration
const double REL_PRECISION=1.e-5;
gsl_integration_workspace * ws = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc (1000);
gsl_function ff;
double kmin = 2.0*M_PI/boxlength;
double kmax = nfull*M_PI/boxlength;
//... integrate 0..kmax
double a[6];
a[3] = 0.1*kmin;
a[4] = kmax;
ff.function = &call_x;
ff.params = reinterpret_cast<void*> (a);
double res, err, res2, err2;
gsl_integration_qags( &ff, a[3], a[4], 0.0, GSL_INTEGRATION_ERR, 1000, ws, &res, &err );
if( err/res > REL_PRECISION )
std::cerr << " - Warning: no convergence in \'TransferFunction_real\', rel. error=" << err/res << std::endl;
//... integrate 0..kmin
a[3] = 0.1*kmin;
a[4] = kmin;
gsl_integration_qags( &ff, a[3], a[4], 0.0, GSL_INTEGRATION_ERR, 1000, ws, &res2, &err2 );
if( err2/res2 > 10*REL_PRECISION )
std::cerr << " - Warning: no convergence in \'TransferFunction_real\', rel. error=" << err2/res2 << std::endl;
gsl_integration_workspace_free ( ws );
//.. get kmin..kmax
res -= res2;
//.. *8 because we only integrated one octant
res *= 8.0*sqrt(pnorm);
Tr0_ = res;
//... store as table for spline interpolation
gsl_interp_accel *accp;
gsl_spline *splinep;
std::vector<double> xsp, ysp;
for( unsigned i=0; i<r.size(); ++i )
if( r[i] > rmin/512. && r[i] < rmax )
xsp.push_back( log10(r[i]) );
ysp.push_back( T[i]*r[i]*r[i] );
accp = gsl_interp_accel_alloc ();
//... spline interpolation is only marginally slower here
splinep = gsl_spline_alloc (gsl_interp_akima, xsp.size() );
//... set up everything for spline interpolation
gsl_spline_init (splinep, &xsp[0], &ysp[0], xsp.size() );
//.. build lookup table using spline interpolation
m_xmin = log10(rmin);
m_xmax = log10(rmax);
m_dx = (m_xmax-m_xmin)/nr;
m_rdx = 1.0/m_dx;
for(unsigned i=0; i<nr; ++i )
m_xtable.push_back( m_xmin+i*m_dx );
m_ytable.push_back( gsl_spline_eval(splinep, (m_xtable.back()), accp) );
for(unsigned i=0; i<nr-1; ++i )
real_t dy,dr;
dy = m_ytable[i+1]/pow(m_xtable[i+1],2)-m_ytable[i]/pow(m_xtable[i],2);
dr = pow(10.0,m_xtable[i+1])-pow(10.0,m_xtable[i]);
gsl_spline_free (splinep);
gsl_interp_accel_free (accp);
static double call_wrapper( double k, void *arg )
double *a = (double*)arg;
double T = ptf_->compute( k, type_ );
return 4.0*M_PI*a[0]*T*pow(k,0.5*nspec_)*k*k;
static double call_x( double kx, void *arg )
gsl_integration_workspace * wx = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc (1000);
double *a = (double*)arg;
double kmin = a[3], kmax = a[4];
a[0] = kx;
gsl_function FX;
FX.function = &call_y;
FX.params = reinterpret_cast<void*> (a);
double resx, errx;
gsl_integration_qags( &FX, kmin, kmax, 0.0, GSL_INTEGRATION_ERR, 1000, wx, &resx, &errx );
gsl_integration_workspace_free (wx);
return resx;
static double call_y( double ky, void *arg )
gsl_integration_workspace * wy = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc (1000);
double *a = (double*)arg;
double kmin = a[3], kmax = a[4];
a[1] = ky;
gsl_function FY;
FY.function = &call_z;
FY.params = reinterpret_cast<void*> (a);
double resy, erry;
gsl_integration_qags( &FY, kmin, kmax, 0.0, GSL_INTEGRATION_ERR, 1000, wy, &resy, &erry );
gsl_integration_workspace_free (wy);
return resy;
static double call_z( double kz, void *arg )
double *a = (double*)arg;
double kx = a[0], ky = a[1];
double kk = sqrt(kx*kx+ky*ky+kz*kz);
double T = ptf_->compute( kk, type_ );
return pow(kk,0.5*nspec_)*T;
{ }
inline real_t get_grad( real_t r2 ) const
double r = 0.5*fast_log10(r2);
double ii = (r-m_xmin)*m_rdx;
int i = (int)ii;
i=std::min(i, (int)m_xtable.size()-2);
return (real_t)m_dytable[i];
//... fast version
inline real_t compute_real( real_t r2 ) const
const double EPS = 1e-8;
const double Reps2 = EPS*EPS;
if( r2 <Reps2 )
return Tr0_;
//double r = 0.5*log10(r2);
double r = 0.5*fast_log10(r2);
double ii = (r-m_xmin)*m_rdx;
int i = (int)ii;
i=std::min(i, (int)m_xtable.size()-2);
double y1,y2;
y1 = m_ytable[i];
y2 = m_ytable[i+1];
//divide by r**2 because r^2 T is tabulated
//return (real_t)((y1 + (y2-y1)*(ii-(double)i))/r2);
real_t retval = (real_t)((y1 + (y2-y1)*(ii-(double)i))/r2);
if( retval != retval ){
std::cerr << "FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE" << std::endl;
fprintf(stderr,"r2 = %f, r = %f, i = %d, y1 = %f, y2 = %f, xtable[i]=%f",r2,r,i,y1,y2, m_xtable[i]);
return retval;
} }
}; };
#endif /**********************************************************************/