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2 changed files with 64 additions and 45 deletions
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ For a realistic model of two gravitationally colliding bodies the SPH (smooth pa
In the simulation two celestrial bodies are placed far enough apart so that tidal forces can affect the collision. Both objects consist of a core with the physical properties of basalt rocks and a outer mantle made of water ice.
To keep the simulation time short and make it possible to do many simulations with varying parameters 20k SPH particles are used\todo{Why 20k?} and each simulation is ran for 300 timesteps of each \SI{144}{\second} so that a whole day of collision is simulated.
%These will be split into two bodies according to the parameters of the simulations and placed far enough away that
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ The masses in this simulation range from about two Ceres masses (\SI{1.88e+21}{\
\subsection{water fraction of target and projectile}
Both bodies
The last two parameters are the mass fraction of the ice to the total mass of each of the bodies. To keep the numbers of parameter combinations and therefore required simulations low only \SI{10}{\percent} and \SI{20}{\percent} are simulated in the first simulation set.
@ -78,10 +78,28 @@ Both bodies
water fraction target & \SI{10}{\percent} & \SI{20}{\percent} &&&\\
water fraction projectile & \SI{10}{\percent} & \SI{20}{\percent} &&&\\
\caption{parameter set of the first simulation run}
\section{Execution}\todo{think of a better title}
In the first simulation run for every parameter combination from Table \ref{tab:first_simulation_parameters} a separate simulation has been started. First the parameter set and other configuration options are written in a \texttt{simulation.input} text file. Afterwards the relaxation program described in \cite[24\psqq]{Burger2018} generates relaxed initial conditions for all 20k particles and saves their state to \texttt{impact.0000}. Afterwards \texttt{miluphcuda} can be executed with the following arguments to simulate starting from this initial condition for 300 timesteps which each will be saved in a \texttt{impact.XXXX} file.
\todo{spacing is ugly}
miluphcuda -N 20000 -I rk2_adaptive -Q 1e-4 -n 300 -a 0.5 -H -t 144.0 -f impact.0000 -m material.cfg -s -g
This ran on the \texttt{amanki} server using a \texttt{Nvidia GTX 1080} taking about \SI{30}{\minute} per simulation.
After the simulation the properties of the SPH particles needs to be analyzed. For this the \texttt{identify\_fragments} C program by Christoph Burger\todo{better citation} uses a friends-of-friends algorithm to group the particles into fragments. Afterwards \texttt{calc\_aggregates}
\section{More text}
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ british, % language of the document
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%--------------------------------------- PDF output and hyperlinks ----------------------------
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