# github-changelog-generator *quickly generate changelogs based on closed github issues and merged PRs since the last release* ## Install ```bash pip3 install --user https://github.com/Findus23/new-github-changelog-generator/archive/master.zip ``` (at least until it is published on pypi) ## Usage Run `github-changelog-generator init` to create an example config file. The GitHub API limits to 60 requests per hour by default, so to use this properly, create a [*personal access token*](https://github.com/settings/tokens) (you don't need to tick any box) and paste it into the `api_token` setting in the config file. Afterwards you can simply create changelogs by specifying the tag or date of the previous release: ```bash github-changelog-generator generate --since "2019-01-25 00:00:00" --debian-changelog github-changelog-generator generate --previous-version="3.8.0" --html ``` You can find more options with `--help`: ```bash github-changelog-generator --help github-changelog-generator init --help github-changelog-generator generate --help ```