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mirror of https://github.com/matomo-org/matomo-icons.git synced 2024-09-20 18:13:43 +02:00

271 lines
9.8 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2017 Lukas Winkler
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import hashlib
import json
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Iterator, Iterable
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import yaml
from PIL import Image
build_script_regex = re.compile(r"rm [-rf]+ plugins/Morpheus/icons/(.*)")
min_image_size = 48
placeholder_icon_hash = "398a623a3b0b10eba6d1884b0ff1713ee12aeafaa8efaf67b60a4624f4dce48c"
searchEnginesFile = Path("vendor/matomo/searchengine-and-social-list/SearchEngines.yml")
socialsEnginesFile = Path("vendor/matomo/searchengine-and-social-list/Socials.yml")
build_script_file = Path("tmp/piwik-package/scripts/build-package.sh")
src = Path("src/")
dist: Path = Path("dist/")
def print_warning(string: str) -> None:
print("\033[33;1m⚠\033[0m " + string)
def print_error(string: str) -> None:
print("\033[31;1m⚠ " + string + "\033[0m")
def load_yaml(file: Path):
with file.open() as stream:
return yaml.safe_load(stream)
def image_exists(pathslug: Path) -> bool:
for filetype in ["svg", "png", "gif", "jpg", "ico"]:
if pathslug.with_suffix(pathslug.suffix + f".{filetype}").exists():
return True
return False
def walk(path: Path) -> Iterator[Path]:
for p in path.iterdir():
if p.is_dir():
yield p
yield from walk(p)
yield p.resolve()
def test_if_all_icons_are_converted(ignored_source_files) -> None:
global error
for filetype in ["svg", "png", "gif", "jpg", "ico"]:
for file in src.glob(f"**/*.{filetype}"):
distfile = Path("dist/") / Path(*file.parts[1:]).with_suffix(".png")
if not distfile.exists() and file not in ignored_source_files:
print_error(f"{distfile} is missing (From {file})")
error = True
def test_if_source_for_images() -> None:
global error
for icontype in ["brand", "browsers", "os", "plugins", "SEO"]:
for filetype in ["svg", "png", "gif", "jpg", "ico"]:
for source_file in (src / icontype).glob(f"*.{filetype}"):
if (
not source_file.is_symlink()
and not source_file.with_suffix(source_file.suffix + ".source")
and "UNK" not in source_file
print_error(f"Source is missing for {source_file}")
error = True
def test_if_all_symlinks_are_valid() -> None:
global error
for file in src.glob("**/*"):
if file.is_symlink():
target = file.resolve()
if not target.exists():
print_error(f"Symlink doesn't link to file (from {file} to {target} ({file.readlink()}))")
error = True
def test_if_placeholder_icon_exist(placeholder_icon_filenames: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
global error
for folder, filename in placeholder_icon_filenames.items():
file = src / folder / filename
if not (file.exists() and hashlib.sha256(file.read_bytes()).hexdigest() == placeholder_icon_hash):
print_error(f"The placeholder icon {file} is missing or invalid")
error = True
def test_if_icons_are_large_enough() -> None:
# ignore searchEngines and socials
for filetype in ["png", "gif", "jpg", "ico"]:
for source_file in src.glob(f"*/*.{filetype}"):
im = Image.open(source_file)
if im.size[0] < min_image_size or im.size[1] < min_image_size:
width, height = im.size
f"{source_file} is smaller ({width}x{height}) that the target size ({min_image_size}x{min_image_size})"
if filetype in ["jpg", "gif", "ico"]:
f"{source_file} is saved in a lossy image format ({filetype}). "
"Maybe try to find an PNG or SVG from another source."
def test_if_dist_icons_are_square(ignore_that_icon_isnt_square: List[str]) -> None:
global error
for file in dist.glob("**/*.png"):
if (dist / "flags") not in file.parents:
im = Image.open(file)
width, height = im.size
if width != height:
string = f"{file} isn't square ({width}x{height})"
if str(file) not in ignore_that_icon_isnt_square:
error = True
def is_in_allowed_dir(file: Path) -> bool:
allowed_dirs = [dist, Path("node_modules"), Path("tmp"), Path("vendor"), Path(".idea")]
for dir in allowed_dirs:
dir = dir.resolve()
if dir == file:
return True
if dir in file.parents:
return True
return False
def is_deleted(file: Path, deleted_files: Iterable[Path]) -> bool:
# print(file, deleted_files)
for del_file in deleted_files:
if del_file == file:
return True
if del_file in file.parents:
return True
return False
def test_if_build_script_is_deleting_all_unneeded_files() -> None:
global error
build_script = build_script_file.read_text()
deleted_files = set()
all_files = set(walk(Path(".").resolve()))
for pattern in build_script_regex.findall(build_script):
for file in all_files:
if is_deleted(file, deleted_files):
if is_in_allowed_dir(file):
if file == Path("README.md").resolve():
print_error(f"{file} should be deleted by the build script")
error = True
def test_if_icons_are_indicated_to_be_improvable() -> None:
for file in src.glob("**/*.todo"):
print_warning(f"{str(file)[:-5]} could be improved")
def look_for_search_and_social_icon(source, mode, outputdir: Path) -> None:
global error
correct_files = set()
for i, element in source.items():
if mode == "searchengines":
search_engine = element[0]
urls = search_engine["urls"]
urls = element
url = next((url for url in urls if "{}" not in url), False)
url = urlparse("https://" + url).netloc
if url and not image_exists(outputdir / url):
print_error(f"icon for {url} is missing")
error = True
for filetype in ["svg", "png", "gif", "jpg", "ico"]:
for file in outputdir.glob(f"*.{filetype}"):
domain = file.stem
if domain not in correct_files and domain != "xx":
print_error(f"{file} is not necessary")
error = True
def test_if_all_search_and_social_sites_have_an_icon() -> None:
look_for_search_and_social_icon(load_yaml(searchEnginesFile), "searchengines", Path("src/searchEngines/"))
look_for_search_and_social_icon(load_yaml(socialsEnginesFile), "socials", Path("src/socials/"))
def test_if_there_are_icons_for_all_device_detector_categories(
less_important_device_detector_icons: Dict[str, List[str]]
) -> None:
global error
output = subprocess.run(["php", "devicedetector.php"], capture_output=True)
regex = re.compile(r"[^a-z0-9_\-]+", re.IGNORECASE)
categories = json.loads(output.stdout)
for icontype, category in categories.items():
for code in category:
if icontype == "brand":
slug = regex.sub("_", category[code])
slug = code
found = False
for filetype in ["svg", "png", "gif", "jpg", "ico"]:
file = Path(f"src/{icontype}/{slug}.{filetype}")
if file.exists():
found = True
if not found:
warning = f"icon for {category[code]} missing (should be at src/{icontype}/{slug}.{{png|svg}})"
if slug in less_important_device_detector_icons[icontype]:
# error = True
if __name__ == "__main__":
error = False
ignore = load_yaml(Path("tests-ignore.yml"))
if "TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" not in os.environ or not os.environ["TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST"]:
travis = "TRAVIS" in os.environ and os.environ["TRAVIS"] # collapse on travis
if travis:
print("improvable icons: (click to expand)")
if travis:
# test_if_build_script_is_deleting_all_unneeded_files()