# Matomo Lite Tracker This is an experiment of building a more lightweight variant of matomo.js by removing rarely used features and support for old browsers. **Keep in mind this is**: - experimental: I can't guarantee that it will work as expected - inofficial: This is not officially maintained by the Matomo team - incomplete: See below. That said, if you are interested in trying it out, I'd be interested in hearing your feedback. ## Advantages: - much smaller (1KB gzipped with only the core code) - easier to bundle in applications ## Features - tracking page views - custom dimensions - send data via POST - browser features - cookie - res - browser plugins (pdf, flash, etc.) - User ID - Event Tracking - Campaign tracking - Search Tracking - Goal Tracking - Outlink Tracking - manual ping - manual DoNotTrack detection - sendBeacon - Performance Tracking ## missing (yet) - non utf-8 pages - setCustomUrl - setReferrerUrl - HeartBeatTimer (automatic regular ping) ## missing (???) - consent tracking, opt-in, opt-out (probably better to be implemented by the user) - Content Tracking - download tracking - setDomains - event queue (every tracking request is sent immediatly when it is tracked)[^1] ## missing (intentionally) - Support for Internet Explorer and other outdated browsers - everything using cookies (except possibly the opt-out cookie) - custom variables - Support for Matomo plugins - E-Commerce tracking [^1]: This might create some issues if you run `trackPageview()` and `trackEvent()` at the same time as the requests might not reach Matomo in this order.